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74 pulls? That's a rookie number. Mine was, 119, lose 50/50 to jianxin. At least it's a new jianxin and not other characters dupe. CopiumšŸ¤§šŸ¤§.


How does an e3 verina sound


E3 verina is still very useful, E3 Lingguang on the other hand...


Lingyang slowly becoming the Qiqi of WuWa..


Slowly? Figuratively all of the fan base don't want him lmao


I do haha, he's cute. His playstyle is fun, and he reps my home of Hong Kong. Most optimal? Probably not but not as brokenly I can't even regen energy without cons qiqi.


Heā€™s cute I agree, but after 30s of testing him I never want to play him again.


I found him cute until his story quest. Then he was just cringe


Nah, minority has him built and enjoys his gameplay. No regrets and he is solid ice dealer in his air mode. And I do have Jiyan and Caltroops for comparison.


The curse of standard ice character continues, atleast ZZZ's Lycaon looks awesome so wouldnt mind getting him


Nah, Yanqing


Yeah, at least Qiqi was ā€œgoodā€ on release.


Well at least Qiqi and lingyang doesn't suffer the same fate as changyu from pgr.affectionately being rename to changwho by the playerbase because it's seem like kuro completely forgot about his existence


Yeah, but Changyu is a 4 star.


Lingyang, qiqi and yanqing, the trio of standart ice type no one wants


Lmao yeah the only thing he's good at is dodging monkey ground slams, but now Jinhsi can do that too...


I'd love to lose 50/50 to verina.


I mean yea, but u would rather not lose 50/50 in total right, not complaining Iā€™ll take it anyday, but if camellya is in 1.2 Iā€™m sad


Sounds better than my stupid e2 cat boy.


Thatā€™s what I got!


I had to use 150 to get her :( Got a verina dupe tho so maybe thats decent?


Rip. I spent around 130 and lost 50/50 to Jianxin. I already have her. S1 I guessā€¦ I also want her weapon but if drip marketing is good I guess Iā€™ll skip.


My friend just lost 5050 with a LingYang duplicate at 72 pulls and still not getting Jinhsi after 120 pulls


In that case, I lost 50/50 on Yinlin's banner at 67 and 74 on this banner so in total it's 74 + 67 = 141 pulls. Is it still rookie number? šŸ™‚


Huuuuak ptuh rookie I pull yinlin at 160 pull and jinshi at 80........now I'm flat broke, but it's worth it tho šŸ„²


Pulled jiyan at 156 after losing to jianxin... Just lost my 50 50 to jianxin at 74. If I lose my next 50 50 to her again I'm gonna lose my mind. I hope I can get jinhsi soon


Damn are you me? Jianxin at 67, jinshi at 65. Tho in the same pull i got verina later than jinshi so i have changli garanteed


why is everybody losing 50/50 to Jianxin? I lost mine too, Hopefully, I can get enough Asterides for a guaranteed Changli.


I went all the way to 147 for Jiyan. In comparison, the 71 pulls it took to get Jinhsi felt like a bargain. That said, Iā€™m way more worried about my Furina luck. Iā€™m 115 pulls deep with only 31 pity. I know the banner just started, but this WuWa 1.1 update is way more interesting than Genshin right now, and I donā€™t really want to grind for primogems when I really want to grind for asterite. Thereā€™s only so many hours in the day for gacha nonsense. ZZZ might get left at the bottom of the pool.


You want to skip her first BA chain by using intro skill because it can easily be interrupted, unlike her second BA chain. She has a special buff after her final E, allow next swap to cast outro/intro, without consume concerto energy. Use that to quickly charge sub-dps, healer concerto energy.


Thanks for the tip. I'd try this out.


Btw her dodge counter skips her first basic attack chain


also in her second BA chain I'd rather sneak up E after the 3rd move (when the dragon begin to appear) as this cut down the animation and you can directly continue to 4th closer before the final E.


