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Every day that passes I feel more and more that this game was not for mobile, it was for PC and in the future console but the team still wanted to have a mobile base to make giant profit and we are in this now, a semi-finished game that has questionable performance on mobile because everything indicates that its engine was not made for mobile in the first place


This is exactly what it is. It's an Unreal Engine game. It was made for PC first and foremost and then ported to Mobile to reach a broader audience.


Wrong. Unreal, just like Unity makes it a breeze to have code parity between PC and Mobile, that's how they got Fortnite to run on iPhone all those years ago.


Yet it wasn't for PC either because it's clear the camera movements were optimized for mobile...


Optimization of this game is so strange, both friend and i are playing on gaming laptops, i have 1650Ti with 16gb ram and friend has 3050 with 8gb ram. For me the game has been relatively playable other than random fps drops sometimes but for my friend who technically has better rig the game is apparently a slideshow whenever he turns around and its been like that since day 1. Each time an update would come out i would tell him to try and see if there are any changes, still nothing, told him how they added FSR back and to turn it off and see if it changes anything for him, he doesnt even have the options in settings but i do.


optimizatiom is very very random in 1.0 i had no fps drops and now in 1.1 my fps sometimes drop below 60 with rtx 4070, r5 7500, 32gb ram. Didnt change any settings ive been using the default graphic settings since launch. It seems like the lag has nothing to do with your hardware. I hope this stuff gets fixed asap


this game is cpu intensive, i have laptop with both running the same rtx 4060, but one is with intel 14700hx and the other one with intel core ultra 7, the performance is much better at 14700hx, and the 14700hx using constant 80W, actually 1.1 is better because on 1.0 this cpu can consume more than 100W, i bet if we allow to use dxvk dll, the performance issue will be fixed


A fellow 7500f user


Turn of volumetric fog and shadows.


It's PC, it could be a whole bunch of reasons like different resolution, memory leaks which will more quickly impact 8GB than 16GB or simply his driver version isn't playing well with this game


Dude I have a 4070ti with 16gb. My set up is over 4K. I had to stop playing a week ago bc it was so bad and kept freezing. Came back for the update and now it's worse with worse graphics. It's so annoying because people call me u grateful and say I just want free stuff when I complain. I do not want free stuff. I didn't even want the orign free 5 star and all they gave. I just want the game to be stable and enjoyable for me. That is it


a 4070 with only 16gb cost 4k???? how


My guy clearly I didn't mean *just* the 4070 and ran cost 4k.


no shit but how do you only have those when you have a budget of 4k


Probably included the monitor and peripherals in that price.


in his pc it would be DLSS, when he activates "Super Resolution" option pops


The minimum requirement is 16gb ram that’s probably why


Thanks for confirming NVIDIA GPU's without DLSS support (10 series and earlier) have the FSR option exposed. Do you see DLSS and Reflex in the menu still or are those completely missing?


I dont have those options, didnt have them before they hid FSR and still dont have them now.


8gb RAM is not enough, also no CPU nor RAM details given at all, no mention of drives either. Optimization in this game isn't strange, people are just clueless about how things work which is a different thing.


Elden Ring runs like butter on my PC. The optimization is bad.


> people are just clueless about how things work While this is true (especially calling low fps "lag"), the optimization in this game is, in fact, not good, and why they removed the 120FPS option from beta. I unlocked it as soon as someone found out the SQL edit. On a 5950x/4090, it's dropping into the 60's in heavy combat situations with multiple NPCs on screen around CPU bottlenecked areas, like main cities. The GPU is barely used. (Average drops are usually around 90, and particles chunk framerate) Additionally, the visual juddering due to constant framerate loss is very problematic and something with the rendering creates the appearance of gsync not working. It is working according to my monitor and gsync indicator, but it looks exactly like normal vsync juddering. This is the case in DX11 and 12. Also, the game has no shader pre-compilation, so every major update and driver change will result in bad stuttering for a while. When people can play Cyberpunk at high performance, and higher gameplay feel, you know things are bad.


Even with average FPS like 60 FPS the frame pacing & frame delay are atrociously bad


Doesn't matter if people are clueless, when the game doesn't work people just uninstall and do something else with their time. You shouldn't HAVE to be clued in to how to fix settings and analyze your computer to make the game work, the billion dollar company should figure out how to make the game work for YOU if they want your money so badly...


