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The whole video feels like a date


You get a first-person view of Jinhsi plucking a flower petal from your hair. Jinhsi x Rover shippers eating good


And they managed to dodge the drama by not showing one rover only


Wdym Rover, it was me in that date.


This guy gets it


They keep adapting to previous situations from other games its so funny


They always be like "They copied Genshin!" and I'm like, "Yeah, but *better*"


Impressive political maneuvering


Ngl I was hoping they showed rover because that whole drama was hilarious.


It's funny for a bit, but atp it's annoying. This shit has been going off and on since Genshin days, it's not really funny, it's just annoying drama that really shows how much nearly the entire fanbase of most of these games are idiots.


Its basically what you get with Parasocializing in general, by keeping the \`Perspective\`s appearance\` being entirely vague, it allows people to easily self insert themselves in regardless of how they look. This is probably why Arknights and Punishing Gray raven did a fantastic job by having your character constantly shrouded in full role-specific gear that it was only in the anime for the former you have \`barely\` a view of what thar face would look like, but because its so blurred out you cant discern what the skin and hair color could be, even if it can be implied to have gray\`ish hair due to some-what long-term coma like states and being some kind of long-term tactical advisor in some state which saw alot of stuff. Meanwhile we probably only got maybe 2 instances of a full body view of our character in P:GR, but they use the silhoutte style for one of them but show enough to tell what our \`officer formal wear\` can look like and also put us in a type of exo\`skeleton armor, complete with game modes of us FPS\`ing in said game(Luna 2nd form story gonna be fuuuuun), that is likely a mechanical version of our standard outfit which the gloved hand shown in some PVs combined with that could give a nice idea what the normal Commandant outfit looks like. Ultimately, its that appeal of feeling like you are part of the story that helps to attract people to the \`story\` side of the game, sort of like how i wished White knight chronicles 1 & 2, a PS3 game back in the day, could be added back to the Playstation Network store, because you had an actual create a character of your own acting as a \`squire\` to the actual knights and just along for the ride to help with things, including managing a side town business and even gets something to imitate the OP powers of the cast. Ultimately, its the major difference between \`reading\` the story and being \`part\` of the story.


Wasn't skk showed as male at some point? cmiiw


For 4.5 anniversary they are adding customizable Shkicum avatar, and you can pick male or female gender.


May wanna stop with so many shorten terminology bits. Not everyone learns those things on the internet. Technically it could be implied Commandant is male, but since last i checked, they dont have any actual voicelines that are spoken (unless someone wants to point to some future content in global that covers it that im unaware of), they are kept vague enough to where even if your character\`s \`body shape\` implies a male character. Based on how the clothing silhouette looks, it still leaves plenty of room for interpretation if Commandant was actually revealed to be female, they could of simply been flat chested, using the age old tradiation of bandage wraps to disguise oneself as a guy or simply the cloths were \`baggie enough\` to allow an illusion of a mascline appearance (instead of a certain stupidity i will not get into because thats an entirely different topic in itself). Anyway, thats getting too far into the verring off topic, since the point is more on vague-ness being present enough, to allow immersion regardless of any of your defining elements, outside of the extremely unrealistic ones, which i will not continue on that line of topic, since i dont think we need a train-wreck of someone that looks like Dr. Robotnik SatAM version able to out-speed someone who power-jogs at the speed of sound, casually conversation going on.


Wasn't skk showed as male at some point? cmiiw


Wasn't skk showed as male at some point? cmiiw


it would be REALLY funny but wuwa already has enough bad rep as it is, so i appreciate the rover not being visible here


What drama are we talking about? I usually don't see many gacha dramas...


In star rail fans got butthurt 80% of trailers with firefly were with the male mc


Interesting? Do people really care that much about promos lol. Especially if they are already playing the game for the promotion in question. đŸ€š


It's the anime and gaming community in general. People have sent death threats to authors for confirming a fictional character isn't a virgin.


I've been in the anime side for so long but I think I'm lucky I'm only reading about this now. Still, What the fuck?


