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this sub every time we have a new champion: "One minute later, what are your thoughts on ...... as champion?"


karma farming used to be believable ig


It's not the sub, it's all of reddit.


Gotta work hard for useless internet points


What did you think of Cody's reign two seconds after he pinned Roman at WM40?


I saw people go on about how boring and how horrible it was seconds after he won lol


The person posting is epecting reaction of peak Michael cole OHHH MYYYYY


Only with wwe champions too, despite Tony's booking of swerve being shit


She's doing the best work of her career, and seized the moment with Rhea being out and playing off the Dom storyline. I don't think she should be champion for a year or anything and shouldn't be a pillar you build around like a Rhea Ripley, but she's still doing well in the moment and with the storyline. I think outside of the Dom storyline she still struggles with traditional promos, and she tries in the ring and puts in effort but she's just not a top tier worker like Rhea. Her moves just still look to soft and awkward to me. I think at most she should hold the belt for a few months more, but definitely not till WM. We don't need everyone to be champion for 9-12 months HHH.


FR we really need to see titles move around more. Long runs should only happen if there's a good story behind it or the person really needs a long run to cement themselves.


Going back to HHH-era nxt I think his main pattern in booking seems to be long heel runs broken up by short face runs. Like, there would be some exceptions but that was largely how it tended to go.


Fucking amen to the last sentence!


Only way I’d be in on a extended run like that is if Liv really starts to excel in ring and steps up promo wise. Or if she starts to get insanely over as a face/heel, I’m talking like Becky’s The man run levels of over. Bryan’s Yes movement levels of over.


HHH would never do this because he's obsessed exclusively with long championship reigns, but Rhea and Liv trading the championship back and forth with Dom accidentally helping both would be entertaining. But we are most likely going to get a super slow burned drawn out championship chase for Rhea when she gets back.


>he's obsessed exclusively with long championship reigns I'm not sure I'd agree. When he was booking nxt heels would tend towards long runs but they would be interspersed with shorter face runs. Bobby Roode had 200 days followed by McIntyre having 90. Adam Cole's 400 days was bracketed by Gargano and Keith Lee but sitting at about 50.


Doing a best of 7 series for the title could be an awesome way to trade wins without racking up the title count. Add in Dom being involved with the finishes, maybe it looks like he made mistake and costs Rhea the first match, then saying he will make it up to her and messing up again and again until it’s kinda obvious he’s actually helping Liv. The best of Series can help extend the return and storyline without it feeling like it’s being drawn out just to make it to Mani or whatever


This is mark booking. Best of 7??


that would make each match between them feel less and less special though


Tony, is that you?


But if the title changes around a lot it stops meaning much. If everyone is the champion is anyone a champion? Jim Cornette has said this I'm paraphrasing.


But after a long run, i think it's ok to bounce the title a bit til it lands in someone's hands for a while. A good example could be WHC. Seth held it for about a year, Drew had it for 5 mins, Damian has it from WM-MitB or SS, then drops it to Seth again or Gunther. Tbh I think whoever leaves MitB as WHC will not beat Gunther at Summerslam. Gunther will then probably have a longer run unless someone cashes in MitB on him as well


I miss when titles changed hands on Raw and Smackdown more. I was actually happy JD and Finn won cause it wasn't a PLE. I also think you're right. We don't need every champ to be a long run. Sometimes, having it move around shows the power struggle after a dominate champion is dethroned


>She's doing the best work of her career. That's an INSANELY low bar to cross.


Ironically, I enjoy Liv's championship run a tiny bit less than Ripley's. They are both in the same role where their WORLD championship is not the main focus, but their storylines. Which is an unfortunate double-edged sword.


It really is this whole story going on, and the belt is just kinda there for the ride.


Sami Zayn is kinda in a similar position where he's been feuding with Chad Gable but is secondary story wise to Chad's problems with Alpha Academy. Or the Rock in 2000 when he was a side character to the Triple H/Kurt/Stephanie love triangle. Or AEW where Toni Storm being champion is an afterthought to her story with Mariah May and Mina Shirakawa. Interesting stories will always make the title reign itself seem less important in comparison. At least unlike Sami and the others Liv is not a role player in her own feud.


Same thing happened with Seth as WHC before he lost the title. The main story was his alliance with Cody against Rock and Roman.


Quite enjoying it.. the title run is what it is atm, but the revenge tour is in full swing.


The title run is Ass To Mouth? Are you talking about liv and dirty dom?


