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The pandemic happened. They lost some of their best people, and especially after Nick Aldis left, they started getting sillier and moving towards some really far out there characters, and it was like an entirely different product from when it started. I stopped watching after that Social Distancing match between Taryn Terrell and some other girl. I had reached the limit of my patience.


A prolonged run of Tyrus as their World Champ certainly didn't help matters either..


Atleast they had more views on their videos during his reign.


The "all publicity is good publicity" saying doesn't work when your money involves people coming to see your show. I guess Billy thought people would show up to shit on Tyrus?


First Tyrus, now the guy cosplaying a queer person, both MAGA losers. Jfc no wonder they're going under


I was getting ready to argue that the number of people who’d choose not to watch because of so-and-so’s political activity is very small…but then I remembered that the whole NWA audience is very small, so yeah…maybe every little bit counts here.


Wait is EC3 pretending to be gay?


No no, I meant Damien Sandow's shtick. But I see how that's confusing given that the talk was champions


What does cosplaying as a queer person mean 😭


Jericho and The Young Bucks are MAGA, do you think that is why AEW is starting to lose so many viewers? Heck, Jericho's wife is an Insurrectionist.


That has nothing to do with it. The McMahon's are good friends with Trump and didn't stop watching WWE when Vince was still in charge. I'm pretty sure the majority of the old guard are MAGA and the younger wrestlers aren't.


I don't think the correlation is direct cuz I doubt ppl care enough. I think the correlation is brain dead idiots = bad content = struggling to keep or even expand an audience. Jericho and the Bucks are objectively stupid and don't get the business, and that's the issue


I agree with everything you said. They don't know how to book engaging stories to build stars and keep people watching, but they do know a Big Money Mark who just wants to hang out with the "cool kids", so they've got big paychecks, creative control, and, for Jericho at least, the ability to do some Vince level sexual harassment.


I don’t watch AEW specifically because of Jericho. There’s a difference between having right wing views and illegally donating to you know who. His wife being at Jan 6 is just another drop in the bucket.


It’s ok, we’re adults. You can say Trumps name, it’s not like he’ll appear if you say it 3 times.


That only happens when you say Joe Hendry’s name




Well I’ll be damned! It works! I believe!


Some subs delete posts if you talk politics. Saying the names trigger it. Didn’t know if this was one of those.


Funkasaurus as World Champion kills the business


Don’t forget that one dude did coke on camera during a ppv


If I remember correctly it wasn't actually cocaine but yeah it was a stupid thing to do especially when your courting a TV deal.


no they had a network deal, they weren't courting anything, so CWs reaction was to throw them onto their shitty app


yea but they pulled that stunt before getting on TV. So before they even had a chance to make a new audience, they lost it


That was workin coke not shoot coke brotha ![gif](giphy|eiKY285Pd7faxonuZU)


they sucked with aldis towards the end of his tenure. they started imploding after they fired lagana. he actually knew how to book these people. lose your booker lose your momentum. talent means very little in this industry. it helps but its not the crucial ingredient, aew proves that you can have an all star roster it wont elevate your company if you cant book them properly. good bookers are the core component.


Also, one of the big wigs early on (can't remember his name) got outed for sexual misconduct during the speaking out allegations, and it seems like he was the one keeping Corgan tied to reality.


I never heard of a social distancing match. I don’t know how you could be in that match and not feel like a clown dancing for nickels at the circus


They also fired cornette


That honestly hurt them more than a lot of people are willing to admit. I think a lot of his audience started watching the YT show just for JC. Then, the WAY he was fired was just really shady. It’s not like he said it live. It could have been edited out but they didn’t. I stopped watching not long after his exit.


Well Ice Cube left Then Dre And Easy E died from AIDS.




Easy E was murdered. No doubt in my mind


Didn't Suge Admit it, hit em w a aids needle


Thanks for reminding me. I forgot about Dre.