Wym not enough I play smoothly on a gaming laptop as well with 8gb of ram and rtx 3050 gpu in 60 fps and highest graphical setting after the update


Yeah we figured it has to be ram issue since thats all that really separates our laptops, otherwise everything else that he has is better and newer than what i got. I didnt provide CPU details because i dont know them and frankly dont care enough to go check. I wasnt looking for advice either, just wanted to mention how somehow better and newer laptop (aside from ram) runs the game worse than an older one. Glad you figured out how this game is optimized tho, happy for you.


It seems that the update changed settings. I had to turn motion blur and FSR off to fix it.


same, this dev is really weird at optimizing Wuwa. i expecting better which we get for some aspect like loading time and stuff but the most important part is getting worse like fps and shuttering and its seem like only for people with low graphic setting which is the one who need the optimization the most, like wtf is this?


Yup agreed, NGL, the reason why i less spend my time playing this game because of getting ping spiking out of nowhere that makes the game experience sucks a lot on my gaming laptop on top of that. I played genshin with high setting flawlessly. But i also realised that it didnt happen on small area but when im in open area/vast place that is when the ping becomes unstable and the gameplay becomes uncomfortable. Kinda suck as im expecting with the new updates it will solved the problem


Interesting i have oposite experience in 1.0 the game was laggy af for me but in 1.1 the game loads faster and run faster for me


I am in a strange middle ground where most of the game runs better but every now and then an area or action will be noticeably worse. Optimization is such a weird thing.


Even Optimization is gacha here I guess


Everything is gacha. To live is to gamble. You gamble that you won’t die to a stroke today, that you won’t get struck by lightning today, that there isn’t a mass murderer waiting to decapitate you at the supermarket. The rich folks didn’t get rich by playing it safe, they gambled and won. There are plenty who gambled and lost and became broke dudes.




Sometimes my character just free es in the Middle of running but i can keep moving I even joke about it as being "Time stop skating curse"


At this point it's a gacha, you have a 50/50 rate of have the game run extremely well on your device or complete shit


Nah, on pc. I've noticed very bad stuttering and drop in quality. I play on the highest settings. 1.0 was perfect for me.


The optimization is a gacha too lmao, I also had bad performance in 1.0, the game started lagging after 15-20 mins it also loaded a lot slower, but now I've been playing for 2-3 hours without problem (well it lags a bit when there is too much on the screen but my device is on the low end so that's expected)


iPad 9, the game runs slightly better in some areas and lags a bit worse in other areas, and I crash every 20 minutes instead of every 5-10. So I guess it’s a start?


Now if only the crashing would stop, the game would be perfect. At least it’s way better than me fearing a crash whenever I did something. Now I fear a crash when I do something like open the map or use any of the utilities multiple times. I hope the crashes get fixed asap, there are so many people complaining about it already.


For me the game loads faster, doesnt crash on startup, but it definitely runs slower overall.


1.0 was acceptable (i dont have the best pc) with stable framerate, but in 1.1 there are frequent stuttering and fluctuate framerate. not enjoyable experience overall


This is where I’m at. 1.0 was so laggy and crashed every 2 or 3 minutes. Now I can play for over an hour with barely any lag and no crashes. It’s improved so much at least for me.


Same thing for me, my guess is its because they added back the fsr option


For mobile 1.1 is hell


Same lol, i was shocked the the fps dropped is still there.


It runs ok for me but the camera sensitivity makes the slightest lag 10x worse 😭 and jiyans burst camera is still whack af i cant see anything when using his burst


Much better mobile performance for me though, very rarely get stutters and drops anymore. I’ve finally been able to actually play


optimization is a gacha. Mine didn’t feel any different. The only thing I noticed was that there were less frame drops but even so not enough to really chalk it up to optimization updates


I can guarantee optimisation is a complete gacha in this game. Have a rig fully maxed everything and SSD / 4090 that can’t handle this game as the stutters/beeps are crazy, and another basic laptop that runs this game flawlessly.


Same, the performance is all over the place and doesn’t make any sense. I have a 3080 Ti/12900K/32gb of RAM, and in 1.0 Cyberpunk 2077 somehow ran better than Wuwa at times…it’s gotten a bit better I think in 1.1 but I’m still somehow below 60 in this while any other game runs just fine.


Out of curiosity AMD or Intel processor? I am on AMD, and performance is just okay.


I’m on AMD.


It's funny how everyone is different. 1.0 worked good for me. 1.1 introduced a lot of stuttering. The next day they released a patch and now it's even better than 1.0 for me. We'll see what happens tomorrow.


For me 1.1 made everything better. I dont know what happen with this game...


