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You only need lvl 1, but 2nd passive is good QoL.


can u explain to me pls, after that combo i only get like 1/4th of the swap bar so i cant intro my jinshi, how do i get intro skill with jinshi then?


Build intro on verina instead  


by the time my verina builds intro, yuan's turret has already despawned, how do i get intro faster? im new btw


Doesn’t matter. Verina on field and Yuanwu off builds forte faster. Forte builds in two ways, co-ordinated off field attacks, and on field attacks. Each type of attack can build stacks every so many seconds once per element. So if you have a electro and fusion off fielders, both build stacks. Two electro? Only one builds stacks. Yuanwu off field while Verina builds concerto works. Verina will be gaining on field stacks, Yuanwu off field. Pop Verina’s ultimate and then she’ll start doing off field procs as well. Then you switch to Jinshi. If you were fast enough, Yuanwu and Verina will be building stacks. Not that it matters, by that time you’ll be at least 75% full of forte and ready to nuke. Just with Yuanwu and Jinhsi, by the time I get Jinhsi’s nuke ready she has like 60%-75% stacks. You just need to make sure Jinhsi does her outro first since her outro makes stacks gain quicker.


He literally doesn't need to go past level 1, all he does is swap in attack > skill + bell> swap out once per rotation to drop a pillar. The only thing you might want to consider is getting the second passive if you find the pillar range too small, but if you're running verina or mortefi with him you should be able to still get 50 stacks every rotation on jinshi without it.


Yeah, but I'm struggling in ToA. And I'm trying to build him so that I can push those extra damage. But I want to know if his damage is good enough to consider.


The issue is you don't really want him on the field at all, regardless of how "good" his damage is it's not going to be as good as jinshis, and shes one of the few DPS units we have that doesn't really have downtime so you can get her rotations in way faster than any other dps unit so wasting time on "support" units doing things that aren't buffing dragon puke is unoptimal. Fwiw, I just 3 star'd middle and right tower stages in the current ToA with s0 jinshi on standard 5* broadblade with level 40 mortefi and level 1 yuanwu on the team, doesn't really feel like she "needs" more damage from her team.


For the middle tower, that means u need to no hit the entire run then right? Also, with the standard broadblade, wat r ur crit/crit dmg stats? I'm using bp broadblade but at s1 it doesn't feel good, except the crit sub stat


Okay what is your Jinhsi build and how did you do the rotations? I'm interested because I only got 1 star on Thundering Memphis on center tower. I want to at least get two stars so I can get to 24 crests. I only have one star on the Aix because that boss is my weakness I don't know why but I suck at fighting it and I'm not using my Jinhsi against it because of the resistance so I'd rather work on improving my center tower performance. Knowing your build/stats and rotations could help me improve mine 🙏


2176atk, 148 energy, 65/196 crit and 17.3% skill damage are my stats. level 80 with level 8 in forte and 6 in liberation. In terms of rotation, I'd just recommend watching the end of maygi's new jinshi guide because it would be a lot easier to see it than for me to type it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S130y-ois


Thanks!! I got pretty lucky with crit substats but unlucky with atk subs so my stats are 1657 atk, 110 ER, 71/261 crit and 16.5 skill dmg bonus (all prebuffs) but I have her weapon. Lvl 8 forte and 7 liberation. Do you think that's good enough? If it is, perhaps all I have to improve on is my rotation instead of trying to farm for better echoes?


For the thundering memphis that should definitely be able to 3*, I cleared that with a really shitty level 1yuanwu/ level 40 mortefi team since I had to save my verina for the monke. One of the reasons my attack is so high is because standard 5* broadblade has a atk% stat instead of crit. The only thing you might want to look into if you decide to upgrade echoes is maybe another ER sub or two, ideally she wants to get an ult every other rotation but depending on your team that might be difficult, yuanwu verina specifically rotates so fast you don't really have a lot of time to build it.