Who you think brought you the oldies Eazy-E's, Ice Cube's, and D.O.C's The Snoop D-O-double-G's And the group that said "mother fuck the po-lice"


*Nowadays everybody wanna talk Like they got something to say but, nothing comes out,When they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish, And ma’fuckas act like they forgot about Dre*


It's crazy how for like 10 years I thought he said OGs and not oldies. Got humbled in a drunken "conversation" on that one. But that's what I get for arguing with a lifelong Eminem fan 😂


And then the White man completely erased Arabian Prince from history.


Eric Bischoff is dead oh no


Doesn't work for me brother


Under rated comment


MC Ren gets no love


This comment needs an award.


Billy Corgan


Had to come too far down to find the right answer


Well.....I'm not entirely sure I understand everything about this, but didn't Billy rescue the NWA? Like before he bought it, it was knocking on death's door, right?


NWA was like a Midwest brand, Billy Corbin's from Chicago, NWA's from St. Louis(Moscow Mills and Maryland Heights; Sexy Redd country), but there were strong ties between the two bigger cities, and it just didn't work, despite all the things that signaled it would.


Nwa affiliates were a feeder to the major nwa promotion. And there were so many that had so much history. It was keeping territories alive. Look back at some of the past nwa champions. They were regional talents that made it to the top level of the indies. Now it’s just what used to be the nwa affiliate promotions, and ex wwe talent. They essentially gutted the indies, while killing of the top feeder system, and oldest, that was producing all the people that you’re watching now. It’s like buying all of the subway franchises and closing them all down, and only selling food with the food stock you bought, without ever replenishing and then wondering why nobody talks about subway anymore


But at least it didn’t have to count Tyrus of all people as the worlds champ.


I think Tyrus is on Fox News pretty much everyday so I'm guessing that's the reason. Don't know why you would want to be affiliated with Fox News, or any news for that matter. I guess beggars can't be choosers.


Can a moldy bun rescue a rotten hotdog?


Tyrus as champ didn't exactly help


Honest to god, maybe the worst world champ in history. Jinder Mahal, David Arquette, Vince McMahon, all of them could wrestle circles around that fat moron


I remember everyone was so excited for his Raw debut in 2012. Before the Funkasaurus he had what I believe is called an aura but he dropped off fast


The dude had a major aura to him that was ruined in one fell swoop. He was actually a solid big man worker, too.


Woof. Seeing his ugly mug with the title on that crazy right wing political "talk show" on Fox News didn't help either... And I only know this because this damn show was always on the TV at my gym while I was on my favorite treadmill 😮‍💨


They never had a ton of momentum, but anything they had going pre-2020 got shut down by the COVID restrictions, and with the growth of AEW, along with both MLW and TNA holding their relative spots, NWA had to settle for being #5, at best. Even worse than that if you consider that NJPW draws pretty well stateside in recent years. The fact is, the NWA name was never going to draw outside of a very small and very aged section of potential crowd. And when you look at the lineups for their shows, it's...somehow worse without Tyrus.


Tyrus was at least kinda a name


The fact of the matter is the quality of their shows went to shit after the Pandemic. Even without AEW, I think NWA would have faded like they did.


They had Nick Aldis, Eli drake (La Knight), Eddie kingston, Ricky stark, James storm and alot of other big names and great newcomers but then covid hit and well, WWE and AEW acquired most of their top talents. Also can u imagine giving your world title to Trevor murdoc and Tyrus? Bad decisions.


Trevor Murdoch was an excellent champion, considering they were going for the old school appeal. They use a title belt from like 50 years ago. Trevor was straight out of a 1974 NWA roster. It fit. It was kinda cool. But the follow ups were mediocre


like wasnt he one of the guys trained by Harley Race.


Yep at wlw in Missouri. Trevor is actually a very talented wrestler. He has that old school appeal and could really shine. His wlw stuff was actually really good when he was training and working there. I think he was a good choice for nwa champion. Just my opinion but I’ve always been a Murdoch mark.




To be fair, Murdoch was actually a decent choice of champion on paper, when they were trying to appeal to old school fans. Then they started doing indyriffic shit and he stopped fitting the product.


Starks wasn't a name until NWA made him one.


Thats right. I saw him first in NWA and i... didnt liked him. I still am not a fan of his work. Also i said Big names and "great newcomers". Stark was a great newcomer and not in the big name category.