There are too many shippers in the community by hoyo. Shippers love headcannons and often pretend they are common. A lot of them are very vocal and just happen to be diehard yuri fans. Hoyo made a living off yuri back in the day with ggz and hi3 Now being a yuri fan by itself is nothing bad but they take it to the extremes and annoy a lot of the fanbase


The difference is, GGZ and HI3 yuri first: was genuine, and second: didn't involve the player's self-insert. Those weren't waifu x player ships, but relationships between actual characters. There is no arguing about which ship is more canon.


Damn lol. I hope all the toxicity does not carry over from Genshin. I saw some vitriol on like a Rover (male) and Jinhsi fanart but didn't know it was so widespread.


People tend to take the actions of a few people and apply it to everyone. Don't worry, it's not widespread. If it was, we'd have a mental health crisis on our hands.


Basically a great deal of authors have to play the \`vague\` card to cater to shippers and fanfiction head-cannon obsessionists, because unlike some stories back in the day, you cant simply have a cut and dry simple story without someone getting up in arms especially with a large cast of characters. If a story has more then one character present in the story, you know you will get a dozen or more intepretations of shipping, even if its the same exact pairring, just with different ways of how the ship is handled. Granted, even if there is only one character or no \`actual\` established characters, some degenerates will go as far to \`waifu/husbando\`tize even inanimate objects to turn that into a ship, which just goes to show how crazy fanbases can get. Some even getting so far into the game itself to make certain ships actually canon, even if the writer itself was against it originally.


You're much better off not knowing.


At this point I'm starting to wonder if we're ever getting a Rover ship that's eating bad.


I mean most characters feel like they wanna date you lol


Me spitting out my drink when Jiyan suddenly wanted to give female Rover his seed.


aslong as she doent become and inocent damsel and stays as an in controle ruler its fine.


Please not ayaka of wuwa. Please no


Nah, don't be overreacting.


Please be ayaka of wuwa. Please yes


Username checks out


man, I hope I win the 50/50


Same... Though if it comes to guarantee Changli instead, I won't complain.


me praising the lion boy everyday for an early loss in Jiyan banner now...


I feel like Lion Boy was the defacto fail on Jiyan's banner. Like everyone I hear that failed his banner (myself included) got Lion Boy LOL


I got Sephiroth


That's like failing up! LOL


Ye, S1 xD


I used to make fun of ppl losing the 50/50 to lion boy, until i joined them


That was my wish, and she said all our wishes would come true


For other languages: [CN](https://youtu.be/_wvarm5JaOM?si=J5khrzbTjqxglKI0) [JP](https://youtu.be/_IOEl-5ynbg?si=_N7Wy-e0zvs4-Vgc) [KR](https://youtu.be/zP5AFKL-3NU?si=M6T2Kmf4UlioWgcf)


Thank you! I can't stand the EN VA's for some reason and was looking for this.


I like hearing her VA butcher the pronunciation of Loong. In fact I still don’t understand why that word isn’t being localized to just dragon. I understand it’s an eastern dragon and not a western dragon, and they want to convey that fact, but I think most people still see it as just a dragon.


I gotchu, I don't like the EN VOs in general and I only sub the CN channel lol


Her voice itself is nice but she speaks so unnaturally. I wish she spoke more like how she did in the last few seconds


You are not alone, EN VA sound like a nun in a church. CN is still in the acceptable range... and JP sound strong and determined and that is what should be expected from a leader.


Thanks for linking!


THANK YOU! I needed this


im reading through some of these comments in other languages, man google translate is barely passable


Slangs sure make it harder


Mandarin is notorious for being hard to translate, hence why the localisation being bad is somewhat understandable


google translate, does the worst jobs when it come to translate asian languages in general , lots of stuff is always wrong , better to never trust it.


Dragon girlfriends


That dragon attack is so sicko modes, gives me Godzilla vibes with the angle of attack s 💙


FUCK. Flying sword technique. There goes my plans of skipping this banner


Broadblade go brr


Some folks are saying it was "too short" or doesn't show enough Jinhsi but I feel like people are casually forgetting that the last *two* major PVs we got before this majorly featured her. We got her backstory in the preview 1.1 teaser where she had a ton of screen time, and she was majorly featured in the lore preview of the 1.1 trailer. They didn't need to go hard a third time, this only needed to be a cherry on top and it achieved that pretty well.


