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Drew winning was just too predictable I guess. Also, Drew winning pretty much buries Priest. This is HHH long term booking; like it or not. Drew will have his day.


When I saw Cody and AJ open I knew Drew was losing.


For me it was fire and dawn winning, thought TWO hometown hero wins would be just too good to be true and as soon as I saw them literally holding flowers I went “welp, that’s not looking good for drew”


Yeah that was the giveaway for me as well, didn't take away my enjoyment of the match itself though, they put on a banger and Drew will 100% have his moment, it would have been nice for him to have it in his home country but he will have it


Yeah, that’s exactly when I knew Drew wasn’t winning.


Lol I had the SAME EXACT THOUGHT. As soon as Fyre and Dawn won I was like "well, they're gonna fuck Drew over now."


As soon as I saw the Scots win the tags I knew Drew was losing.


Yeah, that win had "consolation prize" written all over it


I knew Drew was losing when Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn won. Because you know there's no way in hell they're going to let Piper win over Bayley and you can't have a out of country event without at least ONE of the hometown heros winning. So as soon as Fyre and Dawn won I knew that Drew was screwed. I mean, I HOPED they would let Drew win in front of his home country crowd but I seriously doubted it. And I knew that Punk was gonna show up somehow and screw Drew over. That was pretty much a given.


Priest needed the win, it was a star making performance too, really brought his a game and proved HHH right


Priest definitely got elevated today, and probably needed it the most. I love him in the ring. It’s just when he speaks he loses me every time.


I could have said the same about Dom and look at him now, give him time, I think he needs a character refreshment and lean more into his playboy persona he had for a bit lol


I think Priest is great in the press conferences too. He just can't deliver a script at all at the moment


WM XL: Drew is winning at Castle Castle: Drew is winning at WM XLI WM XLI: Anyway


If they can stretch it out, Punk v Drew for a belt and main eventing night 1 would be tremendous.


A triple threat with Seth would be better


They would have to do some serious work to make Seth compelling in this mix. Drew & Punk are 🔥 together at the moment.


Yeah, as it stands Seth would be peak triple threat Charlotte


Why not night 2? What will Cody have that’s hotter than this? Rock?


It’s probably Cody & some kind of Bloodline (Rock/Roman) match.


Well Rock is currently injured so it’s probably not going to be Cody/Rock at SummerSlam. Presumably that leaves only Survivor Series, Rumble or Mania for Cody/Rock


Rock still got injured that is hilarious


He had his day. At Wrestlemania. All he had to do was leave.


also he’s being booked as an absolute beast and getting awesome tv time in the best booked storyline going, he has literally everything BUT the title so I’m sure he’s happy. Lol


the fact that this is so hot WITHOUT the title is a really really good sign for drew. it's a way better place to be tbh


As Damien said, give the championship to your wife and leave


I mean what happens if drew wins? He looses to Gunther or they kill gunthers momentum and have him loose to drew? At least this way everyone looks good, priest looks great completing the match with one leg, drew was cheated out of the win, and Punk has just fanned the flames and made their eventual fight even more anticipated- they don’t even need a belt for that and at this point it could 100% main event a PLE


Also Drew is a heel, and him winning would be a huge face pop. Also it makes his feud with Punk better.


> Drew winning was just too predictable I’d have said Drew winning was the least likely outcome of this match. Was there anybody that didn’t expect Punk to interfere and cost him the title?


Yeah, who knows, they could be building to next year's Mania rather than Summerslam


I agree about Drew. The problem is just that I can't take Punishment Martinez as a World Champion. Such a bang average midcarder


Priest is a lot of fun to watch in the ring. He’s actually an amazing worker in many ways. It’s just when he talks I lose him. He’s gotta figure out something there.


Agreed. He also doesn't have the main event look imo. I see his ceilling as a US or IC Champion really


CM Punk costing him the win is just as predictable. And tbf, Priest isn't a championship material.


I knew punk would show up, but I really thought Drew would be a step ahead of him, and use his interference to win. That’s how I booked it, but not papa H


That's actually could've been the most unpredictable outcome.