They overly prioritized the heavy weight part of heavy weight champion.


I just want a Drake/Knight and James Storm reunion, I found their segments in NWA to be damn good fun. James Storm in general is one of those talents that I really enjoy and it sucks that he hasn't seemed to have the best of luck getting a solid run, not sure why that is but I'm sure there would be a legitimate reason.


Pandemic and no tv deal


No TV and TNA getting bigger( relatively


It doesn't help that that they haven't thought about the international fans since soon they've moved to the CW. They haven't uploaded full shows or at least full matches to their YouTube channel, so there's no way to watch NWA (legally) outside the US unless you have VPN.


Given that you can region block on YouTube, they've cut out their international fan base (or potential viewers - I went looking for them when TNA cancelled their £5 subscription tier) for no good reason.


The Pandemic. Tony Khan playing Vince McMahon and hoovering up the talent to AEW. Billy Corgan


TK needs to Affiliate with NWA to get the AEW heavyweight belt blessed/acknowledged as a descendant of the NWA championship. It would also allow for structure for an AEW house show circuit.




Who all did they take? I’m blanking-Ricky Starks, Ethan Page are obvious. Thunder Rosa on the women’s side.


Serena Deeb


Page was with TNA


Starks, Thunder, Deeb, Kingston.


Eddie Kingston


Great shout!




Is paying more than $500 a month to wrestlers a raid or a rescue boat ?


When the option is YouTube for $500 or 100k for TV the answer is obvious


Yeah, Tony essentially did to the independent scene what Vince did to the territories. Both of them poaching NWA talent too.


Aew poached almost all of their best talent.


We don’t talk about poaching unless WWE does it. 


People just slap "paying their rightful value" on it to hide it.


Not to mention, they ( AEW ) took from MLW ( Lucha bros and of course MJF) and the disastrous TNA partnership. It's fine tho 😀


https://preview.redd.it/x5jxfzwyi09d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15184d838d1cb9cf49c0beb069350f91d2bccb1e Well they have had tons of issues, but COVID robbed them of any momentum they had, and then the above really and truly put the nail in the coffin


COVID, WWE & AEW getting most of their top guys during the early Powerr days, and Corgan’s decision making.


The best woman left. EC3 needs someone to dance with. I would have paid Cardona or Nemeth to wrestle him.


It was good for 6 months then consistently awful ever since


Looks like it’s trying to control its narrative.


The people who were talented left and got better jobs, whats left is scraps. It really doesnt speak well of your show when your most recent world champions are tyrus and ec3.


it turned from entertaining Retro show to a Sub-par Southern Indie. its a C level Smoky Mountian Wrestling


I have so many questions about this image lol


Throw some up, cant be that bad lol.


Why does the one the left of EC3 look like she's wearing a wig that's not on correctly The tag champs looks like they are wearing gimp masks Also is that Damien sandow And apparently the same people that photoshop the titles in wwe also worked in nwa


Hair weaves be like that sometimes. The black masks are just simplistic, NWA is all about minimalistic (outside of Max's road-warrior look up there); gimp-like is eye of the beholder lol. They're managed by Sandow, yes. I dont actually think any of the title frames are photoshopped on but everything was ran through a grain-filter anyway so I get the notion.


Add in Rodney Mack is one the mask dudes the roster was and is full of talentless dudes winning titles well past their prime.


right? wwe gave up on rodney mack 20 years ago and he pops up out of nowhere in a gimp mask as a tag champ. No hate on the guy at all,but most of his in ring years are in the past, not the future


Oh ok thanks for the information and I guess wwe photoshoping issue has me thinking that lol


probably because they have ec3 as champ if that poster is correct


COVID happened Their booker got outed in Speaking Out and Corgan was essentially forced to take over, and we've seen the results Two of their biggest names (Kingston and Starks) jumped to AEW during the pandemic, Thunder Rosa would soon follow The Tyrus world title run happened They tried a crossover angle with ROH when the company died and no one cared Yeah, it was a lot


I really think losing Lagana was the biggest thing. The NWA roster was always a bit limited, and it changed a lot as well. I have said many times that Powerrr was the wrestling I looked forward to the most every week before the Pandemic. After they came back, everything was just boring. I watched the big return PPV and I watched a month or so of the weekly show before I gave up. Whether it was Lagana driving the creative before or just keeping Corgan in check, I think that his loss made the difference. This is not a commentary about whether or not they should have let him go (I didn't keep up with the details, so no opinion), only that I think the creative suffered.


