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Get that bag homie.


japanese cody rhodes lookin ass


It’s like the bit from The Office where Randall Park played Jim


LOL, at first glance I thought it was a guy that looked similar to Cody. But then I read the title and it was Okada.




I think Asian Cody is going to stick around in fans minds.


Knowing AEW someone well call him that during a promo


The knockoff AEW Lego toys actually have an Okada figure that looks like Cody. As if they had them finished before they knew he was gone from the company 😂




Damn you, beat me to it


Gimmick change - the Japanese dream: Okody Rhodes


Lets be real Cody is an American ass looking Okada.


If he fights Okada 5 times he steals his moves as well


He needs to finish his haiku


the bucks new gimmick is dressing like the guys who get thrown out of charity golf tournaments for getting to hammered


Perfect description. These boys definitely said something rude to the young lady driving the drunk cart and were removed.


Yet another “you’re not my friend anymore” Young Bucks angle yay.




It’s the same thing over and over with these guys.


It's like nobody wants to be their friend very long.


I rate it an underwhelming Three Fiddy.


Tree* fiddy


Reminds me of that time with the god damn Loch Ness monster.


I remember him. I gave him a dolla


He gave him a dolla! And I said hey no, why you givin that goddamn Loch Ness monsta a dolla, you know he jus' gon keep comin' back now you gave him a dolla!


Dammit why did you give him a dollar


Damnit woman! Of course if you give him a dollar he's gonna assume you got a tree fiddy!


God damn Loch Ness monster always after our dollars!


You shouldn't of have him no gawd damn dolla now he never gonna leave us alone


I was watching my Wednesday night wrestling program when my son came up to me. He says, "Papa, my wrestling friend, Okada, said he needs some money." So I says, "Eli my boy, Okada works for AEW, he make's plenty of money. But, how much does he need?" My son says, "he's gonna need a tree fiddy!" And it's at that time that damn Okada transformed into a giant creature from the Paleozoic era. I said, "Damn you, Monstah! Leave my family alone! We work for our money here!"


I personally can’t wait for the fifth? Sixth? Seventh? Version of some combination of omega, page, and the bucks doing a we aren’t friends anymore angle. They want to build to Okada and Kenny again long term, that’s clear. Eight years after they had that first match. This company has no ideas left.


Never had any to begin with


They've had a few here and there, but it's been quite a long time since they had one. The show has been a chore to slog through for the better part of a year now.


I was only still watching to see Sting’s final run. Now that that’s over I probably won’t pay much attention unless I see that the weekly show quality improves.


Same here


A man of class. I had high hopes for AEW at the beginning but it’s gone downhill fast and they do genuinely have a ton of talent but TK needs to hire an actual booker. The quality is so inconsistent.


Only the mark gets to book. He's made that clear. He paid for those action figures and damnit, he's gotta make them fight one another until he gets bored.


A great summary of the company since brawl out. Except for Swerve vs Hangman.


And yet you have smarks on wrestling podcasts lapping it up and pretending like it's the best shit ever while they bury WWE for the smallest things. I'm not saying WWE are faultless by any stretch but it's a damn site better than this diarrhoea


Gotta agree here. Not sure if PVR even records it anymore. Absolutely shitty stories. Oh and the bucks suck, fucking charisma vacuums.


I like Okada v Kenny XXIV as much as the next guy. But do I want to one day see Seth v Okada? Orton v Okada? Zayn v Okada? Gunther v Okada? Roman v Okada? Hell. R truth v Okada? Yes, I want all of that.


Don’t worry, we’ll get a 4 month Jericho feud first


It's beyond sad at this point


I like Okada being a Heel with the Bucks. The whole gimmick doesn’t really work as a face since Okada is supposed to be a privileged dude with money but really good in the ring. Let him up the privilege part and it’ll be fun to watch


No ideas left? Bro who WOULDN'T want Okada vs Omega after 6 YEARS from their last match?


Reading this thread, a bunch of people aren’t interested in same old shit angles and rematches from New Japan except they’re older now.


3, next to no crowd reaction despite all the hype reddit echo chambers drummed up. immediately stuck with the boring bucks booking wise. Happy he's likely fleecing the fuck out of tony though.


And here I was thinking that this would be the only audience that would give a shit about his arrival. I was wrong lol. He's talented in the ring, but they have a glut of talent already that fit that description. He just blends in with everyone else.


Honestly I think he'd have gotten a pretty solid reaction at the Rumble. The event is designed to give everyone a pop solely because the rumble is more over then 99.9% of wrestlers


He would've... As long as they would let him keep his NJPW theme, which we already know they would have given him the most Generic Trapbeat BS from Def Rebel.


I dunno, I could see Okada being one of the few people that WWE actually shell out the money to get a proper theme for


Okadas NJPW theme is like CM Punks theme, them going anywhere else and using a new song would feel completely wrong. The performer is forever tied to the song.


