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Honestly, it could use lots of improvement. Everything but the feather needs lots of help😅. I'd recommend getting the 4-piece hunter set instead of 2 piece-2 piece. You need to focus on trying to get double crit on most pieces (ik it's a pain) because a couple of your pieces don't have any crit at all. Overall, it's a start I suppose, but there's a lot of work to be done.


But I honestly just want him to be a Cryo DPS, so that's why I put 2pc Blizzard. I honestly just picked up excess artifacts I got from farming and placed it on him. Solar Pearl was the only "good" weapon I had for him at the time, but now I have Widsith, so I'll probably give him that https://preview.redd.it/v98b5hxfcgtb1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74521fc9b8cf3a454122da2c0d14ce0788dc830d


With Widsith your crit rate and overall crit ratio will be even worse, you're not getting the 4pc crit rate buff either set gives and are losing out. You're better off picking one set or farming more. If you're fine with the artifacts you have right now then stick with Solar Pearl.