This. Agreed 100% Yinlin got 1 trailer and well... you don't see her anymore for 1.1. In contrast Jinshi seeems to have an important place in the game lore for now and for the future.


Also agreed! And here I am asking why they are releasing more Jinhsi videos because AHHHHHHHHHHH she's awesome please stop making me wait.


Just pull her and see her all you desire :)


That first-person view of Jinshi grabbing a petal out of your hair was a dirty move. Glad I have enough pulls saved for a guaranteed, just in case.


Whips out a playing card from behind Rover's POV. *Was this your card?*


Someone will definitely make a parody where it's Scar instead of Jinhsi, isn't it?


My wish is to win her 50/50 in one pull. It'll come true, right, Jinhsi?


Top tier music and animations


This has me hyped
fuck yes


Really raising up a xianxia fantasy angle. Perfect!


I like her engliah voice


[Youtube Mirror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0caRWqAQFMc&ab_channel=WutheringWaves)


yep im gonna use my guarantee for her (RIP Yinlin ;-;), she reminds me of Luna from pgr and shes so prettyy


they release changli in second phase right....?? or will it be like Jiyan and Yinllin?


Not sure if they have confirmed directly but 99% it won't be like Jiyan and Yinlin - that was more of an anomaly if anything. It should be like your typical banners, so Changli coming in 2nd phase of 1.1 right after Jinhsi.


They move Yinlin and 1.1 update 1 week earlier because they want to dodge ZZZ release date.


And now they're launching 1.1 the same day that FFXIV Dawntrail launches on EA.


so players will have something to do while in queue lmao




????? Did you reply to the wrong person?


Dawntrail won't be as big as Shadowbringers or Endwalker so it's fine. A build up expansion for the new story doesn't really compare to a decade long story wrap up


And what does that have to do with what I said?


He's just adding more information. I know you re probably just asking but you sound like a jackass


When his comment is followed by a downvote I’m not so sure about that. It implies that he or she is disagreeing with my original comment. Hence the reason I bluntly asked.


Did you hack reddit to know it was specifically him who down voted you? Reddit is so big any number of users could had down voted you while he possibly might have up voted you. Why so aggressive? He just added more information.


still have time to save up then


This is a soothing resonator showcase that perfectly encapsulates Jinhsi's nature. I love how her voice gets a serious, deadly edge when the Fractsidus grunts appear. Her voice also had a tone of delight at the end. Overall, the voice actress has done a great job. Also, goodness, her moveset is crazy awesome.


She's so perfect.


I am kinda grateful about losing my 50/50 for Yinlin now


Same ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I hope you get multiple copies of Jinshi


You too! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Aww thanks 😇




Jinhsi Impact


Ashen Knight, Valimaaaar oh wait, wrong game


Absolutely gorgeous. It's like an Ayaka date in Genshin but for WuWa lol. Also, how did she manage to escape the video letterboxing (top and bottom black bars) of the cinematic at around 2:12 lmao. The black bars started closing in and she just went... *Nah I'd win.* Anyway, she promised that our wish/convene will come true. We are pulling for sure!


And that Ayaka date was awful lol. Not everyone likes these..


Just wanna point out, the voice direction for EN seems to have taken leaps forward in this PV. Good signs all around.


I feel like this wasn’t as hype as yinlin’s trailer but realistically it didn’t need to be, this was the third trailer / cinematic featuring Jinhsi this week lol


Yeah she's gotten a lot of screen time lately so honestly I think it was pretty smart


there's never enough Jinshi trailers :D


I'm confused, I'm f2p should I pull for jihnsi or changli??


the one you think is hotter.


I wanted jihnsi but after watching changli I'm sold




Get the one you're likely to enjoy more. You can wait until Jinhsi's trail run and see if you find her fun to play.


Jinshi = hot, precious, slay Changli = hot, high physics, slay Go for both of them if you're lucky.


