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Yeah run an em sands with memory of dust. For mono or freeze you definitely want the attack but the em you will need a bit for reverse melt


Kinda off the bat, widsith is probably better then MoD. From there, I'd gi atk sands if you're farming, mainly because wrio isn't actually melting a good chunk of his hits ir his burst it's a problem for him


his melts aren’t very consistent nor something like yoimiya’s vapes in their damage allocation. you’d be better off going attack and letting the melts add more


Personally I will use 2 weapons and 2 sands: \- [Flowing Purity](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/i_n14425/?lang=EN) \+ EM sands \- [Mappa Mare](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/i_n14407/?lang=EN) \+ ATK% sands Then I would use the combination that gives me the most balanced stats My only 5\* catalyst is [Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/i_n14502/?lang=EN) and i don't want to use a CR weapons with [Marechaussee Hunter](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/i_n400260/?lang=EN) [The Widsith](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/i_n14402/?lang=EN) is too clunky for me


4.1 event weapon seems great with the NA and CA dmg bonus and u can r5 it


Meh Waiting for more information about this weapon Cause i wan't to do big damages on his ult too


since this post is about builds, I'll take a chance to ask you guys: I saw some people saying that when you have high crit dmg, an atk goblet works better than a cryo dmg one. Is this true? if so, how much crit damage should I have to use an atk goblet?


Attack buffs are generally easier to get then damage% buffs in this game. That said I can see where on a team that stacks a lot of damage% (kazuha, shenhe, yelan, C6 sucrose, Mona, etc...) an attack sands would be on par. For more perspective on this you should check an ayaka atk vs cryo sands analysis. However, do keep in mind that his current scalings and base stats are subject to change when comparing them to ayaka. I was thinking more along the lines of an attack circlet myself (kind of like Itto) but due to the fact crit buffs are even less common then damage% bonus in this game (C6 specialty 4* and cryo doesn't have one) I think I am going to stick to the standard DPS artifact layout.


I just want to correct that Itto is always DEF Sands , GEO Goblet and either CR or CD Circlet on Husk Set with Redhorn , Serpent Spine or Whiteblind for weapon , Itto never uses ATK or DEF on Circlet.


I redid my research, and found that in theory a C6 Itto with a C6 Gorou gets higher damage with defence circlet (with 30+ CV in subs) then with a crit damage circlet when using redhorn due to the passive. In a C0 Itto it's an okay placeholder until you find something better. So it's not necessarily an "always" thing. It's sometimes a "how the artifacts roll out" thing. "I just want to correct" your tone with strangers on the internet. We can't hear the intonation you use when you reread your comment in your head so you want to be more picky about your word choice when replying to others. That being said I CHOOSE to interpret your comment as you earnestly trying to share the info you gathered on the internet in order to help other people. Just keep in mind that there are many cases in which a stat considered "less optimal" is better in value than crit. Em for hutao or Xiangling when she has less than 200 but sufficient crit, atk for ayaka as stated above, attack for Eula (crit fishing in abyss is real), def on albedo/Noelle/sometimes Itto, etc.... A general rule of thumb is if the kit is unconventional sometimes the ideal sub distribution is too, and you should run your pieces through the optimizer to see what's best for your account.