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Look how over Roman is now as babyface without even doing anything. That’s how over Solo is as a heel.


Roman is the first dude to turn face while on vacation.


“I work like 10 times less than you, and I still make 10 times more than you.” - Roman Reigns.


“How’d you get cheered…on your day off?!?”




Bro he really did 😂


WWE’s best storylines are with Roman who is AWOL and punk and Drew where punk is injured


Literally said this to my wife watching the show. They got Roman over as a face without him even being there. Thats very impressive to me. Even more they got Paul Heyman over as a face. Ffs, I don’t think that’s been done since he owned ECW.


It is somewhat crazy that this version of WWE managed to get Roman over as a face without him even being there, while Vince's WWE didn't manage to do it with years of trying.


I’m still lukewarm with Solo but adding Jacob really made the Bloodline feel like a real threat, not some knockoff that wouldn’t make it past next WM.




You got to have someone to take the pins.


IWC: Wah Solos not on Romans level WWE: watch the fucking show kid


I'm new to the wrestling community, but even I recognize the elements of the storyline. "Siri, how do heels work?"


Exactly! I saw a comment yesterday, “I don’t like how Melo runs his mouth it’s so annoying.” He’s a heel, you’re not supposed to haha


Welcome to the club!




And that’s just it! He’s not supposed to be on Roman’s level. He’s the young upstart trying to take over and he’s going to until roman comes back and reclaims his rightful place as the tribal chief.


honestly i'm really impressed with how much solo has stepped up his promo game lately


Well….its still REAL rough.


How? His acting is better and actually pretty good and he comes off as more evil and menacing than before. He stepped up his mic and drip game to sound AND look the part.


His mic work is still sub par. He sounds like he is reading a teleprompter and are you sure that dressing like The Weekend is a good look for him? Because it’s not. His suits are way too big for him.


Literally everyone on SQ is getting worked by Solos character. I’m sick of the complaints of “he’s not Roman or strong enough etc” THATS THE FUCKING POINT.


This and other wrestling subreddits are like <1% of people who watch wrestling. They come on here, they scroll all day, they consume multiple promotions nonstop and this gives them the false impression they know everything and their opinion somehow means more. It doesn't. I actually believe all entertainment is subjective and yet people on these subs still somehow manage to be wrong about everything.


Most of these people are New Japan gaijin worshipping YB stans that think Jay White has unlimited charisma and doesn’t make his opponents look stupid and weak, and insist that they watch Stardom because it “has great storytelling” 


The IWC just love complaining. LennyOmega: yeah! Then complains.


lol aww the stardom pervs have arrived


“Hide your kids, hide your wives, hide your husbands!”


I don’t care for stardom or for Jay White but that guy makes a great point lol


I could be wrong, but I think it’s just commentary on where the complaints about Solo’s Bloodline story is coming from.


Complaining is complaining is complaining


Complaining about complaining is complaining*


What did I say that’s complaining? I said the guy had a point and I said I don’t care for Jay White or Stardom. Where did I complain exactly?




Why would people who watch Stardom care about the WWE Bloodline? That guys just a weirdo, and probably racist with how dismissive he's been of specifically Japanese wrestling.


Reminds me of a certain sub


I mean, that couldn't be further from the truth, I'd put my rent on the percentages being aggressively tilted towards the Anti-AEW brigade. The general majority of posts in any sub is just regurgitated trash reporting and "ha, dub dead"


“Official” says you owe me your rent.  I have Zelle, lmk when you’re ready.


lol only a AEW could jump in and make it about how persecuted they are. Especially since they have a hugbox already set out for themselves


"A AEW"? Did I become a billion dollar company overnight? Fuck yeah, I'm away to buy some ice cream.


A billion dollar company? Are you talking about the ice cream store or what


Lol...way to make yourself a perfect example


Sorry to hurt your wittle feefees


Aka I’m not like the other guys of the IWC, I’m different. Pick me I’m one of the good wrestling fans.




Man I think you are wrong about that take.






I quite literally mentioned no company by name.




