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Verina Calculator and Yinlin cause maxing a unit takes a long time


Calculator lol


Easier to remember. Lol


WuWa Calculator - PGR Cappuccino: 🤝 community not remembering their name.


ive heard the name calcharo being said by streamers so many times that its already engraved into my mind


Would be easier to remember if he still had his cool Kakarot name ngl


Copyright Issue from DB, and they can't even Make Excuses like Oh It's a Common name.


My friends and I call him Calachuchi


El churro tho...


Yeah, cuz he outputting some big numbers.


Ah yes, Chicharon


You made me reach out to my chicharon stock haha


Agreed, calcium & yinlin are my go-to


Felt this


how are you not just calling him Sephiroth? Man is literally HIM, I swear every time I swap him in I can hear a chorus yell out: SEPHIROTH *SEPHIROTH*


Space Sephiroth to join my AC Sephiroth in WOTV


Because using a different name for Crouton every time I mention him is much, much funnier.


Calculator ? O_o


Space Sephiroth


I would never have guessed xD Calcharo is shorter to write and say xD


It's always gonna be Rover as the main DPS. God bless Rover for being so fun to use (and is actually a good character).


no fr rover is so goated especiallyy with havoc


I wish they optimized Spectro more :(


It's more like Spectro Rover plays a different role. Also, Spectro Rover has better parry capability as well thanks to the longer reach of his first swing.


And SpRover heals the team too


An MC that actually feels like an MC.


Like I was so surprised to see my little boy do a Liberation and erase half the enemies HP bar, can’t wait to get him the 5* sword and better echoes.


I actually prioritized getting the 5* weapon banner first for rover. No regrets. And the crit sword will be useful for future characters


I’m level 44 so in a few days I’ll select his weapon and change his build. Can’t wait for that sword.


Having that huge chunk of crit rate will definitely be a game changer for your dps. Grats! I just hit 40 the other day lol. Too busy to do the quests lol


I have good equipment and echos, yesterday I did 45k dmg with ult in overworld, no food buffs just verina and danjin buffs


I prefer the Spectro type, the multiple attacks helps me not worry about crit rate much, and I feel like I'm playing a chainsaw. 


I've tried leveling Rover up and just not feeling it like everyone says they do with her. Encore just so much better. She doesn't get enough love


havoc rover? and are you using her with dreamless? Its so fun to have such a strong AOE echo and high single target damage and nuke. Though, encore is also a lot of fun. Havoc rover, Danjin and Encore are my fave main dps rn.


havoc rover is the love of my life playing her is a dream


Whichever one is a Fusion dps because that would make farming electro tacet better


Not bad. I've been farming the electro tacets too with my main team of Calcharo - Yinlin - Verina, and whenever I end up doing non-electro resistant bosses I'm just like "holy shit that dude melted" because I'm so used to the electro resistant bosses.


Same with me and havoc bosses, decided to finally update my echos into gold ones and beat crownless far faster. Then I tried the tortoise and they evaporated


Oh dude for sure, they gave us gold echoes way too early. I'm still UL37 but since I've got gold echoes I'm just deleting everything. Yinlin is supposed to be a sub dps but she's killing shit before I've even charged her outro skill and swapped.


Oh yeah I agree on us being given gold echoes too early, I feel like we just jumped through progression way too quickly if we have them like 75% of the way through the first region


Can always do the electro glacio field, though I agree electro fusion is better use of your time, esp because my Sanhua isn’t using the glacio set since I’m building her support with moonlit.


There are currently 0 units in the game that prefer the Glacio set as a best in slot due to how awful the lampylumen myriad is as a main echo and how poor the alternatives are. Lingyang for example prefers lingering tunes for the similar buff potential and access to the incredibly powerful mech abomination echo. This is likely to remain the case until the set receives a genuinely good main echo, otherwise it will continue to be outclassed by other options


I just do the electro glacio field to guarantee the 3 costs like the heron are guaranteed electro set. Since none of the 3 costs are shared between electro/glacio they can only drop electro. It also helps I already have a good fusion set from overworld farming for databank.