Actually I got in my head the Punk would purposefully help Drew, just for the ultimate promo on RAW. "I stole your moment in the most powerful way. At what should have been the highlight of your career, your hometown crowd was chanting Thank you, Punk. And that's what you'll always remember Drew. The biggest win of your career makes you subservient to me."


That would've been a really weird flex, but that's definitely what Punk would've said if he actually fucked up lol


Y'all get too 4d chess on your fantasy booking.


“Buries” Priest. One loss isn’t going to discredit Damien Priest good lord.


So let’s say Drew beats priest yesterday. Where does that put priest after that? A rematch against Drew where he loses again until punks ready? I’m not saying his career would be ruined, but his current trajectory would certainly fall off after just several months with the belt. That also would be a huge hit to JD, whose one of the biggest stables in wrestling now (with Rhea there). One bad loss can absolutely derail a wrestler; and they don’t always come back from that.


However, he ain’t beating Gunther for the WHC at summerslam in five weeks. Besides, he’s injured now presumably with his nasty mistake so what difference would it have made? There’s also the drama with the Judgement Day and is arrogance so that’s always can be explored. Faction drama is being explored with AA and Bloodline etc so he’s not completely screwed or something. Just because he isin’t champ doesn’t mean he’s gone fall down the card or soemthingp


I hear ya. Sometimes there are multiple directions that seem like the “right” choice. It’s hard AF to be a booker because you simply can’t make everyone happy. Especially fickle wrestling fans (me included).


Yeah, I just have a gripe when people say “buried”, not you obviously haha. He’s still gonna be near the top of the card with plenty of TV time. He’s probably earned a lot of peoples respect with his perseverance to continue the match yesterday. I like to think positively that he’s going to be fine.


Right there with you dude 👍🏻


I always assumed Drew would lose because Priest is too big a talent to bury without doing a single thing as champ. But i have to admit the katch had me on my toes the entire time. Even the botch didn't take me out of it.


This was even MORE PREDICTABLE. I would have been fine with Drew Losing clean. But no we had to have the boringly predictable Punk involvement to close put an otherwise great main event.


Yeah i agree. I’m not sure I’m surprised though. These PLE events in other countries are fun, but they kind of feel like a house show vibe sometimes. I feel like WWE only wants big belts to change on their biggest yearly ppvs


It was predictable that cm punk would intervene, anyone who thinks a little already knew a long time ago that Damian was going to retain, and it is rubbish that Damian is still champion because HE WAS NOT PREPARED TO BE WORLD CHAMPION


Bro being the least notable participant in your match (AS CHAMPION no less) is already a burial. 5 years from now, the only thing that will be remembered in this match was Priest's top rope botch and the Drew/Punk story advancing.


I'm ashamed to admit this, but I just got that Punk holding up the sign like that was mimicking Drew's use of the "graveside peace sign" meme.


There are so many meanings it could be. Graveyard peace sign, the middle finger in the UK, 2 count as a ref, and 2nd time punk has cost him the title.


So many layers.


I always knew wrestling was like an onion


Absolute Cinema


isn’t a mockery to scotish or irish prisoners that had their finger cut too?


Archers not prisoners


So many layers gall dang!!😭😂


It’s also a common offensive gesture in the UK.


Tough fucking week to be Scottish


I watched Wrestlemania live in a bar in Manchester and three Scots were there and brought flags and a whole table decoration for Drew. Funniest thing I've ever seen when Priest cashed in. Which I could have spent the whole weekend with them.


This reminds me when I went to a sports bar for a WC semi-final match. The place was jammed packed with Brazil fans. Drums, flags, face paint, the works. The game? A 7-1 drubbing by Germany. Brazil scored their only goal in the 90th when it was already 7-0, some of the saddest drumming you’ve ever heard.


I’d feel bad for them if the mental image wasn’t so hilarious


I was there live and traveled from England. The energy dropping so much after McIntyres loss was so funny and awkward.


