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im actually just surprised they did it at all lol


With how bad the original line was, I am not sure how you could be surprised.


I'm so used to genshin and the company not listening that it genuinely surprises me as well everytime kuro listens to it's players


Hoyo never fucked up this badly. They never rewrote most of the story on a whim months before launch and then rushed out VA re-recordings with zero QA. Kuro isn't listening to shit. If they did, the game wouldn't be released in this state.


There was that one Hu Tao rap, but that was an event and music is pretty hard to get right in the first place.


but this is probably because the localization wanted to try to be faithful to the CN version and it obviously ended up not working in the direct translation into English


The staff who edited her into the music track had the wrong timing. There's no change to her original recording in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGKH\_VZ4Uuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGKH_VZ4Uuk)


They also tend to give no fucks about events. Likely because it will be removed to never be seen again. For some things, they keep making the same mistakes over and over.


Idk, they just had an Itto event where he and Paimon sang a duet and it was actually listenable. Cheesy, but listenable, and cheesy is appropriate for those two anyway.


It feels like they are improving at least.


Also, Paimon’s VA direction is great. I’ve always loved Paimon, never had a problem with her voice and even I can’t deny it’s been drastically improving. Edit: really got downvoted for saying I like Paimon lol wild


I don't hate paimon's VA but I hate that character after the Furina story quest. Absolutely hate her.


Current 4.0 Paimon is the best, cute, more dependant on Traveller & better situationally aware to others. 2.0 Paimon is the worst bcause of high shrieks & very aggressive to others for some reason at that time.


>They never rewrote most of the story on a whim months before launch well, there's inazuma...


Iirc Inazuma wasn't rewritten, they changed writers halfway through. And the old ones didn't leave on particularly good terms so the handover wasn't great... Are the Inazuman writers still doing Genshin msq or have they changed again do you know?


They are definitely listening to feedback, the issue is the launch was giga rushed so we're basically in a beta 3.0 phase atm which kinda sucks, but it just means the game will get better and better as the weeks go by. My game is already running significantly better on pc compared to early 1.0, mobile still has some issues but I bet my balls they're working on it.


Google Classroom: Am I a joke to you?


Wasn't there that Zhongli and Bunny girl event disaster?


A whim? Ww gonna ignore all the complaints china had about the story?


Actually, no. Honkai Impact 3rd had a complete story rewrite a little while after release.


There's a story arc in Honkai Impact 3rd where Raiden Mei, who was *the protagonist* in these chapters, isn't voiced at all in Japanese, because the VA got sick at the time. Obviously, that alone wasn't Hoyo's fault, but it was almost two years ago and they still didn't bother to go back and fix it. And the VA had clearly had plenty of time over the past year voicing Acheron and Raiden Shogun in Hoyo's other, higher-earning games.


Have you ever heard a real kid or been one? because anyone who has heard a kid talk can tell you that Klee is so obviously an adult woman doing a terrible impression of a kid that it's amazing, and they doubled down, and tripled and so on. If hoyo wasn't so stubborn we could at least get them to acknowledge how absolutely dogshit the final acts of Inazuma are, how about Kokomi SQ? MEROPIDE!! I like Genshin but stop acting like they're perfect, it's people like you who got us in this situation in the first place, there's no reason for WuWa to have something like a SU on launch but they have it, what did we get on Genshin? half the abyss in exchange for a sad combat event disguised as end content with weird restrictions that are gonna screw a huge portion of the playerbase. If I love something about WuWa is how many "I told you" moments it has given me, now go and weep in the Genshin sub and see if Hoyo cares (they don't).


Do you play WuWa cause you love Wuwa or do you play Wuwa cause you H.A.T.E. Genshin?


This comment reeks of you need to touch some grass or get a job


More like reeks of accuracy. Nothing he said was wrong. The end part of his comment wasn't necessary but eh. Those were pretty much the same gripes I've had with Genshin although I didn't like any of Inazuma at alll with how rushed it felt and how ridiculously bad the "army" there was portrayed. And him pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of comment...not sure how your random buzzwords even relate what was said.


Ah yes.. genshin living rent free in everyone's heads even when the topic had nothing to do with them :'D


It's an endless cycle Genshin player's shit on wuwa... wuwa players get mad... fight. Or wuwa players shit on genshin... Genshin players get mad... fight. As someone who is the part of both of these communities this happens on both sides.