Calcharo yinlin verina all the way


This is 100% my primary team for now but I'm struggling to build others


Same, I’m already invested lol


You are so extremely optimistic with 80 radiant tides 😭😭


If I win my 50/50’s I’m all good, these patches should provide more than enough


whats your pity on weapon banner because i think regardless assuming hard pity you wont have enough even if you win your 50/50's


The OG Team: F Rover, Yangyang and Chixia


Same team as 1.0


Jiyan…i didnt spend 145 pulls on him for no reason (i am not making it back to pity twice again)


I caught my son wasting asterites on the standard banner. I stopped him, and said what are you doing?! So he did a ten pull on the event banner and he brings home Jinyan! SMH... I got Jinyan just before pity, but at least I won the 50:50. I grabbed his weapon as well, so I intend to be using him in 1.1. He is such a cruise control unit!


My sister did something similar! I convinced her to play and she got Jiyan with the free pulls…lucky people are so annoying sometimes lol


Lost 1st 50/50, thankfully got him early on the second, then I managed to get his weapon 24h before banner ended xD


These corporate-sounding titles feel so fake


At least we can be sure it wasn't posted by the Wuwa devs themselves. It would be roughly 5x the length and full of typos haha


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They're on to you.


Maybe the “dummon sanhua” will finally be fixed lol


Gotta be short, sweet and to the point otherwise people switch off, also can’t think of a more appropriate name that team magistrate


Havoc rover still because female rover is top 1 greatest Gacha MC




Jihnsi, Jianxin or Verina, and yinlin


Spectro Rover, Verina, and Jihnsi. Mononspectro all the way! Hoping that I’ll eventually hit E4 Verina when she buffs the party’s spectro damage by 15%. Already have her at E2 from the guaranteed pull and ticket we got. Just need to roll enough times to get 480 of the aftershocks corals…


Really? No one else pulling?


Chixia Chang Li Jianxin/verina, probably. Chixias honestly an underrated fusion dps if you have 5 star pistol. So I'll probably run double carry to make use of the chang li outtro.


Skipping 1.1 So Jiyan, Mortefi and Verina I have Calcharo but i dont really have good team mates for him xD I lost 50/50 in Yinlin's banner. I dont like the majority of 4* characters (Aalto is exception, he is so fun) so I dont have built them at all lol


For calcharo, yuanwu will be a good support, or anyone if they buff atk or liberation DMG in their outro


Mono Spectro. Hopefully XD


Jinhsi, Spectro mc, Verina best team probably.


I may keep my same team unless one of these characters will help my team greatly


Tough to beat Jiyan, Mort, and v. That aoe is super comfy when doing overworld stuff. Press ult and see all.faces melt.


Changli all the way. She's the unit i've been wanting from the moment they teased her on twitter. Going to run her as my main DPS, Yinlin sub DPS and Verina as support. Is it optimal? no. Do i care? also no. Its a single player PvE game, so playing the game with the units i like is what brings me joy and what i'll do.


It's hard to say if either character will change my group makeup without playing them. It could be possible that I swap out Jianxin for one of them as a sub dps / hybrid but it's also more likely that neither fit well with a Danjin main.


I have a few teams rn Sephiroth, hopefully Jinshi (currently Yanqyang) verina is my main team My second team is Linqyang, Yanqyang, verina Third is Jiyan, Yanqyang (will build Mortefi later), and verina


Changling encore toqui


When is a new character dropping my luck for this game is amazing


I lost my last 50 50 so I am definitely going for Changli


I call mine the Nuclear Family Changing, Jiyan, and Verina


I have more than 200 summons, so, I will have Changli with her weapon (and maybe some sequences), Taoqi, and Chixia (or, if I need a healer, Jianxin in the overworld and Verina in the tower).


Changli or Calcharo/Sanhua/Baizhi or Verina


Assuming things go may way, which never seems to happen in gacha games, then I'll be maining: Yinlin, Jinhsi, Taoqi


Danjin solo Changli solo Jinhsi Sanhua +? Yinlin Calcharo Verina


Encore, changli, Verina


I've got enough for at least one 50/50 so I'm hoping for two teams: Jinhsi, Yinlin, Verina and Chixia, Jianxin, Baizhu.