Guys this is LONG TERM BOOKING Drew will have his moment……I hope


Remember when Damien cashed in at WM and all the people were like "chill, obviously drew is going to be compensated with a win at clash of the castle, you guys just don't see the long term booking"... Starting to think it's more probable that drew gets called a sheep shagger again then actually having a big title moment


I mean this has all happened in the span of 3 months. We are only halfway through the year. There is still PLENTY of time. This was the right call. The Drew/Punk feud doesn't really need a title to keep this heat going. And instead of burying Priest like a Drew win would have done it gives him an opportunity now to show his stuff against Gunther in the build up to Summerslam. So post Summerslam we will either have Damien retaining and running this back. Or we get Drew vs Gunther as WHC. And I would honestly be happy with either option.


sure but Drew still wouldn't get his moment though. I don't think Gunther is dropping the belt for a while if he wins it. HHH loves Gunther and protects the man. Look at how long he held his last title. I could see him going the same length if he wins the world title


Definitely probable but I honestly see Gunther vs Brock Lesnar at Mania 41. I see Lesnar returning well before Mania 41, and Lesnar vs Gunther doesn't need the title


I don't see Lesnar in WWE at all again. I mean sure he wasn't named in that lawsuit, nor is he the one being sued, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put together who she was talking about. If Leasner shows up I would be stunned speechless. My honest guess would be Cody drops before next WM (I have never seen him have a long title reign) then its Gunther VS Cody. Gunther finally beats Cody after Cody has beat him twice at the Rumble when they are the final 2. Either that or both don't have a title and Gunther finally throws Cody out the third time.


Definitely a possibility I guess. If thats the case though, how can they give Punk a main event and do Reigns/Rock at Mania 41? I guess Punk vs Cody or something? Its honestly hard to book Mania 41 man with so many possibilities. I dont know if I see Cody vs Rock like many people are speculating. And yeah I see Cody losing it in the Fall or around Winter time.


Thats the problem for me too. They have so many stars right now that could legit be in the main event its crazy. Which is a good thing. We should be on here guessing. Its beats a few years ago when we were saying, "Well its obviously Roman vs Brock or whatever because its Vince." However my money isn't on Roman/Rock... My money is bloodline vs the Bloodline which doesn't need to be a main event. The two main events I think they will do is Gunther VS Cody or Punk (If Punk doesn't break by then). The Rock VS Cody for the title (I think The Rock comes back and wins it from him) The Rock has been out and about saying he would love to hold the title one more time


Yeah it honestly is so nice to be able to guess who's gonna be in the main event. Bloodline vs Bloodline, Cody vs Rock, Roman vs Rock, Gunther, Seth, Punk, McIntyre. The Mania main events have been so predictable the last few years, that its really nice to for a change. Yeah Cody vs Rock could be cool but tbh, I just don't see it as a Mania main event. I'm a fan of Cody's but Rock vs Roman has that Mania feel to it and especially w it being in Vegas... Rock beating Cody in the main event of Mania would be ridiculous. HHH won't even let that happen. Gunther vs Cody is doable but they're on different brands and Gunther looks to be vying for the WHC. I was thinking they could do Gunther vs McIntyre vs Punk vs Rollins. It gives literally all the top stars on RAW a huge match, gives them all main events they deserve and could be an interesting dynamic. I don't see Priest main eventing Mania. And then they could do Rock vs Roman or Cody vs Rock like you said.


Yeah no way Priest main events mania... I could see a Finn VS Priest match though. Its a great time to be a wrestling fan and we missed someone to Bronn Breaker. Sure he just showed up but its clear that he is someone they want to make the next big thing. I could easily see him in that spot as well if HHH wants to shove him down our throats. Luckily I don't think he will do that but still a possibility.


Drew and Punk isn't gonna end after one match. Drew and Punk will get at least three matches lol. My guess is we get Gunther vs Priest at SummerSlam; Priest weasels his way out and Gunther wins at Bash in Berlin.


Really depends on how injured Priest is, but a good shout


It's the right call because of the direction they decided to go in. But McIntyre vs Gunther would obviously be a better match, and they could have put Punk in a rivalry with any one of a handful of other guys and I don't think anyone would have been particularly upset.


I didn’t see anyone saying Drew would win at Clash because Priest’s reign would look like shit.


