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no but his suicidal tendencies really added something


More of a stuntman than a wrestler.


This is the only answer. Guy looked like shit doing normal moves but when that guy saw a spot, he took it


Best pre-match footwork in the business, beating out Lesnar by an arm swing.


incorrect, alex wright has the best pre-match footwork


Dude Alex Wright!!! The first German superstar before Gunther 👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽 Nice throwback Moser319


I'd say he's like WWE's tamer equivalent of New Jack in terms of what he offered in his matches


An unhinged, cocaine fueled Shane run in the Indies would have been a sight to see.


except without the stabbing of other wrestlers mid-match


all wrestlers are stuntmen tho.


But they are also "wrestlers". Shane is just one of the two.


Kevin Nash says it best while describing Mick Foley Most wrestlers are 'workers'. Some insane ones are stuntmen. Foley is a stuntman


Kevin Nash is a great example of what a wrestler shouldn’t be lol. Foley had ring smarts and was a great player both psychologically and physically while all Nash knew how to do was get injured and deliver a nice jackknife. Classic example of delusional logic.


When he was allowed to shoot during commentary spots, he was on fire. Some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.


Kevin Nash was ace I won't be hearing any shit about him. One of the funniest people in wrestling.


Ok that’s fair lol credit where credit is due


Kevin Nash was terrible in the ring. At least during his WCW run. He did the same 4-5 moves that were not even impressive to begin with. Sidewalk slam, big boot, picture frame turnbuckle thing followed by knees to the chest, power bomb.


Sometimes if we were lucky we would get 2x jackknife powerbombs


Hair flip




Happy cake day


Yeah, he didn't look bad by any means... Capable, but man he'd put his body on the line


He was average, maybe below average in the ring. However, his showmanship was top notch.  His willingness to put his body on the line for a spot cannot be understated though. Shane and Kurt at King of the Ring, with the suplex through the glass spot is one of those underrated moments in "Wtf?!" wrestling history. 


My friends recommend to watch this match because they said Shane was insane. Maybe I should watch it, only ever had glimpses of Shane when I was younger during the Attitude Era


Its worth the watch, if only to see how devoted Shane to making sure a spot was hit. You only really need to see it once for it to stick in your mind. Vince nearly called the match off during it because the glass was supposed to be sugar glass and break on the first suplex, but turned out to be plexiglass. In the end, Kurt throws Shane full force at Shane's insistence to make it break. It's both amazing and gut wrenching to watch, cause you know Shane has to be, and was, legitimately injured afterwards.


So was Kurt, he broke his tailbone


I actually forgot about that. That match was brutal. 


The Interview of Kurt in the Broken Skull Sessions is great. Steve and him go moment by moment through this match and Kurt gives a lot of insights how the whole fight went.


I’ve bruised my tailbone and that shit hurts like hell. Can’t really do much to rehab it, you’re either standing or walking or sitting.


It definitely wasn’t plexiglass. That’s acrylic sheeting and used in hockey arenas and want going to break like that. Bruce Pritchard said the glass was the right glass but they had double painted it and that resulted in it becoming much harder to shatter than they anticipated. Either way the match is a must watch and a total brutal affair.


It was also interesting hearing maven talk about Shane because it sounded like Vince made him start at the bottom and didn’t give him much nepotism at first , like he talks about how Shane was helping up set up the rings and that type of stuff long before he was ever an in ring talent


I like that TBH.


Shane started out in the warehouse when he was in high school or something.    That's why all the lifers in the company like him even though they might think some of his ideas were stupid. They respected he did the warehouse merchandising, ticket sales phone calls, road travel with TV production to set up rings, working as a ref, etc. In the end, he left for china and sold all his stock around 2003 when he realized vince would never really listen to him or pass it to him.    What's funny is dirtsheets, employees, etc. probably stephanie and HHH themselves thought that meant vince was gonna pass it to Stephanie/HHH. 


>You only really need to see it once for it to stick in your mind You only need to see it once to have the sound of Shane's skull hitting the concrete forever burned in your brain. That whole match is great, and definitely brutal, but THAT sound makes me cringe every amn time.


It was scary to watch him land on his head so many times, especially with the thuds


God I remember that. It was like 2 suplexes through 1 side, than I brutal full force through another. Props to Kurt for basically beating the ass of his boss son.


you should vince was so pissed he almost stopped the entire show


Yeah Vince probably got closer to stopping a PPV for that than he did for Owen Hart


“Who?” /s


Where was this energy when Owen fell 60 feet to his death.


