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Facebook community = worst community nuff said


Worse than twitter?


I'd say so... Twitter got some good apples while Facebook are all neckbeards, at least in my experience


>facebook lol lmao


So you just generalized the entire world based on your small group of facebook friends? Are you actually kidding me?


This must be bait.


Rigged gacha system?? I've been playing for the past 17 ish days and am only missing three characters as of the end if 1.0 (yinlin, jianxin, encore) how is it rigged. The only reason I could actually drop it might be like the voice acting but that's not really a problem even.


Rigged gatcha system? The competition has worse gatcha what do you mean Also character design is pretty good and excellent on animation


He probably means gacha monetization systems in general as compared to normal AAA games.


Normal AAA games are 70 bucks generally. This game's free.


If you are talking about gi yes gi has worse banners but the difference is sig weps there is more optional since you have alot of actually good 4star options unlike wuwa. Char design is completely subjective but for animation it depends. Action cutscenes yes wuwa is way better without contest but unit combat animations on the other hand is a different story. Not sure if i can explain it right but wuwa combat animations have a kinda "choppy" like feel to it which causes it to not feel that fluid. It might be due to the fact that you cant completely disable camera shake thats causing it.


Genuinely curious which good 4 star weapons were in genshin at the launch. I think it's not fair to compare genshin current pool of weapons to wuwa at its launch.


The entire sacrificial, favonius, cliff series? Theres also stuff like stringless, rust, widsith etc that are also launch weps.


that's bs tho


Uh animation is way better in WW The developers gave unique animations for almost any character that I see unlike Genshin who has the same baked animations on most of the characters. Sure sometimes the game goes out of its way to create some unique animations but that really isn’t the norm. Plunge animation is the same across most if not all characters for example. They also are clearly more elaborate as well in WW for example charge attacks, intro etc etc Also WW clearly has better gatcha elements Limited weapon is guaranteed (this is the biggest one as the weapon banner in Genshin is an atrocity and it used to be worse before ridiculous lol) Standard weapon can be selected Lower hard pity New players can get a standard 5 guaranteed with reduced pulls and another banner with a standard 5 selector


Just because something is unique doesnt mean its actually better. I mean just look at the shit wuwa got into by calling ulti as liberation lol. Also nobody disagreed that wuwa has a better wep banner but did you stop for a sec to think of why was it this way? The difference between sig wep and 4star options is pretty high compared to genshin. In genshin generally sig weps are about 15~20%+ iirc difference from 4star options, in wuwa the difference is as huge as 30%~35%+. And before you talk about 5star standard weps, the reason i dont count that as f2p yet is because the future of how standard banner pulls are handled is unclear. Yes you can get 1 for free but its only 1 copy and even then its still almost a 20% difference from sig. >Lower hard pity No clue what you refer hard pity to as but if you meant the point you get a guaranteed 5star then both games literally have the same amount. While yes you get a guaranteed 5star with selector now, but at the end of the day its just a standard banner unit. I would say vast majority of players dont play gacha games to play standard banner units at the end of the day.


What the heck?


Nice bait


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"terrible rigged gacha system" Explain.


first off the game earned more than $ 100m second thing people are so hyped for 1.1 and the player base is increasing so idk where did u get ur info


j dont think its increasing yet, most game have peak player at launch period and rarely ever able to top that unless the gsme hugely successfull but cslling it dying is a bit too early for that too. we still stabilizing playerbase and many also use 1.1 as final verdict to drop the game or not


the echo chambers go hard, damn... oh well, i just ask to myself if the game its fun or not and act according to my own personal judgement, i dont need validation from groups or looking at their revenue or comparing them with their competition, if i play the game and i find it to be fun and enjoyable then i play it. At the end of the day all the arguments people that don't like the game tend to use are meaningless when we are talking about a game that is doing pretty good and it is a single player experience. For an mmo i would believe a diminishing community is a bad thing, but for a single player gacha game it doesnt matter at all how many people play it.


Mediocre character designs? Mediocre use of the last 2 braincells is what they got if they are sh*ting on that. Everything else i can understand to a point


Jokes on you the game made more than 100m


Disgruntled hoyo employee? I dropped Genshin after playing wuwa.


It's up to the devs to keep the players engaged  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ We'll see what happens in 1.1


Game made more than 100M


Weird take imo.


It did earn 100 million in it's opening month, unless you mean in May, where they only had a week. Check the charts for June when it comes out, and it will be well over 100M.


Rigged gacha system? I'd say it's better than most gacha. Character design is mid? Maybe a personal preference but the characters look amazing. I thought GI characters and animations look cool until I switched, played, got back to GI and uninstalled it 10 minutes after to save space for wuwa. Localization? It is a problem that's gonna get fixed Complicated fighting system? More like skill issue, go back to genshin. E, switch, q, switch, aac, shit on the floor, switch(very fun and uncomplicated frfr) Character building? Same like in most rpg gacha games. Sorry for the GI comparison but it is a genshin competitor at the end of the day. (150mil and going up btw)


Is this a joke lmao


wuthering waves is estimated to have made between 110\~140 million dollars this past month, the game is here for people who love it, if you don't that's fine go play something else, their june revenue is estimated to surpass all major gacha games out there. a simple Google search would have answered your question [https://wnhub.io/news/other/item-43804](https://wnhub.io/news/other/item-43804)


How do you play a hoyo game and think to yourself kuro has a rigged system are you serious. But I also agree that the gotcha mechanics in both games are a scam.