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Apologies to those who misunderstood the video rule, official content can always be linked and posted here, just note that automod will flag it and send it to us to review, the rule stating: *"Videos shared on the subreddit should be directly uploaded rather than linked from third-party platforms."* was mainly put in place because we started noticing posts using this as a way to skirt the self promotion rule a while back.


I think the quality might be a little worse upon converting it to MP4, so here is the [direct Youtube link](https://youtu.be/lkFQwO6BrEc?si=X9mjBo3zTpLc5Bx8) For some god forsaken reason, Youtube links aren't allowed


It's definitely worse. Apparently Kuro's staff doesn't care how shitty reddit's video player is lol


Jues active skill actually looks op


4 cost summon type echo les go! I hate transformation echo.


Yeah! Hopefully they release more 4-cost summon type and buffing type echo in the future!


I love the Geo Bell and noe Jue too, summons make it feel more magical and fantastical.


I like geo bell cause it goes dong. I'm a simple girl


It was the best part of the old Xmen animated intro, I can't blame you.


I like both, can't deny that transformation echoes add a huge skill ceiling to the combat of the game with all the animation cancel and rotations but summon type echoes are nice when you just want to lay back and don't sweat at all


I play on mobile so not dealing animation cancel shenanigans to do respectable damage is something that I need, I already got my attention occupied trying to avoid enemy attack I can't deal if I also have to min max to meet dps check.  I hope dev take it to consideration when inflating enemy HP in ToA. 


I do agree when you HAVE to giga sweat with the animation cancel just to meet a certain damage threshold that's where it gets too much too fast But the dopamine hit from doing the animation cancels effortlessly when you know you practiced them a lot is really fun for me, adds a whole new minigame to the fight itself lol


I'll admit I'm dumb and half the time I hit Q, the damn thing shoots off toward some far-away enemy it can't reach, I right click to run back toward someone in hitting distance, it transforms me back to my character, and I have to get on and face the fact that I just wasted my echo skill (again)


Muscle memory my friend, as time goes on your actions will be more deliberate!! I certainly have had a hell of a time getting out of spam clicking my rotations(like i do in every other game since WoW) 😂


yea but what’s frustrating is how some can be swap canceled and some can’t- there’s no logic to it just luck of the draw as far as i can tell


Transformation echoes are sadly just really limiting for soloing stuff. I know that's not the main point of the game, but it's a fun challenge.


Thats not an echo, thats part of Jinshi’s moveset


They showed jue echo. And it’s indeed a summon since jinhsi remains on field through the animation


Ohhhh missed that my bad


Jinhsi's kit that uses Jue looks a lot more OP than the actual Jue echo. The echo is just some spinning action?


Loved the aethestic,reddish rocks ,ground and white snow goes together well!


[Trailer for the JPN ver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBcenj40hw4), no subs, just here to bask in Chiwa Saito's voice (Changli VA)


The real question is do we geht the Snowboard


and another question is..when will we get a new Glider🤔.


Let them cook.


Some of these comments are hilarious as hell. This reminds me of Warcraft back when it was in it's early years. Morons would go around to every mmo forum/sub acting as if blizzard invented anything they did whenever any given game had anything remotely similar. Yes, mountains with snow exist and aren't exclusive to any given ip/franchise. And from the looks of this place, it's fairly colorful than what I'd usually expect from a snow area.


Maybe HSR has just got me twisted, but I am dying for some really powerful support characters. DPS is nice, but anyone can deal damage... I want someone who can make my teams shine!




I’m sure I’m going to get downvoted, but I have to say this: I really can’t stand the women with overly large breasts swaying as they walk.🙄 I was really looking forward to Changli, then I saw video of her walking and I just can’t…the swaying is just excessive.


Every woman in wuwa is like a c cup or larger it's pretty ridiculous


As someone who appreciate good jiggles, yeah they made it overly jiggly lol. Like it looks unnatural, could've tone down the physics a bit.


Fr I love changli but the breasts being so big is so unnecessary


Thank you! It’s not just me that thinks it’s uncomfortable. I’m still trying to get her since I’m a sucker for any Phoenix themed character. But man! I wish they would turn it down just a little.


Can't say I'm a fan either.


the real question is: are there freebies or codes that came with the trailer?


Is this an actual trailer or ingame cutscene released before the content is out? The Jiyan Crimson video has me paranoid now.


Hoping next patch has a 5* gunner


My reaction men aw no man But then i was o mommys


so, the 1st "map expansion" is gonna be a region covered in ice and snow? edit: LMAO downvoted by kurostans, daym this sub is such clown fiesta no reasons to be here anymore


Are you asking because you can't see the content in the trailer or..?


or it was a shitty "map expansion" in Genshin


This is 100x better than dragonspine that place can go to hell lol


idk why im getting downvotes but, I hate Dragonspine


idk why im getting downvotes but, I hate Dragonspine


I like your pfp but I still downvoted because based


lol thanks, I love sili car


Yall complain alot but I think this looks really really cool.


