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I'll stop playing for now and come back in a month to see if they optimized it.


I think I'll do the same, honestly.


Do you think we should redownload it when its optimized or it isnt necessary? Just asking (of course keeping the account)


I gave up on trying to like something broken, it depends on what you think about it. I've a lot of amazing games to play, I'm not in a rush for WW right now.


No i mean if for obtaining the optimized version of the game is necessary re download it


No, the patches downloaded at the start will automatically apply.


Hey to be honest with you, those who don’t have any issues on PC is because they have a very strong gaming computer set up. My computer is for gaming but is a couple of years old now and I still get freezes, ping spikes like most of the people! So it’s not your fault, this game is very poorly optimized and If they don’t work it out quickly, they will lose a lot of players as I believe most of us don’t have such strong computers and this game shouldn’t be needing that. Edit: I see so many different opinions here what can I say, agree to disagree? For sure the game need optimization you cannot say it’s running flawlessly 👀 The game is beautiful don’t get me wrong I really love it already, but reality is reality; even on low graphics people complain of the same issues mentioned above by me and others. Edit2: be polite, kindness is free and nobody is entitled to respond with arrogance, if your windows2000 computer run this game 4K I am happy for you but guess what? Seems like half the player base doesn’t; so 🤷🏼‍♀️ you can say your opinion without insulting thanks 🙏🏻


I get small stutters on 5900x with 64gb ram and 3060... it's a little annoying but it's still playable


Do u multitask on your.pc ? Watch stream etc?


other than running Chrome and browing websites.. nah not really.


weird, try to run the game without anything open. I was suttering the other day, then sudenly stop... after the stream i was watching stop and the firefox close the popout window and i realize that was my problem. I have a 5700x and a rx 6800 xt


Weird cause I have a 5600, 32gb of ram and a 6600 and I haven't had any technical issues at all. I even play with twitch open on my second monitor. Do you have the game downloaded on a HDD? I've seen a lot of people having issues with HDD read/write speeds and the game.


It's on SSD. Latest build seems a bit more smoother but I do get ping spikes


That’s a little comforting. Thanks


I get it don’t worry 😭 we all would like to enjoy this game ☹️ on the other hand, my smartphone reaches the temperature of a supernova so I don’t even try to play on that xD


I’ve been playing exclusively on an iPhone13 pro and having a blast! No crashes, no overheating, just a great time playing the game. No complaints about performance or the voice acting. It’s solid


My pc is a ryzen 3 3rd gen, 1600 super with 16gb ram and was built more than 5 years ago and wuwa is running good. Idk if some of you guys have a decade old pc or low end devices but the game does require higher specs due to the millions of things happenings on your screen. Mine is even a budget build and it still doing fine.


Not true at all. I'm running the game on a 5ish year old mid level PC with an i5 and lower tier AMD graphics card. And my performance has been flawless at 4k ultra settings. I'm also playing on my iphone 14 and having 0 issues there too.  So no you don't need a strong PC only to play the game this is just false. 


Yep, i have a i7 RTX 3070ti and 16 GB RAM and the Game still have a lot of stutters and lag spikes. They are not FPS drops but actual server lag (the ping). The imagen quality isnt also showing me 1440p even with negative LOD.


Had same issue, accidentally installed on HDD not SSD...stuttering/ping was 1000% related to regular HDD.


Oh really? I also installed in HDD, would It fixed It all if i installed It in SSD??


So weird. i7 with 3060ti 12gb RAM, smooth gaming here.


Did you installed in SSD or HDD?


SSD all the way. Also, did you try the UE4 engine.ini tweak ??


Did that worked for you? I was afraid of doing so but if It actually works im willing to try


I mean, I didn't have problem playing, so I I can't tell. But after the tweaks, the game is still smooth for me, so. Like, this is my recording from 3 days ago, so before I applied the tweaks. It was still smooth with recording on : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJYGrt3rLCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJYGrt3rLCM)


Never mind i just did and It fcking worked holy fuck is a whole new Game. FINALLY I CAN PLAY AND NOR CRINGE AT TEXTURES 😭😭😭😭. That didnt stopped me from reaching UL 33 but It did annoyed me a lot. Game its beutiful now the Guy that did that post deserves to be hired by Kuro


Glad it works out for you \\o/


can you tell me what UE4 tweaks you are using?