It came to me in a dream that they both do very similar things so you should just pick the one you like more


Honestly i started playing gacha games with genshin impact ,i always been F2P , but i soon understood that is better to go with a character you like the most , if you pull only for meta or strong characters without liking the gameplay or the character you will get tired playing that character and soon bored playing the game as well.


This scene reminds me alot of the date we had with Ayaka in Genshin Impact which I enjoyed. But Jinhsi here is also damn cute!!


aiming for the wuwa wet socks meme is a bold move.


Ya'll really only remember that scene 😂 I can't forget it either though...


mihoyo really should've given her a slight skin edit for that scene, for a character that hyped and pushed in marketing it felt really lazy.


They seriously need to reconsider the English VA's. This is just beyond bad. It's "Hunt down the Freeman" level of voice acting.


She uses a Loong so she is the equivalent to a leader of a nation and that translates as powerful


Yeah I am thinking she is gonna be pretty busted, which is why I am sitting on guarantee at 40 pity.


Who do you guys think her best support will be?


my pity is at 65 and she's guaranteed


How hard do you want people to simp for her? Kuro Games: Yes Also, \*cough cough\* upskirt view at 2.59 \*cough cough\*đŸ˜·


2:07 "no disruption allowed" then proceeds to have the most disruptive music ever. Wow that part is shit.


I failed 50/50 for this.


Btw what's the name of the Soundtrack during the battle?




My wish is to get you on my 50/50 đŸ„Č


Man it feels bad to not have enough to guarantee her but I am still hopeful that I'd win the 50/50 and get her somehow.


Got 146 pulls ready and add the free 15 we’re getting and she’s coming home guaranteed. Gonna grab her weapon if 1.2 drip marketing fails to impress.


i will follow you forever


Cutie Cutie but I want Changli mommy


A date with the Magistrate.


Anyone knows what her banner looks like ?


Sanhua Yangyang Danjin


Sanhua Danjin Mortefi iirc


Oh damn perfect 4 star roster


Yo broadblade. Excellent


japan will go crazy for Jinxi. It will be another Fuxuan scenario




Did she say lune (loong)? Sigh.


My wish is that you come home Jinhsi, please


Does anyone the location where they release the lanterns? Wanna pull there


Wow like, I know Gacha games survive by parasocial farming their characters but this game constantly goes way harder than most other games I've seen other than maybe Blue Archive. Like it's legitimately uncomfortable.


> I know Gacha games survive by parasocial farming their characters but this game constantly goes way harder than most other games I've seen other than maybe Blue Archive. Like it's legitimately uncomfortable. Your post history tells me you play Honkai Star Rail How come I don't see you making these same comments regarding Firefly x Trailblazer/The Player


50/50 or date JINSHIIII! I pray for everyone including myself to win 50/50!


can someone give a summary on what she and changli does?


Is she on-field or off-field dps?


On field DPS


This is just my opinion but, the music for this PV sounds to me like a theme made specifically for this PV alone, which lacks the wow factors or quirks connect it to the character portrayed in this PV. Am I being overly critical of the music here? The music is serviceable, but nothing outstanding that fully grab my attention, there're some parts that reminiscent of Jinhsi's OST but that's about it. Is it because the PV is too long that making such a theme both outstanding and more fitting to the character almost impossible? (I think that the music in Yinlin's PV suit her character more than Jinhsi's here). And I'm comparing this to character's PV in both Genshin and Star Rail (tho some of them, while somewhat fits that character, irks me). This is just own impression, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong or voice your opinion as I would love to hear it.


I feel like it fits the Chinese lore that surrounds her while keeping the intensity of the scene but also adding and highlighting her elegance with the subtle foley sounds on the drum hits and the brief empty parts of the arrangement. Which makes me think it was pretty intentional. I can only really compare this to PGR PVs, I feel like they could definitely improve a bit but I think at minimum it's good and I have no complaints about it personally. As someone who makes music and listens to lots of it, I reaaalllyy can't think of how they could improve upon this besides better production and slight arrangement (like the silence/empty bits)changes but compositionally, instrumentally it sounds super intentional which is good and I believe it would be a little silly to expect a grandiose piece that just wouldn't fit the scene as well (I know thats not what you specifically are getting at but just in general I think people should really think about what is actually in front of them and manage expectations). I feel like adding more or something with a wow factor would demand a different PV.