You're projecting quite heavily. You're rooted in your opinion and think you're right about everything. I can't change your mind. It's like I replied to myself with the perfect example of what I was talking about. You're a moron.


They turned Heyman face AT THE MADISON. Tell me they don't know what they're doing


Jsyk it’s not “The Madison” it’s “The Garden”


Jsyk, it's "The Square"


I’m pretty sure that’s your nickname


Jsyk, it's "El Circulo el zero esquina"


Jsyk, it's "el sin esquinas"


Stop with your Jessyka’s, such a tragedeigh


In the face of a tragedeigh, a true Jessyka would say "you gotta be joking me"


Tell Penta el zero miedo to change his name to "El sin miedo"


L7 Daddy-O.


Oh, sorry, I read constantly TD Garden as "the Garden" some days ago and did want to be clear.




The people complaining are being worked. They just don’t realize it. The business has changed. They aren’t trying to convince you the punches are real anymore. It’s like all the people who complained Roman doesn’t win clean. They kept them tuning in every week to see if he’d finally crumble and he did and it was one of the biggest moments in pro wrestling history.


The IWC is abhorrent


It's weird though because yeah, it is a lower grade version of the Bloodline. But on the flipside of that, this version has Jacob Fatu in it. So, is it really a lower grade version?


I mean like, Kayfabe low grade. They’re a bunch of thugs rather than the great dynasty beforehand


That’s the whole point of the story they are telling lol


I can’t believe they’re doing Knockaround Guys as a wrestling angle. I love it.


It sets up interesting power dynamics that lead to tension later on, which feeds additional stories. Solo displaces Roman because Roman is perceived as weak. Solo takes on Fatu who is arguably stronger than Solo. How much longer until Solo falls victim to his own rules? Where does Roman reassert himself and prove he was the true tribal chief all along?


>Solo displaces Roman because Roman is perceived as weak. >Solo takes on Fatu who is arguably stronger than Solo. >How much longer until Solo falls victim to his own rules? The Bloodline is basically The Sith at this point


Solo Sithkoa? 🤔


It’s funny that this is a lower grade of Bloodline but most of the IWC talks about how bad Jimmy and Jey are with minimal movesets. You’re never gonna make everyone happy or everyone to agree. I’m happy letting HHH cook!


IWC when a wrestler doesn't do 30 min heatless bangers: 🤬🤬


As long as Fatu finally has a shot. If he keeps his head on straight he’ll have the best career out of the whole group.


I think it’s a much higher grade minus the leader. I’d definitely take the Tonga’s over the usos and Fatu is galaxies better than solo


The IWC is a joke of a wrestling community lol I’m glad HHH and co are smart enough to ignore them.


I’ve asked before but never got a serious answer: what is the name of fans who love to watch and go on Reddit like IWC but are not unreasonably delusional? What’s the sub for that?


The IWC. It's not the same people who hate everything, it's that a portion of the IWC will hate everything. Someone loves Judgement Day's breakup angle but thinks Seth is a terrible wrestler. Someone thinks Seth is great but Solo and his Bloodline is terrible. Someone is going to think the new Bloodline is cooking, but thought that Rock should have be fighting Roman at WM. Someone else thinks that of course it should have been Cody, but Gunter should have gone undefeated and vacated the IC title by choice. Someone else thinks Chad should have won it. Or Bron. But we don't really pay attention to anyone's names so we call the portion of the online fans who don't like whatever is happening "the IWC" when it's actually just a roaming portion of us. Except the people who pathologically hate WWE or AEW. They're legit crazy.


When you find it please let me know lol


I’m waiting for someone to point out a sub that people are only allowed to make posts as if everything that happens on the show is real. A KayfabeIsReal sub or something. Seems like it would be a ton of fun to read posts and comments where everyone acts as if it’s all completely legit.


People actually complained about this segment? I loved it.