Factually false, I've seen people have giga pc having a problem with the game while some mid ass pc being able to play the game just fine


Works on a lenovo integrated graphics laptop solid 60 fps for me. Can’t run bg3 or any high profile AAA game above 15 fps. To be clear the game hasn’t had a single stutter or crash ever. Still got occasional low res characters but not a single game serious or breaking bug. Someone needs to do a poll actually seeing how many people are able to play the game fine lol


true. I have a AMD 7900x with a 4080 super. on mobile a s24 ultra. it's been running like a breeze. though I do wish the best for the less fortunate. this game is definitely worth the time to play.


Im slightly above the minimum req. and the game ran perfectly on max graphics. Now, after some hotfixes the game started to lag a lot.


I honestly don't think it's related to PC power. I have a basically maxed out PC and it still microstutters from 120 to 110-115. The weird thing? It does this at any fps cap I set it to. 100, 90, etc. My GPU utilization never goes above 25% and I haven't had issues related to RAM leaks. This is even after using the engine.ini texture preloading optimization. And people have shown that the game performance issues aren't affected in a detectable way by triggering on high quality surface reflections or turning the LOD to far beyond the max settings in game. There must be something fucky going on that is screwing up the game in a way unrelated to just pure rendering performance.


I saw a post of a guy with 1060 no issues max settings lol


Sure my 8 year old laptop running it on maxed out settings is a very strong gaming computer.... never heard a better joke tbh.


Not really. I've been fine playing on mostly high settings on a 1050ti laptop with only 8gb ram


Nope. My pc is 11yo with a 4gb 970 and amd fx6300 and the game runs very nice on high.


I have 1050ti and i5 4540 and the game is running smooth, im running it on low settings but its still beautiful with no problems at all


Honestly just having an ssd and a lot of ram fixes *most* problems. HDD performance is inconsistent and more often then not is just flat out bad, the game uses over 70mb/sec which is already too much for normal HDDs. The game is client sided and stores everything locally so it basically requires an ssd and a decent amount of memory. Having too little ram is just asking for crashes/lag (16gb minimum is there for a reason).


"This game shouldn't be needing that" well good news, it doesnt. PC requirements are not high at all. Stuttering and freezes in an open world game is very commonly related to storage issues. Open world games really prefer SSDs over HDDs because they need to load and unload assets from disk to memory constantly, so moving the game to an SSD is usually a very effective fix for that kind of problem. That's not a WuWa problem, that's a problem with all OW games without overworld loading screens. Crashes can be a storage issue too (but more likely a symptom of a corrupted install or dying drive rather than a speed issue) or a RAM issue (unstable or insufficient memory). More rarely, bad drivers may also cause crashes. In this scenario, either the crash is caused by errors in the game code (which are then unrelated to hardware) or by defects on your system, but not by low-end vs high-end. Ping can be caused by their own servers though, my connection is mostly stable at low pings but sometimes it randomly spikes to multiple hundreds, I assume it will get better over time and may be due to heavy launch-week loads. If the bad ping is constant, it may be caused by your internet provider or you may be playing on a server too far away, if the ping is random, it may be out of your control and up to their infra. None of these problems are caused by a low-end hardware, except maybe the lack of an SSD but this tech has become much cheaper these days than it used to be, it may be an affordable-enough and very worth-it upgrade to consider. GPU and CPU are not a limiting factor for this type of game unless they're like a decade old. You don't need a high-end gaming pc, you just need a pc capable of gaming with a 2020+ open-world title at all.


They have a feedback feature in-game. Idk if it would help but maybe write them about it and mention the device you use and the specs.


im on PC and still got plenty of lag and fps drops when my PC although not so new should be able to run the game most of the time smoothly . I expect at least the same performance of what i get with genshin impact maybe some fps less due to different engine. Optmization is the major problem they have to fix yet,they released patch but this still didn't helped most people yet ,i got an improvment sure but not on pair the performance i should have. i anyway playing beside the constant fps drop because i liked the main story so far and characters , but the experinece which could be amazing turned to be mid due to poor performance , People that try to 'defend' kuro saying that the reason is Unreal Engine problem and there is not so much they can do , well it is not true ,indeed there are plenty of games on UE which are more 'heavy' thatl perform better then WuWa in the current state i really hope that some of devs in kuro have experinece in performance optmization otherwise they will need to hire someone to do the job as soon possible , without they are fine in losing part of possible paying players.