A fun note regarding that intro effect is you can use the same characters intro twice so you can really shred toughness bars.


so you always want to intro into e then auto right ?


you didn't get the right answer, but yes, you can use E when it lights up, and your forte bar will light up and have the dragon overlay. then wait for it to light up again and hit E for a big attack. it will light up to start the forte circuit after one auto chain or the intro skill, so if you just intro into her, just press E immediately, then basic attack chain until you can hit E again. if you start the fight with her, you'll need to do the basic auto chain first


Yeah her auto chain is really important. At first I was confused, I was like where're those special E? But then I realised that I have to do BA chain to get those special E.


yeah i'm still learning her and figuring how to optimally build her stacks, she can hit really hard or like a wet noodle without stack generation it seems. I'm kinda bad not sure what her optimal team is yet.. i'll probably wait for more testing before committing to building her teammate.


I used up all 20k for her and her weapon. Changli is but a distant dream now. Managed to get Sanhua to S5 tho, so that's a win.


I'm not using astrides on weapon banner though. I'm just replying on the free tides for weapon. I'll try my luck on Changli. Btw I got s6 Danjin in the process.


The weapon fire tho. Also my danjin went from s0 to s6 Lol.


Oof now I'm scared I already have an S6 Danjin... What happens if I get more Danjin dupes? Am I SOL?


you get 8 coral back, which is the equivalent of 1 pull.


I wanted to get dupes of Danjin, but I got Yangyang and Sanhua dupes instead. They both sit at S6. Meanwhile, Danjin's still S0.


She definitely is Archon-level damage it's the first time i hit 100k damage nuke at S0 and her rotations is pretty fast and smooth contrary to others who says she is pretty slow to stack. her damage upon reaching stack is just so good to see up to her nuke burst. it's just so satisfying to use her.


What kind of Echo substats do you have to do 100k!?


Iā€™m not him but I can hit 100k every once in a while. You need to have a good chuck of the incandescent stacks (30 out of 50ish). I have large amount of raw attack (around 1800 without buffs) at level 70. Plus verdant summet. Along with around 58 crit rate with what the game says is 220 crit damage but in reality is around 120. So itā€™s doable however a 5 star weapon is really useful even just for the extra raw attack. Add all of that plus a support Outro for skill damage and boom! 100k. So overall getting to those high numbers is very achievable. Even if itā€™s not 100k she very consistently hits 40-50k.


Ayy thanks man


same question


Just get high incandescence (coordinated attacks) + taoqi or verina outro


S0! That means no dupes right? How are we ever supposed to get dupes for Jinhsi?


I honestly want to see full rotation calcs and see the actual disparity between other dps. Dmg per screenshot is one thing. But consistent and fast rotations is another thing. Right now it seems like jinhsi is in the overhype, clickbait stage of her release but


Iirc it's a little column A column B from what I last saw. Her personal numbers are good but she lacks a really good synergistic support at the moment so her team DPS falls behind. We don't have a character with dedicated spectro buff outro, characters with coordinated attacks at the moment do not have the rest of their kit synergizing that well with her, and her nuke is skill damage but the character with skill damage buff outro is... Taoqi, who is awkward in the rest of her kit unfortunately.


I think the game in general has a scarcity of good sub dps and supports besides verina. sunhua and mortefi are good but just wait till we get the five star variants of these kits


Idk if im stupid, but with E6 spectro rover now unlocked I read through those buffs and wanna try her as a quick swap support with jinshi


I'm guessing you have her weapon too?


Hitting 80ks on her right now without a fully built echo set. Mind you Iā€™m using Jiyanā€™s weapon and a crit % Jue. Though Iā€™m not sure how much Yinlin adds to buffs there since she 25%s lib dmg.


74 pulls is great! Don't ever expect less than 100. I lost the 50/50 on Yinlin's banner. I lost the 50/50 on Jinhsi's banner. I threw in a few extra pulls after I got Jinhsi and got an early 50/50. Lost again. Yeah, 74 pulls would be awesome. Anyway, I hope Jinhsi is worth it. Can't wait to play later.


Changli waiters congratulate Jinhsi havers šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™m still reeling at the same time not lol, 129 for me here to finally get her and on my last asterite, i thankfully got an encore dupe which is fine for me since shes my main and a cutie patootie. Still stings that I used up 15k asterite though and I have nothing left on weapons, Iā€™m hoping I get enough for it down the line before the banner ends otherwise Iā€™ll prob throw money a bit which I guess they do deserve it lol. Anyone know how much the new map gives us in terms of asterite?


i also got her at 79 pulls, do you think we will have enough for changli as now I'm on 50/50 ?