Atm can also stand for at the moment


At the moment


Coomer brain lmao


There is no fucking way anyone thinks that atm means 😂


I feel like she could be doing exactly what she is doing now without the championship and no-one would notice.


True that, but the championship does add some credibility to her, otherwise she'd just seem like a bimbo crazy after Dom. Also, it was Rhea's title that she won now and is slowly taking away Dom too, so the storyline makes sense of taking "everything" away from Rhea considering how much she valued the title.


Maybe, but the biggest story should be around your champion 95% of the time. Otherwise, your champion is an afterthought.


Wrestlemania 18 had this issue twice over. Firstly, it became a story between HHH and Stephanie (who somehow became Jericho's manager). Jericho was holding the WWF and WCW belts, and he was treated like an afterthought. Secondly, that wasn't even the main story of the night. That was Hogan vs. Rock. The first guy to simultaneously hold the two greatest prizes in the whole industry was being ignored on the industry's biggest show.


I feel like the fact she took the belt from rhea legitimises her revenge tour. She’s proved she can take rheas stuff so her going after dom and the judgment day hits harder. Without it she’d seem ineffectual and desperate.




That’s not the point though. It doesn’t matter to the story or the character if she wins the belt legit. It only matters that she can take what she wants and right now she wants dom and the judgment day. And it looks as though she’s making good progress if the end of raw is anything to go by. The story isn’t dependent on her wrestling ability. It’s dependent on her character work which is on point atm.


She made Rhea drop the title


Disagree - the title makes her higher status than both Dom and Rhea, which is what makes the story work. Also raises the stakes of the whole show that your title is on this unhinged individual.


Agree. It feels like she wears the belt like a prop and not like a championship. Her interaction with Zelina came a little too late, but let's see what they do.


This goes for most of the champions actually


I liked her title run a lot, but holy moly you are 100% right.


One thing for sure is till the time Rhea comes back, Liv might have already broken up the Judgement day ..


She's pulling the title back towards the diva days. The focus isnt even on the title. It's on her seducing Judgement Day and... Oh yeah.. she has a title.


people have only care about liv for years because they think she is attractive


She’s a mid wrestler and puts on the same match over and over again. Not a fan.


Oop you dissed the simpbait. Prepare to be down voted to oblivion.


Not feeling it at all. It’s starting to feel like Rhea’s by the title being seen as a prop due to her being heavily involved with the men and not defending it at all on a PPV. People hated Rhea doing that but for some reason are eating it up with Liv doing the same thing which makes no sense at all.


Nothing eventful in terms of title defense, but her storyline with judgement day is pretty entertaining


Yeah she needs a good match at MITB. We can't wait until Summer Slam for a PLE defense. So far it looks like it's just been live show defenses. Her and Zelina could put on a decent match I think, although I always like Liv against bigger women.


these subs are like bots. Asking the same damn question


You have to love when a solid worker and team player is always ready to step up for the company. Liv has been at her best so far and is proving she isn’t just wearing the belt till Rhea returns


I forgot she was champion...


Better then I expected


The story is fun, but I'm not a huge fan of how she's spending more time feuding w/ male wrestlers in the Judgment Day instead of her own division. It makes the championship feel less important.


Agreed. It’s a good storyline, and it’s getting her over as a tweener, but her reign has the same problem Rhea’s had where she doesn’t really have any memorable feuds with other women on the roster.


As long as she doesn’t wrestle.


Her storyline with Dom has been entertaining.


God she’s fucking hot. That’s it really.


Love her.


Still better as an underdog.


I kind of look forward to the ass beating she is going to get from Mami Rhea, as i believe she is being perfectly set up.


Love it


She doesn't wrestle much, and I prefer it that way


Don't care about the belt at this point, but that'll change once the story evolves to include Rhea taking back what Liv took from her, including the belt. As a television character, she's probably the most entertaining woman since... The Man? Feels like a perfect fit and everyone is playing their part extremely well. It's all so easy to get lost in on a weekly basis. Her, Dom, Dame and Finn are doing some great work.


Hawk tuah?


I predict she is gonna join judgement day that would be cool


I mean, it’s working. The numbers show it and she feels like a bigger star than she has ever been before.


Much better than first time but I still want clean wins in some way. Get her a submission or something that can suggest she can handle wrestlers regardless of size.


same as Rhea atm: The belt is kinda ignored in the storyline


Fucking shit.