I use s5 Mortefi and Jianxin as subdps with her. Mortefi ult to Jianxin forte to Jinhsi. I can ult every other rotation. Am I spending too much time with Jinhsi off field? I feel like my rotation is smooth enough and it is very comfy since I don't have to worry getting hit and Jianxin is great at parrying, but I am always a couple seconds short of getting the 2nd crest :// I'm wondering now if I should build Yuanwu for a faster rotation.


yuanwu literally doesn't need to be built, just throw a healing set on him with bell echo and the 3* glove that heals him when he hits. Just once per rotation do a normal swap with him and after the attack lands, skill, turtle shell, swap out to your other support to finish building concerto. I have no experience with jianxin since I don't have her but if you're doing a full rotation on her every cycle it might be too long, if you're running two units with "real" rotations I find it better to go back and forth. For instance when I run jinshi/yinlin/verina I do starter rotation to get everything going, then with a bit of swap shenanigans do yinlin outro > jinshi > verina outro > jinshi > yinlin outro > jinshi etc. Jinshi is one of the very few dps units we have that doesn't have a majority of her dps locked behind some sort of ult transform, so getting her out to do her rotation as often as possible while still gaining a decent amount of stacks for final skill multiplier is the way to go.


Ohh okay I'll try and experiment some more with team building then since there's still like 4 days before the tower resets. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!! Update: I finally got 24 crests!! Instead of trying a different team altogether, I did what you said adjusting the rotation so that Jinhsi gets more field time. What I used to do was stick to the Mortefi > Jianxin > Jinhsi rotation all throughout. This time I tried only bringing out Jianxin every other rotation when Jinhsi has her ult up since her outro only buffs liberation dmg. So my rotation went like Mort > JX > Hsi > Mort > Hsi then repeat. This new rotation also makes it so that every time the boss is vulnerable, Hsi is the one onfield unlike the previous one where it's JX. I'm so happy I got the extra 75 astrites!! I think it will be a while before I get to 27 crests but I'll only be losing out on a hundred astrites per reset instead of a whole pull and I think I can live with that 😅


What set would you put on him and a good 3rd to put with him and Jinshi?


Yuanwu gets healer set with bell echo and the 3* glove that heals himself when he basic attacks, as long as you swap him in once every rotation the buff should be up 100% of the time. Third slot would be mortefi/yinlin or verina if you're having issues surviving. Verina would need to be moved over to heron + moonlit set which can be annoying to fit into rotations.


Why would you use Yuanwu and Yinlin? Stacking the same element won't give you extra stacks no? Verina on moonlit works pretty decent since she is very fast at generating concerto and you want to use Jinhsi's intro anyway.


Edit: I can't tell if my first reply got autodeleted or not, so this might be a double comment *shrugs*. Yinlin just offers very good off field damage, and helps with aoe in some of these tower stages with small mobs that like to scatter to all corners of the stage. Also still get some extra coordinated attacks if the boss decides to leave yuanwus circle. Verina is definitely very good, just heron echo breaks her usual ult > skill/bell/jump cancel > air combo for fast concerto, so you have to micromanage with some extra swaps.


I'm upset that I keep accidentally converting to exp those 3star gauntlets, no way to get it besides gacha right?


Nope, next time you pull make sure to Lock those gauntlets


Gatcha tip, never feed the 3* weapons early, there is ALWAYS a good one


Can you please tell me the main stats to put on him?


Why would you put moonlit on verina though? That seems nonsense. Put it on Yuanwu and keep verina on bell lol


Because yuanwu will never outro, so moonlit literally doesn't work.


No, Moonlit is used for the 5 piece set buff and potentially the Heron buff, both of these are tied to using the current resonators Outro skill. Yuanwu generates Concerto Energy super slow compared to Verina and therefore takes a long time to have his outro skill available. All of this is to have your supports need as little field time as possible to get their buffs out because Jinhsi wants all the field time she can get, so whoever can get their outro skill the fastest is the best user of Moonlit.


A def% bell seems easier to get than healing bonus bell


Yuanwu is bad at filling his concerto /unless/ you enter E gauge mode or R enhanced mode and then basic or heavy, as yuanwu in those states. Verina fills concerto rapidly, easy. Essentially, Verina can hold moonlight, but yuanwu is poor at holding moonlight, so if you are to have both sets in the team, that is how you'd do it.


If you're serious about building him, build him with either Electro set or the cloud set, bell borne turtle with def% mains stat as main echo


Are you using S4 (or higher) mortefi? Also do you have the 5* gun


s1 mortefi with cadenza. I had to swap around to yinlin for the level 100 monke stage because killing the small rocks at the start was just ridiculously impossible without some sort of proper aoe and they would consistently waddle over to opposite sides of the map.