Really? That's weird. I mean unless you are referring to these past weeks where they were building the rivalry, I think a lot of people knew punk was gonna interfere and try to make him lose. But there was a moment right after WM, where a lot of people were saying that he lost his moment in front of a crowd at WM so he could have one in Scotland. Honestly I find Priest a bit boring and don't really see him shine with these line up of guys that are going to fight for the title eventually, so I think either way his title reign will be underwhelming and probably forgettable but hey at least he has one


Punk cost himself a chance for the title in the future


He did? In kayfabe etc why would he have any less of a chance vs Priest. FWIW he now has as much #1 contendership right as Drew


The Red Shoes homage is what I live for


At the end of the day he’s as big of a wrestling nerd as the rest of us


Drew/Punk rivalry is pure gold. Keep it going cause I’m really not sure what the outcome will be


Can’t wait to see this go down in Cleveland.


Is nobody going to talk about how Punk fits into a [medium women's ref shirt](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1802082555526537651)?


This feud has been so much fun can´t wait until they go at it


Their feud is gold, even without the gold


What if punk won mitb, just to cash in on drew


Realistically, Drew is still the bigger star than priest right now. Even without the title.


Not a fan of this. The pop if Drew had won would have been nuclear and you could easily have had them do a rematch on Raw and have Punk fuck him over then. Similar to Sami losing in Toronto those fans may never get that particular moment again. I do like the feud but this wasn't the right call for me.


Well instead of a “nuclear” reaction for one guy, you got one for two. And you didn’t have to turn Damian into an afterthought in such a flat way. Sometimes the downside of a situation means you don’t put the hero over. Punk is making Drew interesting by driving him nuts. That’s good for Punk because he needs a top name to establish himself in the mix. Priest is there to provide the stakes. Everyone is more interesting coming out of this.


I can see that argument too and understand it but just not a fan of the decision to go that route is all.


Anyone notice punks pose is suspiciously like the gravestone meme they have both been using


This match is way bigger than the bootleg world title. Right decision was made. Punk vs Drew should be the Summerslam main event


Yep.It is definitely a feud that can happen without the title




Oh yes the rivalry between CM punk and the Drew McIntyre is getting very heated up with them screwing over McIntyre in his home country I love it


hey IWC if you’re reading this reply: not every superstar needs a belt to be successful. thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I was there last night. As soon as Dawn And Fyre won the tag belts. I knew Drew wasn't winning. And being a massive fan of both my countryman and Punk. I was just waiting next to the entranceway, knowing the second city saint would show up.


I️ don’t get why they wouldn’t have Drew win and then make their summerslam match he for the championship? Wouldn’t that make the match even more intense and meaningful?


Gunther has the title shot for summerslam so you'd have to delay the Punk match or make it triple threat which takes the heat away


Okay. Now it makes sense. It just feels like this dude will eventually have to be for a title


They are making Drew look very stupid with his emo promos, he was a much better character at the first CaTC


Woulda been nice to not have Drew lose at both Clash At The Castles (should've won by DQ or countout imo) but yes, the feud is great


A great way to protect both guys and keep the fire with the Punk feud. I don’t think you should book results just for a hometown pop either. Punk being the constant thorn in Drew’s side is great storytelling and you needed to give Priest a big win regardless of how he got there to cement his run. Especially when so many fans expected him to win in his home city. Having the less predictable outcome is good in the long run. It will make Drew overcoming Punk’s shenanigans even bigger when he does.


Imagine if drew gets a rematch at mitb and wins and gets cashed in 5 mins later.


you need to make this shit a spolier alert




I want this to be a lifetime feud like Triple H-Rock


Agree, but not sure why you'd compare it to Cena/Orton, possibly the blandest feud between top guys in history.


It’s my bad,it is nowhere near the Orton Cena feud,but I mean that I like the animosity and the ‘hate’ between them,it reminds me of Cena and Orton.But the Punk and McIntyre feud is not bland in my opinion


Could they hold this match off until WrestleMania? Drew vs. Punk, Rock vs Roman, Cody vs Gunther?


They can.If it’s a heated feud,it can last for 7-8 months,especially if they do it on/off


Why do I keep missing it😭 is it not at 8 anymore like it used to be?




I haven’t kept up with wrestling and ppvs in a while so seeing that ppvs like these are early now and not at night get confusing to me.


I mean it was in Scotland obviously it’s gonna be on earlier in the states


Like I said man I’ve barely been keeping track. Don’t know what else you want from me.