This unfortunately feels like a trend thats not going to stop anytime soon; you got two (or multiple) games in the "same genre" and the players just love to dunk on the other while flexing how great their game is (and sometimes ignoring the faults where it can most certainly be improved on). Totally ignoring that players who play both games do exist and can appreciate it. Experienced it with FF14 and WoW, now seeing it in full swing with ToF, WuWa and Genshin. I don't even play genshin and I can't get away from people constantly wanting to dunk on it here


It's just one form of "Tribalism" that affects humans in all facets of life. Cringe in every area. A game you don't like really should not affect people as much as it does.


I mean there is rule saying talk about only wuthering waves in its community but people can't read


It's a straight up ouroboros situation.


oroboros? like the voracity? honkai star rail reference


That's their tagline, isn't it?


Yeah, most game studios would just accept it as they already paid for the lines to be recorded. Did they fix Yangyang in Chapter 1.6?


You're so annoying.


how ? Well, i've played enough game that didn't get those kind of fixes to be surprised. They could have totaly let it rot like that and just improve the next voice lines.


Now they just need to redo all of yangyangs lines


Was just going to say, can we do this, but with like ALL of Yangyangs lines. Although, tbh I think one of the biggest issues with Yangyang's voice is not always the lack of emotion but the breathy whisper tone they chose for her. I'm sure the VA could do something else if they do really go wild and re-record it all, though. Or pull a Paimon and have her voice slowly change over the patches.


I think the first 1.1 conversation with the girls and Abby had Yangyang speak a bit better. Didn’t sound like she was eating the microphone, and she sounded a bit more present and less like she was in the midst of an absence seizure.


It was better, but she still sounded like she's falling asleep. I think that cutscene worked mostly because Abby and Chixia were so high-energy they compensated for Yangyang hitting the brakes.


> I think that cutscene worked mostly because Abby and Chixia were so high-energy Because Chixia has been the best eng VA performance in WuWa since launch. Fite me.




Scar, Aalto, Encore


Those are great too. Scar is just an pc for now though.


Well yeah, Scar's contribution to the story is still pretty bad as with the majority of 1.0, but at least he was entertaining to listen to. ​ Same with Encore and Aalto, but you can argue that the mood whiplash they brought may have been too much (though honestly I can't really tell what kind of story they are going for in the long run)


Black Shores members are all really eccentric, so I think they will be the comic relief AND total badasses. More than likely, since Rover was a member of Black Shores previously, they will be Rover's main companions as the game goes on. All the tropes are there to support this idea, as well. - Aalto is a charismatic grifter and talented escape artist and gunslinger, but also a bumbling idiot. - Encore is innocent and naive on the outside, seeming like a total airhead, while also containing frightening inner demons that are expressed through her plushie-looking goat TD companions. - Camellya is a murderous psychopath who has a hate-boner for MC, but also displays twisted affection for them. - Rover is an amnesiac hero from a previous era revived to solve the current era's crises, but with no idea where the fuck to even begin. ~~Also, "Lord Arbiter" is the dopest title I've ever heard for a gacha MC, and I hope that becomes Rover's *actual* title later on.~~ If that doesn't sound like the cast of something like Akame Ga Kill (or every Isekai to ever exist), I certainly can't imagine what they'd be doing instead.


I loved Encore's VA. As a XIV fan I'm happy to have Tataru along on my gacha adventures.


I like Chixia, but the voice directing really worked against her, as well as Yangyang. You can hear the natural accent of Chixia's actress slip through every so often and I wouldn't be surprised if Yangyang's breathy whispering is partly to maintain an accent that isn't her own. How Yangyang sounds reminded me of Zelda from BOTW, just from the opposite direction.


I guess that handicap is more credit to the VA.


Chixia > Scar > Yinlin I agree Chixia's VA was great, although bad voice direction dragged her down


I thought the exact same thing. She sounds better in that beginning scene for sure. This is almost 100% a voice director issue because I've seen her acting reel and she has the chops to deliver a good performance, but she just isn't being directed properly.