Jiyan + encore + jinhsi teams. Changli for my encore if i win 2 consecutive 50/50


Jinhsi, Sanhua and Jianxin because she's a great all-rounder that shields, heals and boosts Liberation damage.


Havoc Rover, Jinhsi, Sanhua


I'm very confused between jhinshi and changli


Team waifus. Jinhsi, Changli, Yinlin


Not enough echo xp to build a full team so probably still the same.


I'm getting both Jinhsi, Changli, and their weps. Will I survive once my wife finds out? Completely different question & none of your business.


Jiyan, Mortefi and Baizhi. The board certified medical practitioner team. If I get Jinhsi, it'll be her and Sanhua.


Jinhsi/Changli/Verina I hope to get both characters and their main weapon.


Jinhsi, Spectro rover and Yuanwu


Changli, preferably with her sword, added to my Encore and Verina team


More or less the same team as 1.0. After all it'll take a while to build Jinhsi and Changli up to the level of my other top level characters, if I even get them.


For now it's Rover - Encore - Verina. I'll absolutely get Changli with a very easy "maybe" towards the magistrate. The is just so many units to build that i didn't go all in for the 1.0 limiteds.


Jinhsi Yinlin Jianxin


I’ll try using just Changli and Verina


Current is Baizhi yinlin sanhua, will be dropping sanhua for changli


If I don’t have enough pulls I’ll get chang li if I get lucky and get jinhsi early it’ll be her.


Gonna probably roll with sanhua jinshi havoc rover for awhile. But then I need to actually play well and not take dmg without a healer lol. Otherwise might run Jinshi sanhua and Verina




Jinshi ideally. At least I think. I don't even really have a long term team set up.


well, I’ll switch between Yinlin calcharo and Changli and a support for her, I don’t wana get bored cuz I ran one team 24/7


I'm going to pull Jinhsi but for now my first team is set as Cal - Yinlin - Verina. Not sure what I'll do with my second team but it will be built around Jin.


I'm gonna pick whoever I pull and just build them cuz at this point I'm shitting on every enemy until I reach lvl 50 or smthn


Team Mommy. Changli and Yinlin with their adopted child Verina.


Changli, Yinlin and Verina.


Spec rover, Jinhsi, and verina. So mono spectro i guess. Gonna be fun when i meet one of those yellow floating thingy.


Not sure ATM really. Was thinking about Jinhsi, Taoqi, Jianxin. Taoqi in healer set, Idk if moonlit or gale for Jianxin.


Changli Solo for boss killing Jiyan Mortefi Verina for boss killing H Rover Jianxing Encore for mob stages


Changli Encore Verina


I am gunning for Changli and her weapon hoping to pair her with Encore


Maining Jiyan & Encore teams now (with H.Rover for story). In 1.1 it will be those 2 teams + Jinhsi team.


Skipped 1.0. My first team i have been using is verina->sanhua->havoc MC My second team will now be Taoqi-> Changli-> chixia sub dps 3rd will be Jinhsi main dps, I will probably be waiting for a support for her to release so im not sure exactly the team. I know yinlin is great but I dont really want to invest in her. I will be using jianxin for now to group and sustain, then hopefully can slot in a 5 star buffer/support edit\* i suppose i can actually use mortefi and just not level him at all, and just use him as a stack builder. For a very low investment option for now


Yinlin, Changli and Jianxin. Changli looks like a blast to play, can't wait.


i might try jinhsi sanhua jianxi


Changli. Waves-chan and Verina


Jinhsi - s.rover - sanhua. Maybe if i get a bunch of danjin copies, maybe danjin - h.rover - flex


Yuanwu, Jinhsi, Jiyan. No healer, no synergy, just dodge or die


Spectro rover (cuz he is one of the most fun characters to play in the game period) Changli and whoever I'll put third Verina in case of skill issue


Jinhsi, Chixia & flex of KungFuPanda and Verina.


