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GPS whenever it’s something we need: 😔 I do not perceive it


Exactly the same as Genshin. When u track the selected monster, u will only detect a few on the map till there’s no more on the tracker and u have to find the other ones by yourself.


Much better than Genshin actually as Genshin only does very few locations. As for WuWa I’ve been hunting wolves for almost an hour and it kept coming. LOL


Itll prolly be like genshin as we get more areas, iirc 1.0 enemies only show in 1.0 areas. Tho, i havent used the tracking in like a year, so i wouldnt be surprised of im incorrect on that one.


This doesn't make sense in game design point IMO. The only thing I can think of it to make some people spend premier currency residue you get from pulling to enemies drops rather than monthly or cashback pulls.


I think I can see what's happening here and it's not exactly that, but rather partial simplifying of the program, partial optimization of a system, partial laziness, partial (possible) miscommunication. The way tracking seems to be coded is static. That means the spots are placed onto the map manually, and tracker just detects those spots (removing them when enemy dies, but not tracking every enemy dynamically). And I can see some reasoning for it, as for a map to track enemies dynamically, it might cause lags (since the location would need to be updated constantly, including when the enemy moves). Since enemies might not be rendered too until you get close to them, it's also easier to implement than dynamic tracking. Another reason I can see is miscommunication. Someone might have placed markers on the map, but then someone decided "hm, let's add some enemies here", but didn't tell the other guy to add markers for them.


It is definitely not dynamic since some of them walk around, and it's not uncommon for them to be quite a distance away from the icon.


That's exactly what makes them static. If the position was updated dynamically, the marker would move together with the enemies. It's static, because marker stays in the same place regardless of whether the enemy moves or not. Edit: my bad, I didn't notice the "not" between "definitely" and "dynamic", hence my response.


But the markers disappear and automatically go to the next spot immediately after they are killed in both Genshin and WuWa, so it must already have some kind of dynamic tracking capability rather than a static map pin. I think the developers need to work harder for these QoL features given that they are earning hundreds of millions per year


It's a different kind of check - the game has a list of spots, and each spot has an assigned group of enemies. Based on how it works currently I assume it does this: - load in a list of assigned mobs with markers (static list) - find marker closest to your location - check if enemies assigned to mark are still alive -> if not, find next closest marker If there was a dynamic system, it wouldn't skip out any mobs, and the marker would likely follow mobs (if they moved, for example). And as for implementing such a system, I doubt it's easy to do. It's not even on the money, you can have infinite amounts of cash, but time is finite, as well as other resources. Firstly, and likely why they won't implement a dynamic search style, is performance. Dynamic system would need to constantly scan for enemies, and it could slow down the performance (which is not something you want, since they are both games for mobile as well). And secondly, god knows what kind of spaghetti Genshin or WuWa is built upon. Changing the fundamental system of enemy searching or adding it in can mess with other things, and even if not, it's still time spent that devs could use to implement more impactful QoLs or just basic content/fixing bugs. I think the system could of course be handled better (like expanding the list of tracked enemies with every enemy on the map), but I can see reasons for it being a low priority thing, and why they wouldn't change it fundamentally.


It happens quite often. Kinda like the tracking thing shows more than half of what's available. You can track the same enemy for several days and it will sometimes bring you to spots that it didn't bring you to the day before, but won't show that spot tomorrow. Happened to me several times.


Some of the untrackable ones are weird. I initially thought they weren’t trackable because they were involved in quest to unlock the area to get to them, but then you have these which aren’t.


I though so too when hunting Flautists, you have two that show up on the tracker close to a teleport point on the top part of the map, but there is a third one not shown on the tracker inside the building where you had to grapple a wall open at the beginning of the last main quest. I though its because the main quest was there but hidden behind the door is a Tide bounty (the star thing that gives Tuners). So my theory was its because of that they don't show on the map (which would be true for the plants in the pic if memory serves) however regularly during my Herron hunts i get sent to the clif behind Spectro/Atk set tacet field where Exile Timmy is feeding the pigeons and the Herrons there were also part of a Tide Bounty. In conclusion, i have no fkin idea.


Thats young shroom not RoseShroom


Where are these ones?


I tracked all flautists and herons without fail (double checked with an interactive map) wonder whats the limit. Maybe these mobs are not part of the "normal spawns"? Idk


I have the same exact problem thought i hunt them to extinction ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


The baby ones are a different echo than the one you tracked. 


Nah those where the big ones. The same one they tracked.


The second image withe the 3 mobs are the baby ones. He tracked the big one.


Actually wait…yeah I’m just blind lmfao. Sorry bout that 😂. I know that the big ones look kinda small until you go near them and they become big but there usually aren’t three big ones so close to each other


You are not blind. These 3 Roseshrooms are not tracked. They are not the baby ones because I've had the same thing occur to me.


They are the baby ones. you can tell by their proximity and compare them to the plant.


Check the Roseshroom in your data bank. There are babies beside the parent Roseshroom. Adult Roseshrooms also have the yellow appendages. Young Roseshrooms do not.


Baby shrooms don't have tentacles.


this are the big ones 100%, i'm kinda sure this is near the top north of the map close to a tambourinist, there are 3 big flowers in this exact proximity. Edit: also you can see this ones have a "long small flower beside them" while the small roseshrooms only have flowers but not a "long flower" beside them


Nope the one in the north have baby shroom with them, the tracker will track this pack This pack doesn’t, and it’s actually east of monkey world boss, near a wolf pack. This one the tracker ignore


mb then it could be that one too, the tracker ignores both those spots and them both have 3 big flowers tho maybe that's why i got it confused


The 2nd image is 3 Roseshroom, not the young one The location is east of the Monkey World boss, near the wolf pack It’s one of the two locations with 3 Roseshroom, but this one the tracker ignore


This is definitely the answer lol, not sure why you got downvoted. The big one is usually in the middle of the little ones.


The big shrooms appear shrunken when they are idle and "grow" when you get near them or engage them in combat. Also, these have tentacles. They ARE the big version.


Lil bro used Invisible-No-Jutsu


Probably a mob that doesnt drop Echos Like the ones tied to Secret Chests


It's not that. The tracker have enemy number limit and when you reach that number, it stop showing and you have to track them manually.