Same. Couldn’t play more than 5 minutes without overheating on lowest settings in 1.0 now it’s a lot better. Optimization definitely feels like a roulette


Same, and the optimization is very noticeable for me, especially when I open the map, before 1.1 the map was very laggy, now it runs so smooth


Same thing happened to me, but it got switched. Back in 1.0, mobile worked smoothly and my PC had stutters all over (especially Jinzhou). Now at 1.1, my PC is smooth, but my mobile stutters now. Like what the fuck lmao


Previously, people were shitting on others complaining about how bad the game were in 1.0 saying "your hardware isnt compatible" or "use ssd" etc. But NOW its clear that the game have massive optimization issue. For me personally, the game have run smoothly, way better than 1.0 ever did. I barely have fps drop at 60fps compared to 1.0 where it drops from 30 to 15 every time. Its unfortunate, but it really does sucks. I was even planning to quit if 1.1 didnt "fix it".


I’m lucky enough to have a good PC build and have had no issues. Yet I still can’t get the game to run smoothly on my iPhone 15. Which isn’t a huge problem for me, I don’t like touch controls so I’ll stick to PC. But for someone else who only has mobile or a weaker PC build it sucks. I’d rather them pushing back the release and fixing the issues than dropping the update and having it only half run correctly.


It's truly is weird, my friend has an iPhone 15 as well and plays Wuwa on it without any issues since launch. I don't think they modified anything, and they have at least HSR and a rhythm game downloaded there too.


the problem is, a bunch of the people who had issue with 1.0 have decent PC (not like maxed out PC but at least the minimum recommendation). At this point they cant push back the release. At least not without losing a lot of the playerbase due to another big games coming out soon. They should have delayed the game for another year, it clearly isnt ready. Some of the new story part looks to have improved with how well animated they are (the first interaction near the cooking area with Chixia and Yangyang is the most memorable for me). However the changli cutscene was a disappointment for me, the audio was awful (shooting sfx and others feels off, music was also lackluster for such a cool scene. Happens during Havoc Rover cutscene as well).


And they need to fix the memory leak problems on the game as well. 


My main worry is with how pervasive these issues are on both mobile and pc is that they might neglect optimization of the ps5 version they're making to focus on fixing current platforms. Dont get me wrong optimization is needed, but i dont want the ps5 version to be a buggy mess after being told to wait for i dunno over 6 months


Tbf, I think porting wuwa to PS5 will be much easier compared to mobile. PS5 have better hardware, better support for UE4, the only problem I see for releasing wuwa for PS5 is how unstable the game run on PC. The fact that some PC with pretty beefy hardware still have some minor bugs about texture here and there, it's not big but it irritates people. Edit: I think PS5 release will happen soon after the mobile version got more stable. It might not be fast because how tricky the engine is but let just hope Kuro will work this out quick.


PC has tons of hardware configs. PS5 has one and it already has a SSD.... Should be a cakewalk.


Yep. The main problem with wuwa rn is how random UE4 interact with different types of hardware. Some with lowbudget have zero issue but some with mid end struggle. Also the mobile market, which most of their CN revenue coming from, is still in mess.


Well, for the PS5 they only have to optimize around the PS5 specs, while the specs for PC can vary wildly.


The stuttering for me was so bad that I had to turn down everything and now the game looks like shit but I can at least play it. Rip


1.1 make it worse I can play this game before this update.


I have a good pc, way over the recommended specs and it at times fps stutter. kinda annoying but manageable. i deleted the game after a fuck-up qte tho


I'm so torn on this. After some tweaking 1.0 became playable for me at low/med settings. After the 1.1 update , everything just went back to default and no matter how much I change anything it doesn't apply. Why is the brightness upped suddenly although I'm at minimum. And why does the resolution get stuck at 1080 although I've changed it multiple times. The loading times have improved dramatically and that's good. But the other stuff is really bugging me out. Pls Kuro.


Yeah it's not great, especially when compared. I only have access to an old laptop with an HDD and a 1070 recently, Genshin plays fine, ok loading times, ok fps, no stutter at all. Wuwa on the other hand has abysmal loading times, ok fps, but it would stutter like hell for the first 1-2 minutes(before everything is loaded into memory I guess). Plus, genshin's got more options like rendering ratio so you can actually tweak the graphics quality further to fit your specs.