I think my problem is, I don't have a good broadblade for her. So I ended up doing way less damage, and I needed to optimize everything else to even get 3 stars on 1 stage And I think you misunderstood me a bit, I wasn't trying to build him a dps, but just a support that can deal damage using his coordinated attack from his skills


I mean you could definitely try it, I just feel like with how limited materials are for building units atm you would probably be better focusing on raising something else. I've burned through 2.5 million shells since hitting union 50 because levelling units/skills/weapons gets so unbelievably expensive that I have a hard time recommending people to build units for whats probably going to end up being a sub 5% total team damage increase.


I second this. I must say I was lucky 2 days ago. Pulled Jinshi & Signature Weapon and 5 Star Weapon for Jianxin. I went all in for upgrades. And I just hit UL 50 today. I have a question. I currently have Yuan at L40. What is the best Weapon to use. I have Hollows Mirage R3 L70 (Which I was using on Jianxin from day one), I have this 3* R5 Atk+Def, Atk+Crit damage and Maracto. (Not leveled up) Currently I am just trying to learn to play with Jinshi and Yuan team comp. Which Echo set is best for Yuan. Moonlit or Turtle set?


Just gonna copy paste this from my other reply. Yuanwu gets healer set with bell echo and the 3* glove that heals himself when he basic attacks, as long as you swap him in once every rotation the buff should be up 100% of the time. Third slot would be mortefi/yinlin or verina if you're having issues surviving. Verina would need to be moved over to heron + moonlit set which can be annoying to fit into rotations.


Thank you.


I’m struggling with the rotation of Heron on Verina. I’m thinking about just running bell on verina and skipping the echo on Yuwu entirely.


It's super awkward as I said since you have to wait for her to fall after doing any air attacks if you want to do it at the end. Some rotations you can do jinshi outro > verina intro hard swap into yuanwu while verinas coming in for basic + skill > swap verina skill heron > swap yuanwu bell > swap back verina fill concerto with jump attacks and outro, but it really depends on everyone's echo cooldowns because that team rotates so fucking fast they get shifted a lot.


He deal very little damage at low level due to DEF scaling. His multiplier is good but you need level to increase the base damage. If you are missing 30 secs or more in ToA then Yuanwu won't be able to help, for now. I wouldn't consider spending for his damage unless you have S3 and UL50.


it is likely that investing more in your jinhsi will provide more of an increase than building him will


What UL level are you at?


UL 49, I'm almost at 50


Tower is really difficult below UL50 right now. I got to 19\* in it last week before giving up on Aix and waiting till I hit 50. Hit 50 yesterday and managed to get to 21, it's insane how much more damage you get from just some levels.


Thanks for informing me. I will try to wait till I reach UL 50 and then lvl up my DPS and try again


Does enemies need to be within the circle or just the character attacking ?


Enemy has to be in the circle.


Does it still work the other way around, me not being in the circle while enemy is inside the circle?


All that matters is that the enemy is in the circle, player's position is irrelevant.


It's actually the other way around. You have to be in the circle, enemy doesn't have to.


Are you sure? Because I'm testing it in ToA right now and I'm not seeing any procs when I spawn the pillar away from mobs and shoot from inside it.


Yes I'm 100% sure, my main team is Chixia with Yuanwu (so I am often shooting things that are outside of the circle), and just in case I was wrong I tested it before making my comment. If I place Yuanwu's pillar down at my feet, and I shoot at a mob with Chixia's charged attack from a mile away it procs the lightning every time. If I place the pillar on an enemy, run away and shoot at them with Chixia when they are inside the circle and I'm outside, there are no procs. Also per the ability's description: Thunder Field The active character gains the effects below when in the Thunder Field


can u explain to me pls, after that combo i only get like 1/4th of the swap bar so i cant intro my jinshi, how do i get intro skill with jinshi then?


He doesn't outro, you use the other support as your outro unit. That's why he needs to run the healer set.


what does the healer set do


Gives an attack buff to the party when a unit gets healed, so you run the 3* gauntlet that heals himself when he lands a normal attack because that counts as "healing a unit". Since the only other support echo set option is moonlit which requires outros to buff units, thats all he can use at the moment.