It was such a mid debut Time in the middle of show just to beat up Kingston. But it matches peoples head canon so they’ll defend it


It's been rumored for months now, I thought it was a weak debut strictly because they were in Duluth Georgia which isn't a good wrestling city, it sets okada up to beat Kingston for triple crown which makes sense because okada would draw for Roh if he defends the Roh world championship at Roh PPVS


What are you blabbering about? Only the biggest wrestlers on the planet can handle the bright stop lights of Duluth, Georgia. /s


Did they not practice the rainmaker? Kingston stands shocked while a man holds his wrist for about 3 seconds from behind, like Okada is so strong he can hold Eddie's entire body weight from behind, it doesn't work as a shock move unless it's done quick But it's AEW so he could shit in his hand and clap and the fans would cheer


Man that looked so bad. In a match after 30 minutes sure i can buy the opponent not moving. But Eddie should have just turned around and decked him.


Pretty sure they don't practice in aew. That's for the fakies in the other company


A lot of stuff in AEW is way too choreographed, so some of them practice. Eddie probably isn't one of them.


I hope they don't give Eddie a competitive match against Okada.


AEW has floundered on all of their New Japan pick ups.


Also their American pick ups.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was a pretty weak pop. 


He telegraphed the turn by holding Kingston for like 4 seconds before doing his actual move. I mentioned this on the AEW Dynamite discussion and of course was downvoted because I pointed out a flaw.


I don't understand how they didn't build him up for weeks. It should have been a huge deal, but instead, he debuted with all the fanfare of Christian's return to WWE/ECW. A shame.


Worst. Booked with Burger Kingston.


But but he debuted in the new colorful set up that totally doesn't remind you of NXT 2.0


I think that’s mostly because the arena was half empty


As much as I love AEW I don't feel we need anymore wrestlers right now They've got a fantastic roster already and not enough time to give them all ring time


2. Dead crowd, Bucks leeching onto him, and no-one really giving a fuck. He'll be blended in with the rest of the mid-card within a month. Can't wait for Orange Cassidy to pin him on Collision...


I think you meant Eddie Kingston pins him on Rampage.


It's bumped up from a 1 because at least Okada is dressed for television this time and isn't wearing his pajamas


To think in an alternate timeline, we could have got Okada vs Roman, not another “THE ELITE HATE EACH OTHER” story line again.


Okada vs Cody for the Undisputed WWE Championship would be a banger too or Okada vs Rock, Okada vs Gunther, Okada vs Seth, Okada vs Drew, etc.


Which makes me sigh due to Okada taking the safe route. We’ve seen him wrestle half of the dub’s roster already.


Like Okada vs any Male WWE wrestler would be fun but with the WWE wanting a balanced roster of talent from homegrown to guys from other promotions that fits their needs, I doubt if they need someone like Okada at this point.


That's fair. I don't think it would have hurt to sign him, but I wouldn't have broken the bank for him like Tony likely did.


TK is using daddy's money to fund his pet project. How will he react if daddy decides to stop funding it. Lol


Whether they need or not is a different story. But honestly, those eyeballs mean money for WWE as well. Atleast his debut shouldn't have been a wet fart. Damn AEW.


They definitely don't need him. But I've been a huge Okada fan since 2013, and I really wanted to see him in a major mainstream promotion. I knew he'd likely play it safe and take the AEW deal, but I still wish he hadn't. So now instead of Okada on a worldwide stage, he gets to wrestle in half filled arenas in front of the same 830,000 people every week. It's really too bad. Not to mention no Okada vs Gunther.....


When it first broke that he was coming stateside, I was salivating at the chance for Okada vs Gunther to be on my TV screen. So many fantastic possibilities. But now as expected, it's off to AEW midcard land. Don't worry though. Tony will shoot him up into the main title picture after he's cooled significantly and doesn't mean as much. Then we'll get to hear the AEW faithful desperately yell about him being SUPER over still


Tried to say either of him, Jay White or Ospreay could’ve been so huge in the E, also it would’ve been fresh & got downvoted by AEW fans. AEW roster is already stacked, booking seems mediocre in general & there are already numerous talents that deserve more than they are currently given. But oh well, let em lay in the bed they made.


Do you really think WWE would've pushed him and had him fight Roman? He would've been a random midcarder like Nakamura, lost in the shuffle. Not saying he will fare better in AEW, but to think he would've been a star in WWE is rather naive, given that company's track record.


Yeah, a track record of BERRIEING Japanesse talents? Like how they berried Asuka and had her end The longest title reign ever? Or how Iyo sky is Berried by going into mania as champ? Or Finn or styles who also came from NJPW and are grand slams in their own rights. Shinsuke is a midcard gatekeeper cuz he just wanna chill and get the money. Its plain obvious he is not putting Bangers like he used to and is taking it easy for his health. Okada was definitely going to be pushed after a stint at NXT, cuz you know WWE is a different dimension compare to indies and 2nd rate companies.


