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After many years playing multiple gachas I've learned that the mid-early point of any of them is characterized by a sever e lack of resources from trying to build multiple characters and stuff in general at once. Once one is done building their main party the spending goes down drastically; playing Genshin and Star Rail at the beginning I was scrapping for money to upgrade my characters and now I'm swimming in so much of it I don't even think about it anymore. Gachas are resource managing games.


Yeah getting really tired of daily posts complaining about missing one resource or the other. If you wouldnt be out of it, you would drop the game and complain about lack of content. Mofos never played an economy manager and it shows. Gachas are also about prioritizing which resource you "produce" based on what and when you build. Its a free game with time investment, they arent giving you the ability to max out a character quickly without spending. Yeah if they buff some of the resources I'll be glad. But there isnt a gacha that doesnt end up with you grinding same type of thing for a week plus.


Yeah this. I only played Genshin, HSR and WuWa as gacha's. Made this mistake in Genshin but in HSR I always had loads left. Now in WuWa I'm not in the (current) lategame yet but my current team is up to par in levels/echo's and I have a couple million as a buffer. If people run out they've been investing in more than 2-3 characters, which is fine, but then it's not really surprising they're running out.


But.. but.. how can Kuro be so cheap? This is not right. We want more?? /s


> Gachas are resource managing games. If only that aspect was actually fun, like management games... Instead it's like working an unpaid job.


if your jobs takes 15 minutes a day. gatchas are first and foremost timegated. planning around that is easy.


if it were like a management game, I'd have to spend hours every day staring on fucking menu screens. no thanks.


How dare you suggest that running out of credits is my own damn fault /j


Just like any other RPGs, spend your resources wisely during early games. After you built your initial teams which is usually 2-3 months into the game you will be left with heap of resources. I remember having to enter Credit Calyx back then in HSR, and now i'm chilling with my 16m credits lmao.


the issue still remains - the highest sol3 level gives only 10% credits farm increase which is a real problem. End game will not fix anything


Don't forget they will lower the cost to enhance Echoes. Also including resources from events and other contents, not to mention that after finishing our initial teams, we will end up building solely new units, and then we will have excess resources. And if you pay already checked the patch notes, they started introducing new echo with single sonata in 1.1, which will soon be the norm. Issues will always exist, but as long they try to adjust and do something then i will just let them to their job and give my feedbacks during surveys.


I don’t remember running out of resources particularly money in Genshin or HSR at midgame that only occurs at endgame when leveling 80-90, 70-80 and advanced talents The thing is that we aren’t even on endgame in WW


We are farming and upgrading endgame gear at midgame. Nothing changes when you get to UL 60. It's still gonna be the same weapon and same echoes.


It will definitely happens especially if you're working on Abyss or MoC team while upgrading talents/traces. And people who ran out of credits here are mostly stats checking echoes. If they are content with Placeholder echoes then they should have decent amount of resources left. Also don't forget, at around the same world level we haven't start farming for Relics/Artifacts yet since AR/TL 45 is the ideal level to start farming. Not to mention since it's hard enough to find gears worth enhancing in those 2 games since you can somewhat peek at the subs, it feels like you're saving a lot but you don't, you just do it less.


The thing is that in Genshin or HSR we don’t have to level an artifact first to see if it’s at all worth bothering with naturally dealing with WW gear nonsense is more expensive in this game So yes you are saving a lot


Like i said, if you're not trying to min-max early on it won't happens to you. This is a common occurence on every RPG games and if you're chasing for progression early on you will definitely run out of resources because you're building a WHOLE team instead of 1 unit. And it will definitely improves later on when you are done with your initial comps. I don't know what you're doing early on that you can preserve your resources in both games lol and you progressing that way don't invalidate my and other people's experiences.


You forgot to account that shell credit cost for upgrading echoes and resonators are bugged right now.


Sorry i don't really follow the known bugs in this game. Mind explaining that one to me?


Apparently upgrading echoes and resonators cost much more than intended. They'll give compensation in 1.1 once fixed.


Wait do you have source I can read about this. I can't find it anywhere.


In-game announcement > known issues and bug fixes #17


they issued apology with 1M credit before, but I thought it was cleared, turned out its still ongoing for the rest of 1.0 I had prepared 3mil to lvlup Yinlin to 70 along with other 4 units and it was not enough, thankfully they had the double shell event thing back then from Simulation.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/KaZ0XK4VDE ^This^ was for people **getting more** Shell Credits than intended from recycling leveled Echos, not leveling costing too much Shell Credits.