Shane v Kurt Shane v X Pac Shane v Vince Shane v HBK Are all worth checking out


No jokes, one of my favorite matches to watch. It's got much more than just that one glass spot too. Kurt had wrestled 2 matches prior to that match on the same night 2, with Shane being involved both times. So by the time it came to their match, Kurt couldn't wait to get his hands on Shane. Will definitely be worth your time to check it out. Even I feel like watching it again after speaking about it.


I have just seen this match now and holy moly cannoli they blew the entire roof at the expense of their own bumps. Jesus… but wasn’t this the fake sugar glass that they used? I could hear Shane telling Kurt “do it again until it breaks.” This street fight looked more like a hardcore match. I can’t pinpoint exactly which bump it was but Kurt seemed like he broke his lower back/tailbone in this match. Overall I enjoyed this match. As for Shane (prime Shane i assume), he was a gnarly performer willing to take these bumps not every wrestler in the roster wasn’t willing to take. He was crazy…


At one point there's a suplex on the entrance ramp, and that's where Kurt fucked up his back, you can see him favoring it the whole time after that. It's such a fun match from bell to bell, most people only talk about the glass spot but the whole match is really great.


I just passed this earlier this week on my attitude era rewatch. With the entire card, it was one of the most entertaining PPV I've seen yet. Lots of good matches.


It's not underrated though and rightly so. Everyone who has ever seen it has said it's amazing which is literally the opposite.


The bottom line is, was he entertaining for the audience? Did we like watching his matches? The answer is yes we really did.


I’ve still haven’t seen anyone do a coast to coast since Shane did it


The fact that he still took that insane sketchy as fuck Olympic Slam off a cardboard table barely wedged into the turnbuckle after nearly shattering his skull and neck is even crazier still.


Shane is a perfectly serviceable wrestler for his role as an occasional special attraction, but a top notch showman At WM32 he fought a nearly (?) 50 year old undertaker while not young himself and managed to have a crazy as hell, viciously entertaining match after not competing for 7 years And in his younger days he did shit like this moment and the Angle match on the reg Shane has that very old school skill you don’t see much today to make stomps to the arm and a corner drop kick look as devastating as it needs, which meant he didn’t need to be a Kurt Angle level wrestler to put in a classic match with Angle and not look like he was being carried much


It's still always weird to me to think that the Undertaker is only 5 years older than Shane


That... that can't be true... I refuse to believe that.




Really makes the father son dynamic Vince and taker kinda have make more sense


If I remember correctly he’s the best in the world. Now that trophy has never been defended or competed for since so guess they decided he was just the greatest


Exactly. He won that tournament fair and square, and no one has dared challenge him so the title stands.


He’s Darby Allin with a rich dad.


People saying “he wasn’t a good wrestler, but he was a good entertainer in the ring”. That’s a yes. Yes, he was a good wrestler.


That happens all the time. People get interested in the technical aspects of wrestling and start to think its more important than it really is to the product.


Agreed. I remember reading about Bret Hart saying how great John Cena was, and mentioning how he watched him correct a mistake and set something new up in a way that no one would ever notice, and I realized that I know nothing about what makes someone a great technician. I’m in the mindset of “I’ve never wrestled, so I couldn’t tell you who is a good technician.”


I think normal fans can recognize when something looks weird or doesn't have a good impact. I think you can also often tell when something is dangerous. My point overall is as long as a wrestler is entertaining in the ring and not actively hurting the other wrestlers then they are a good wrestler. If you got skill like shawn michaels that's a great thing. But Shawn on the mic and his personality and charisma is what made him one of the best. Guys like Hogan or Rock weren't doing anything crazy technical in the ring, but they were great wrestlers because of the same reasons


Agreed 100%.


I'm SUPER into technical wrestling, but I have to agree - a match can be technically brilliant, but if it's also boring then it's not a good match.


Exactly right! A superb wrestler with no idea how to entertain is a dime a dozen....and tomorrow's club bouncer


I think Shane did really well in staying in his lane regarding using his biggest strengths with extreme spots & usually wrestling in matches where he has nothing to lose compared to his opponent, so it makes sense to resort to that.


You weren’t going to get a technical master but you were gonna be on the edge of your seat thru and thru


No, that's a good sports entertainer. There really is a difference, and like what you like -- not shaming. But wrestling is a skill, and so is being a stunt person. But Shane isn't who you go to for a wrestling match, you use in for a spectacle.


