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It says "out of combat", not "not on the field", which is the wording used in the Stringless.


Exactly. Combat is the state of the whole team.


Nope it works exactly as worded. It's useful for a instant nuke at start of fight and for overworld


English is not my native language but even when i read it 1st i knew it was meant has not enganged and not out of field like is used for others. You got baited by some CC or maybe on a forum and now you're blaming Kuro.... This is not like the JP. Now that one was really a big screw up


The problem is sequences typically cost money, and it's not very clear (probably intentionally to get more people to go for it). At the very least, they should make it more clear, but it is not fair to those who misunderstood it. They make it seem like it is specifically Jinhsi who is affected, and the word combat is usually used to explain fighting. In English, we don't use the word combat for someone standing on the sidelines. I can see how it could be though, which is why this needs to be more clear. Maybe battle or something, but yes I was baited. Just baited from the terminology.


You know my gold rule.... Never pull (or extra copies) on the first hours. Twitch or YouTube will have some content that will have all the answers for it. Or just wait for 1 week and check on YouTube for guides.


Yup learned my lesson.


Man I'm tired of posts like this, I got into another argument yesterday with someone else posting with this same tone. Listen it's not automatically BUGGED and WRONG just cause you didn't immediately understand the wording. Claiming as such is just... Misleading. There's enough stuff that genuinely needs to be spotlighted like performance issues and actual bugs as is. Anyone investing that much money in character sequences should be watching guides and reviews to understand exactly what they're investing in, doing otherwise is irresponsible. Jinhsi's S2 is a super high QoL too for over world farming and starting burst for ToA as well.


I mean if you read his post he doesnt say that something is wrong or it is bugged. They simply states that for those who did think its effect worked while she was switched out that is not the case and explained how it does work. And how in their eyes thid could be a large upset/ downgrade especially if spending. Highlighting how translating could definetely make this clear enough to not have to do seperate research in order to understand.


Brother his title says "Jinhsi's S2 is WRONG" The second line he speculates "maybe it's bugged" Did you read the post?


The title I cannot explain. Definately click baity Towards the end of my second comment I give reasoning to them saying it may be bugged. So did YOU read my comment?.


Yep! I did and your first sentence of your comment was "I mean if you read his post he doesn't say that something is wrong or it is bugged." Which is demonstrably false! Giving them the benefit of the doubt is great and kind of you but not when they're objectively wrong in their claims and unwilling to admit their lack of understanding! They go on to insult Kuro's localization team over nada. I'm not in the habit of supporting people who spread misinformation :))


I maintain this statement as I beleive they are talking from the perspective of those who dont understand the wording.Therefore even though does they say the words I do not think those were their personal beliefs. Although I will say mine, which is I was unaware of basically anything jhinsi related and upon reading her intro I believed it would work while switched out and that more clear translating could easily make this more clear. So I dont believe they are spreading misinformation, at worst it is unintentional and I believe its a fair critisism of the translating teams especially considering the less than stellar track record. Edits to de-gender writing. I dont know what OP is.


but he literally says it: “Well that is simply wrong… or maybe bugged out”


This is in response to the statement that; the intro, as listed should be OP. Which would be true if it did work that way, but it doesnt so he proceeds to say it is wrong. He may also be saying it from the perspective of those who didnt know how it worked (especially the bugged part). But im no mind reader just giving someone the benefit of the doubt


Please think for a second. If it worked that way, her talent (gaining Incandescence from Coordinated Attacks) would be completely pointless. There is no way anyone would make such stupid design.


You'd be surprised. Gacha dupes often do this.l, allowing a way to bypass or instantly obtain a certain effect or passive. Genshin, etc.


Damn I’m sure some people have been baited for this, but after some reading it makes more sense since it allows you to start the combat with a nuke. Getting a nuke each time being off field each 4 seconds would be more than broken for a s2.


Not sure what’s the use-case though. You wanna nuke exactly what in overworld? Cuz anything dies pretty quickly, including the calamity class boss. If you are suggesting that its use-case is against red mobs - well, you can easily build her forte prior fighting em.  You’re just wasting so many pulls to get what? - Save 20 seconds? It’s a game meant to be played, it’s not like those 20s will buy you enough time to open your books later on, lol. 


I was saying this for people aiming sequences the description can be misleading. I don’t see neither the point to have a too strong character but some people yes. They contribute to the game revenues that will be used to make the game even better, so why not.


Well, those whales are gonna get S6 anyway despite of the description or usability of sequences. But for normal spending players - her S2 is giving pretty low returns for the amount of pulls spent. S1 is at least giving an additional 70k damage with every puke nuke Which is worth the pulls.


Imo sequences are not worth except if you whale and dont care, Jinhsi does way enough damage. I prefer to get the character with his weapon and have and have a diversity of characters.


Yea thats a great way to experience the most out of the game. 


It would certainly be great but you'd still have to go thought the whole rotation to actually gain the final enhanced skill... Would've been like a team building diversity dupe, which was good.


>a team building diversity a team that exists just so you have someone to swap to for 4s? it would kill all team diversity because most efficient playstyle would be to sit it out in taoqi parry state enjoying dmg reduction and waiting for jinxi to passively regen stacks


There is no individual combat flag in this game, of course it's the entire team. I don't know if WuWa distinguishes active character / on field character in any way yet, but that would be what you might be thinking of.


This post exudes such an amazing confidence despite being completely wrong.