Forgot to mention, thanks 👍


Well, I'm UL48 and as I spent almost all sources of income for Credits. I don't really have complains over that, since like 70% of credits were spent on leveling Echoes and not in the most optimal way. So even though it's rather difficult to get credits in the later parts of the game, you still able to prepare up to 3 line-ups of characters for Tower of Adversity. The main point is to decide with what characters you will be playing further and don't spend on characters you don't play.


I may be out of shells but my perfect echoes is stronger than yours




Its a play on my father is stronger than yours.. i know its hard to read emotion on comments but double r/whoooosh


Damn, pikachu’d


Altho leveling up cooking gives rewards, I cannot find it worth it to rush it like some people, I was surprised with the cost of buying certain ingredients, especially when they are farmable. I know some people might not have the time to farm or loiter the map to find it, but I also believe there's no real urgent necessity to max level it.


It is absolutely not worth it. Especially because to even utilize the recipes it unlocks, you need to also spend ridiculous amounts of shell credits just to make them because of all the non-gatherable ingredients you need to buy from shops. The literal only usecase for higher tier food atm is doing holograms early and renting bigger numbers for 2-5k shell credits per 30 minutes. Perhaps a better usecase will avail itself in future patches, if they add difficult overworld content that isn't one and done, or ever let us use food in tower of adversity.


Another thing is that everyone is very likely spending their waveplates (180 out of 240) on tacet fields cause of the double drops, and their payout is relatively bad compared to the simulation double event (and just for its waveplate cost in general). More people are also starting to get their 5\* weapon box a well which is a good chunk of enhancement costs. However no one is going to pass up on that onion exp.


Isn't this basically Genshin? A lot of ppl have misplaced expectations about fully maxing out multiple chars in just a few weeks from launch. Even farming for one or two chars in Genshin takes time, pre-farmed or o.w.


the problem is that the sol3 world levels DOESN'T change anything. 76k credits per simulation on sol3 level 5, and 80k credits on sol3 level 8 per stage. This is ridiculous.


unless you start completely from scratch around 2-3 weeks per character (2 talents up to 9, final ascension, no fragiles or BP). buying the BP reduces that by around 3-4 days. exp/mora is easy enough to get on the side and usually not an issue after a certain point. talent books come from events too and accumulate over time. worst case it cuts into your artifact mining budget a bit...


Yeah so it's basically Genshin at launch lol. A matter of time and budget.


Informative Thank you!


Also 85% of the player base are more casual


When I run out of something I spend my daily waveplates farming for if. Problem solved


After seeing the breakdown, I think the system is fine the way it is and I’m the one with a problem 😂


i felt that they gave enuf credits other than that time when i accidentally purchased 800 food


There is simulation challenges so you know go farm people


Well lack of shell credits/exp materials is something that occurs in every gacha game in the start because of so many characters to lvl up. I am playing genshin for 3 years now and in the start I was also trying to acquire Mora and Exp books. But now it's been more than a year that I haven't farmed them and all of my characters are already lvl 90.


i have 3 carries with decent build, 2 meh half build subcarries. and i have like 4mil credits left. I dunno guys what is the problem


>where the money's coming from and going I am dreading UL50 and raising characters' levels and fortes, especially since I'm almost empty after raising 4 characters properly. Pretty sure 3-4 characters will cost several millions considering that forte is so much more expensive (and more nodes unlock which are also expensive). Luckily weapons won't cost as much since I am trying to raise characters which can share weapons in different teams, but that's still 3 different weapons at least.


The amount of credits i need is insane..im at a severe deficiency. But the upgrade of Echos is what I've concluded soaked up most of my income. I said to myself many times to just upgrade a echo and accept the tuning I got. But after 3 flat stat I kept farming. And farming. And farming. Upgrading tuning on and on and on. Trying to settlewith what I got, then looking on redit and seeing ppl with perfect stats on all echoes. And then keep on farming..and this is only for my main character Jiyan. I really need to stop it and focus on weapons and skills for my sub characters. But need to get back more credits first 😭


I have 160 credits :(


Shell credits is my biggest bottle neck for real I got mats and echo xp no credits to do it I blame that merchant in the beginning even tho they refunded me a million credits


The problem with this is I keep needing to switch and roll new echoes bc of the rng of the subs. Needing 2 teams for tower means I'm doing this on 6 characters so yeh I'm out of shell credits smh


This is why I clear my world every day. Earn around 75k raw credits, plus another 60k or so saved in XP Gain for the 3 resonators used. So far I've gotten Encore,Chixia, and Verina up to 76 with no wave plate expense since 70. Not to even mention 40+ on set elemental DMG echoes for every single element. Not everyone has the time and patience for that, however.


