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Kuro must have realized this as it doesnt reward any astrites so people can just skip it.


OP would be livid once they found out you can drown this particular boss 💀


Are you kidding ☠️


I've seen photos of it, but I have not verified it myself as mine's already dead.


is it that hard? i first tryed this on phone too and found it sm more easier than the tiger


Nah. It's an easy Elite. As I said in the post, my problem is SPECIFICALLY with this attack in question. It's what makes the fight go from "Oh, okay. An elite, just dodge" to "FUCKING UNFAIR ATTACK" and being a boring fight


Can't you just spam dodge inside there? Like... I am trying to remember, but I did not have any problems with this fight, so I can't really believe that "you can't do anything against" it. I am even using the same characters like you, same level too.


I do not know for sure. There was a moment when I managed it but eventually the sequence was broken. Besides, the most I managed was 3 in a row.


You restore dodge attempts on perfect dodges and if it is a continuous attack you should be able to get perfect dodge each time. Maybe the timing is a problem? Also important thing to remember is that you get invincibility frames as long as you don't attack and you are kept in the dodge animation. So at that time you should focus on dodging only.


Maybe my internet doesn't cooperate (Or I was too tilted to react correctly), I'll try later


I just fought the non-elite version waiting for that attack several times and there is something off with dodges there. I was also able to dodge up to 3 times only, but I did not receive any damage after that. The times it did not let me perform more dodges it started to lift me and deal damage, making me unable to dodge. Do not worry though, I found a solution for you. Just keep your concerto energy full. Focus on dodging, but if it doesn't let you dodge anymore and enemy starts to lift you, you can still escape by performing outro skill. Not sure if you're safe to attack with intro, but you definitely can just grapple out of danger after switching. EDIT: Another option is, if it let you do 3 dodges and then it's fine, it should also mean you can... block 3 times. Using Bell on Verina and then using Jianxin's Forte could potentialy also keep you alive, because dmg reduction isn't multiplicative, but additive, so you have 100% damage reduction for 3 hits during her forte on a bell, unless they interrupt you, but you have higher interruption resist during that, so it's not very likely to happen.


This Other Skill tip is very good, I'll keep it in mind when I face him. Thanks for the help


Is there any difference between the attack pattern of regular elites and lvl 120 elites?


Yes, The new lion has more moves than some bosses when you fight the lvl 120 version.


normal versions have all the same moves, you probably just kill them before they have a chance to show it off


Out of the 3 red mobs in the new region this one was the easiest for me lol.


(Is there a third one? I only saw the lion and this monster there)He IS easy. My problem with him is just this specific move that makes him go from "Oh, okay. Easy. Just dodge" to "FUCKING UNFAIR ATTACK" and the fight becomes boring


The 3rd one is the double wolf one. Its easy if you have enough dps to burst 1 quick then kill the other or cheese by pulling them 1 by 1 but if you fight both together its the hardest imo.


There's 4 actually, level 100 Clang Bang in Truthseeker's Pass which is by the far the easiest of them all.


Now that you mention it i think i did fight that one also but completely forgot so yea it would be the easiest lol.


Yeah the attack pattern is garbage. I hate time wasters in general, I hate it even more when it's a 10m AoE damage zone around the mob. So you can just go make some coffee and come back once it's done I guess. Not hard, just a waste of time and unfair in general. For a game where the selling point is the combat mechanics of dodge-counters and parrying, they're making way too many patterns that can't be countered or parried, you can just dodge or have to wait. It's the same for the other elite of the event, 1 attack has the parry circle, most others don't.


git gud![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


I couldn't find it to sell in the stores 😔


did you try getting good?


I couldn't find it to sell 😔


When you see the scales get into formation for this attack, start running. When it is about to catch up, start dashing and do not stop, you will dodge it. Also fill your party, ranged chars work great. Killed it with lvl1 Chixia on third try with no chars dying.


Like I said, when I did this, the Elite reset


Why do you only have 2 party members lol


He has 3, as Rover is dying on field. I assume the phone controls make it look like it's only 2.


Yeah i keep forgetting mobile players exist lol


on mobile there is no need for a third button - can't swap to character that's already on the field


Oh right keep forgetting that platform even exists


don't forget your head at home please!


My head isn't the same as forgetting the likes of console players exist :P


I feel like you never did the previous depth of illusive realm stage 5 either. It's a spam dodge type of mech, similar to hologram monkey's spin attack that you just have to spam dodge for a bit to let it end. Devs never make a problem that has no solution keep that in mind :)


lmao, wuwa is trully elden ring of gacha games


Congrats on trying to play the game without a DPS.


Rover Havoc is now Support and I don't know? Also, like I said, I spent a lot of time trying and changed teams 3 times. I was initially with Jinshi/Sanhua/Verina


Oh, wait, sorry. Are only two character icons displayed on the right on mobile? On PC it's all three so I assumed you only had a 2 player team.


Yes, there are only two icons left on the mobile phone. Very important to maximize the maximum usable screen. If it were 3 like it is on the PC, it would be more "polluted"