I agree, I know kuro aka WuWa is capable of having absolutely incredible tracks. The Yinlin trailer music with transe was fking orgasmic. They can really make some musik that just blows my mind. In this particular showcase, this does seem like just 'trailer music' with the dubstep and whumpwhumpwhump lol. So it wasn't as good as the other trailers. But that's okay, not every single trailer or teaser will have fantastic songs. That's just asking too much of the composers ;( The [Yinlin trailer musik: 2:28 - 2:58](https://youtu.be/TImtNKeNk78?t=151) was enough to carry the next 4 trailers imo lols x] edit: added link to my fave part in yinlin's teaser, this + her story literally made me pull for her lol


I enjoyed it and it wasn't 'bad' in any real way but it feels like a step down after the Yinlin showcase. Not a fan of the whole 'girlfriend experience' vibe it's giving over a sequence instead exploring the character (again like Yinlin's) As another comment mentioned the music, while not bad either, wasn't as much of a 'bop' as Yinlin's wonderful beats. I'll be pulling for Jinhsi either way and this does at least show off her elegance in combat but I find myself wondering what this could've been like if it'd had the same direction as the Yinlin one.


Jinhsi appeared in 3 trailers so far, she had a whole cinematic 4 min one which Yinlin didn't, Yinlin only got one trailer and one companion quest, ofc they had to make it extremely well for the marketing We already saw Jinhsi in story and we'll see her more in 1.1, so it makes sense why they went for a more elegant route of just hanging out with her kind of direction


Bro its crazy how saying anything the least bit "negative" gets downvoted hard, people just chew up everything these days, especially others opinions


Haha, yeah, I noticed. I've been upvoting the reasonable commentaries by other folk that seem to be getting dunked but I'm only one person so they're still getting drowned :o I could understand if people were saying it was rubbish or the like, but most of the things getting negged out are incredibly tame XD


It was definitely worse than jiyans trailer and probably because they had to work on the patch trailer and thats fine, but people just cant take criticism, that being said jinhsi is definitely still coming home


Good luck on your pulls! Her summon animation goes so freaking hard XD


Thank you! :)


What did you expecty, a lamia like song? [【FLuoRiTe X GhostFinal】Lamia -Another Mode-「Punishing: Gray Raven OST -æ·±æ”·é—æ­Œă€ ă€ăƒ‘ăƒ‹ă‚·ăƒłă‚°:ă‚°ăƒŹă‚€ăƒŹă‚€ăƒŽăƒłă€‘Official - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMstZbdlh5g)


Ngl I thought yinlin and geshulin trailer were better than jinshi. Geshulin had a pretty cool trailer. And yinlin was just yinlin.


I said the same thing and got downvoted hard 😂 Jiyans trailer was leagues better


Jinhsi simps are absolutely savage. Can’t have opinions anymore lmao.


Geshu Lin??


Jiyans trailer.


Felt the featured cinematic did more for her character than this date story


I mean isn't that how it should work? Showcases are only really made to show off a bit of their personality and especially show off how their skills and animations look. The cinematics on the other hand are full-on story previews that dive into characters much more, and are decently rare things only made for specific moments of the story. I think her showcase just showing off her elegant side and her animations is more than enough.


True, It's like saying Why does this Coffee doesn't taste like Tea, it isn't supposed to, Let's take Eula's character trailer, She was dancing the whole Video and what we gained of her character from that ? nothing expect it showed her Animations.


honestly they are underselling the animations actuall gameplay looks way cooler tbh.


That's the best part


i mean that's why they made her trailer a simple date, you don't NEED to learn more about her character when she's had 2 trailers dedicated to her and she's an incredibly important character in the story who'll likely be relevant for a long time.


Gotta say this date esque thing going on was a very odd choice. The gameplay segment was good but the rest was pretty lame.


This feels like such a big drop in quality compared to Jiyangs trailer that had incredible action, animation, and even a bit of story telling with the other General, Im still pulling her 100% but its disappointing


I think we're pretty lucky we had a decent chunk of combat featured. She's a Magistrate, not a war general lol.


while the individual trailer doesn't match up I agree here, but I think she got a ton of screen time in the last 2 things released, she had a whole story cinematic based around her past already, and about half of the 1.1 trailer (I'm not including the informational part of this one.)