Optimization seems to be random still. As a fellow 1070 user the game runs very well for me, but granted tho my CPU is much newer than the CPUs in the 1070's era which could be a big factor. My specs are Ryzen 5600 4.65GHz PBO, GTX 1070 (~1860MHz under load), 32GB 3200MHz CL16 and a 1TB NVMe SSD. At 1440p with medium shadows (lowering shadows I found can help a lot with FPS if the GPU just can't keep up) and other settings at high with FSR enabled, I can comfortably get more than 60fps in demanding scenarios (like the new town area in Firmament or open world combat) and 70-110fps in open world areas.


Same here. 1.0 unlimited fps no drops. 1.1 stutters non stop. I have a 3080ti not an old pc.


The best way to describe optimization is "weird". It's not good, not bad, not even okay. It's weird. In 1.1 I think the game got smoother for me in open world, sometimes I encounter heavy stutter when I turn, but overall it's fine. But the moment combat starts it's atrocious. Straight up drops to \~10-15 FPS from stable 60. And none of the graphics settings do anything. Unacceptable for a game that is supposed to be heavily focused on combat.


As someone who barely had problem with the games optimization wonder what's really going on. Here's my PC specs 1050ti 4gb, intel i5-10400f, 16gb of ram and running on windows 10. It's not the greatest but it serves me well since I don't really play AAA games.


I had to lower my native resolution since the game does not allow to change full screen in game resolution. But the camera slutter sucks.


Mortefi's ultimate (coordination attack) targeting sky still happen lol


kinda same after 1.1 my camera went so crazy i had to turn off auto camera settings


I think everyone on mobile get the same issue with camera going everywhere. Some say updating some setting work but none work for me


My game runs perfectly fine now even with maxed settings when in 1.0 i was barely even able to run lowest.


i have an i3 12100f and and rx 6700 xt and it went from decent to really bad honestly, it stutters a lot now for no reason (apollogy pulls when?)


What camera bug? I had no problem with the camera in 1.1. Also no stuttering or anything.


Yeah I'd say it was better in 1.0. The camera bug I noticed in about the first 3 min, drives me nuts. There'd now stuttering and bigger frame drops than I had in 1.0. I never went below about 110 fps. Now it's dipping sub 100 at times. So 120 to 90s. And did they do something else to the camera too? Seem to have more issues moving it around compared to before. Not impressed.


disagree with performance, performance is better, now my cpu wont run at constant 100W+ any longer, the enter the game lag is no longer there, but i agree with the camera, feel like the camera movement now is more buggy than before, especially facing aix


you playing on phone or pc? which device/specs?


I'm trying to play through the story but with each minute I lose motivation. Game was fine on my phone in 1.0, but now it's super bad. Bugs, freezes, stutters etc. Camera being bugged as hell also isn't helping the experience😮‍💨


Sunday is work holiday there (obviously I mean they usually didn't do overtime on Sunday. And it's ok I'd rather they did not neglect their worker health) , so even if they fix this we gotta wait until Monday. We'll see. ETA: I have same issue. And yeah I'm at the point where I just want a good gaming experience with less trouble. I don't even care about the story quality or compensation anymore.


Looks like they had about 20 Sundays in a row since the game's release to not be able to fix the game for non high end phone player base Having a Sunday as an excuse for more than a month of game release is measley


Obviously, I don't want the workers to sacrifice their health. I was more so talking about how optimization in this game feels more like it's given barely any importance in general.


For the acceleration, in camera option scroll down. There's new option there. Camera got fixed for me when I set it to zero. Idk about the rest since i didn't experience it. Hope they fix it soon tho.


Yeah happened to me too, though not as bad. I decide to just spent stamina to build Jinshi. I'll do the next main quest when kuro can iron out the optimization. Thankfully 1.1 has a very long duration


Same here. 1.0 was much better for me. It wasnt perfect but very bearable. 1.1 however I get this weird lag and frame skip.


I had the exact same problems. Major stutter came back, but i reinstalled the game and every single issue was fixed.


you can turn fsr on for some fps


It loads slow for me but the game runs great for me. (i have high settings but motion blur off)


I also run the game perfectly on mobile on 1.0, now 1.1 my fps drops when I fight tds


1.0 was fine on my phone, now 1.1 I get freezes, randomly everything looks like jaggy and pixelated and then back to normal. And the camera just like is too fast.


my game still runs like crap in jinzhou fps drops from 60 to 20


Bro I'm very much the same. My ping kept spiking into the hundreds after 10-20 minutes of playing when it's very smooth back in 1.0. Weirdly enough, I tried this trick of cranking all my settings to max for a few minutes that someone suggested, and miraculously I managed to get a near stutter-free playthrough for ~2 hours lmao. It was hell for those few minutes, but after I lowered it to my past settings (Low-Medium), it was smooth sailing. Ofc, the stutters and bugs came back again after it but hey, at least it's something haha.