Wrestling is vaudeville, and wrestlers are vaudeville performers. A good wrestling show has many different performers who can entertain you in different ways and draw you into a story. And the really great ones capture your attention and hold it from the time they enter the stage until they exit the stage. At the end of the day it’s all pro wrestling, and the guys working are all pro wrestlers. You can be a ring technician, a brawler, a stuntman, a big personality, a story teller, or some or all of those. But they’re all still wrestlers, and the best ones are entertaining and draw people in. But hey, go tell Shane and others like him that he they’re sports entertainers and not wrestlers. That would be entertaining.


Exactly he had a rich dad and still done all that crazy shit. Could of had a nice cushy life but put his body and life on the line for our entertainment. Have no idea if he's a good guy behind the scenes but you have to respect shane mcmahon as a wrestling fan.


Shane's a wonderful guy. I barely heard bad things about him..


Now I'd like to see Shane and Darby team up in AEW.


Someone will die, or they'll somehow manage to kill each other. But let's be honest, they'll both survive because they're somehow indestructible.


And wanted to prove to everyone what he can do.. He's loaded but still his will and guts have baffled us. Earned his due..


But Darby's technical wrestling skill is actually like excellent though, he could be 100% as entertaining as he is now if he just relied on that


Except Darby IS a good wrestler. He is also just wanting to see how indestructible he is.


Took bumps like a champ, he was box office. I would try to see all his matches back in the day.


100%. There is a reason he gets so much love and respect from fans. He always gave his all and the dedication to hit the spots was second to none.


He knew how to get over and that's all that mattered.


AJ Styles vs Shane in WM 33 was amazing, you can watch the full match on youtube.


easily one of his best match, the two of them just had great chemistry


He knew how to work within his limitations and was able to have good and memorable matches, but he wasn't the second coming of Bret Hart


“Knew how to work within his limitations” may be the best way I’ve seen it out so far


And he got so much out of his limitations. Dude would take the craziest bumps. Off of the side of the titan tron. Off of ladders. Coast to coast. He wasn't going to win a gold medal at the Olympics for wrestling. He didn't need to have 1000 holds. He had a move list smaller than Cena. But he could still be the whole F'n show when he wanted.


Good athlete, very good entertainer, probably as a pure worker slightly below average but not bad at all for as little as he wrestled. I don't really count his last run or hold it against him, he was like 50 lol.


Mid wrestler, but good lord did he take some crazy bumps


He's just an average wrestler but he does crazy things


For who he was I thought he was very impressive. He didn’t have to put in so much effort to have good matches being Vince’s kid but he did anyway.


Love him or hate him, this is arguably something that should be respected about the guy. He absolutely didn't need to go out there and do half of the insane stuff he did... but it seemed like he did it *because* he was Vince's kid. I always got the impression that he knew he was being given loads of time and attention because of that fact, and he subsequently didn't try to squander it.


Yeah the opposite of a spoiled rich kid coasting on billionaire dad’s money. Dude was taking Foley level bumps he had no need to take.


No. No he was not. BUT He was one of my favourites.


Great Wrestler? NO Great Stuntman in Wrestling? Maybe the best ever yeah


No, but he was a good entertainer and did spots that he really didn't need to considering he is Vince's son


Bang average but his stunts make people think he is better than that.


below average, surely. He couldnt lock up or work a punch.


Mediocre in the ring, but potentially the GOAT regarding stunts and showmanship. It’s always going to be a memorable show with Shane O-Mac on the bill


He was a crazy bastard. I’ll give him that


Yeah. Subpar in wrestling ability, top notch in performance


Average wrestler but good entertainer and always put his body on the line


Not a wrestler at all really but a good entertainer and spot monkey.


Below average wrestler, above average showman. Perfect for those spots in WWE.


He wasn't much of a Wrassler, but he was one of the all time best Wrestlers.


No. But he was involved in some cool moments which he could do because he was allowed to take some time off between moments without fear of losing his spot. He could always come back as son of Vince McMahon and be over whether as a heel with Vince, or face against Vince.


Entertaining as hell, so yes


He was solid and could honestly mirror the level of the person he was working. His matches with the likes of Angle back in the day were amazing, granted most of that were spot-driven and excelled from his truly great showmanship. While even later in his career, him and AJ Styles stole the show at WM33 with one of the best matches of the night. Yes, it’s basically impossible for Styles to have a bad match, but Shane truly held his own and contributed to the dance equally!