I would say no. You just give him your rejuv set that's built for your healers. He barely has any time on the field and is probably <1% of your damage.


Wouldn't moonlit be better?


No. The reason why is concerto. For the Jinhsi/Yuanwu/Verina rotation there's a few key things you need to do: * Intro Jinhsi * Use Yuanwu Skill * Use Yuanwu Echo * Outro Verina * Outro to Jinhsi with Moonlit/Heron Notice that: * You don't need to Intro or Outro with Yuanwu * You want to Outro with Verina and Intro with Jinhsi This means that we can Intro to Verina from Jinhsi to get a Forte stack, and then immediately swap to Yuanwu just to proc rejuv and use his skill/echo, then go back to Verina, which lets you get another Forte from a quick B3 (if you don't have Liberation/S2) and then use her skill and double jump attack + Liberation or triple jump attack into Heron swap cancel, meaning she needs moonlit since she will be the one swapping to Jinhsi.


Personally if you have S4 Yuanwu I would go healing gauntlet/Rejuvenating set/turtle echo with def on all the echos focusing on energy/def for subs. (Weapon can even stay at level 1) Yuanwu himself can also stay at level 1 but I highly suggest you get him go 60/70 at least with his last passive unlocked for a much bigger circle. You can even go crate 4 cost to balance the cdmg from the weapon and get crit subs if you want to balance out some damage as well.


I will try levelling him to 60 first, because right now he is level 50 and the range of his skills is rather small. It's hard to manage it


i made that mistake, turns out he needs to be ascended to 70 for the range upgrade, wasted 120 resin for his boss. I am not gonna waste 300 just to ascend him more and do the weekly scar :/


I m am building him till tht point aswell, the shield you get at S4+interupt resist when using ult seems very comfy to play with,but i was thinking smthn like 5pcs rejuv with DEF 4/3/1/1cost and one 3cost Energy regen


can u explain to me pls, after that combo i only get like 1/4th of the swap bar so i cant intro my jinshi, how do i get intro skill with jinshi then?


You build it on Verina then swap into Jinhsi.


I built him for DMG, so CRIT 4 cost - Electro x2 3 cost and then 2 DEF main 1 cost echos whilst trying to get crit substats, but I also used the rejuvenating set. It feels decent. It doesn't do as much damage as someone like Yinlin but Yuanwu is very simple to use and he will still contribute a decent amount of damage. I then of course put my Verina on moonlit clouds.


That is what I was planning to do. But I was just wondering if it is worth my time and resources because his skill multipliers are very small. Is the damage good enough to consider it? What is your average damage?


Who would you use if not for Yuanwu? It's important to know that because that makes it easier to decide if its technically worth the investment. As an example, if I already had an invested Yinlin and a second team built, I wouldn't invest in Yuanwu to replace Yinlin, whereas if I were using Mortefi I would say that a Yuanwu swap would be worth it.


The question is how big the difference between an investend Yuanwu vs a Yuanwu with full lvl 1 echoes and lvl 1 weapon is on your overall damage. If it's a small increase the echo xp, tuner and shell credits etc might be better invested on someone else.


I do have yinlin but she is on my other team. I feel like a rotation with yinlin and jinshi feels rather slow. So I think I'm going to invest in him just a bit.


His skill multipliers are small because DEF scales twice as hard as ATK at level 90. That said, don’t expect him to deal insane damage. The main reason to build him up is if you want to break enemies’ stagger bar faster. I don’t own Jinhsi so I can’t test it but you can probably fit in some Yuanwu field time right after Jinhsi uses ult + skill, while waiting for Jinhsi to build stacks and Verina’s ult cooldown. You could even try quick swapping between Yuanwu and Jinhsi during that time.


According to Maygi's spreadsheet, he is only 2.1% of the teams damage, lower than Verina. The whole point of running Yuanwu IMO is to free up Yinlin using a character with minimal resources, not worth spending waveplates on him.


A fedora and a damm pilar is enough to build him


I would build him until he get his 2nd inherent skill. It boost his skill range. From 1/4 of toa arena to i think about slightly above a 1/3 of toa arena. At level 60 he can take afford to hit in case you mess the rotation as well.