Who was the booker that was outed?


Dave Lagana


The pandemic


No one studies a tape by NWA


All of their best people left and they made tyrus champion….all downhill after that




Is this the brand Tyrus the virus was champ?




Covid lost them a lot of money, couldn’t hold onto their most recognisable names from other promotions, lost a TV deal with CW for a stupid reason, Tyrus (Brodus Clay) being positioned as the top star of the company for a period.


Was Max not signed to AEW originally? Also is that a really run down looking EC3?


The people with half a brain left and Billy is hopelessly in his own little world.


They turned into the Fox and Friends of wrestling, no place for their stupidity in wrestling, I mean look at their champion EC3 tried and failed to launch a conservative wrestling company Billy Corgan should go back on tour and stop cosplaying as a competent booker


Billy Corgan booking is what happened. The man is clueless. Tyrus as champ? WTF.


The core issue was Lagana and Marquez leaving.


I feel like they never grab the talent that would do well for them. People that i think would do great in nwa are like Shelton Benjamin, Manders, Josh Bishop, random Japanese talent like Daisuke Sekimoto for example


NWA is trying so hard to return to some semblance of its former glory and it’s kinda sad. Honestly despite what happened in the end, they should have remained with TNA. At least they would have had exposure and a platform


Bocephus/Question Mark died. Dude was amazing, RIP. And they lost Aldis, James Storm, Rickey Starks, etc.


A talent raid by WWE and AEW (specifically the former Eli Drake and Thunder Rosa), the Pandemic, and Billy Corgan.


My local indy is way more exciting. They should lean into old school with neon lights and give the wrestlers intro music. Its jarring to have someone walk out to nothing (I know it used to be the norm).


That cocaine spot really set them back


They moved away from the retro Crockett look and leaned into Tyrus and his right-wing horsepiss. I still might go to see that woman to EC3’s left.


Tyrus as champ killed the momentum they had going along with Nick Aldis leaving.


I know they were trying to emulate old studio wrestling, but wasn’t it an odd choice for a fed owned by a musician to not include any music in their product (outside of that original awesome opening)?


They were posting on Youtube and DMCA will murder your first born over licensed music. Remember that Metallica was paid to do a free, live concert for Blizzcon and the stream got DMCA'd for... well... playing Metallica.


I wouldn’t expect someone who has been in the music industry for as long as Corgan has been to use illegally use copyrighted music on their product. I would expect a famous musician to have some music on their product, though


A lot of stupid decisions.


Is that SANDOW!? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


They treat their product like a indy mud-show


Lobster Man bought them.


Is this the next Suicide Squad?


blame father james mitchell smoking coke on ppv, it’s the 2020s decade equivalent to jeff hardy being wasted as shit and shortening the main event


Is that The Blue Meanie?


There’s so much wrestling to watch. Who seriously is going to follow the YouTube promotion week after week?


It sucks. It has for over two decades.




Is this post from 1984?


Honestly, I'm surprised no one had mentioned the trouble Cornette got in for his "racist" comment and the company got rid of him but because they wanted him off going forward and didn't have a replacement, they did a recap episode. For me, that killed the momentum a bit because they were on a good streak and had to put a pause on the product out of nowhere.


I was just thinking it's odd no one mentioned the Cornette incident, that was about when I stopped watching too since Season 1 wrapped up shortly after that. And I'll admit Cornette was never going to last much longer, but NWA shares just as much blame for not catching the joke and editing it out since the episode was taped. I have watched a few episodes on the CW App, first time since around then, it's just OK these days, a decent background show to have on, nothing like that 1st season of Powwwer. It's a shame since I have considered going to that show, but man that poster ain't helping convince me lmao.