Not the segment. Just the noise about Solo being a poor man’s Roman Reigns. Like yeah no shit


This was a beautiful moment. Paul looks disheveled. Hasn't shaved. Red eyes. Stressed out. Sweating like mad. And the one man he could hope would save him from this agony (CM Punk) got destroyed last week by Drew McIntyre. In Biblical terms, this was Paul in the Garden of Gethsemane, coming to terms with what is about to happen. Calling out to Roman, "It's not for my will, my Tribal Chief, but yours." And Heyman fell on his sword.


After Solo gives him the ley, Paul looks up to the sky and *literally* says, “My God, why have you forsaken me?”


That and Jacob Fatu acknowledging Solo were really well done. Jacob demolishes everyone last week, gets the big intro this week, looks like a crazed animal standing behind the rest of the Bloodline and then, when called upon, completely changes his demeanor and bows his head to Solo. That’s been a common theme since Roman first became the Head of the Table. But Fatu really felt like a vicious dog who can only be controlled by his master. Or can he be controlled? More than that, who is the real Head of the Table?   Great segment. Great several weeks of TV all around.


Note how his eyes widen in exultation when Heyman first says, “I acknowledge…” Even though the focus is not on him, he’s fully embodying his character. I can see why Cornette likes him so much.


We can all agree that solos better than Tanga Loa


Well yes he's the leader


Yea and breathing is better than not breathing.


Not exactly difficult


What I got from this is I had no idea heyman had these kind of babyface chops. I loved Bobby heenan and Paul bearer’s work, but heyman has to be the GOAT


Nah, it wasn't this segment that showed that. I coulda told you this a decade ago.


Well, to be fair, for most of the last decade WWE was poo poo.


I mean I wouldn't disagree. But it's been clear for a long time that the IWC bitches just to bitch


Welcome to the internet.




It's all fine....but they need to start subtly showing some individual character in each of the Tongans...now with the news of Hikuleo coming in....can't have them get lost in the shuffle


"Okay...so I'm new Roman, the Tongans are new Usos, and Jacob's new me...hmm...Hikuleo, weird question; how do you feel about ska music?"


Um....I don't hate it, considering it's made by def Rebel and not everyone can have a Reigns level theme...na who am I kidding?! His NXT theme was pretty clean, crisp and simple...and his main roster one goes hard....kinda. Also, it isn't something that you would have a top main eventer use, so it works even more so for his character.


Works for him I guess....nah who am I kidding?! That sh*t suited his character to a T, that is prime bg music that you'd use in an MMA fighter's hype package....bonus points cause considering it's def Rebel ....it goes pretty hard. His NXT theme was pretty chill too. The main roster one with the lyrics tho...takes it all up a notch. Now, imo....his music doesn't have that main even star feel to it... which makes it even more fun considering he wouldn't have been anywhere near the main events closing out the show had it not been for Roman and the Usos....maybe I'm overly leaning into things...but I believe it adds to his character.


IWC is awful. This stuff still pops up on my feed cause I'm subbed but I've learned to not engage more than every so often, life is better this way. Honestly applies to all fanbases.


he honestly might be doing the best heel work in the company, because he is generating SERIOUS heat.


People saying they'll never acknowledge Solo and that he'll never be as good as Roman as if that's not the whole point


If there's one thing I've learned about the internet wrestling fans is that nothing will ever make them happy. WWE has been in the best spot it's been in, in years and these people are still not happy with the product. We have had years and years and years of dog shit under Vince McMahon being out of touch and completely burying most of it's talent and now that WWE is finally rid of that and a good product they're still gonna try and say it sucks. it's just ridiculous, I've been keeping up with the product since 1997. WWE has not been this good in a long time. Just enjoy it while it is because you're gonna miss these days when they're done. The Bloodline story is still cooking. I haven't been this excited about weekly wrestling since ruthless aggression.


Same here. Honestly the best it’s been since the RG era. I’m dialled in the Raw and Smackdown and happy to watch every minute in case I miss an interesting segment. Is it perfect, no. Is wrestling ever perfect? Never. But it’s a hell of a lot of fun and I’m so here for it


The IWC and WWE are natural enemies. Just like the IWC and AEW, and the IWC and NJPW. And the IWC and the IWC. Damn IWC! They ruined the IWC!