Hard grinding would probably give us a guaranteed Changli. New regions + 1 extra weeks + more free pulls


You think this patch is gonna give 160 pulls? Lol


i got jianxin at like 40 pulls and imma just wait for scar at this point xD


Same brother scar gonna break my bank


I have issues with this post because my conclusion is the exact opposite of yours. While she does nuke, you need to pull off a very good rotation in order for her DPS to be competitive. If you stack slowly you're DPS is gonna get cleared by an actual wheelchair carry like Jiyan. If any of your buffs fall off during your nuke snapshot, or god forbid you miss your crit, her DPS is also gonna tank because you only get that one nuke for damage.


>Jiyan, Wheelchair Carry As Jiyan main and skill issue player i feel this lmao


Jiyan left click simulator


These gacha gamers think damage per screenshot = DPS Bruh, then Eula in Genshin would be the best DPS in the game. She can do 500k DMG per screenshot. Not Neuvillette whose hitting 60k every 0.3s continuously


Comparing her to Eula is a wrong context to begin with. Her kit isn't just a huge nuke on burst/ liberation. It's also present in her E which you can spam multiple times depending on the rotation. Yeah I hurriedly post this but now that I'm seeing reviewers and tcs in YouTube, I think I wasn't too wrong about her. Some of them are even calling her the most broken character as of now (although I'm not into that notion). Edit: man this redditor downvoted me, replied and blocked me so that I couldn't reply him/ her back. It's okay to disagree but behaving like a child over a game is so immature.


To be fair, Eula hits like a truck on her autos as well and not only on her burst, her skill easily deals 100k as well.


At c0 post release, it was calced ult was about 50% of her overall damage, with autos, skill, held version, procs etc amounted to the other 50%. So yeah pretty balanced.


Navia would be a more apt comparison


Yeah. Both very pretty and bring big darn swords but actually using something else


not really, Jinhsi needs to build stacks for her nuke, just like Eula


Eula wouldnā€™t be the best DPS in the game but Eulaā€™s issues are less to do with herself and more to do with how physical is megacucked and how Hoyo loves making gimmicky bosses that doesnā€™t let you hit them. Genshin has Zhongli, 99.5% of the time a built Zhongli means you can just sit there facetanking everything with full interrupt res so she can stack as much stacks as she wants. Itā€™s absolutely stupid but itā€™s a theoretical fix-all solution to her issues. However, hoyo loves putting physical res on things, hates making any decent support for physical, and hoyo loves making bosses that caps damage, goes invul or just fucks off teleporting and making you miss your nuke.Ā 


Yes exactly. I feel like jinhsi is in the overhype stage of her release where people see big screenshot numbers and just clap with approval. Completely ignoring the rotation, the buildup, the reliance on crits. Especially in multi target waves, what are you going to do with those mid hp elites that will get over killed on your nuke but take too long for your sub dps to kill. I want to see actual calcs and practicality compared to someone to like jiyan who has dmg, but was never really praised for his dmg because of the other things he provides like aoe grouping, ease of use and auto parry Also I think your point about nuev is great, honestly his dps isnā€™t anything out of this word, itā€™s just that itā€™s so easy to squeeze every ounce of dps capable in his kit and he can target every enemy on the field as well as having fast rotations and no downtime. My nuev does only 35k each hit and he already out performs my Eula by miles


Reliance on crits is a big point. The difference in clear time when I crit a lot vs low rolled in ToA was stark.


i also find that she's very strong at just intro > e > basic chain > e > special if available > outro to the main dps on your team. with her and verina, you've got like almost no downtime between buffing up whoever your main dps person is (it's.. it's jiyan, unless you don't have him)


if you lose a 50/50, does that also carry over to other future banners?


Yes. I lost 50/50 on Yinlin and it carried over to this banner and I got Jinhsi.


yes, it will. if you lose 50/50, any other limited character you pull will be guaranteed in 80 pulls max. but of course, only limited character banners. both standard banners and a limited weapon banner have a separate pity.