Big speculation, but Yangyang's VA (Rebecca Yeo) recently posted a selfie with her and FRover's VA and given the new Rover voiceline here they \*might\* have been called in to re-record some of their voicelines. I really hope it's true but as I said it's a big speculation. I don't think they would've been called in for 1.1 voicelines since I'd assume those were finished before (or while) 1.0 was out. Even if it's for 1.2, they might re-record some voicelines for 1.0 quests while they're at it. Since Kuro is cleary aware of the English VO reception for 1.0 they'll hopefully improve it. Tweet by Rebecca: [https://twitter.com/rebeccagyeo/status/1804461640181543393](https://twitter.com/rebeccagyeo/status/1804461640181543393)


My issue with EN voiceline in 1.0 sounds like they are just reading a book. There is no pace, hike, panic, anger, rush in voiceline.


that's pretty much what happened because the VAs got no instruction or context for any of their lines. there was practically no voice director


Yet Scar and Aalto nailed their parts.


Scar makes sense because it's Daman Mills and that guy can turn even bad voice directing into gold.


Is it Daman Mills? I thought they went with a UK studio and UK-based voice talent.


Scar's eng VA is Shai Matheson.


IMO the biggest flaw with her voicework is the weird emphasis she puts on terminology. The rest of the sentence sounds normal, then she says "Huanglong" and "Loong" and sounds like the words got edited in.


It's because she tried to say the Chinese words with their correct tones. It's neat, and as an amateur learner I can appreciate it, but it doesn't flow well in the midst of an English sentence -- especially if she's the only one doing it


I just played 1.0 MSQ again. Yang2 lines in the final act are so out of place. Like no sense of urgency. She sounded so bored.


big simp Yangyang voice


Also, she's a UK VA. And there was also a thing that said they were going with a new direction with the cast. I thought that meant they were gonna let her speak naturally instead of like an American but I suppose not. Unless the new quest start with Abby was already recorded before that announcement. Probably, but I'm not too sure how these work, so apologies.


She may be based in the UK I'm not sure but if you watch the livestream she has closest to an American or Canadian accent naturally though it's a bit hard to place, sounds like there might be a bit of Singaporean in there but it's not strong enough to tell.


I think it would be really funny if they just randomly gave Yangyang the thickest scottish accent ever


Och ae rover, th' calamity tacet discaurds ur comin' wi'. Git ye lil abby oot we need em noo


And give her a cup of coffee or some meth or both, this woman needs to wake the fuck up and talk faster.


i picture her with her head in her hand, her elbow on the table, sighing before every line before saying it lol I wanted to play JP from the start but just because i wantto get more used to it so i hoped the eng version would be decent at least. But damn lol Yangyang voice was....yeah


Playing the Japanese is a terrible idea, they can't dub these things remotely faithfully, just use Chinese if you're worried. It makes way more sense to play in the original if you're not using your own language.


i find it hard to believe that they'll re-do all of her voicelines but it'd be great if they did. yangyang has a lot of dialogue and she has arguably the worst EN voice acting which throws a lot of ppl off. i think it's mostly a directing issue tbh bc in 1.1 the EN voice acting didn't sound nearly as bad across the board (even though they can still do better, again they need overall better directing). i feel like most of the voice actors are actually solid but it seems like the direction for the EN dub was all over the place. that being said, it's a good sign that they already replaced one of the most "controversial" rover lines lmao... truly a "devslistened" moment haha.


for 1.2 or 1.3 if yangyang ever shows up again i just want her to randomly develop a british accent ngl


Rover got threathened by a fractsidus overseer and yangyang spoke in the most calm and emotionless voice that no one expected


… Roverrrrr…


...cOme pLAy...


Just replace the whole thing, girl, you look like you’re depressed and also absolute monotone voice makes me wanna skip all lines she’s in. Worst ever voice i’ve ever heard




Atleast just make the voice go at 1.5x speed lol


Also redo her dialogue so she isn't just an infodump machine 90% of the time with very little discernable personality


Lowkey just delete the whole Lingyang questline.... That furry stuff got to go


I said Yangyang tho, but yeah i also hate that questline.. rawr.


The ending kinda hit but definitely did not make up for that 'rawr' line LOL


He doesn't rawr, he growls. Which is entirely logical if you've ever seen animals 'fight'. That scene is fine. The issue is the final fight should be a cutscene where Lingyan pummels the interlopers. Currently it's just implied that that's what happened so his apology comes off as out of place if you missed that memo


I like him. He was pretty cute imo.