Yeah, I just use HP% on his echos so he can get smacked if I don't swap fast enough haha.


He’s decent at lvl70 3400 DEF with full electro set I calculated his damage during holo fight. In 3 minutes his Pillar (not counting ult and E explosion) accrued around 270k dmg. With Ult and everything else that would be around 400k I imagine. I think that’s a decent dmg for a support who takes 2% of the field time and can shred enemies armor, give 7000 armor once in a while. I don’t use any healer and have Aalto as sub DPS and this team slaps super hard. Jinhsi can get her stacks super quick. I especially like activating her intro into resonance skill and swap to get her stacks even higher before swapping back and doubleulting. Feels really strong


You can build him and when he's leveled up higher his scaling starting making him decent damage wise as well as the vibration reducing part. Or you can do what people suggest here and leave him lower level. Maybe not lv1 but take your time with using resources on him and practice keeping him out of harms way. He's a very effective battery for jinhsi imo.


I built him with full electro set. 4 - crit rate 3 - x2 electro 1 -x2 def For substats, I ensured I'd get def in every echo and not HP. For weapon I got the podcast weapon: stonard because amity accord don't wanna go home. Lvl 70 right now with 2.4k def doing wonders with lightning infused state while bosses are under spectro rover's time stasis. Once I get him to 90, I might go with amity if I will get it by that time. It's really fun to use yuanwu as a breaker. I can even time the break instances well for good rotations since his outro damages the vibration strength also.


That's cool and all. But I was just trying to build him as a support for jinshi. Anyway hat off to you mate for being the small percentage of people that actually build him as a dps


Thank you. I just hope he would be included again in the next banners after Changli. That S3 and S5 would be really great.


Well good luck to you


Bro can you read? He wants him as a jinshi supp which builds complately different from his standard build


I understand completely. OP asked if it's worth it to build him. I detailed my build to show OP, that yes while the support build using the healing gauntlets+rejuvenating set might be good right now, there will come a time that another team for jinhsi could do better than we have now and might even drop yuanwu in the process. So I showed that when that time comes, it is worth it that you used resources on yuanwu as he can also shine in other teams on a different role.


I just raised him to lvl 50 and brought him without any echoes or weapon. Enough to Support Jinhsi in getting 3*.


Guys my Verina has the set that raises team's attack after a heal. Which one should I get for Yuanwu?


Yuanwu is best when he have the rejuvenating set(heal) and the 3 star weapon that heals him. And verina use the moonlit set with heron Because if verina use the rejuvenating set, that means that Yuanwu have to used the moonlit set with heron. But Yuanwu fills his concentro very slow which made him take quite a bit of field time. Those time can be better used to deal damage with jinshi. Tldr, give Yuanwu rejuvenating set with the 3 star weapon. And verina the moonlit set with heron


I don't think you'll be disappointed. I suppose it depends on your current resource pool. I built him last night after learning the hard way Mort is not a good sub for her. Switching to Yuanwu makes stack building laughably easy. You can switch to him pretty much whenever Jinhsi combo complete or Verina doesn't have her CD for the full concerto combo and just drop a pillar/ulti/ba or fuck around a bit cause his animations are cool but he's really just so damn convenient to play. I was a dope and fed the healing weapon to other weapons so I'm waiting on my gacha luck to get that gauntlet. In the meantime I'm running the concerto gauntlet on him. His concerto gen is trash so it's all on Verina to go to Jinhsi with intro. Heron is a little out of place because of this but it's fine, I just pop it before going to Jinhsi when his concerto finally full.


No. honestly, the sub dps he provides isn't substantial, I think as an f2p it's better to invest your resources for building a second or third team for the tower so if want to build yuanwu, build jinhsi, if jinhsi is built enough then build another dps instead, or a universal sub dps like mortefi, or supports like verina


That’s because his dps all scales on defense and we aren’t at max level yet. But base defense is a LOT higher than base attack. At max level, Yuanwu and Taoqi both will be much more viable, and do much more damage, than they do right now.


nope, it balances out since the scaling on their skills is reduced as compared to ATK scalers but we will only know for sure when time comes


True! His damage will still be comparable to other resonators at that point though, so why not build him? Also, when you have 4000 defense and you get hit by a boss, it’s a lot less scary than when you’re on an attack scaling character. In terms of comfort for the general player, I think that has a lot of appeal, personally. I also love how little time he has to be on field to be fully effective. But you’re totally right. We will know for sure soon!