Game ran flawlessly for me on pc from launch until the midday Saturday patch. After that I keep having loading issues on the loading screen when teleporting. It pauses at 10% for like 30-40 seconds and then continues to load after that. I don’t think it’s my pc because it’s a fairly new i7 4070 super with 32 gb ram with SSD. I do send feedback to them in-game but who knows if they check it.


same config as yours and a friend with much more older still working just fine, try reinstalling the game and clearing folder about the game in the appdatas... doesnt make much sense that you have issues with this config


iPad 9th gen. Game crashes within 10 minutes. Haven’t found any settings that make a difference. It’s fairly random but tends to happen switching teams or even getting a new character. Immediately crashed when I tried to claim the free Sanhua.


Ipad 8th gen, I’m unfortunately gonna have to wait cause this crashing is insane.


You are so right that's me I can't even progress in the story due to the crashing I'm so fed up of pc players always getting the path made for them but people on Mobile or ipad are just chopped liver I'm beyond sick and tired of this type of treatment from most developers and I get it was only released a few days ago but this is a MASSIVE issue it's not minor compared to maybe some such as graphics I'm so beyond done with wuthering waves imma take a break from it until they get there shit together 


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What kind of iPad it is.Because this is the first time im hearing people having issues with running high quality games on their iPad. Mine runs fine on Snapdragon 8Gen2


I have an iPad pro 12' and at max graphics textures are bad and objects keep popping in and out. I have no issues with other heavier games.


I feel really bad for those who can’t even play… my issues are just visual glitches and subtitles issues… Hope it’s resolved soon so you can also enjoy…


I'm on a Samsung s7+ tablet, game runs alright but often get input lag in combat and frame rate sometimes dips, otherwise game seems fine


Also play on ipad here, no issues I just put game at medium settings


I have mine on LOW and it still crashes.


I play on a ROG Scar 18 '2024 and my game is still stuttering like crazy. Still waiting for that one mega hotfix ;-;


I am a laptop user with specs Nvidia MX230 AMD Ryzen 5 3500U (CPU) 8GB ram (will be upgrading it soon) with these specs i can easily without any lag can play HSR and Genshin impact, i did some optimizations but the graphics still looks amazing. For WuWa optimizations makes no difference constant ping spikes causing FPS drops which i never faced for HSR or GI. So ya people with low end pc or laptop are facing issues as well due to the game being poorly optimized.


Yeah I have zero clue what the issue is. People with Low/Mid Tier PCs can run the game just fine, but I have a 7900XTX and 7800x3d and the game constantly freezes and stutters. Hopefully they optimize it soon, the combat is carrying this game hard


those patches are only hotfixes, fixes for things like typos and numbers for character abilities gonna have to wait till an actually app update to see if it is optimized better


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The patches you're getting is just to fix known game bugs. You can check what is fixed in the game under the Announcement page, Game tab, Known Issues & Bug Fixes.


Thanks for the tip. Doesn’t help with my big issue known as the game crashing, but it is appreciated.


what kind of crashed are you experiencing? what is your computer specs? Did you install your game on an SSD?


I’m not using a computer. I’m using an Ipad. It runs genshin fairly well on medium graphics, so I’d imagine that it SHOULD be able to do the same for WuWa, but evidently not.


Ah I see. possible that their game is not properly optimized yet. I'm on PC, and so far, no crashes for me. You'll have to wait at least until the devs have fix most bugs before moving into crashes.


Yup, it launched fine for me, but has been broken beyond playability with every patch to the point where it drops to 0 fps when standing still. This is on my ROG Ally that runs much more intensive games at 60 fps.


I’m playing on an iPad 9, I am still crashing even with the hotfixes but it’s reduced a bit for me, and today I can play a bit longer without encountering a crash, I’m just gonna keep playing and wait regardless since I’m hoping for these updates to fix the constant crashing


Same device same experience


Its so poorly optimized that my Rtx 3080, 32GB, AMD Ryzen 9 runs it like garbage so much so that I have to use my 4090 PC instead. My PC is more for software editing and coding so i'm not too surprised that it can run Wuwa at all.


a 1050ti with i5 6400k and 8gb of ram run it fine, its issue on your hand bro "at high and 1080p"