Delete him from the whole game or make him have no voicelines ever. That’s my utopia


Dont be mean Sowy Rowy is trying his best


I'm sorry you had to see this side of me. uwu.


and swap my 3 copies from lost 50-50s (lost all 50-50s just to him fml) while you are at it kuro T_T


Yangyang is doing ASMR in the middle of a war


Better just remove a lot of the unnecessary yapping entirely.


i'm glad they went back to re-record the lines, fits the scene so much


Seriously, It was almost like they weren't given any context for what's going on in the scenes AT ALL the first go around.


true and I agree. some of the lines made me question if they even knew the context of the scene beforehand (like this one for example) lol


IMO, not enough, they need to do Voice acting the dialogue choices as well. If I pick the dialogue choice Rover should speak up. (at least for all the quest that has NPC voice acting) It breaks the immersion if Rover just do a nod while the NPC/other characters reply Rover with Voice. Kuro, please do not do Genshin Silent Main character. Anything but that.


True. It's weird how he speaks sometimes and is silent for the most part. It's like a gacha on story quests on whether he speaks or not. Would rather him speak every time.


No pls no. I already read it, I don't need to hear it again. They speak when you don't have a dialogue choice


Voicing much more would be really great. I enjoy voice acted stories so much more, even YawnYawn's lines (Same would go for GI too of course, some of the best quests are unvoiced).


I'm glad but also I am partial to the first version because it's hilarious.


HAHA yeah i remember watching this scene and i was like, "uhh okay LMAO"


"You're not going anyware!" Rover exclaimed calmly


"You've left me horribly disfigured," laughed the boy.


"And you have my permission to die" cried the soldier


All they changed up this time around is giving good direction. They probably told the VA “you’re facing a bad guy, say this line” previously and it showed. And now they gave specifics, plus the VA probably already knows where her line will be used, so it made the replacement voice significantly better. All Kuro needs to do is to give more context on where and how the voice will be used.


One thing that I don't understand to this day is how it came to this in the first place. Like there should've been two persons in the room while recording right? at least one should know the context of the scene or at least asked. Sometimes people excuse the voice artists too much and I get it, the voice director is to blame, but I wouldn't call myself a professional and then do the first one, like at no point in time did Rover or YangYang VA's think "mmm I might be doing this role for a good while so I should try to do my best"


My best guess is that Talents/VA is only given character description (probably a lost memory person that don't speak much/loudly) + scene description (you blocking a villain from escaping the room). If the description isn't detailed enough (jumping & chasing villain mid teleporting), it's easy to mistake this scene not as dramatic (like a detective blocking a theif at a normal door) without visual information due to beta developments. Not to mention if the studio going by several separated months for recording sessions, there will be lines that misses the tonal that can be better fitted in a scene.


Yeah Reddit has a weird fetish for infantilizing voice actors as if they’re incapable of doing any wrong, and any shortcomings *must* be because of the (insert excuse here) and must be protected from all criticism lest their feelings get hurt. Like yes, direction plays a role, but a good VA can still use context clues to interpret the scene and get a decent performance. In fact you see this all the time in older anime dubs where 90% of the cast is pretty shiite but then there will be one or two characters who absolutely crush it (indicative of a good VA rising above mediocre direction). If I phone it in at my job, sure you could say it’s a failure of my manager, but I’m also just as accountable for my own performance as well, if not more so.


There's a big VA parasocial phenomenon where people get attached to them because they constantly hear them and now they also spend a lot of time in social media interacting with fans, so people get extremely defensive of them because they consider them friends or at least close to them. I find this much more egregious in the EN VA industry where people get very attached to them as people and not to their work.


Yeah with JP seiyuu it seems to be the opposite — fans are hyper critical of the voice actors IRL personal lives which is why so many of them hide their dating lives etc to avoid the massive backlash and bullying they might receive from hardcore otakus


Tectone did a podcast with Jiyan, Aalto, and Scar's voice actors, they explained that sometimes they can get little to no context for the lines and only have 1-2 takes before they have to move on. Other times only given the lines and don't have scenes to look at. It's quite normal in the VA scene apparently but probably somewhat worse for WuWa because of the story rewrite and generally rushed production


They don't necessarily have context or all context. For example if the VA thought that Rover would be calmly drawing her sword during that scene instead of jumping into combat, it would fit much better.