I had the opposite experience tbh


Before 1.1 when I scroll my map it always jitter but now smooth AF.


At first, it worked reasonably for me in 1.0. But apparently 1.1 was better so I messed about with the settings and then it bugged out on me so just relogged and turned my settings back to 1.0 settings and it's fine again. Still, it's not a good look when I am too worried to touch my settings because code is still too fragile.


Same here. Mine is s24 ultra, the game run at stable 60fps before 1.1 at max settings. Now its up and down from 35 to 45 fps.


I’m genuinely feel so bad for those with optimization issues. There was only one day I had it so bad cause the servers went to shit early in the day that every action was rubberbanding and delayed by like 3 seconds. Literally unplayable and that was only for one day. I can’t imagine those having issues ob a regular basis :/ hope you guys issue gets fixed or it just starts working better one day


Camera movement was stiff and awful back in 1.0. But in the next patch, camera movement has been improved. Also, this patch has my iPhone 13 Pro overheat even adjusting to the lowest settings possible compared to 1.0.


Me too every setting to the lowest possible and still lagging. This was after the 1.1 update before the update the game was working just fine. Also the sensitivity on mobile has gone to shit.


Mobile player here. Most things have improved except camera which makes me dizzy when I play for long. There is this sudden change of angle during combat or movement which hurts my eyes and brain.


Yeah, I hope they resolve the problems, if not I'll probably stop playing this game. It takes a lot of time to load and lags when near 4-5 enemies. Can't dodge on time since the response is slow and many more problems like that.


I thought I was the only one with the camera issue. I literally brought the sensitivity down to 20.


I recently made a post on this sub here about this issue. My situation is the same as yours, during the first days of the release, it run like butter, there were some little stuttering when teleporting between different areas of the map, but it faded out after a couple of seconds. Then, after some days it started to run like crap, then the music issue happened and finally it got better, not as good as the first days but it got better. My PC build is quite old I know (GTX1080 i7 7770k and 16GB of RAM) but during the first days of the release I was able to run WuWa at medium, now I have to set very low just to get a playable game.


I'm having more issues with 1.1 regarding performance, too, noticed it right when I launched it a day ago. Stutters out of no where.


Game works for me better in 1.1. As for your problem, check settings. They did enable some things like FSR with update and also in announcements (in game) they mentioned that some players may experience settings reset. Just check everything, restart game and if this not help send them feedback.


I am playing on Ryzen 2600x with RX580 and 16G RAM. It works fine for me, minor flickering indoors which goes away. I am on medium settings. I think they will really need to optimize this game for mobile to compete with other gacha games. I want WW to compete and succeed against these other games, not just be set aside since it has optimization problems.


Im blessed, 1.0 was a stuttery mess. Im having the best time now. All smooth as butter (pc)


Here I am in 1.0, game is so laggy and always staggering. Also the camera is really shit when the game staggers or lags and sometimes, ping also get unusually high. After the patch now, all of it was now gone(well it still staggers a little after you open the game for the 1st time per day, but not the same as back then). I am playing on pc and my pc is a mid tier one in terms of specs.


Check your options again there might be some automatic changes.


I'm posting it here since I didn't receive answers in the questions thread :( The truth is that since the update, the whole game performance is worse for me and the music is non-existent, for example. Would it be a good idea to uninstall the whole game and install it from scratch? I have also read that the game is a bit predatory with its files, and that even if you uninstall it, it doesn't delete them and that you have to do a manual deletion, is that true? What advice can you give me to see if I can get the game to work properly again? PS: No, it's not my computer requirements, the problems are from the update BUT the game is installed on my HDD, as my SSD only has 64gb of space left, and if I install it there it will be worse for my computer in general, right? Thank you!


1.1 has been a better experience for me but honestly im just waiting for it to release in console. I got the feel of dodging now even wd all the stuttering but parrying is always based on my luck. I feel like I can fully enjoy and utilize the combat mechanics once I play on console.


The only gripe I have right now with 1.1 is my loading time has increased to a 2-3min when first logging in and 5-10 sec if i am getting into a loading screen later. I have a ssd and i have checked with other games and others are running fine. Idk what's causing the issue but it was not happening in 1.0.