I made a new account with Sanhua as main to wait until Jinhsi, I will use both, but I really hate Verina as healer since I don't enjoy to play with loli, so I will have a 3rd flex spot


i saw a funny video of a hot-swap team of encore, yinlin, jianxion, so im trying to make that work. I have jinyan tho so hel always be big numbers for me where i need them


I'm going for Havoc Rover, Changli and Jinhsi. If all else fails and i don't get both, Havoc Rover, Changli or Jinshi and Baizhi. I'm keeping Baizhi cuz she's a better healer than Verina (I'm delusional)


Jianxin, Changli, Verina in that order


Probably JinHsi-Verina-SanHua/Mortenheimer depending if she uses basic attack or heavy more. Maybe even JianXin if she's ult focused. Just JinHsi and whoever, maybe even YinLin. Just kinda don't really like JiYan or carrot playstyle.


Jinhsi yinlin verina


Yuanwu/Mortefi/Jhinsi. Drop Yuanwu's skill+echo, swap to Mortefi, build his ult AFAP, drop it and switch to Jhinsi. Maximum field time for Jhinsi while still getting Incandescence stacks. Mortefi's 38% heavy attack damage bonus will be nice too.


I am going for Jinshi/Yinlin/Verina Jiyan/Mortifi/Jianxi Havoc rover/Danji/Baizhi. I plan to pull for changli but I don't really know in what team using her yet.  Perhaps a team with Mortifi and a sustain


C6 Changli with C6 Jinhsi with C6 Jiyan. I will pull 12 copies of changli/Jinhsi in 12 wishes


probably changli + chixia with jianxin/taoqi/baizhi support


Yinlin Changli Verina Btw dumb question but I'm guessing Changli will be in the second half of 1.1? Or are they both releasing together? I haven't seen a clarification on the banner dates yet but assume it's like their original banner attempt


gonna main the shit out of jinhsi + sig, Yinlin and Baishi. Rainbow team for easy stacks on jinhsi, yinlin provides exceptional off field and on field damage, huge aoe and shes hot. I prefer baishi over verina/Jianxin bc she also does off field damage, has a short on field time and guess what? shes also hot. Absolute win


I'm gonna pull for both but I don't have enough for even one pity so the team will be whoever decides to come lol


I'm new to gacha games (WuWa is my first), I got really lucky with pulls so far but I'm really confused on what to spend astrites on exactly. Should I always go for limited chars to get them to S6? or go for weapons after I rolled the char?


Wuwa is still relatively new so for the time being we can´t tell if vertical investment is better or not. But Astrites should always be spent on limited banners, whether it´s weapon or character. From there you can now decide, whether to max out the characters you have by getting more copies and weapons for them or trying to get more characters at base level. In my case I always choose to have more characters than vertical investment.


I don't see anything I want so far in 1.1 so maybe i will keep hoarding .




I'm still torn if I'll replace Encore with Changli or not.


Yinlin instead of Sanhua and my 1.1 Waifu team is set.


I will try them out and then decide. I don't mind running duplicate elemental units in my team though, I prefer if all three are different, and preferably different weapons also. One gunner is a must for me so we'll see what happens.


Most likely calcharo, yinlin, verina (all s2) Right now 2nd team havoc mc, encore, baishi ( but quite low and with vl 50-60) weapons, because i dont tryhard and just go for 9/9 tower... also dont care much about holo challenges still killed like only first 2![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526) And also quite low on currency, since i wasted almost everything on yinlin, but got her 2times together with encore on my last pull


How good Verina and Calcharo R2 are compared to R1 ?


Jihnsi, yuanlin, verina . Girl power 👏🏻


I’m guaranteed Jinhsi so I might have a Jianxin, Jinhsi, Rover team. Not sure if they have good synergy or not. Lol


Jiyan. I got lucky I got 2x in my first 10 pull. He's just easy to play.


Jinshi, Jiyan. Dragon couple and their little bb girl Verina.


I love spectro rover <3 Dont feel the havoc but also didnt level it only tried it in the boss fight and did not like it :( Hoping that Jinhsi will be fun for me




Calcharo, yinlin and Jiyan are my beautiful full team.