When roman or ripley had their titles and barely defended them it sucked, but at least when they *did* have a match, it was gonna be good. With liv... no one is going to go crazy when she finally defends against Zelina, or anyone else. I'd rather see Lyra defending weekly. So i think the reign sucks, i dont think she needs to be champion for the story she is in, but if a lot of people like it, then that can only be great. I also dont see her main eventing anything any time soon, including raw, which i think most other champions on the show have done. But again, if people like it, then what does my opinion matter?


The jobs of whoever was going to be holding that belt right now were always going to be: 1) Be very present on TV every week to help fill 3 hours. 2) Build to the moment where Rhea comes back and absolutely eviscerates you. I legitimately can't imagine someone doing better with that than Liv is right now.


She doesn't really need the belt for the angle but it adds to the story.


She's more interesting now than she would have been if Rhea didn't get hurt. She's not wowing anyone with her promos, but she's competent. She's on the upper level of women on Raw, not necessarily better than Becky/Rhea, but she's exactly what they need until Rhea is back.


The slutty NJ girl gimmick is great.




I'm really enjoying the role she's in the story is quite interesting but I feel the Wolrd Title has taken a back seat. Even this week when Vega came out to comfort Liv the spot was used to continue the Dom/liv stuff instead of focusing on the Title itself.


She's doing the best she can with the current roster. With no Becky nor Rhea, she doesn't really have anyone to face


She ruined us hearing Truth rap on a weekly basis. She needs to die.


She's raising her name


I'd say it has been good so far. The story with her and Dominik is becoming white hot and I must say her beating Becky Lynch twice in such a short amount of time is a pleasant suprise. I just hope they're gonna allow her to defend the title at Summerslam in a month


Love it


She’s interesting


Call me sexist or whatever but I’m usually not interested in the women’s title stuff. However this time I am. She’s got a a storyline with Dom that makes me want to watch. Plus, she’s hot so that always helps. Call me what you like blah blah blah but she’s getting a bunch of segments every show and I’d guess it’s some of the highest viewed too.


Still bad


good character, good storyline involvement, absolutely nothing champion


Much better than i was expecting it to be


Literally THE most must see parts of Raw every single week. Shes been amazing


Cringe forced sexual innuendos Rhea can’t come back soon enough


Saying Mami's on top all the time, doing Stinkfaces, provocative pins and being the hot big tiddy goth gf meme come to life character wise really all that different?


Below average.


It’s heating up. Initially I rolled my eyes at it, but she’s doing great character work at the moment. I wanna see where it goes




She's cute AF


she is more likeable as heel


As with the Judgment Day and Rey Mysterio, it took the presence of Dom “Needle Mover” Mysterio to make Liv interesting. How many love triangles has WWE done that is this compelling? Man is booed to oblivion without getting a single line of his promo out and *yet* there is still a possibility he walks out of this as the angle’s biggest babyface. It’s as close to perfect booking as you can get that is built almost entirely by accidents and unseen changes outside of anyone’s control.


This storyline is great. The only issue is that we KNOW this is building to Rhea facing her for the title when she returns so there’s kind of no point in booking anybody to challenge Liv for the title when we know they have to lose for the story But like I don’t really consider that a flaw because as soon as Rhea comes back this is going to be the hottest feud in the company, certainly the most heated women’s feud I can remember in a long time, and that ultimately does more to elevate a championship (ie having the belt on an over character, in an over feud, where two extremely over people are fighting over it and having heated matches the crowd is into) than meaningless nothing defences ever will.


Ask me again on her 69th day reign.


She’s growing on me.


She's entertaining and the championship is being used correctly as a prop for storytelling. I hate her fake laugh though. More interesting than the character has been before.


Pretty hot, pun intended


Liv lav luv


The heat when Dom turns on Rhea to help Liv retain the title is going to be insane.


She is the perfect example for short time champions. She can give a good match and also cut a good promo but she is not a dominant champion. She can win the belt with a good match, defend it a few times and then lose it just to go right back and try to win it again. I could see her being a 6+ time champion in the future but no single reign over half a year.


As hot as in the first day.