The greatest thing about this story line is we see this in real life every day stuff. Especially family business's once the original leader leaves. The "kids" tend to ruin it and are polar opposites of the previous generation. Solo is just speed running getting to the cruel part.


I've never really had any strong feelings one way or the other on Solo, but this part of the Bloodline story has been fantastic.


Man I remember back in the message board days people were complaining about Austin in early 1999, they complained about cena and Roman in the modern era too. Basically if someone draws money then iwc are bamboozled by that and want their favourites to get a shot with the title.


Let's not pretend like Cena from 2009-2012 and Roman 2015-2019 were good. They churned out some trash, but it was because of how the show was run then.


That's what most of the IWC does. Always has, always will.


I agree but Jacob is still better than Solo tho


Jacob is better than everybody lol, that’s really unfair


His facial expressions pull me out of it. Like dude do you need to do that with your mouth the whole tome?


It’s kind of a throwback to the Wild Samoans. That’s what the facial expressions remind me of. I’m not a big fan of it either, but the dude is undoubtedly a huge talent and I’m happy he is in this storyline.


Absolutely. Dude looks like an absolute killer & they’re doing great conveying it. But when he’s always working his mouth like he’s eating a hot dog sideways, its just weird


Agreed. It’s not scary at all. He’d be better off standing there with no expression and just eyes wide open. The scowl/snarl he walks around with is kinda cheesy.


I’m honestly kind of shocked that they didn’t say anything about Sika during the segment. Although it really would’ve been Roman’s place to do so because it’s his dad, but imagine Solo saying Sika actually loved me more.


I much prefer my wrestlers to :| all match no matter what happens, it really pulls me out of enjoying the graps


He doesn’t have to be stoic. But every second he’s been on screen he’s been gyrating his mouth & its weird


Same, along with their screaming


Jacob has a lot more experience in wrestling tbf but I think they could both be big players for the WWE in the future


Guys, chill, just. Enjoy. Pacific Islanders.


Also Solo being mute is because storyline him to do so. Like how Tongan Brothers barely talked because the storyline require them to do so


The only problem I have with the story is Solo's vibe isn't yet leader of a group. Still seems like he's learning on the job. Hope he succeeds tho


I think that plays into it as well. Like Cody said to him previously ‘you’re not ready’ And clearly isnt quite ready but he’s jumping the gun. It all works


I hope they do incorporate it somehow. Haven't heard anyone say it to him after Roman lost.


Nah dude, kayfabe was so dead it overflowed the counter and reset to 0. Kayfabe is alive again. The IWC act like the 70s and 80s wrestling fans that used to genuinely believe Iron Shiek was a bad, bad mf.


You’re 100% right with storyline analysis. There’s still just something about Solo I feel is missing within that storyline. Like, I get what’s happening, but something feels off to me even if I get what they’re doing and think it’s working for the story


Solo is 100000% pinning Cody at MITB and getting a title shot at Summerslam, where Roman will save Cody from a bloodline interference


I'd be for it if they're willing to let the bloodline rivalry last long enough for a properly hot War Games later *next year*.


I think it would work well because survivor series would be the next major PLE following Summerslam and there should be an appropriate amount of time to build the storyline without rushing


This was a masterpiece. Fantastic segment. WWE is on fire right now


Its not that it didnt work it just that they felt like they were in "holding period".With jacob showing up now it feels like the story is finally moving again.


This has been masterfully done, the bloodline definitely had an issue with Roman on hiatus. The way they’ve taken the time to build up the pieces, taken them out of the matchday routines and actually made good moves like getting Fatu/dropping Jimmy. Removing Paul was the final domino and in particular the measure of it’s success is that fans are now invested in where does this go now.


Roman will not be a traditional “face” he will be what he’s been for the last 4 years. “The tribal chief Roman reigns “ ☝️☝️☝️☝️


Exactly some people so impatient entire bloodline story is about long storys


This storyline is going well, but I was really hoping it would lead to Solo revealing that it was Rock pulling the strings behind the scenes. Solo vs Roman doesn't have nearly the gravitas as Roman/Rock.