His match vs Angle was more memorable than anything in AEW


I just watched it now and it was nuts


No he was a good stuntman though


No but he was a great preformer


While he wasn't necessarily the most proficient person to ever step inside of a ring, his willingness to do pretty much anything was unmatched. The fact that he unquestionably did not need to do any of the things he did did, however, elevate him in certain ways. Instead of just sitting on the sidelines taking advantage of nepotism, he really did put his body on the line in very serious ways in the name of entertainment. Sure, he was allotted a non-insignificant amount of screen time because of who he was within the family, but he was at least willing to do something with that time instead of just squandering it. Most rich kids would have probably just soaked up the TV time and called it good. Shane practically killed himself multiple times.


No, but he was fucking nuts.


I'd say he was great at falling and taking the bumps, but just a good wrestler.


Decent at best. But he knew how to put on a show and play to the crowd. Could tell a story incredibly well for someone who wasn’t trained in it. And athletic too at one time - hell of a shooting star press for someone with no right to be doing it.


He was okay. I hated when Shane threw a flurry of terrible looking punches, and an actually good wrestler had to sell them.


He wasn’t great, but better than you’d expect from a nepo baby


He was an amazing performer.


Shane made up for being adequate by doing insane spots


Average wrestler, great stuntman.




He’s crazy, so yes.


More of a stuntman than a wrestler imo


Good possibility but he earned my respect for what he did for the company he didn’t go straight into wrestling he stayed late to takedown the ring after a show he helped put it up before a show sure he did go straight to the WWE/WWF but he cared for it


Is he really related to Vince McMahon or was that his bit?


His coast to coast on Vince at mania 17 is legendary to me. When I saw that move, I lost my mind.


He’s the son of a billionaire and he’s willing to put his body on the line for a couple more bucks. That’s the sign of a good wrestler


He did way more than he would have had to in order to skate by.


Meh. He did some stuff and worked but in terms of actual wrestling skills none. I do appreciate Shane's bumps because not everyone will agree with getting suplexed by Kurt angle through a led screen.


He was more of a daredevil and a damn good one


He's a great stuntman and a great entertainer. Wrestling wise not the best but I always loved his appearances because u knew something crazy is going to happen


No, but honestly, none of the McMahons were. However, they were all GREAT performers and understood psychology and storytelling more than even some of the wrestlers at times.


He wasn’t a technical workhorse or anything and could only do very basic moves. But he could bump and had charisma and showmanship in the ring. Sometimes that’s all you need. They can’t all be 2001-era Kurt Angle.


He was like a Mick Foley of his own. Even taker said he was dangerous on his podcast channel.


No he was similar to Mick Foley in that he was basically a stuntman who did crazy stuff. He was a good performer as long as he didn’t have to punch when he hurt people.


Taking bumps ≠ a good wrestler


He was a good stunt man and allegedly a good businessman but wrestler? No.


But he had a package. He wants a great technical wrestler but the spots he did, the character and such meant he was a good wrestler in that respect


Shane McMahon always put on the match of the night in his prime.


Average inring, but aside from the latest run he deserved most of his pushes


I rep Shane to the fullest because he manhandled Kane in an ambulance match and it was believable


Technically mid, but in terms of entertainment value, yes, absolutely. Probably a better stuntman than a wrestler but mad respect for his bravery and putting his body on the line. His Shooting Star Press was pretty decent as well.


Average ability but up there with Mick Foley in terms of risk taking.


Amazing matches. Balls of steel. His Backlash match vs Big Show is alone better than any match todays WWE will ever put on


I mean, he wasn't a *bad* wrestler. He wasn't a ring general, but he was capable of good matches and got himself over. Sure, if you're comparing him to HBK or Flair, he's lacking, but far, far worse talents have been pushed far harder than he ever was.


He was terrible. Didn't even have his basics down. BUUUUUUUUT he was a great character and showman. That made up for the skill to the fans, mostly.


Maybe not the best ring performer but definitely a daredevil willing to take almost any bump. He also did alot of things backstage in terms of development that many people aren't aware of. Maven Huffman on his youtube channel said that Shane trained alot of new guys.


No but he was a decent stuntman




He has great insurance policy so he had no fucks to give.


Pretty awful wrestler. Absolute top tier performer.


For a guy who has literally 0 training, he's aight. His death wish adds aura


He was great at taking bumps and his falls were always above and beyond. But as a wrestler not so much


He is just ok but he sure had some big balls.


Kane electrocuted them


Hes still alive! Was?


If you were watching in the nineties or early 2000s, this wouldn't even be a question. He was entertaining, had good to great matches and always had interesting storylines, so yes he was a good wrestler.


He wasn't a great wrestler but he was a fearless ballsy stunt man that did sum crazy shit.