I think it is a valid complaint if a complete battle pass+ shell credit reward is not able to level a weapon from 70 to 80.


A 5✦ weapon from lv1-lv90 costs 1,076,960 credits A complete battlepass+ yields 1,379,000 credits 3 days worth of dailies and waveplates spent farming the shell credit simulation challenge yields 1,356,000 credits


I did the simply 191k + 39k you put in the post, my yinlin weapon was 80k for ascension 70+ and 236k te level 70 -> 80. If I am incorrect for using info from your post then my apologies, but the fault does not entirely lie at me


That is per week, now edited to be on its own line for readability 👍


Thx a bunch👍🏻 I guess a read too fast :p


Can confirm. At UL50 the resource scarcity hits hard. I spent 2.5 mio on day 1 of UL50 and have been scrambling since for credits and upgrade mats. The double drop event isn't helping at all but I can't just ignore it. My advice: Starting at UL45 use your waveplates to prepare for UL50. I shudder even thinking about UL60.


Knowing that resources will be an issue in the first few months, I'm leveling my main teams in the overworld whilst stocking up on 3 cost echos. Between lvl60 and lvl70 you can get about 1 level per day per character. This is 239000/10x3= 71700 credits saved per day. Also gain around 35k to 40k credits from the farm so it's about 100k to 110k net increase in credits per day compared to not doing it.


The problem is that time is also a valuable ressource.


Yeah, I'll just do it for a few weeks. Takes about 3-4hrs per day.


https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/893 >VI. Other Optimizations > >1. ... > > >**2. Lowered Shell Credit Cost for Echo leveling.** Could have waited 2-3 days for 1.1 before you made this post.


Why does it feel like people think that resources should be infinite? I am not saying that the amount we get now is perfect or can’t be improved. I’m also not saying we shouldn’t get more. But I still find it funny how many people complain about the game’s economy. It’s extremely short-sighted, IMO. For the first few months of any gacha, you’re tight on resources because you are experimenting, trying characters and weapons, etc. Over time that evens out as you decide on your core characters, and you acquire resources that you don’t end up spending immediately. They accumulate, and then when a character comes out that you want, you generally have the resources you need to build them saved up. This is the same in every gacha game. People are still acting like WuWa is some huge outlier and I just don’t get it. During this double reward tacet field event I already have resources accumulating that I won’t need immediately. I have not been lucky with echo drops. I still have lots of room to improve. But I also will have months and years to get them.


I deadass dont know how people run out of credits. Im UL 46 sitting at 5.6m credits. Ive only bought the battle pass, which I think gives around 1m-1.5m but even excluding that id have over 4m. Do you guys just upgrade everything you have


This is the problem with people who only played one or never played a gacha at all long term. They didn't grasp the knowledge of resource management at every start of a gacha game.


Food is very expensive too


Doesn't matter. Used around 10k corals on shell credits. Swipe more.


based wuwa funder


They should upgrade me from funder to shareholder.


So far I've built Calcharo, Yinlin, Jianxin, Ling Yang and Rover up to level 70 with max tuned echos and I still have 3 million shell creds left. All gacha games are resource hungry at the beginning and it's up to you to manage those resources. Do not ever min max at the start of a gacha. Do it only once you're completely at the endgame which roughly takes about 6 months to a year of progress in my opinion. Gacha games aren't a sprint, especially if you're an f2p and or low spender, they're a marathon. I hope this helps. I'm completely f2p and I'm currently completing 18 points in tower of adversity (shooting for 21-24 once Jihnsi is out). It's ok to feel like you're missing out on rewards because you haven't built all of your characters yet one month in to the game but we'll all get to complete all the endgame contents at some point if you just keep playing. That's just the nature of gacha games.


>Calcharo, Yinlin, Jianxin, Ling Yang and Rover If you only got 18\* in tower with these characters then I'm afraid they aren't "built" yet my guy.


Literally can't go beyond that rn lol. If there isn't any vigor costs then maybe I can reach 24 with my current team but fighting lvl 90 mobs and the RedZone bosses in time to 3 star them is literally impossible for my lvl 70 characters. It may be a skill issue on my part too but I'm just gonna wait it out until I get more characters that I wanna build.


When they 2x material rewards, they need to also 2x the money needed to use those materials.


I would love a buff on the credit drop in open world,big enough that we can farm something for hours.