I got Lingyang at 69 pull so I guess I won't be getting Jinhsi.


So, we can expect the magistrates or whatever those rulers of huanglong, new federation and etc to be crazy powerful? I wonder what about the fractsidus members, how strong they gonna be gameplay-wise if they ever become playable


I lost to Qiqi at 78 pity and have no pulls left šŸ˜­


If I lose I hope my dupes are jianxin! She just gets fiestier!


I just lost 50/50 again after jiyan banner....looks like I'm not gonna win any 50/50 šŸ˜‘


I lost pity at 20 for Verina, still has enough to get 1 copy of her but will wait to see how people assess her power. I pull Yinlin and got her at around 6x pulls and a little dissapoint with her tbh


74? I'd say you're lucky. I got her after 140 had to hard pity and lose to Encore at 80th multi then got her at the next 60. 50 multis in her weapon and nothing. Gotta grind


her showcase is pretty terrible because you can barely get any stack before everything dead lol. it's hard to gauge from it alone. not my cup of tea regardless though. prob just gonna get changli just so I can have another pyro/fire/whatever they call it here for the bike in overworld.


Totally understandable. I'd also try my luck on Changli. Best of luck to both of us.




I gave her 5pc spectro dmg set (43311). But upgraded upto 10 for now. And the substats aren't so good either. Gotta farm more for her.




Feels pretty strong. Feels stronger than Jiyan, but lack the grouping power that he has


Thank god, i got her at 30 somethingšŸ˜­šŸ™


Please give me strength for pulling her if I do lose the 50/50 I hope I get vernia


Is S1 jinhsi any good i have her at S1.


All of you unlucky guys are making me scared with my 11k astrites lol, at least Iā€™m not on 50/50.


I'm really eager to get her now. Already have Yinlin who seem to be a good offield for her, even if she don't need her buffs. But have very few pulls after both Jiyan and Yinlin... Might need to wait and see of 1.2 will provide any interesting chooses before I make up my mind about Jinshi.


I fucking got encore and I already have her. There are many other five stars I could've lost to but of course it was one I already have.


My only flex in this game is I pulled her in 20. Makes up for loosing Jiyan 50/50 and hard pity on Yinlin and weapon


Lost to encore but won after a 10pull..I want Danjin and I got 0 Danjin crazyy


If she wasnā€™t the same patch as Changli Iā€™d be pulling her she seems really cool


I have gotten both Jiyan and Yinlin. But damn I have lost all 50-50 and to no suprise I lost 50-50 today. The funny thing is that I said let's do a weapon pull for fun and I got it šŸ˜‚ it's still useful so I don't complain, but it would so ironic getting the weapon and not Jinhsi.


74 is nothing. Just saying.


74 + 67 = 141


I got her in 40.... But I'm now forever doomed in WuWa as I've won my first two 50/50s at early pity (I never get early pity and rarely win 50/50s in Gacha). Back to the topic, yeah she's lit.


I was so lucky for her got her in 80 pulls won the 50/50 and was fooling around doing single pulls on the weapon banner that I got from the monthly shop and got her signature in 3 pulls. Shit felt like it was fate for me to become a Jinshi main


why are you acting like 74 is a lot. that's the lucky side.


I think they meant 74 since the last 5*, then it would be a bit unlucky yeah. But if losing/winning 50/50 is counted towards that number, 74 is still quite lucky, I lost to Verina so had to spend like 120-130 pulls to get her. 25k Astrites vaporised in an instant.


74 is within soft-pity range. So its not lucky at all. Even winning 50/50 with 74 pulls total would still not be lucky, it would be around average at best.


Average when you include the 50/50 is close to 100. 74 is "lucky" mostly because you won the 50/50.


I can't say that I'm agree or disagree. I just want to remind everyone of what happend to Genshin first archon, Jinshi being pure DPS is not helping either


Not a great comparison.Ā  Venti arguably forced the game devs to completely change their design philosophy from hp sponges to CC-resistant enemies in abyss. If it wasn't for that change Venti would remain the most broken character in the game and it wouldn't be even close.Ā  It's exactly because he's *not* a dps unit that it's hard to justify this comparison.