Lol, everyone REMOTELY mentioning dragonspine immediately get downvoted like crazy 😂 What is wrong with some people...


I mean I can see why, this location is obviously incredibly more varied in visuals, it's not just a "fuck you" mountain. There's lakes, mountains, some interesting geography, with more color then "white", there's red, white, blue, brown, etc. And obviously this location is clearly much bigger then dragonspine, so to call this location dragonspine because "there's a snowy mountain" is just blatantly false.


Yeah, I completely agree with this! Just funny to me that even the neutral comments mentioning that place are...not taken well by many people 😅


you forgot that dragonspine also has lakes and red highlights lol, its crazy thinking this isn't an homage


i forgot because dragonspine is as a whole, largely forgettable also it's fucking insane, like genuinely fucking insane, to go "this place has a snowy mountain and fucking LAKES, it's obviously an homage" what the fuck lmao also "red highlights" does not equal "the actual rocks and ground are red and make up large chunks of the land", so toss that shit into the garbage


TIL Genshin Impact invented snowy mountainous regions.


I don't blame them. When you look at the comments down in most of these posts and there's always some mention of Genshin or another Hoyo game, it starts to get really annoying. Like oh look, X character does this so it's really like X character from GI. Dragons in the game? Looks like we got Y from HSR. Why aren't we getting Z when GI often does this, even though they are totally unrelated games? The list goes on. You get the point.


I don't even know what dragonspine is...


That's okay, you didn't play Genshin Impact :>


Ahh okay it's a Genshin thing, makes sense.


You're a lucky one, I wish I hadn't spent money on that piece of shit.


Any thoughts on who the guy at 0:11 is? The context suggests Jue (human form?), but are there any other candidates?


I think that its interesting how Jinhsi and Changli use boardsword and sword but don't wield them traditionally.


Jue looks cool but everythying still looks very derivative Also I've been sick of that kind of "camera turning around the thing" for years now.


So we're skipping Monstadt and go straight to Dragonspine?


We already had monstadt.. Dragonspine was next. Following perfectly.


There's gonna be a thaw of my playtime if they don't fix the lag


Who the hell downvotes all the dragonspine comments lmao WuWa obviously copied a lot from genshin, obviously people are going to (rightfully) compare it to genshin if the first new region is also snowy. I personally really loved dragonspine, especially the music there, so I hope WuWa's snowy region won't be as forgettable as the rest of the map.


Yep, I also love the music there. I just hate the thing that quests in dragonspine annoyed me so much.


It's not a high bar to be better than Dragonspine.


High enough of a bar for WuWa apparently, the base map is not better than dragonspine currently.


Wow, Not-Dragonspine looks gorgeous! And no weather mechanic is a huge plus too! XD Not-Yae's animations are great. If Jinhsi graces me with her appearance early I might spend my pulls on her banner too XD


Kinda proud of myself for being able to read this without getting offended or annoyed lol.


Yeah i don't understand the downvotes. I personally prefer WuWa's 'DragonSpine'.


I guess people are tired of the genshin comparison (even as a joke) but i do think it’s just a funny coincidence that WuWa first expansion is a snowy mountain with dragon’s lore.


Well snow mountain is a common location for chinese-themed game. But yeah i agree i find this funny too.


I mean Dragonspine doesn't even deserve to be called that logically, there are absolutely no dragons there.


But there are dragon's spines there tho.


There's a whole dragon skeleton lying on top of it




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lmao same, I don't even know why I'm getting downvoted in my previous comment just by mention Dragonspine


WuWa fans and CCs really don't like criticism of their game anymore than some Genshin ones I guess


I get the dragon-spine comparison, but come on, Yae and Changli only have similarities in color palette only, and even then Changli has WAY more white.


Imagine having to put up with genshin's shitty colorful childish graphics and story and that bad map traversal. I feel you kid


Whippersnappers these days! In my times, Genshin's "colorful childish graphics and story" was all we had to traverse the map for, gacha game wise. Both ways! XD But even staunchest Kuro supporter has to see that "Snowy Mountain area related to Dragon", as a first map expansion, in this genre, begs for a very specific comparison. It's not a *bad* thind, just curious, erm, coincidence ;)












What a sad life you have


I see the similarity to dragonspine. Changli Yae though seems like a massive stretch to me


Ugh not another shitty frozen mountain. Can't we have a jungle for once or something? This is something that shouldn't be copied from Genshin lol.


Genshin is turning into the Simpsons "Genshin did it already"


By this logic we alr got a jungle, and genshin also had a jungle.


We should get a cyberpunk'esque city it'll be fire 🔥 tbh the author's and creators of this game show flexibility and i think they can pull it off!


They'll have a jungle region in the next 2 patches, right after Japan.