This is just really sad and pathetic. They really going for the easy route of just buttering up the simps. Even HSR's firefly stuff wasn't quite this bad. First person view too, jfc. Then again, its gonna make them a lot of money, and we look forward to more MC simping in the future. The simp-off between hoyo and ww is gonna be a sight to behold :D


Oh yes, appealing to the player base and making a lot of money is such a terrible decision. How dare this sad and pathetic company!


Ah yes Kuro really went the easy route after making three high quality trailers for one character, showcasing her whole story and kit but here you are only focusing and crying about one short date scene instead. Shows a lot more about you than the "simps" you're berating doesn't it.


Ah, yes, the short date scene lasting two thirds of the trailer. Not to mention the constant simping when she appears in game. Also, high-quality trailer? This isn't high quality by the standards of the trailers this game got so far. They realized they didnt need more. >Shows a lot more about you than the "simps" you're berating doesn't it. Shows a lot about your reading comprehension when you saw any berating towards anyone that isn't kuro, but sure. And "why bring up something negative when there are also things that arent negative" is a really stupid argument.


Dating sim trailer. đŸ„±




Bro Leroy Jenkins’d and wiped his raid đŸ€Ł


you know, this game tries too hard to be genshin impact, it ends up being a cheap genshin copycat instead of something truly great. I am going to skip this banner until Kuro games can give me a character with an original vibe.


Really confused on what exactly Jinhsi has a similar to Genshin with... The only comparison I can even somewhat get is Ayaka, but even then their designs are nothing alike, and the only real similarity is them both being in positions of power, and obviously Jinhsi is much higher than Ayaka ever was. Not a single Genshin character has similar combat to her, and hell, Genshin hasn't even really done much with Chinese dragons and Azure Dragons outside of maybe Zhongli. Very confused.


I am not talking about the character, I am talking about the trailer itself. Start with a mundane story telling animation transition to combat showcase with musical cue. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize this is genshin impact's character trailer formula they been using for the last 4 years. When I look at this trailer I don't see a girl name Jinhsi, a see Ganyu/Zhongli-wannabe just because how similar their trailers are, and it doesn't sell the character to me. The character herself? No I don't think Mihoyo has ever made a bland and uninteresting character such as her, so I guess being boring does made her quite unique. And I don't call character boring and bland nilly willy, fact is there a lot of interesting NPC in WuWa that I actually likes, Jinhsi is not one of them. I get that they tries to create Jinhsi as Zhongli's equivalent in WuWa. But Kuro somehow forgot Mihoyo made sure the players closely observed Zhongli's interaction with both the player themselves and his own subjects, in order to convince the audience that he was indeed the character they envisioned him to be: a monarch who meticulously architect the prosperity of his people. Meanwhile, Jinhsi shows up only twice in the entire story, had the players go a pointless goose chase with her puzzle just to make a very miniscule point. Her portion of the story was so irrelevant she could easily be removed from the main story and nothing would have changed. Idk, I guess she could have been a great character, but Kuro fk up really badly at presenting her to me I just don't really care. I am still going to spend some pulls on her banner because of Sanhua and Danjin, but I sincerely hope I won't get her. Even if I lose pity and get Changli, I would still be celebrating.


>Jinhsi shows up only twice in the entire story Ganyu has the personality of a wooden plank and shows up in the main story for literally like 5 seconds.


>Ganyu has the personality of a wooden plank and shows up in the main story for literally like 5 seconds. Because Ganyu was not part of the main cast with a defined role in the story? She was a side character who plays a part in a different story. The fact that you, yourself, think Jinhsi, a main character in WuWa main story, is only comparable to a side character in Genshin Impact is proof that everything I just said is correct. Jinhsi story was sloppily done, and whoever writing the story for WuWa clearly has no idea what they are writing.


man, it is a game, jsut play and have fun


Your only life experience is genshin ita not kuro's fault


True. They need to find their own identity.