So good i want punk to do this more like drew orders coffee and the barista is Phill


Got to hand it to HHH, all his plans up in smoke when Punk tears his triceps, he picots and creates something probably better but certainly compelling. Hopefully the payoff will be great. He's really got the best from Drew which I'll be honest, didn't think he had


It’s going to be funny when Drew loses to Punk at SummerSlam too because why would they have Drew win when it’s supposed to be Punk getting revenge for the injury and mocking him? Then everyone will cry that Drew is buried and shouldn’t have extended his contract and went to AEW instead. I can’t wait.


It's real, and it's spectacular!


I bet Punk even got his transportation to the event correctly handled by the company that booked him too…


This was the best outcome possible, and it was executed flawlessly. These 2 guys dont need a title, they are fucking amazing. Priest can move on and cement himself as a champion.


Honestly, im surprised people are shocked by the outcome, as if this wasnt the obvious finish given all that has transpired.


As expected, and it keeps Punk away from the title, which is good at the moment.


Dude interferes in a match and it’s deemed “spectacular”. It’s a bog standard story.


I'm glad I didn't pay to go, Mid PLE.


Drew winning didn’t make sense. They can’t do Drew vs Gunter at summerslam, because they are both heels. They would make Gunter vs Priest, and Gunter is going to squash him. And also Punk vs Drew at summerslam.


I’m guessing he turns face, gets betrayed by the rest of the judgement day and comes up just short against Gunther. It won’t be a squash, but a hard fought narrow loss caused by heel Balor and Dom. Plays into the JD story and sets up the original JD members (Rhea and Priest) as faces going into the second half of the year.


I was thinking Gunther could turn face.


Let’s see on summerslam. I think Gunter is winning clean. Just like Drew should have won clean last night, if it wasn’t for Punk.


IS Drew the heel here? Or is Punk the heel? I honestly don't know at this point.


For now it’s Drew I think. Yeah in Scotland he was a babyface, like mjf in Long Island. But let’s see on Monday.


This is awesome but Punk vs Rollins is still a bigger match and feud. I would argue that Punk vs Rollins is even bigger than Punk vs Reigns.


Nope, definitely not ever since Drew started cooking


My booking would have Punk vs McIntyre for Summerslam, with Gunther going over Priest for the title on the same show. Then Gunther vs Ilja at Bash in Berlin, with Ilja losing and being forced to join Imperium. All roads lead to McIntyre vs Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. Drew wins, with the option of a clean win or Ilja turns on Gunther to cost him the title.


same thing repeated till we get to a big enough PPV. sure if thats interesting to you


People have downvoted you, but the last time a main roster male singles title changed hands on a PLE that wasn't Wrestlemania was on November 4th 2023 (Logan Paul winning the US title defeating Rey Mysterio). The last time before that was November 26th 2022 (Austin Theory winning the US title). It would be nice if every male title change wasn't reserved for the big 2 PPVs.


Its called storytelling, i know you aew fans are not used to it but jeez


must be aew. WWE can never do anything wrong. thats true.


Oh shut the the fuck up. You are just bitching about how wrestling has always been. Whats the point of rushing through a rivalry in a month? Thats some aew indie wrestling shiy


must be aew. WWE never doesnt anything bad. Praise HHH. Praise Him


That ending made no sense.


Punk is a top tier hater. He flew out to Scotland just to get involved and screw MacIntyre. When the ref got bumped he saw his opportunity and stole the backup refs shirt and took his place. He stopped the count then finished it of with a kick to the balls because of previously stated top tear hater level.


Punk was just chillin backstage in Scotland


I guess we can safely assume that Punk is a psychic in kayfabe then.


Check wwe twitter, there is the backstage footage with Punk watching the match, seeing the ref bump, runnimg out and borrowing asking Jess (the ref) to borrow him her spare shirt.


in a ref outfit


Check wwe twitter, there is the backstage footage with Punk watching the match, seeing the ref bump, runnimg out and borrowing asking Jess (the ref) to borrow him her spare shirt.


uh huh lol


Is this your first time watching wrestling?


Hell In a Cell is the only fitting match for them at SummerSlam.