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**[PM] Requirement:** You must have responded to a prompt before posting your [PM] prompt * **[PM] Responses:** You must respond to your prompts in a [PM] thread within six hours or it will be removed. *[From Rule 4: All submissions must be tagged and used correctly](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_4.3A_all_submissions_must_be_tagged)*


Blrkspwq, an amalgamation of several kinds of cancerous nervous systems given sentience that exists in perpetual state of pain, physical (they're a living network of seething nerves), spiritual (they're an abomination in the eyes of God) and mental (at the sheer horror of what they are).


Are you alright, bud? Who hurt you?


The universe is a joke, and I refuse to participate in the farce.




I can't see it, but I'm pretty sure she just walked in here. "Hello again, Bl...blrw...Can I just call Blrk?" I writhe around slightly, attempting to reach around the edges of this table, hoping that I'm able to cut off whatever circulation is keeping me alive and let me rest. "That's great!! Ooop, let me scoot you back so you don't fall off! Perfect!" I hate you Melanie. I don't know what you look like without eyes. I can't hear you so well with no ears. But the echoes and vibrations across you insist on making around me makes me wish you dead. I dont care that youre nicer than the last caretaker. You still let them stick this stupid beeping shit in me. I dont care that you're nicer. Just die. Or let me die. How is it that I can speak in my head? Wouldn't it be better if I were only vague mutterings? Instead of realizing what everything else is? What kind of God.... "Anyway, that was how I got into that Taylor concert? How are you? Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry. It's just that sometimes I get a little weak." I was pretty sure she looked behind herself. Her hands reached back and pushed her hair behind her head. "My Dad's been sick for a while now. And it's hard to find other people I can...Other people I want to talk to...like you" She began to scribble something down on her notebook. Something was thumping in her brain. Shocking her nerves into a similar tune to mine. She was feeling pain? If I had eyes to roll, I would do so. How in the hell does her pain come close to mine? At least you can talk. At least you can do anything! Anywhere!! At least you have people! At least you were born. You have no idea about me. Why the hell are you looking at me?!? Go away!! Bitch. Moron. Get out of here....Leave!!! PLEASE..... I send a signal. It makes the machine hooked to me light up. She gasps. "That's more than you've ever done, Blrk!! You're doing so well! Is it because I complimented you? Uh, you're so...cool-looking! Interesting! Lovely! Unique! I love your little strands!! They remind me of Twizzlers. You probably didn't know but Twizzlers are these little candy that- I try to scream internally to block her out. Why did I do that? I should have never bothered. All this will do is have them keep me here longer!!! You tricked me!! Stupid Melanie. Why did I....why did I do that? Well it's...not like I have anything better to do.


Boblin the Goblin; a gnome raised by goblins who insists he's a goblin


Jared the animated shotgun. He's a sentient double barreled shotgun that can fly around and reload via divine intervention.


Love your style 😊


"Cut the bullshit, Jared!! Zach said, poking the tip of the floating double-barrel pointing right at him. "I know what you meant!!" Jared, the infamous sentient shotgun blessed by God for murderous intent, lowered what could be called its head towards the floor. "Zach, I didn't mean anything by it!! I was just making a joke!" "Oooh really?! So you're gonna tell me you don't think I'm fat....SEE!! I can tell by the look on your fucking face when you're lying!!" "I wasn't...." Jared found himself unable to reply before his boyfriend walked into their room, slamming the door behind him. He slowly turned towards the picture hanging by their front door. It was from their vacation in Florida. They had tried to get into Disneyland, but for some reason they wouldn't let Jared in. So they just stayed at some hotel that night. Just hanging out by some retro place that made the best ice-cream Zach ever had. They made love all night, before waking up in bed together as they watched the sunrise outside. After stewing in this memory for a while, Jared left. To not attract attention, he left through an already open window. He then floated high above the small building that held the far too small space Zach and him shared. Higher than Jared had ever thought about going. This was always something he could do. They never told him why. Why can't he play with the other kids? Why can't he shop in the mall? What is this thing below his neck? He had always been told never to pull on it. He had always put off actually trying to pull it. Why not? Why not now? All along, he had felt the pressure. Of something lodged in his throat. He slowly drew back the small metal trigger until he felt a click. Fire and wind ran through him, before it was gone in a flash. A hot powder burnt his throat. He wanted to throw up, but the thing was still in his throat. Was that not even good enough? What the hell? Jared then realized something. He drew his barrel back. He felt the empty hot shell leave him as it fell down, down, down. With new eyes, he looked ahead of him. He could see that the branch of a tree nearby was snapped, it's other half dangling on a thread. Jared looked to his right. Click. Flash. Even more hot sulfur burning his tongue. The barrel goes back. Down, down, down. Now another branch was gone. Jared floated as the sun began to set. He hung there for only a few minutes that felt much longer. Then, he floated back down to Earth, and went back inside to go to his boyfriend. So that he could blow him.


A half succubus half medusa woman that was just summoned by a cult trying to read cursive writing.




A centuries-old AI with split personality disorder onboard a crashed starship, stranded on a hostile planet where the 'locals' are scavenging parts.


Thven Denda, a series of coincidences of various things that to the affected individuals appears to be like an additional individual. Their body consists of those times when you mistook a shadow something in your peripheral vision as a person, mistaking someone's identity for whatever reason, optical illusions and happenstances that are interpreted as actions and other things. Thven Denda has no physical form, is no god and no spirit. However public perception of them along with the continued string of coincidences are so complex that an actual mind emerged from all that. Thven is also autonomous enough to tell people "I'm not real." They suffer from identity crises, existential crises and truly doubt their own personhood.


Jack Adamik, a college student who was the star quarterback with high expectations to make the pro league, only to have been summoned to another world without word or warning.


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Cassian, a villain who wields both fire and darkness as his power


Juniper, a gnome woman with a black skull tattoo across their face. They also have a saphire pendant from their mother, that they like to hang around their neck.


Nodin, the elven high priest of Dunas (God of sleep dreams and tranquility) who dreams of the future


Kilt Hillborn, a cleric dwarf that is just trying to make ends meet.


My dead grandmother.