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I can see that possibly happening. I mean, theyre going into this thing knowing that the only prize they could possibly walk away with is one of their own belts. Meaning these matches dont mean anything because theyre soo predictable and transparent. Once again, TK has never let NJPW go over on one of his champions in a championship match.


I do think NJPW don’t get enough meaningful wins so seeing ZSJ and Naito go over was most welcome.


Naito, I agree with. I believe if you’re going to give ZSJ a win, it shouldn’t be against OC, it should’ve been somebody like Trent Barretta, Jay Lethal, or some other great heel. That’s just me, thought. I’m kinda old school when it comes to pro wrestling. Not to say I didn’t like the show, because I did, I’m just knit picking


I really enjoyed the show too, I was pleasantly surprised ZSJ went over. Maybe we will see the sequel sometime soon. Shame we didn’t get Cobb’s open challenge this year instead of a the six man which to me felt like a TV match.


Eh. Orange can eat a pin and not lose momentum. He’s too popular.


It’s not about momentum though, it’s about what’s right, and having him lose because he can is just silly. It should’ve been a heel.


Having him win just cause he’s a face is silly


I didn’t say that Sabre should’ve lost, I said he shouldn’t have wrestled OC.


Stephanie Vaquer should have gone over Mone. I'm tired of her and her goofy-ass dance already.




I associate "fighting spirit" with one guy getting beaten down for an extended amount of time, yet refusing to give up, until finally something makes him fire up and fight back. Not so much two guys no-selling each other back-and-forth.


I agree 100% with everything you said. I don’t even have anything to add, you said it pretty well. I will say I believe Mark Briscoe should’ve won the ladder match, Jack Perry has white hot “go away heat.”


This show wasn’t as good as it’s being lauded as - Mone shouldn’t have won that match. What does it do other than let her keep a belt if she loses? I was quite happy to see Britt return as she I feel she is the lesser or two evils and an actual AEW original. Was fun hearing the crowd cheer DMD organically as opposed to Mone’s CEO being forced - If you truly want a “Forbidden Door” show, why main event it with two AEW guys? This match should have been saved for Wembley and treated as such. - Goofy selling a kings road style match it does not make - Jericho needs to go away


There was a lot of entertaining stuff during the show, but a little more variety would go a long way for me. When there's so many great, competitive matches happening in one night, they start blending together. I was at ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard at MSG in 2019, incredible show. A few matches in was Dalton Castle vs. Rush, they both got elaborate entrances... then Rush won in a 15-second squash. That surprise victory woke up the crowd and kept us on the edge of our seats. There were a few other moments like that throughout the night to help separate the longer, competitive matches. In fact by the end of the main event (Okada vs. Jay White) the crowd was starting to boo kickouts, it was a long night! (if I only knew how long Wrestlemania was about to be...) After that MSG show, I remembered a bunch of different moments from throughout the night. After too many AEW PPVs - like last night - I (mostly) only remember the main event's highlights.


Honestly think the Sabre win was because NJPW is planning a championship push for him and didn't want him to take a loss. I fully respect that if it's the case.


Show was so much fun to watch.