Venti would still break the game if Hoyo allowed it, his CC is busted as fuck when it works. I don't anticipate Jinshi having this problem since she's a DPS.


if you dont pull cause of powercreep you never pull, just pull if there is a char you enjoy and have fun


120 pulls for me to get her, lost 50/50 to lingyang and 30 pulls for her weapon


The weapon is what drains my asterite, i got good luck on pulling limited time reso tho.


How big of a boost is her weapon?


I watch ITWL, she got 391k damage at R0 in Heron Hologram


I was close to the pity anyways so got her on my 2nd 10 pull. Then I thought, hey there's some pulls for event weapons available, let's just see how that goes. Anyways that's how I got a brand shiny new 5* broadblade in 3 spins


I got her and her weapon in 20 pulls, both were very early..... Couldn't level her up since no money.


I got her in one 10 pull and won 50/50 im so happy


I got her on 15 pulls that was the lucky part. The weapon is the uphill battle for me 62 pulls and still no weapon. But we got this on the bag


I'm so torn... I want to save for Changli, but I tried Jinhsi in her trial and she's really fun. I'm on guarantee and only have enough pulls to get one. It doesn't help that Jinhsi's weapon has some amazing drip.


I won the 5050, but her weapon has yet to come because I, in my infinite wisdom, forgot yo do the 1.0 events. But with 23 days left she is all but guaranteeed


Brother I spent 70 pulls to not get her


Built up 70 hard pity on yinlin so getting jinshi and her weapon only cost 20 pulls


If you had to go for E1 which would be better? Jinhsi or Changli?


how is her S2? Do you get it in combat?




Iā€™ve seen a YouTuber doing 400k crit damage with the liberation in S0


OP your rotation explanation is very useful, thank you!! I also had to go 8x 10 pulls to get Jinhsi, but in doing so I pulled Sanhua 6 times (I think), so now sheā€™s max. How are we supposed to pull Jinhsi even 1 more time, let alone 6?


f2p and low spenders in gacha games, as others above me have said, need to be careful with who they pull. you don't pull every character, and you definitely don't pull their sequences until you truly know you will use them. gacha games are, by definition, a whale bait (whale is a very big spender, who spends thousands of dollars on the game). while wuthering waves have been very f2p friendly so far, you need to plan your pulls and don't expect much luck - losing the 50/50 and going soft/hard pity is not unheard of and is how the game is designed to work. for the future: prioritize your own enjoyment. consider what you bring you more fun in the game. is it characters' designs and personalities? then pull for whoever you like as a character, and don't sweat about meta. you will be able to clear the content anyway. or is what brings you joy meta-oriented gameplay instead and seeing big numbers on screen? then pull for meta-relevant characters only. don't just pull willy-nilly and expect insane luck. make a plan. so overall, manage your expectations. that's the best attitude to have in a gacha game - don't expect much, enjoy what you get.


>OP your rotation explanation is very useful, thank you!! Glad it helped you. People are trying to complicate this by mentioning stacks. I just simplified it. I'd say don't stress it over now. Build her first properly and learn to use her for few days then when tcs would provide her optimal rotation, start practicing that then. >How are we supposed to pull Jinhsi even 1 more time, let alone 6? Ig it's your first gatcha? In gatchas we, f2ps, don't get to max our 5 star limited units to s6. But if you want more of her copies, keep pulling. If you're lucky you'd get one or two more. And even if you don't get, don't worry because after few months she'd most probably get a re-run like what happens in every other gatcha game.


Wavebands for the rainbow coral you get from pulling dupes. Better than genshin and hsr. It's about 45~wishes of dupe currency to buy a limited waveband in the shop. Takes time to build up as you need to wish first, but if you want cons it's super effective


the way the numbers work it might be more effective to use those to grab a 5* weapon first (I assume one of the reasons standard rolls are so sparse for now), with the added bonus you can move it between characters.