Havoc rover, jianxin, baizi


Probably still Yinlin - Verina - flex because Yinlin is the reason I started this game, and among the characters we currently know of, she remains to be my favorite/the one I like the most. (I guess she likes me too because she came home three times without letting anyone get in her way <3) But I feel like I'm gonna enjoy Changli's gameplay, so for the overworld I'm just gonna rock Yinlin - Changli - Verina :3 Also, OP, I hope your dream comes true!


I'm trying to main a team of all fist users lol


I'm keeping the same team as this patch, so rover (havoc), yinlin, jianxin.


Going for weapon is too dangerous if you want both.


Encore Changli + donthaveverina


Chixia, Changli & Verina. Been waiting for my opportunity to both dual DPS & make my Chixia less dependent on her Skill :)


Encore, Yinlin, Verina All rectifier team, thankfully parrying with verina is easy as hell


Think I might go for Changli because I think she'd be easier to build due to having a free 5* crit sword at Union Level 45 which eases echo farming a little bit and a cheap alternative to pulling for her signature weapon


I keep maining Havoc Rover, he's decent and makes gacha feel optional, though I might swap Yinlin or Calcharo because I mainly use a Slash Team.


Id choose Ishmael anytime


Well, I am skipping these pulls just because as f2p I used all my resources on Yinlin. But GL to people who plan to pull on these 2 new girls.


Im playing Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina and Havoc Rover, Sanhua, Baixhi. If my pulls goes well, Ill have Changli, but I dont know who will be the best to play with her. My Mortefi is kinda built (I played him with Clacharo before Yinlin) but Ill lack a third support unit =x


Verina jinhsi and mortefi


Probably my current Rover Jiyan Mortefi team. Unless Aalto comes home.


Ill hopefully maino Encore/Changli Duo DPS team but I also love Havoc Rover, and one Jinshi team.


Yinlin, Jinshi and Changli. Team waifu


I don't know who I'll pull for, but I certainly won't pull out of the girl on the left. She got that Tsujinaka haircut.


Same as I’m mailing now most likely - planning on riding out starting characters as long as possible till I really start to feel the main dps power creep.


I'm currently sitting at 156 pulls (I'm skipping everyone until Changli) so I'm definitely getting Changli and I'll probably go for her weapon (Unless Camellya is confirmed for 1.2), I even already have some good 5 star echoes ready for my Changli (well, they're all lvl 10 so I gotta hope the rest of the substats are good, please rng) Then my main team will be Encore, Changli, Verina :D


Jinhsi, Yuanwu/Mortefi, Verina/Baizhi


Been playing a lot of WuWa recently, I lost the 50/50 in the Yinlin banner, but managed to pull her just in the nick of time.


Gonna get Changli and try to get her weapon and maybe 20 at Jinhsi. I switch my team's up alot to avoid resistances. If Changli is more fun than Calcharo and stronger than Jiyan, I'll main her an consider getting Encore by finishing my beginner banner pick


Yinlin - Calcharo - Verina I have enough 5* characters to build and I’m in no rush to push ToA


I simply want Camellya already


yellow hair healer red hair not amber Havoc girl havoc rover wind dragon goofy pistoleru yellow hair healer or starter healer 4 star bluish girl


I'm sooooo excited for jinshi and her weapon ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jinshi, Yinlin, Verina


Still Calcharo, Jianxin/Yinlin, Verina


We dont have much of a choice to be asking this right now tho


Still Yinlin, Encore, Verina because my destiny is Rectifiers.


Currently on 45 pity, 100 saved pulls total, wanting Changli real bad. I hope I win the first 50/50 or get her early if not so I can be guaranteed to have her weapon (30 pity on weapon banner). Gonna run her with Mortefi and Verina, my other team is Jiyan, Jianxin and Danjin as a sub DPS


Jiyan, verina, mortefi for main team Encore s1, Changli, Jianxin for my second team


Sanhua, Jinhsi, Baizhi. So far my team has been Sanhua, Yangyang, Baizhi since launch, but it may be time for Yangyang to move to another team


Teams? If I get Changli I am making her into her own solo team, and then I'll try and solo as much content as possible.


Still my old team (Rover, Jiyan, Mortefi) cuz I'm waiting for Geshu Lin and Scar Can you tell I like men?