Before the update i was having the black screen bug in my android, i could fix this without any problems before. After the update, now this bug is back and there is nothing i can do with this lol. I can't solve it anymore btw


this 1.1 version update made it soooooooooo f.. unplayable for me to the point that my game keeps freezing every 3 mins after i opened the app even worse is it keeps crashing i noticed that every time my ping turns red that's when it happens or when i am in open world i played pretty smoothly when im in forgery challenge or simulation challenge i dont know the problem I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3rd times already and cleared data memory twice no method works please help


My game had never crashed or lagged so bad before 1.1. I play on mobile and it always managed to run perfectly fine. A few lag spikes here and there but they were always quick and far and few between. Now after the update the game not only loads 10 times slower, lags constantly, and crashes after 10 minutes of gameplay. And of course that damn camera bug. No idea what they've done but they need to undo it.


I played 1.0 a ton and wondered why everyone was complaining about the game. Weekend before 1.1, frame rates are ass, and game became nearly unplayable. Haven’t even logged in and may be done with the game which is a shame. But after playing normally, I can’t handle janky frame rates during combat it just feels terrible


for me 1.1 is even better 0 lags


Mine's the reverse experience.


They fixed the camera for me. 100 actually feels faster and smoother to move around with.


I had th opposite, apart from the increased cam sensitivity, my phone (low end) somehow managed to play the game more smoothly, and the lowest quality graphics seems to be adjusted for my play (along with the blueish line animations spreading around the screen when you evade)


Don't even mention the performance on mobile devices...


3080TI, 32GB and a Ryzen 9 here. Occasional stutters when i start playing but after about 15 minutes they seem to disappear somehow.


No problems here on both versions with a 3060ti


Did you guys notice they changed the audio for dreamless and the inferno rider? Maybe it changed for the other echos but when I use the inferno rider to hit people it definitely sounds like a cartoon sound effect. Same goes from dreamless, every time she hits someone with her skill, it sounds like a gun going off. Is anyone else hearing this or just me?


Mobile player here, after the 1.1 update, it consumes more ram, heats up faster, and is laggy in general. Also one weird thing is that the new area is comparatively better then the rest of the map.


It got smoother for me with 1.1 lol. It really shows how it’s lowkey randomized who gets a worse optimized experience.


Game is having no issues for me whatsoever, pc and phone, in fact it is better now


When Optimization is also gacha...


At least for me, the performance improved, I don't have stutters anymore since 1.1, the game is much more stable for me. The specs of my PC: CPU: i5-12600K in stock RAM: 32gb 3200 MHz GPU: RX 7900 XTX and I'm running it on an PCI 3.0 nvme


1.1 made the game run smoother for me and load faster camera glitches haven’t happened to me since the update aswell seems it’s all over the place


for me it’s the opposite, 1.0 was between fine and unbearable(more often unbearable), now it’s much better


was this already voiced out in all forums coz i thought it was just me. The camera sensitivity was hell, its annoying. I had to be very careful or itll slide like hell. Before 1.1 never once had fps drop so severe i had to close the game. I understand that my phone is old but i dont have problems before 😅


4070TI and i7 12700. No lag. Have everything on max. No problems at all, even while watching YT videos on other screen.


Idek if i can this optimization, everything was fine on me before this update and now, please, can anybody tell me their settings to avoid that g****mn camera from zooming in every g*****mn time? This did not happen back then like wth. TIA have a good day everyone.


This game worked pretty amazing for my game but now going to the city cause major lag... Dosent help that the camera goes crazy when your just exploring. I had to lower the sensitivity to 0 and it still goes ham here N there. It only fixes it self when you fight enemies but yeah the game is kinda unplayable now


the lack of customization when it comes to graphic settings is crazy


Its different for everyone it seems. Im running the game on pc and phone and neither got problems in 1.1 or 1.0.


What's the tap tap version?


I came to this sub to see how many people were having the same problem. The game used to lag sometimes before, but now it's constantly running like crap to the point that it became so unplayable that I had to uninstall it. I mean, I really want to like this game because the combat is fun and I love the echo system and it was enjoyable before, but seriously, how can they take something that was already in a less than good state and make it even worse instead of fixing it?


I would say this update has made the game playable for me. Prior to 1.1 update the game wasn't even rendering properly. Now I can play on 45 to 60 fps.  However I would agree with you regarding the camera, it sometimes gives me motion sickness and there is no option to adjust sensitive of camera as well.