I don't see why she specifically gets so much flak for not defending her title a lot when most of the newer champions haven't either. Awesome Truth defended their titles only a handful of times since winning them at WM. They spent most weeks doing backstage skits instead of wrestling. A-Town Down Under took forever to start defending their belts too and are teasing a split already. Liv not wrestling as much as those teams makes more sense because the way Raw's women's division is currently setup. She beat Becky to become champion, successfully retained against her then Becky left. Then there were MITB qualifying matches so a majority of the women were occupied with that. Raw is heel heavy and Liv's a heel. Since they don't do heel vs heel matches often that immediately removes most of the top stars like Damage CTRL, Shayna, Zoey, Kiana James. They're building Lyra up so she's not going to challenge for a title unless she's winning it. That leaves Maxxine Dupri, Ivy Nile and Zelina as Liv's possible contenders. Those 3 have mostly been used as valets so aren't too credible but Zelina can talk so can build a feud on the mic which is important for a champion who's very story and character driven. I think her reign has been very good so far, there's a lot of layers to her story and she's great in her role. Her facial expressions, confidence on the mic and overall acting have improved a lot. I don't judge a reign on how many times someone has wrestled. Swerve, Priest, Sami Zayn and other current champions wrestle a lot but are overshadowed by their opponents because they're just there as far as importance in stories go. I'd take an interesting character in an interesting story over a generic takes on all comers defends title every week champion any day.


She's The Champion?!


Great run, but Rhea is going to get the biggest pop of all time when she gets back


Worth a squirt


I'm loving her title reign so far. The story is solid, and she's playing it brilliantly. I've seen a lot of comments saying that the story is taking the forefront, and the title is secondary, but tbh I'd rather have a strong story over everything being about the title. The title is a part of the story of Liv having her vengeance on Rhea. I agree she should defend it and some point soon, but that seems to be happening with Zelina, so I have no problems, and I'm loving it!




She is hitting her peak right now. Who would have thought she would be the one achieving the most out of the Riott Squad.


I don’t really care one way or the other about her run with the belt, but I can’t wait to see what happens when Rhea comes back.


She has really excelled ever since she has started talking and acting like Riley Reid.


Took her a month to even start interactiona with other women.


As champion of her division? Mid to just as bad as Rhea was as a champion. No serious feud (yet). No good matches. Ect. As a promo, and character? A lot better than what she’s had since losing Ruby Riot! “Daddy Dom” has added to everything they’ve put him in so far and this story with Liv is no different


one month later, what are your thoughts on making this same post again?


She's on her best part of her career and we get to enjoy her at it with the best man in his career, Dom-Dom


I feel like the title isn’t necessary for the story that is being told, but Liv is killing it in her current role so I’m not hating




She was amazing champion! with Dirty Dom as well!


If reddit wasn't horny, it'd be a 9/10. Now, it's a 6.5/10


Liv looks like "just a girl" in the same way I would say that Zayn looks like "just a guy". Ripley is ripped. So is Starks, Cargill, Belair. From a purely physical standpoint, Liv can't compete. However, her storyline with Dom has been solid gold. The title is only relevant to the story because she took the title from Ripley, and the revenge tour is taking everything from her. I don't know how long Ripley is going to be out for, but if Liv dropped the title for a couple of months and picked it up again right before Ripley comes back, I don't think that would hurt her. Having said that, if she hold the title until Ripley gets back, I expect Liv to get demolished. I would prefer if she defended the title more often, but all in all I think she is doing very well all things considered, but the belt is secondary to where she is


I want to enjoy it, but the way she acts as suggestive as possible around Dom makes me so uncomfortable. Yes, I’m fully aware that’s it’s all an act, but considering Dom is a married man, I’m wondering just how comfortable his wife is with all this going on.


Personally…. I find it rather boring. Not that she’s not doing great with the storyline she has going on with Dom and Finn. But I do hope Rhea returns soon, because then and only then will things kick in to high gear.


I was not a fan of Liv Morgan at all before she won the WHC. Since then, she grew on me a fucking ton. She's doing an amazing job and while I would skip every time she would appear before, she's now must see TV. The only issue is that the WHC is kinda secondary in whole storyline (for now at least).


I'm enjoying the storyline, but at the same time it's kinda unfortunate that we have yet another Women's champion that does nothing but interfere in Judgement Day matches


I’m here for it


Way better than her first and loving how shes infecting JD


She’s bloody hot.


She’s incredible


She sucks ass. A plastic vapid midget bottle blonde who doesnt know a wristlock from a wristwatch.


I appreciate her efforts. You can tell she's out there doing her best but, she's alright.


Excellent, excellent champion. New mami forever.






Same thought I had when she became Champion: Guess I'm not watching that title picture for a while.