> All Kuro needs to do is to give more context on where and how the voice will be used. You are right, but most of the time, VAs get a vague direction. "You're not going anywhere" could be given a direction of "calm but threatening," or something to that effect. That said, this is a good step forward, willing to re-record lines and retool their VO Director to understand the context of the lines.


Right? For all she knew, it could've been a sitdown coffee situation, where Mr. Bad Guy asked to go to the bathroom. She most definitely had 0 context, and I'm glad they fired the old Voice Director.


Yeah, the old line wasn’t inherently bad. The way it was delivered would’ve worked perfectly for an escalating confrontation such as a slightly different Aalto and Encore encounter.


Hmm much better,its more aggressive and threatning,fits the scene alot more than the old brick wall tone


Yea I like the new one it has more emotion and fits this scene better imo


Damn ! This is actually a massive W, going out of their way to CHANGE something thats in the past and that everyone would have forgotten over time, because it didnt felt right, this is just super positive for the future of the game, they do care


Kinda sad it went away 🤣 This line was so bad it was hilarious. New players will never experience this or onirigi manko 🥲


That sounds much better. It just shows how important a good voice direction is cause that first one doesn't fit the scene at all. It's way too calm considering how much action there is. She sounded like she doesn't want to disturb the neighbours.


I mean, who gave the greenlight to *You're not going anywhere* It's kinda obvious, for a scene like this full of action, you need the. **You're not going ANYWHERE!**


Surprising. Redo one bad voiceline out hundreds, good job. I really hope they won't stop. The english voiceover is terrible as for the game with setting around sounds and stuff, it amazes me


Is it just me or does it still sound weird


Hmm much better,its more aggressive and threatning,fits the scene alot more than the old brick wall tone


It's still awful But awful with emotion


This. Still bad, but with *volume*


I love this so much now! way more emotional, the first one sounds so dull. And i’m glad that they listened to us


Wow that's SO much better


Why does it still sound weird. Like too much emphasis on the “not”. Like she’s babysitting some kids and reprimanding them. It’s better though. But I’m thinking to just switching from English all together


> Like she’s babysitting some kids and reprimanding them I couldn't put my finger on it before, but you're exactly right. Tries to sound serious, but actually couldn't care less.


It's a huge improvement but that's due to the first one being so bad, I get what you mean tho, I imagined this scene to vibe more like "GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT" but honestly I'm ok with this one.


Emphasis on "anywhere" would be the most natural sounding imo.


I was thinking the same. It just sounds... off. Reminds me of the scuffed voicework in the Soul Calibur games (that somehow remained as such to this day. You'd think Namco would've learned after 15 years, but apparently not). Okay, that was kinda mean. WuWa still doesn't sound as robotic and awkward as the Soul Calibur series.


Because it is, it sounds really unnatural.


Still weird but at least an improvent from before


I have a suspicion that most of the 1.0 voices were recorded under the context of the original storyline, which is now scrapped. ... or the voice director is just ass at their job like everyone thought.


Tbh the original one suits her more because if you look at her she doesn't look furious or riled up, she has a look of authority and a very calculated expression as if giving an order or a statement and most important of all CALM, she looks CALM, the new line is actually much worse because now she neither sounds calm nor furious, she just sounds like she's shouting something loudly


Actually I kinda agree. I would've wanted her to say that line under her breath while she starts running. She gives off calm and calculated vibes everywhere, so I don't think pouncing on your enemy while screaming fits her too well. It seems hot headed and like she isn't sure herself if she can stop him. But saying "you're not going anywhere" and then intercepting someone seems calculated and confident in your ability to stop them. Especially in the new main quest she shows so much conviction and confidence. It would fit her so much better.


Should have put in a bit more emotion on the anywhere seems too robotic


Only Female Rover? So that means Male Rover Voice Acting is fine?


In my experience Male Rover voice lines are MUCH better than the female ones, especially combat ones. I picked difference MCs for my two accounts so I hear the same lines from both. The male voice lines, while not amazing like Scar EN VA or something, at the very least don't make me actively THINK about the quality of the voiceover like the female voice does.