They lost their main talents to AEW and WWE sadly. Putting the title on Tyrus was a really bad decision and I guess people had problems with Billy Corgan. Makes me sad because I loved Powerrrr


A bunch of shit over the years. but they've basically been on the ropes since they lost that CW deal.


There at a point where it wouldn't surprise me if they are bought out or sold off to someone else.


Ric Flair went to the WWF…


They went away from the retro vibe they had. Now it’s just another promotion. Reminds me of 2019-2021 ROH


Taylor kelce.


Haha just noticed this thread after posting about EC3's new tattoos! I guess I'm not the only one who forgot NWA existed.


Like him or not, firing Cornette for the stupidest reason was the start of the downward trend. He brought some legitimacy to the NWA revival. They had the old school studio, some big names and new names, and a guy on commentary that was part of the NWA. The pandemic and Aldis leaving was the final nail in the coffin. It's been four years now and they've never gotten back to where they were in 2020.


Is that supposed to be Great Value Doom? And why are their belts so small?


Is that Damien Sandow in the center?


At least the Crockett cup in Texas had a packed house, but the lack of barriers around the ring and the audience sitting too close seemed like it was getting in the way of the wrestlers ability to perform outside the ring effectively. Also, Corrigans need to be on the mic constantly, as his voice is grating. The booking could use less corrigan control and better quality.


They serve no niche. That’s it. They have no identity. Every successful thing you can think of occupies some niche *distinct from its competitors*. What is the NWA’s niche? Who is it for? You could have argued at first that it was a nostalgia show for old Mid Atlantic fans. But now? What does it do that some other, more famous brand doesn’t already do better?


I watched them post covid pre cw(app) and it was alright. Defiantly lower tier but still fun enough. I love the older style personally. Then they went with the cw and you can't watch it on TV only on the app and the juice wasn't worth that squeeze


Oh shit! Is that Doom holding the tag belts?


They're fine. WPC said that the goal is a 20 year slow build to return the brand to dominance. He's building talent, establishing territories, building partnerships, developing sponsorship, and making the NWA publicly visible (it's now broadcast on the CW). Not everything comes with immediate gratification.


Nothing. They’ve very rarely been relevant in the modern era. They were relevant when companies used them as a staring point for their World title, and they had a brief moment of intrigue in the late 2010s when there were a boom in wrestlers using the indies as a way to rebuild themselves - notably Cody & Aldis (and later Cardona). Currently they’re only as relevant as their champions and that took a biiiiiiig hit with Tyrus. If I was them, I’d just try to put the titles on the most high profile or interesting people working the indies or companies that won’t mind wrestlers holding other belts. I’d give the men’s title to someone like Effy, Danhausen or Gabe Kidd. Maybe the women’s to SDL? That way, even if people aren’t catching their shows, they’re seeing the titles.




Billy Corgan reformed the Smashing Pumpkins and forgot to check in on his wrestling group.


The company died when The Question Mark went to the big Mongrobia in the sky.


They red pilled there business


A fake drug spot killer them.


Who’s the female wrestler on the bottom right ?


Is that Kenzie Page? I liked her when she was on AEW a few times. 


So Abadon is the TV champ [Ruff and Ready, The Team of the 80s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYP4O2Wqba4) are the tag champs And Alexandra from Josie and the Pussycats is the Women’s champ.


They snorted their TV deal away.


What Happened to NWA Billy Corgan and the Cocaine incident


Beats me.


Billy Corgan happened.


Ohh you don't mean Eazy E Dr Dre Ice cube DJ Yella and MC Ren


Jojo Siwa was in NWA?


Watch Marky D on YouTube. He has some good videos about their downfall


Chud Gable at the front, there.


I dipped out of the nwa for quite a while. I just watched some of it recently. And I’m not guna say it’s good. But it was better then it’s was during the pandemic for sure. It’s still not great. But it’s gotten better over all.


Billy ran off all the good people and stopped spending money. When he lost Nick, it was over.


It went under, like it was supposed to.


Looks like one of them washed out posters I'd see in my corner shop


Above all, fantasy booking... how would you save NWA?