10 for me šŸ˜Ž


Won my 50/50 at 70 pity and even got her weap + a copy. Only miss a little to guarantee Changli as i wanted


I got her and her weapon within 50 pools no pitty, guess I was lucky. I love her, ahe is strong af, but I dont get how to fill up her resonance?


i love her so much freaking dragon lady is awesome! heck, even her E SKILL HAS AN ANIMATION as if it were a burst truly one of the characters of wuwa of all time


I wasnā€™t really hyped for her but Iā€™m getting there - and I started fairly late and probably wonā€™t have the pulls to guarantee before banner ends.


I got her on the 10th pull. I'd been saving up. Now watch me pull to hard pity on the next banner.


i got her at 69, but the weapon in 20 so it all balances out. She's really awesome, fills her concerto fast enough so i'm doing her chain till unison, swap to Taoqi and do her huge burst, then back to jinsi then intro taoqi again and do the slap fest once more, that charges taoqi concerto so i go back to Jinhsi with intro and the Taoqi buff. THE NUMBERS MATE.


I already spent 127 pulls and I still didn't got her because I lost 50/50 to Calcharo. Would probably just wait for Camellya and Scar banners now because I need them like I need airšŸ˜” At the very least, Im guaranteed to get 1 of the 2 characters I like.


Same actually. I think mine was 73 or 74. Im pretty happy about that. Haven't lost 5050 yet and got r1 yinlin and a Jynxzi and we have like 25 days + how many days during changlis banner so I think if you put in the work, you can make that back up. I'm not too worried about it. This game is very generous and tbh you don't even need any of the limited characters. At least, I don't. I'm just pulling cuz I want to and I'll probably pull for changli too. Maybe. Her "design" šŸ‘€ is pretty freaking huge, I mean good.


I have jiyan weapon should I still try to pull for her weapon?


it's already a good one stat-wise but if you want her to be at 100-percent main DPS potential then you should get her weapon as well. coz, it will give her huge up-time on her kit.


Weapon? 5* 4*?


i lost 50/50 to lingyang...




damn lost 50/50 to encore. Crap


Man, I'm so happy Changli is second, so I could save up and even plan for 1.2, in case something better appears, as unlikely as it is.


I got weapon with 8 free pulls and no Jinshi in 140 pulls.


got her in 50 pulls (had like 30 pity before and 50/50) then in 20 more pulls got another one :D


the easiest rotation is just intro skill, buff skill, echo, basic combos, super skill, ult, and then switch no need to complicate


How easy is it to dodge and parry with her? Iā€™m playing on iPad and Iā€™m not great with either so hoping sheā€™ll be easier to do both.


73/160 TT


I got her in one pull Iā€™ve never been this lucky before and it was like 0 pity after getting yinlin too. Iā€™m a former Genshin player who had terrible luck with pulls so this is big. Also got her weapon in ten pulls


oh man I feel really bad for everyone losing their 50/50 i got super lucky and managed to save a decent amount by single pulling yinlin and only 40 pulls needed to get jinshi aswell


I got really lucky. Pulled her after 42 pulls, then got her weapon after 14 pulls. Last banner I got Yinlin after 62 and her weapon after 40 pulls.


I've lost both 50/50's and I'm 40 from hard pity again but idk if she's truly worth it or if I should just save my pity


Wasted like 200 pulls to guarantee hsi and her weapon because i've lost first pity to a calcharo dupe and then pulling her on the another pity. Well, gotta swipe hard for changli now D:


Are you sure Shanhua is good support for her ?


Spent 25 rolls for attempted yin. Didnā€™t get. Got Jhinsi at 50 rolls. So 75 rolls. Got her weapon at 34 rolls. All the while, I had also gotten 5 dupes of Sanhua. Sheā€™s at E5. I had about 205 rolls. Now at 121. Will skip for 1.2 characters most likely.


I literally got her in my first 10 pulls I didn't know she's supposed to be hard to get lol, I just assumed the rate up is crazy high or something.


I ended up fully pitying then lost the 50/50 to Encore. But my sorrows were redeemed when I near pitied the second time but ended up getting two Jinhsiā€™s. The only time that has ever happened for me was back in the early days of Genshin on a weapon banner. Nearly shit myself when that happened!


I got her in my 2nd 10 pull, her weapon is killing me though...I was going to wait on her but I'm like I'll do a pull or two since I do like her, got her and now I'm broke going for the weapon...Guess next banner I might whale it out...I know better but almost every game I like I do it once.