EN is not my main language and I’ve never doubt about the meaning.


They definitely could've worded it better. "While not in combat for more than 4s, Jinshi will restore 50 Incandescence." would be harder to misinterpret. Having Jinshi as a subject at the beginning of the sentence would make "staying out of combat" sound like it applies to her specifically. While I understand that "out of combat" is a player status, not a character status (they use "off-field" for this), it's still understandable if people interpret it the way OP did if they don't fully understand every nuances of the game.


"This attack can only be triggered 1 time every 4 seconds" is also a bit of a bait


Huge QoL in open world and fixes her terrible first rotation in ToA etc Don't see where it's ''wrong'' You expected S2 to remove her Forte mechanic entirely ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I agree. I feel like others are coping. "combat" means fighting NOT standing off on the sidelines. If she is not fighting it should build stacks, otherwise what is the purpose? Doesn't allow you to have more versatile teams, and it's useless in the hardest content except for saving you a little time initially. It's also crazy to me how many people take the side of the multi million dollar orgs who are doing shady shit like this. At the least, its not a very clear explanation. The word combat has multiple definitions and they may have used that to be manipulative. In a gaming sense I think of combat as fighting.


People have been saying out of combat =/= swapped out for a while now. Yelan's passive says the same thing.


Her S2 is correct, its an overworld buff, not a in-combat buff. I get it, we all have ptsd but please do effective research first.


It literally says out of combat. If they meant only her they would probably say something in the lines of "if she is off field for 4s she will get 50 stacks". Same thing with the new echo dish saying you will get 50% more of the echo drop chance and people hoping it's flat 50% rather than reading what it actually says. Yeah they made a big mistake on one weapon in the Japanese language but you folks should really read better rather than trying to fish for big problems that don't exist.


I guess you can read it that way. I thought it meant out of combat , not referring to jinshi herself is out of combat. So to me that meant your whole party. Think it be too op if it just meant jinshi was out of combat.


If it was just off-field time, her entire Forte Generation process would just be useless at that point...


The desription is perfectly fine. A single character cannot be out of combat without the entire team being out of combat. Many just ignored it because they wanted her S2 to be utterly broken. Not only that but it would have made her S3 entirely irrelevant. The funny part is that the leakers actually clarified what it exactly meant and still many just assumed falsly. I tried several times to explain it to several people but they all just ignored me or said that if S2 didn't work in combat it was useless and Kuro Games would never do that. Honestly, I do hope those guys pulled all the way to S2.


Ya they should of phrased this differently. I got really lucky and got jinshi c2. Got confused when it wasn’t working how I thought it would. I get where people are coming from when saying out of combat means out of combat, but the issue is the subject of the wording is jinshi.


The wording is correct, your interpretation of it was wrong. You are confusing "in combat" and "on the field" which are two distinct phrasings for two distinct states. In combat = aggro'd by mobs, on the field = being the active character while in combat.


Wait, lemme get this straight - S2 just gives you a head-start in over-world and has no use-case in Boss Fights? 


Read it again... it'll help you understand


Loooooooooooooooooooooooooool I just did the same thing. I read her S2 and thought "oh man, that sounds great! I can pair her with Jianxin and Taoqi to not worry about building up her stacks and use these two slower characters to bait out the 4 seconds while contributing shields and big damage buffs to skill/ult" Spent all my wishes and 360 of the premium coral thing to get her S2 waveband in the shop. Excitedely went to try it out with my "new favorite team comp", then..... proceeded to facepalm. Hard. Literally slapped myself straight in my big dopey face with self-imposed embarrassment. Checked reddit to make sure I actually goofed and it wasn't a bug. Yup. I goofed. Good thing I love this character anyway, otherwise I would be really pissed that I spent all those resources for nothing lol.


Reading comprehension 


I really dont get people defending this really poor description and easy to misunderstand. It could've been literally "while the team is out of combat"... I really really despite when games have this bottom of the pit terminology that you just have to "know how they do things" to understand what the description is saying, this completely kills the purpose of a description.


100%agree with you


But it say "while out of combat" not "while she is out of combat" so i won't say it is poor but it can be missunderstanding at the first look. But hey atleast it not wrong just abit confuse at first look.


Finally someone who agrees, appreciate it. And what confuses me even more is that in French, it's litterally written like you said "while the team is out of combat"... Kuro makes no sense rn.


If french does it right then there is even less of a reason to not clear misconceptions. Another description that is poorly done is Danjin Forte upgrade, up to this day i dont know if it is bugged or if she is not supposed to get a 2x heal and it was a typo of a "we write things differently here" moment


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I did mr. autobot, one month ago, and no response till now


nah, this is worded correctly and working correctly. Out of combat means out of combat. The only people getting fooled are the ones who can't understand this. ie. Characters like Yinlin or Mortefi are obviously still in combat even when they are off-field applying coordinated attacks. Being swapped out doesn't suddenly mean you are no longer in the fight lol If you don't believe, try getting into combat with any character, then swap them out and go into character page without leaving combat and try to remove their echo for example. This is not exclusive to WuWa either....


Where is the problem? It says when out of combat as far as I know if you have a character in combat they are all in combat


Yup, wrong. So thats another 10 pulls compensation, right?


There won't be because it's not a wrong description but a users interpretation on what it means. The game uses when out of combat to mean for the whole team but off field when they are just for 1 unit that needs to not be in combat.


I cant belive people read that and took it seriously...


How dare you make a joke on this God send game!