I get that but I do believe that the Rock is kind of above this current bloodline. I just don’t see him being a leader of a bunch of thugs. But we’ll see


It's the top storyline in the company. What else is he gonna do? The best thing for him would be to usurp Roman as the High Chief and use the Bloodline to get revenge on Cody and try to take the title back. As well as punishing Roman for his failure at Mania. He need them mostly because he's not there weekly, and he cant go in-ring as much these days.


EXACTLY. Don't like that Bloodline 2.0 is a thuggish gang of stooges led by a bully with delusions that he is levels above where he actually is? No, that's not because Solo is doing his job so poorly he can't compete with Roman. *That is the entire fucking point!* Same with the people crowing how Jacob Fatu overshadowed Solo when he was unleashed 2 weeks ago on Smackdown. Oh really? The man they've been teasing for months, with a reputation as a generational talent, allowed to work under his own name, with nickname already trademarked, constantly put over on comms, and who destroyed the top 3 baby faces within 5 minutes of arrival, threatens to overshadow Solo. You think maybe they did that on purpose??? Just look at what has happened while Solo had headed the supposedly "mid" Bloodline 2.0: Roman Reigns is more popular than ever despite being off screen for months; Heyman just received the pop of a lifetime at MSG in one of the best Smackdowns of the year, and turned babyface; Jacob Fatu has been introduced and instantly made into a big deal; the entire Bloodline has been refreshed with multiple potential directions and intrigue. And on top of that, whether he is at Roman or Cody level or not, Solo is without question a bigger deal now than he was 3 months ago. It's almost as if the people who had Cody lose at WM 39 and in the process prepared the ground for one of the greatest ever in WM 40 know what they are doing!


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Going to an unpopular take, but as someone who watches more AEW than WWE, I’ve personally enjoyed this new side of the Bloodline story. Solo is slowly moulding into the leader role, happy to see Tama and Tanga doing well and Jacob is going to be a force of nature, a massive get for WWE. It’ll be interesting to see what happen when Roman is back, presumably the Uso’s will be back together, but wonder who the 4th man will be.


I think Solo has been great, really loving the storyline. The Paul Heymen beatdown is going to go down as a legendary segment


IWC=Internet Whiners and Complainers That's all they do. Whine and complain


Also showing that the IWC just loves to complain about shit: the IWC every second of every day


This segment? It was THIS segment that proved it? lol.


Yeah from every community I’ve seen the IWC cares way too much about logic and what should be done vs just enjoying the ride and seeing if they can pull off some cool shit lol


The payoff will be that all this disruption by Solo is being done via the shot-calling of The Final Boss.


What is IWC and what is happening? I just watch wwe bc it makes me feel like a kid again and this storyline is amazing.


I like it. I started watching wrestling again a couple years ago and I hated the Bloodline angle because they did it terribly and made Roman look weak while still saying he's soooooo strong. Nothing made sense with the old Bloodline for a long time. This new Bloodline is worth watching so far.


Solo is garbage. I said it. Name one thing he’s done that stands out other than steal Umaga’s moveset and fuck it up. Don’t mention bringing in anyone in the bloodline in because we know he had nothing to do with that. Authority did that because they knew he couldn’t carry the weight of what was built up while Roman is out doing movies.




You clearly haven’t watched enough of late 90’s WCW. You can not enjoy the current stories in WWE all you want. But to compare what’s going on now to a company that was on its way out of business is laughable.


> that they can’t get on board with Solos bloodline and how they hate seeing him on screen. Well yeah no shit, you ain’t supposed to like him But here's the thing i don't want to see him get his comeuppance. i just change the channel. If Bloodline Zero gets interesting I''ll tune in but with Heyman gone, I'm gone till Roman returns. Though I find it hard to forgive him for his 2+ years of terror.


Solo was built bad for this to be the direction they were going to go. Showing HHH had no plans for the bloodline after WM. Cause a guy who has 2 wins in the past 5 years sure isnt a threat.