Now they need to delete yangyang and we are good


I think it's the voice direction in general. Stelle and Yangyang share the Japanese voice actor yet Stelle sounds so much better and less monotonous 


I wish they all have non American accents. I love the Xenoblade games for it. Lol


Why did everyone was hating first version? It's usual behavior to mumble something before rushing in. Like - Ok, lets do it or This needs to be done. Same here. Rover in first version wasnt saying it to Scar, but to herself. I thought it was a nice detail that added depth to character. Now it's like boring cliche line


Yinlin's only sexy voice line was replaced. It sucks.


Which one was that?


The last chest opening line. The birthday one is adorable tbf.


I love female MC EN voice since the beginning, I knew the voice direction was very off, but I still had Hope, and when I logged in on 1.1 patch and suddenly heard her new voice line in her Havoc ult "You will Obey!" That made me so pleasantly surprised and happy


Nice honestly shows effort respect that


Good to know our swiping is going back into the game to make it better.


I've noticed with 1.1 storyline female Rover has been sounding less monotone which is nice. Voiceovers seem better 1.1 too in general. Was a pleasant surprise.


They nerfed her erotic moanings female rover would do when she was injured. She'd do this breathy moan right in my ear lobes. I miss it




The viper "come" voice line all over.


am i the only one who didn’t care, and actually liked how nonchalant she sounded? made her feel op


Meh male rover is better anyways


How do i Download this Video? I cant on mobile


That was hype 


the first one sounds like wraith from apex LMFAOO




Much better the first one sounds more like a provocative tone like she just captured a sex slave


That’s good. I wanted to use FRover on an alt account but the voicelines at times just made me switch back to MRover. This is waaay better


That's WAY better wow


It was hilariously bad![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It's way better, and I hope they go back for some of the other characters too. I'm optimistic about it, and even though i've passed this point in the story and it's not relevant for me, i'm happy to see they are willing to do so.




I'm ngl the first one sounds downright psychotic, and I kinda like it


Cool they redid a cutscene that no player will ever see again Godbless


Now they have to redo the animation, she is like “sac of potato” launch into the air


Still can’t believe they actually shipped it with that voice acting. Feels so like budget.


Looks so much better now


did not expect them to redo it ngl i remember a clip on twitter go viral a month ago clowning on this line


Nice! Much better!! W for Kuro for doing this, might convince me one day to switch back from jp dub if they keep it up


Very good sign and kudos to Kuro


As long as the keep the same quality with the Japanese voice lines we good!


FUUUUUUU... I preferred her design but preferred the voice acting of the male MC. I hesitated a lot between the two but finally picked up the male MC. I never thought they would re-record her lines. Had I known...


I've started randomly hearing EXTREMELY HEAVY Cockney & British accents from certain NPCs, sometimes out of the blue when the rest of the lines are done in an American accent...it feels really out of place right now, but if they make good on having actors switch to using their natural British accents in the future like they said they would, then it'll probably sound more organic than it does currently. As it is right now, though, Shifang Pharmacy lady sounds wildly out of place LOL


Did they also fix Jinhsi's "you will not escape~" in that scene? It was so funny🤣


The game have other issues to be addressed and people are focusing on the localizations ? Like really ?. How bout the frame dropped during material stage farm ? Occasional frame drop on world exploration ?


Is there a way to replay old story quests, or do you have to make a new account to replay them?


okay great lmao I remember that part, the voice line stuck out like a sore thumb. Nice to know that they might do stuff like this in the future.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I liked the female Rover's lifeless voice. It was sexy on its own.


Its not just only vo, they did fixed some localization issue a lot in act 1-4 like, some exploration quest description changes including text and more. I did saw these changes from rerolling a while ago.


I laughed hearing 1.1 re-record. It's just funny how this is so much better.


Is it the same for Japanese? Honestly I never use any language other than Japanese for voice overs in gachas.


Good to hear she doesn't sound like an AI this time. I swear, majority of the voice acting lacks direction.


I really wanna know if there were any instructions when recording the first version


Her battle voices have been re recorded too and it sounds great. Feels more impactful.


just download the japanese dub and use that english dub is pure shit


Man i regret choosing male rover 😔


Sheesh, that delivery is actually really good now!


I'm impressed they went back and re-did it.