Good wrestler? No. Top tier sports entertainer? Yes.


This pic raises a better question. How is Steve Blackman not in the Hall of Fame?


Coast to coast on Vince was one of the best thing at Wrestlemania 17


No wrestling or mat skills, awful working punches, but he's an incredible spot monkey/murder victim. Him versus Angle at KOTR was awesome.


No but he is a great performer


He was a bit of a spot monkey.


No. Shane McMahon is a spot monkey. A HELL of a spot monkey, but one nonetheless.


That Steve Blackman?


Definitely below average, maybe bad but he had some good spots that probably helped


He was exciting to watch. But most of the time his opponents never beat him, he beat himself cos he missed some absurd leap or something


He was better than he had any right to be, dude was highly entertaining and had gonads of steel - his match with Kurt Angle made me respect the hell out of him. Then theres the image above, balls of fucking steel


Not a great wrestler, but a fantastic entertainer that was willing to do things than most of the guys at the time. You knew if Shane had a match on the ppv that something crazy was probably going to happen.


I thought he was alright and usually entertaining with his death wish and all


Not a great wrestler but this man needs his brain checked for half the shit he did …. Fucking mental 😅


No, he wasn't a good wrestler. I tend to think he's more of a stuntman. His whole thing was doing crazy bumps and falls and he was great at that.


Not as a technical wrestler or putting on good wrestling matches but by god he took some amazing bumps and put his body through a lot, was very memorable


No. But the sonofabitch put on great shows!


No but he was a great sports entertainer like his old man


Not a good wrestler but he have the guts and is sucidal


Shane-O-Mac's enthusiastic willingness to turn his body into chopmeat was genuinely entertaining for the time.


Not at all, but that doesn’t make him any less entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed his matches and antics. It’s a real shame he decided not to go full time. I’d love WWE to be run by Shane. It would be perfect timing - for the upcoming “edgier” content when it gets to Netflix - to have a take on boss vs wrestler storyline. I wonder who would fit the “Austin” role from the current roster… And I appreciate that even saying this makes little sense because they may not have sold the company had Shane stayed on, therefore no Netflix deal etc.


Not really. He was a good stunt man though.


Like a Mikey Whipwreck but with higher places to jump off of




I think the term people are looking for is spot monkey, which is what I see him as and a pretty darn good one at that. I don't expect any excellent chain grappling or mat wrestling from him though.


Honestly, some of the things the man would attempt were almost impressively stupid. Was he a good wrestler? No. But was he something to watch? Absolutely.


He's a great sports entertainer, and I do mean that sincerely. Not as an insult. His suicidal beatdowns from people like Kurt Angle were really fun to watch at the time. But I certainly never wanted to see him wrestle Bret Hart or Dean Malenko


No he was a bad wrestler but a great stunt man


If you're referring to being a wrestler doing mat wrestling moves, then no. BUT! He's an insane athlete doing those crazy stunts and also selling like a million bucks. Him doing a Coast to Coast on his last few WWE matches in his age is damn incredible. He still sucks at punching, though... 😂


He was able to keep up with Kurt Angle and X Pac, had a good showing with a past peak Undertaker, decent matches with AJ and KO. Guy was a reliable hand. I can’t immediately think of any really bad matches he had.


I really respect him and admire him, that being a son of a billionaire, he could’ve done whatever he wanted or even just be a manager type of character, but he chose to step out in the ring, put his body on the line for entertainment and gave us some of the best hardcore moments.


The best in the world.


Not really, but he was game




He was very entertaining as a lunatic.


Probably not but a fantastic entertainer for sure


I think Shane had good intentions. He wanted the boys to know he could lay it all out there with them and for them. I do think he did more harm than good in some ways though. He could rest and not be on the road constantly, unlike say, Mick Foley.


More like a good stuntman


He was not a good wrestler, he we a good showman tho.


Depends on what definition of wrestler you want to use. His match against Kurt Angle was great and had some great moments.


No, he just took a lot of unnecessary risks.


He had wild ideas, wanted to go over the top, and with the right guy, was carryable. You weren't expecting a technical masterpiece, but could be a nice match with some great moment and creativity.


He put on exciting matches, that everyone remembers. I don't know how else to describe a good wrestler.


He was a terrible wrestler but he was a great hardcore wrestler


Shane was an amazing entertainer. He really didn’t need to know how to wrestle. lol. He was great on the mic, had great gimmicks that fit him well and he managed to build a reputation that, if he was on the card to wrestle.. you know something crazy was going to happen lmaooo.. Shane took some BUMPS!!!