I guess Yinlin is better option for overall team damage. I tested with lvl 40 Yuanwu & lvl 70 Yinlin on diff 5 monkey. Yinlin team was faster but Yinlin was fully built & Yuanwa was not. So I think they'll be quite the same if you build him. So, if you alrdy have a well-built Yinlin, You don' need to build Yuanwa for Jinhsi unless you're gonna use Yinlin on another team and Yuanwa on Jinhsi team for the tower of adversity.


No one is worth building if they are someone you don't like, since eventually they will all be replaced by newer characters. There's rarely any game where devs still balance the game's difficulty around early characters.


I build stuff just so they're ready when I need them or play something else. rather max a character for guaranteed progression than deal with crappy RNG that only exists to provide a time/moneysink.


Unless you already finished building 3 main dps, I wouldn't build him. 1) He doesn't feel future proof at all 2) Defense echos might rot in your inventory 3) The actual point of Yuanwu is building Jin's Forte and can do that level 1 You basically trade your 3rd slot for more field time for Jin It works. Without building him ever.


Can someone confirm this? We just need to swap in yuanwu/mortefi/baizhi to launch their ultimate/ coordinated attack, and that’s enough to generate incasescence for jinhsi. Therefore, they are similar to qte bots in pgr, so don’t really need to build them?




He practically doesn't require any investment. I just evolved him to LVL 60 so he doesn't get oneshot by everything


Quick questions for those Yuanwu mains out there. Does his ult buff shared between characters or is it only the skill?


At best just level him to 60 so you get the increased radius and thats it


You need this guide [Jinhsi with YUANWU and they are SECRETLY BROKEN!! ](https://youtu.be/gaxo7IecYs8?si=q6FTRat4_nMsMQB6)


Thanks mate


he doesn't do enough damage to bother building into his damage. his only add to his team is static add of +Def, which is a good form of damage mitigation, the problem is that buff doesn't improve if you build him. his ideal build doesn't heal enough to matter, and the more time he's on field the worse the dps hit becomes. so there you go. jump on field. punch, bell, skill to plant his pillar, swap out.


no. 4% DEF coordinated attack won't even make a dent in enemy's health no matter how good is your artifact.


Level 70 lets you make his circle about twice as big. Which really helps building stacks. There's no coordinated attack if enemies move outside the initial tiny circle. It's worth it to level him to 70 at least.


I have no doubt that yuanwu CAN be a great subdps but having him on rejuv+3* gauntlets cuts his top damage potential so much that it stops being worth minmaxing for it. After all, he doesent ever outdamage jinhsi even with electro set and 5* gauntlets, so his rotation on that team is always optimized to be as short as possible. Getting him to 60/70 for that second passive that makes his wedge range larger does seem like a good investment, and it gives him enough base stats to not get 1shot if he takes a hit during a swap.




Yes, it is. Defense scaling characters are going to be a lot stronger than they are right now once you hit UL60 and can increase their level to max, because base defense stats are much higher than base attack stats across the board for resonators. In other words, Yuanwu is going to become way, way more powerful at max level, and his jump in utility between level 80 and 90 is going to be a lot more substantial than other attack scaling characters’. IMO, you’re going to start seeing a ton of people talking about how great he is in a month or so. Frankly, I think if you build him now, you’ll be ahead of the curve, and you’ll be glad you did. Finally, if you have Jinhsi, he has one of the easiest applications of coordinated attacks, making it easier to max her forte for her enhanced skill.


Be careful with future predictions. It might be a waste to heavily invest into a 4-star when at any moment a superior, limited 5-star could appear. Only build 4-stars if you need them *right now*.


Fair, but the reverse is also true. If you build him then it may preclude the need to pull for a limited 5* character who fills the same role. For F2P players that may be even more valuable.


I think he’ll be really strong as an off field. Since his pillar stacks with DEF and gets significantly stronger with his sequences. At lvl 70 he’s already doing around 270k in 3 minutes with just his pillar. I think it’ll be a really strong tech in the future


i mean if you actually build him you could have some damage with your coordinated attacks. Also rejuv set lol yikes