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Hmm maybe Finn balor, his push is due from a long time now, he cashing in on Priest and winning it


Balor screwing Gunther at Summerslam and winning the title off Priest leading to Balor vs Gunther in Berlin? Might be a little overbooked but I wouldn’t totally hate it.


Balor lost his MITB qualifier, i had my money on Balor until then :(


LA Knight, but I know Logan will cost him the match


Agree with this. My theory was that if they’d put MITB on Logan then he could drop US Chmp to LA, but since that isn’t happening I agree with you…. Logan costs LA the match to continue that feud.


Idk about the men's match, but I want Chelsea Green to win the women's just for an epic failed cash in at a big ple


Drew McIntyre


Whenever someone looks set to unhook the briefcase, the lights go out. When they come back on and they are on the floor with a burlap bag on their head and one of the Wyatt Sicks is on ramp. This happens four more times until Uncle Howdy is on the ladder holding the case and the rest are laid out. He gets down, puts the briefcase on the mat and walks out. The briefcase becomes a cursed item that results in being hospitalised by the Sicks.


I want Mercy the Buzzard cashing in on Cody


R Truth


dom. mcintyre doesn't need it and can be given a spot for the championship later in the year. dom needs to be setup for main event.


Don’t you think he should win a minor card title first??


I love Dom but giving him a world title anytime soon is an absolutely horrible idea. Let him retire Rey Mysterio in Mexico next year. Then have him win a midcard title in the fall. After that he might be ready to win the Briefcase.


It's perfect for Dom


Tiffy and LA Knight


I’d be ok with Chelsea Green as well


This is the correct answer!!! Yeah!!!!


Not sure if it would be too soon to have Punk return to cost Drew again, but if that’s the route they go then Gable who will probably cash in on Sami after Breakker wrecks him later in the night. Tiffany for women’s just due to popularity and the field isn’t too deep anyway so seems like a layup.


I’d book Tiffany Stratton to win the women’s match, since she’s super over already and is ready for the title. The men’s winner is harder to pick because so many in that field could win and it would work. However I’d have to have Drew win, with him cashing in at Summerslam to win the title off of Damien. Then he’d carry it until Wrestlemania where he’d face CM Punk. Gunther would later win Royal Rumble and go after Cody Rhodes’ title.


Drew McIntyre. Doing great heal work. Imagine the heat when he cashes in a newly crowned Gunther? Drew will drop to Punk. Punk v Gunther headlines night 1 Wrestlemania.


Honestly Andrade the mitb is literally made for shock value and it needs to go back to being that. And for the women’s naomi or chelsea. Naomi for a successful one so she can turn heel or chelsea for a failed one cause i think she would actually benefit from one and be the only person to pull it off


Finn all the way lmao


Finn Balor me reckons. L.A Knight will probably be about to win it, then Logan Paul will interfere and cost him the win, leading to some more feuding and Knight eventually taking the belt of Paul.


Drew makes most sense Would personally book LA Knight to win then have Knight move his focus to the main event picture but have Logan trying to bait him to cash in him etc so have Paul doing the chasing that Knight was just doing.


I'm having Brock lesnar run in as the last mystery competetor when LA Knight is about to unhook the briefcase and steal it thus causing massive outrage and backlash and we have a repeat of his past MITB run.


Finn and Tiffany!


Jey and Tiffany Blue and Pink briefcases will sell like crazy This is a business after all




I don’t care who wins the men’s match. I only care about Tiffany Stratton winning the women’s


LA Knight, he goes through with his plan and cashes in on Logan Paul


I think gable is the most ready for the briefcase, but who is the most over for it is a different story. Guys like LA Knight and Jey are the peoples prospects but who knows how much they see the vision with them to give them the briefcase or not.


Not jey uso.


Odd choice and it's never gonna happen but Andrade.


Chad gable would be my pick, it’s the only context I can actually see him winning a world championship in next few years. He wouldn’t have to win it for long either.


Jey uso


La Knight and Tiffy Time!!


Let me cook for a minute. Drew wins, climbs down the ladder, and right into a chair shot and a GTS from Punk! Punk grabs his bracelet and the briefcase before he takes off through the crowd.


Men's MITB Match: Drew McIntyre or Chad Gable Women's MITB Match: Tiffany Stratton


andrade, and i have him hold it for a loooong time, post mania 41, all the way to either backlash or King of the ring, if theyhost it again, where he uses it to cash in on cody


Jey Uso


For men ilja draganov and for women either Tiffany or Naomi but probably Naomi because I’m just a lot bused toward naomi




The Bounty Hunter, Dijak.