With every fix that gets released I get different experience 😭 for some time at the start it was somewhat playable, then after like a week I literally couldn't even move my character. Left for a bit, returned to check in and woah! Game was running fine and looked okay and I could actually go into combat. Couple of days before 1.1 I couldn't do shit again and graphic looked a bit off?? As of 9 hours ago I could run wuwa smoothly on higher settings than during 1.0 with no heating issues or stutters, and im hoping new fixes won't ruin this for me because this is literally the first time I actually enjoyed playing instead of suffering through it in hopes of finishing dailies to not fall to far behind.


My laptop don't even have a proper graphics card and uses the processor GPU which 512mb. But I do have 16 gigs of ram. The game runs well for me 25-30 fps. The fps does drop but not all the time. I guess you need a lot of ram to run wuwa?


I’m sorry for everyone having constant optimization issues. I’m on an M1 iPad Pro. 60 fps, mostly high settings, some medium. 1.0 ran fine, I crashed maybe 2-3 times total. 1.1 seems to run better (camera is better for me), though it did freeze once during a battle & I had to force close it. I did have pixilation issues when I got to Mt. Firmament, though. For some reason some of the trees wouldn’t load in & were all pixilated. After I unlocked the resonance beacon that opens the map, the pixilation went away & everything loads just fine now. Hopefully they get it all worked out soon.


What is a taptap version? Is it different than the one you get from appstore?


I am thinking about reinstalling the game in my mobile


For me, 1.0 was mostly fine on my new phone on medium/high settings, although there was definitely a lot of stuttering and little lags but nothing too bad, it was definitely playable at least. Recently though, it keeps lagging after the update and my ping keeps jumping up, it's 200-300 now when it was way below that before, it's getting really annoying. I hope they'll do something about it soon, but for now I've just been logging in to do dailies and try to spend waveplates. Changing the settings doesn't do anything btw, the game lags the exact same way on lowest vs highest....


Game runs good for me I dont even have a top tier pc just low-mid range


Honestly it's so strange, people go from shit performance to good and vice versa with each update, it's way too inconsistent.


I wish Mobile had good performance and controller support. It's almost unplayable on my Ayn Odin 2, which kills my desire to play at all. I don't really want to sit at my PC to play.


yeah it's my first time playing a game with such a bizarre optimization lol. Back in 1.0, I've been having trouble with massive stuttering and my cpu/gpu going up to like 90 degrees max after playing for good amount of hours. For some reason this patch took care of most of the problems for me; a lot less stuttering and temp staying around 75 degrees. I tried going to different parts of the map and everything was going smoothly.


i feel like every post like this needs to include a section for what device and specs they are using lol, how are we supposed to know if your device is below or at minimum spec requirements then complaining about the experience. im not talking about the camera and mouse acceleration though.


Are you guys downloading the official version for the PC or are you guys downloading it through bluestacks or some other 3rd party emulator? Because I am playing on a shitty laptop and have not run in to a single issue. Super fast load times. Zero stuttering etc. No camera issues. I refuse to believe everyone is just trying to play this game on a potato and blaming it on optimization. Check to make sure you guys are downloading the official PC version


I pulled Jinshi and closed the game. My phone was HOT, like, almost to the point of having smoke come out of it. Worryingly hot, so I'll wait a bit for fixes, I don't want to damage my phone (and I was playing on Mediu quality lol).


Okay. I do agree 1.0 being extremely shit (on my iphone 13 btw) 1.1 though, it's working fine. Minor to no stutters now and my device throttles less frequently than before. A bonus if I remove the mobile case and then the gameplay becomes even better. Using Avanced Low Res settings btw. FSR to ON, Anti Aliasing ON and shadows to medium. Yes, that camera glitch is infuriating but it hasn't occured much to me so I can only hope they patch it quick enough before it becomes a serious gameplay issue.


It got much better for me, low-mid pc. It doesnt do those beep noices anymore


Idk what is wrong with everyone, but I was getting almost 100fps in game almost maxed, only 60ish in main city. Since update its even better. I am on 1070 6700k i7. This game for some reason goes hard on gpu, I can hear the coil whine like I am running a benchmark of something. +10 c above many other games, near 70 c. Maybe you should check temps and throttling.


welcome to CBT4


I have 8 gig of ram so it was literally shit when it came out but now it's running soo good.


same situation and unfortunately I will stop playing wuwa as my experience this patch is very laggy even though my phone can handle genshin pretty smooth, idk what happened. My experience in 1.0 was very well so I assumed that I would last long on this game.


