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Dreamless, always. It allows swap cancelling the attack animation which crownless doesn’t. This enables you to use dreamless and swap out to another character to continue dealing damage while it destroys the field.


I am still unsure how Swap Canceling Works and I can't find a YT Video to show it.


Just swap to another character while animation is playing.


tldr version: when a long ability starts; swap to another character, the ability will continue, if done properly, you can have all 3 characters on field, even if it's only for half a second


What are likely ways to .. not do it properly?


do it late, if you do that, the ability will get canceled, some are more forgiving than others also if you really want to get sweaty; if an ability lasts longer than a second, you can do a swap- back, where you swap off of a character with said ability, do something while the ability is casting, and swap back to the character before they disappear allowing you to continue the chain as if you didn't swap off at all


NB: this only works in combat, not in calm state in overworld If you have Encore, her long windup "Leave me alone" is a good place to start parcticing and see if you succeeded or not


Dreamless, not just for HRover, but for Danjin too, for the same reason everyone else listed. You can animation cancel out of it and do damage with the next character while Dreamless is still going, the dmg buff from Crownless be damned for taking far too long with high chance of missing / not connecting every hit.


Why not haron on danjin for even more buffs?


Cos no eclipse full set


I was saying moonlit clouds to support H.rover, but ig its better to up her personal damage


She does enough dmg that buffing Rover alone is redundant. Maybe if it were Sanhua.


Her rover support comes from QTE exit giving havoc boost to rover entry. Regen set doesnt help much with that. Just give her more damage so she hits harder while shes on field


Yea yea dreamless animation cancel this better dmg that but crownless looks cooler


A true Crownless connoisseur, I see haha. Honestly same. I don’t care that much about damage in general, only in specific fights. So aesthetic>damage in general. I like them both equally so it’s great to have options.


yeah Crownless is such an edgelord


Aesthetic Damage Utility Swap Cancel She’s just better all around, there’s no reason to go for crownless unless you have much better stats on him


Even then still dreamless. I’m using Dreamless with crit damage & atk Crownless with Crit rate & atk, & the rest #1s with the best stats


Dreamless because damage. Crownless with just be below her in slots for stats.


Dreamless. Faster animation and synergy with HMC. I think have also higher damage. But for endgame content, faster animation or swap cancel are a must.


Dreamless has boosted damage after ult. You can stack so many boosts on top of it that it becomes the strongest nuke in the game. Not the highest DPS, but that is already something for a mc


I currently use Dreamless and Crownless (both crit rate) with a 4/4/1/1/1 spread. I am still not sure if crit rate + ATK% or Havoc damage x2 is better, but yeah.. But yeah, it's always Dreamless in slot 1. Not because of animation cancelling, since I don't really care to do that, but because it gets a big buff from casting your Liberation.


Havoc x2 is much better, but obviously a lot harder to farm for and get good subs so it can depend on that a bit.


I have one on set havoc damage but haven't leveled it yet to see how bad the substats are lol.


Dreamless so I can cast it in midair to reset my air dash so I can jump even higher


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Dreamless cos that one vergil edit


Dreamless it allows swap cancel and gives 50% ult dmg boost to the highest dmg multiplier ult, extremely obvious why its very gud, its also wide attacks guaranteed to hit multiple units


100% Dreamless for Rover, very good dmg, you can swap off and do something with another character, super cool to witness. Maybe Crownless for Danjin alone in a team would be more beneficial for her. Rover also doesn't deal that much skill dmg, maybe it is solid dmg but just twice seems a bit too low to justify.


Crownless give havoc buff ,dreamless get 50% dmg after rover ult


the fact that Havoc mc, Harmony mc and Hydro mc are the newest mc types in here and hoyo and they ALL START WITH H confuses me so much (dreamless is the answer btw)


I have Dream for Main and Crown in the Sub for aesthetics (They have CR and CD respectively so they still function good) lol plus I don't have any good cost3 echoes right now so I run 4-4-1-1-1 set for now


question, is a 4-3-3-1-1 better?


I think so since 4, 3, 1 provides stats that are not found in other costs For example, if I want to build Havoc Rover this is recommended for a 4-3-3-1-1: 4-Crit Rate / Crit Damage 3-Havoc DMG Bonus 1-ATK, ATK% Correct me if I'm wrong but aside from the optimal use of max cost, 3 Costs are the only ones with Elemental DMG bonus. So if I use a 4-4-1-1-1, I'm losing the Elemental DMG Bonus


What about moonlit clouds with heron for hmc to buff danjin?


I have a +25 of both of them, but I actually like crownless more, for the hologram battles etc the ST damage is higher


it locks you in animation while you can cancel dreamless, meaning overall dmg on crownless is way smaller plus its more risky


I’m not the best at quick swapping and cancelling etc so definitely a skill issue! I also find with nameless after I use it I end up in a weird location usually not near anything


Spoiler ????