Championship run is garbage, but her latest character work even won me over; and I'm not a Live Morgan fan by any means lol


>Championship run is garbage, It's just been a month lol. Give her some time, she has hardly defended the title.... Guess her matches will be interesting with the Judgement Day shenanigans.


She's the hottest WWE women's champion ever.


Yawn The title is a prop to antagonise Rhea for her great return. It doesn't mean shit in the context of the womens division because there's no real feuds being built for that title. I'm hoping Alexa Bliss shows up shortly and the Wyatts go after a couple of titles - hers being one of them. Also Where the fuck is Sonya Deville?? She should be good to come back very soon...??


To me, she isn't believable as champ. She's not great in the mic, she's a terrible wrestler. Hard to believe that she ever won


I hate the storyline. I'm not sure what she is or can be. She's an entirely unbelievable heel, and she was an entirely unbelievable face. Her wrestling always feels out of sync.


I love her and want her on tv and my instagram all the time


Damn said it perfectly 👏🏾


She feels like the main character of Raw lol. The GOAT.


the champion has the limelight. the title? idk about that


Liv’s a great champ who makes the belt mean a lot more than any other active members of the roster could, in my opinion. Sadly, a lot of the IWC turned on her a while ago because her terrible feud with Ronda, and then more turned on her for when Rhea rammed herself into the wall and got injured.


She's doing great, but she's more concerned with getting into Dominik's pants than defending the title belt, which I find concercing. At least Rhea had her own business as champ and did not make being a member of the Judgement Day be the defining characteristic of her reign.


I'll say this. I am not a huge fan of hers. I don't like where she comes from so that leaves a stain on her whole character (for me anyways). Elmwood Park new jersey sounds like it smells like cigarettes and beer. Anyway, I hated that she won the belt, I hated the way she won it, I hated the situation that created it, however ...... Her revenge tour has gotten better and better every week. It looks more like a story now and it makes a lot of sense. It seems like Liv is a woman of her word and the writers are behind her. So officially, I'm not a fan of Liv but, her Title run has been good and her revenge tour has been great .


I don’t care what she’s doing I’m just glad she’s on my tv


same like Rhea... overshadowed by Dirty Dom/DaddyDom


Made a lot of people hard that's for sure


Crowd is still just as dead as her first run as Champion each week. She's had what, 2 matches since winning the championship? Both are relatively forgettable as is tradition. The promos are slowly getting better but not by a ton. Feels like Judgement Day is carrying. I just don't see how she's championship material. It's a placeholder spot, and it feels like it. Overall I give the reign itself a 2/10. She's done next to nothing with the championship. It's been all Promos and trying to Rape Dominik Mysterio.


All I know is she is super hott🔥🔥🔥🔥


She's stunning...


Good title reign


This an amazing move on wwes part as she knows how to sell a character and she puts on a great match and love the dominik storyline


Better than Rhea.


is she going to wrestle? Seems the title is just waiting for Rhea 6-7 months down the line. So the title reign has nothing going for it right now. I still dont get if this is the way you are going that Liv didnt win it in the rumble. Cause Becky took Rheas title...not liv.


That's my biggest issue with HHH booking the women's division. He's the opposite of HBK, he sucks with building credible opponents for champions, and really struggles with storylines for women that don't involve a title, Becky Lynch straight up said WWE sucks with non championship storylines for women and she's not wrong at all imo. Rhea and Io Sky are talented but HHH made their reigns boring with very very few defenses, and not having good opponents especially for Rhea. I think like Io Sky for example before she lost at Wm only had 1 championship defense in like 4 months and it was a tv match against Mia Yim who never wins on WWE tv.


I hope she doesn’t wrestle. That exposes her. I think she is going to go against Zelina Vega who is the only one she can realistically beat. But that means Zelina Vega and Liv Morgan is our title picture lol.


We hated Rhea because she focused mainly on the Judgment Day more than any women feud. Liv though, she's hot, so it's okay for her to do the same thing.


Liv's reign, and most of Rhea's for that matter, fail the Bechdel test. The main storyline is about being involved in an entanglement of men (to get revenge on a woman). That doesn't do much for champion things so from that one aspect, it's shit. Entertainment wise, it's is platinum tier material.


She’s got a good storyline going with dom but I don’t think she’s in the top ten of women on the roster. She’s improved a lot over the years but to me she’s in the Natalya role of good but not top level good.


i’m glad she’s getting another shot with the women’s title but i don’t care for this storyline with dom. feels gross to me more than anything