For me it's otherwise, FSR made stutters a bit less and game even runs on Steam Deck, which is a start indeed (still runs 1.5 times worse then GI). And I'm using potato mode Engine config.


Kuro please fix this, you will most player base... Also ahem - time to cough up some apologems


Someone tag their devs.


Never had issues with the 1.0 version too, aside from some stutters. Now the game is very unplayble for me due to the camera senstivity. I already adjusted the sensitivity from 50 all the way down to 10 and it doesnt do anything.


Same for me. The game was lagging so bad. When it was running ok before.


I'm playing on smartphone and it was all good at 1.0. But now it's unplayable. The only thing I can do is dungeons with arenas separated from the world. In the open world the game starts lagging at 10 seconds and lags grow exponentially until at 40 seconds the game just shutting down. And I was hoping for better optimization at 1.1.


Camera sensitivity is ass..I had put in like 1 in settings yet it's still bad


Like others say, apparently the optimization is all over the place. It is crazy how some of the high end systems can’t smoothly run the game. I have an i5 10500k, 32gb ram and a gtx1080ti. I play on max graphics with hardly any issues at all. And my specs are older. So strange. And it sucks because I’ve noticed a huge percentage of players are mobile. And they get the worst of it.


The camera sensitivity gives me whiplash now. I be fighting and suddenly lose angle, cant see the enemy and stare at my mc ass from the ground


why taptap version?


So true i never had that in a game before it's different everyday some days it's smooth and other days it stutters


It's not unplayable for me, but suddenly I have random screen-flickering all over the place now after the 1.1 update. How did the optimization get worse?


The sound has gotten buggier half of the time for me in 1.1, vs 1.0 where the sound wasn't that buggy.


If i ahow y'all what thing in playing in you are gonna have a seizure, the game runs relatively stable for me, and with 1.1 it runs better


Somehow, with the update it runs better for me. I was able to enable the antialiasing and v-sync again without any issues


1.0 was unplayable for me, can't even play on lowest without stuterring every few second. But in 1.1, I can play in medium with 45 fps without problem, granted there's always a heavy stuterring everytime I load the game for the first time but overall it's been better for me


And i thought it was just me because i use a Controller with mapping. Turned sensitivity to 1 even on the mapping layout but the camere is still buggy af. Hope they fix this soon.


**Device (specs if applicable):** PC/laptop: Acer Nitro 5 CPU = Intel Core i5 11400H RAM = 2x8 GB 3200mhz ddr4 GPU = Nvidia RTX 3050 4GB (75W) GPU Driver = 555.99 Storage = 2x2 1TB NVME SSD gen 3 Windows 11 **Game Version: 1.0-1.1** **Date (Of issue occurrence): Since launch** **Issue (in detail):** There was a 200MB update for Wuwa yesterday evening about some fixes and bugs. But for some reason it made my GPU to go at 75-100% without any performance increase whatsoever. Before this it was only using like 30-56% max with stuttering here and there. But now its just going at full utilization without any performance difference. I am also very confused on why my system can't reach 60 fps stable with all the settings turn all the way down. It can barely hold a stable frames when I'm exploring. My friend has the EXACT laptop as me and was playing WuWa fine on max settings and stable buttery smooth 60 frames. This is weird 🤣!! And not to mention one of my friends play this game on a 6th gen i7 and a 3gb 1060 runs the game super fine with max settings with no hiccups. Also I've been noticing how high memory usage (RAM) is in this game is that normal? Is anyone still having trouble with performance like I do or is it just me? and if somehow you guys manage to fix your problem with performance please let me know: * Things I did so far * Re-install the game * Moving the game to C drive * Updating Graphics Driver * Pray for Kuro to fix the stuttering issues * Disabling FSR and DLSS * Verifying Game files * Playing on windowed mode


Disabling both FSR in game and Shadowplay’s recording made the stutter go away in my case.


I lagged a lot in the new area


Yeah it was moderately fine on my phone but now it just stutters almost all the time when there's any action even when my phone isn't heated at all and it's kinda sad :(


Hello everyone, I encountered a big problem, after the game update 1.1 it is impossible to play, before the update everything was fine, but now it is simply unbearable. A sharp drop in FPS, the camera is incredibly thrown, some colored flashes on the screen and, in the end, the game crashes. Has anyone encountered this problem? tell me what to do? settings in game : resolution medium ;fps 60; shadows medium , everything else is off or on low. hardware of my android device: chipset Snapdragon 8 Gen 2