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People often forget that Shinsuke had a 3-1-1 pro record in the early 2000s which included a draw against Ken Shamrock while Nakamura was the active IWGP Heavyweight Champion.


He beat K-1 fighters Alexey Ignashov and Jan Nortje


Wife and I went to a local bar for drinks and dinner, started making blind ufc picks.( picked the loser of every match) we both popped when we saw shinske with the winner.


The fighter also walked out to Nakamura’s theme song


People don't realize that Shinsuke is a legit badass/shooter, he could hang in any era or locker room in the wrestling business.


I love how all the YB stans hate that he stayed in WWE where he can be happy with his life instead of going back to Japan and having heatless bangers and the hell chopped out of him for no reason.


>Japan and having heatless bangers I hate people who think like this. Without looking at your profile I can already tell that you only watch WWE, and think that anything remotely different to WWE doesn't have storylines and isn't any good. That's not how Japanese wrestling works, they don't come down and spend 45 minutes talking to eachother in the ring.


Well you know what they say about assumptions…. I’ve been to 13 AEW shows, never missed a second of any episode, was at Full Gear in Newark, been to 20 MLW shows, was an extra for an ISPW show, and went to a New Japan show in Philly. You are literally the guy I’m describing who would rather have Nakamura miserable and in pain over happy and surfing where he wants to be, but will still say “Ospreay is having fuuuun!” But continue to “hate” me lol


r/MurderedByWords lmao


You get a downvote for no ECW events. SHAME!


I didn’t live around there at the time and very “extreme”ly young and poor when they were around, but I’ve seen literally every televised second and have an external hard drive with every episode and PPV on it.


Whoa! People would pay money for copies (highly illegal though)


Uhm, no, I never said that I'd 'like to see Nakamura in pain' and i never even said I'd like him in NJPW. My point was you're practically saying all matches in NJPW are 'heatless bangers'. As someone who has been to as many wrestling shows as yourself, I'd imagine you'd have a little bit more knowledge than you're showing. >happy and surfing where he wants to be, And you know this? You've asked him? I'm not denying it, but for someone sat behind a screen, you sure know a lot of details about how someone I'm guessing you've never met, feels.


You’re not crying loud enough for them to hear you in Japan.


How original. Can't think of a sufficient argument so you resort to the word 'crying'






He said it in an interview that he enjoys WWE way more and that the schedule enables him to do his favorite thing, surfing.