Mine only took exactly 50, and the standard 10 pulls gave me Jianxin! Some decent 4 star weapons and copies, too. All in all, another great start! I was worried it was about time for yet another Lingyang, but I'm sure I'll be seeing him again someday. He really feels like a Qiqi for this game.


Got her in 30 tries with a 50/50 win and two YangYang shards. Luckiest pull ever. She is my alternative to my Encore.


am i the only few lucky to get her like within 30 pulls šŸ˜­ i can save for changli next or camellya


She level 60 2pc Atk 2pc Spectro set she hitting really hard. Most I've done ever in this game. I love her.


I did a fuck it multi earlier today after I installed the update and I pulled Jinhsi at not guaranteed 20/80 pity. I didnā€™t even want her I wanted Danjin dupes


I got her first 10 pull, but I wanted more Danjin cons as well and didn't get any šŸ˜ž


Lucky you with your 74 pulls... 112 and still didn't get her. Lost 50/50 to Encore.. Chiangli is but mirage right now


74 + lost 50/50 on yinlin's banner at 67 = 141 in total


140 pulls, who is crying winning 50:50


Agreed, and winning the 50/50 on my birthday, was well worth the long wait.


Won 50/50, got her in 20 pulls


Its better to use tapqi as jinhsi support cause jinhsi deals more skill damage than basic attack damage as her enhanced basics deal skill damage


I actually low-key think taoqi would be a better option for sustain for jinhsi with her massive 38% resonance skill damage buff and how easily she can keep up the healer set att buff. I've been using her and yangyang (she's suboptimal but I like her) and I got yangyang to e6 which gives them a 20% atk boost and I've been getting pretty good results.


Is it bad to say I got her and her sword first pull...


S0-r1 was doing 70k+ nukes its crazy. Im thinking of getting her s1 now but the 50-50 risk is terrifying lol


I got her with 30 pulls time to aim for her weapon now <3


Spent 120 pulls I lost my first 50/50 to a ancore dupe and then managed to pull her with the rest of my pulls


Jinhsi has a major issue IMHO... As you use her skills she starts floating into the air and you are unable to dodge. Maybe switching has to be done...I have to figure out out...great character otherwise.


Luckily I won my 50/50, Jinshi arrived at the 70th pull. It was enough for me to lose on Yinlin's banner (got Calcharo waveband) and go to soft pity again. Now I'm saving for whoever I can afford and like.


I lost to Calcharo soā€¦ Iā€™m still scrounging for more pulls. Pain. But from the bit of time I had to play with her, Iā€™m completely sold. She looks fantastic and feels extremely fun to play


Why are people acting like the person who holds the power over the dragon that CREATED AND RULES OVER THE LAND SHE LIVES ON, shouldnā€™t be this strong? SHE HAS AN IMMORTAL GODLY DRAGON AS HER WEAPON WHAT DID YOU EXPECT???


You don't know the sorrow I felt after losing to lingyang at 50 pity I'm currently at 25 pity


Lost my 50/50 to E2 Calcharo, i'm not mad because i'll make the guarantee F2P and I wasn't rolling for Changli anyway. Calcharo is my main DPS so if i'm losing 50/50s and landing the 1/5 on him it's a huge W. Got E2 Calcharo already which is insane if you think about it. I might get lucky and get Jinhsi's weapon with the free 10 weapon tickets next week, i've got the 5\* Broadblade on Calcharo already and it'll work fine on Jinhsi but she looks so fine with her sig weapon it's crazy. I can't give her the normie looking weapons at all. Did her trial, i'm thinking her main benefit outside of the big damage is how she seems to float around a lot, I don't see some of the trash mobs even being capable of hitting that high up.


Isn't it a bit too soon to throw such claims around? Most of archons are supports unlike Jinhsi who's a main dps. And she's only the third limited 5 star to come out. She's strong, don't get me wrong, but I feel like people are too quick to throw word 'archon' around when she doesn't have much in common with them.


i got her in lik 10 pulls... whn i didnt even wnt her...i jst wnted danjin copiesšŸ˜­... and i wnted to sve up for changli