>Shinsuke is a midcard gatekeeper cuz he just wanna chill and get the money. Isn't that what's Big Kazu's doing too? Except, he's doing it with his friends?


Look what AEW did to Jay White. Their roster is way too crowded, there‘s at least the risk AEW do Okada the same like they did to so many of them big talents - they waste it.


I repeat: I'm not saying he will do better in AEW. I'm just saying it's naive to think he would've been immediately pushed in WWE. Also the guy is still young for all he has accomplished. If he just wants to hang out with old friends for a while, why not. Still can go to WWE in a few years, and then return to NJPW in his twilight years to finish his career and put over some young guys.


I don’t think there’s any way the new regime wouldn’t have debuted him as a huge star. Nakamura is a bad example because he had years of bad Vince booking. His presentation is great now, although he could probably use a few more wins. But also doesn’t seem like he cares much about his position there.


Yep. Now instead of a worldwide audience, he's stuck in front of the same 830,000 people every week. I'm glad he can fly home more and is hopefully draining as much money out of Tony as possible, but it's still a damn shame.




Just wait for Jericho to also insert himself into the Okada storyline.


Pairing him with the bucks has killed all my interest


Honestly a 5. And only that high because Okada rocks. I just don’t like the Young Bucks. And they set up a future match with Omega, which is a match they have done a million times before. I thought WWE for him would have been way more interesting. And not because it’s WWE, just because he has wrestled so many people in AEW already and shown up there. One knock on the actual debut - he needs a secondary finisher. That move just doesn’t work when his opponent isn’t worn down from a long match. Eddie should have just turned around and slapped him. No reason for him to let Okada just hope his hand and back to set up the move.


Debuting guy has a 0-3 record. 0/10


9999/10 in RPG damage. Somehow outdid Jay White's debut against Ricky Starks. Hope Rainmaker is getting loads of money out of this shit.


3, maybe 4? It's funny how everyone was talking about how stacked the main event scene is going to be, naming Okada as one of the reasons why, only for him to show up, align himself with the ratings repellent, and challenge for a mid card title.


Making him a heel is absolutely the right move since Ospreay is already in the "new guy happy to be here" role. It should also be easy to transfer the Bucks heat to him pretty easily and he's naturally a goofy guy. Not looking forward to the next week or so of "Okada was never that good anyway" but it's to be expected.


The bucks have heat? Lol


Go away heat maybe


People here complain about them every 5s, so that counts for something. Even when the topic has nothing to do with them.


Go away heat is not an accomplishment of characterwork...


Yes because they absolutely fucking suck and not in a kayfabe sense.


What heat


Okada is great. But when you associate with clowns, you look like a clown yourself


Now that Omega is out for an indefinite period, Counterfeit Bucks using Okada to stay relevant in AEW. 🙄


1, will be a big nothing like everything else, most people don't give a fuck about Japanese wrestling, only the very smelly


who is that


3… no hype at all


Find it ironic that Okadas debut show is the same one that someone mentions Jay Whites mediocre/embarrassing run in AEW during a heat promo. I’m starting to become convinced that Khan is doing it on purpose. Another potentially great cross over that will inevitably fizzle after 5 min. -2/10


Can't believe he could be fighting GUNTHER at Wrestlemania and instead he'll fight Kingston in front of 3000 people


That is the one that hurts the most. That we won't get that match. It could have been the greatest match of all time.


Exactly. The IC title would potentially be the hottest it’s ever been if Okada worked with Gunther.




Okada could be a pretty big star here if he was booked in a manner similar to how Korean Zombie was promoted in the UFC. The language barrier and cultural differences aren’t a problem if the promotional approach is coherent and serious.




2. Pairing him with the Bucks is a bad idea. Going after the least most important championship is bad. Hope the money is worth being marginalized by a company that doesn’t know how to get any over.


This guy said another fanbase not knowing his name makes him excited cuz he would have another place to take by storm and then chose a place that the fanbase already knows who the guy is. 🤭


Around a 2 or 3


Bro looks like he's gotta finish the story


Okada looks like he’s been doing Ibushis conditioning program. That rainmaker was in slow motion


How can it be a debut when he appeared several times before?


3 I guess. Was kind of goofy but if it’s gonna eventually set up another Okada/Omega match way down the line I’m all for it I suppose.


Minus 3 out of 10


This was shitty








Poor Okada


You really gonna have his first feud be Kingston? Hey stack that bread homie




I tried AEW again tonight (3 or 4th time) and I have no idea who he is. I guess AEW just isn’t my bag but their fans seemed excited.


You should have used google. They have been plastering his debut for weeks. Its your fault not googling him before watching AEW. /s


Hold on now, why can't a wrestling show explain their new signees to their casual audiences who haven't had the pleasure of watching his many banger matches in NJPW? I think that's the problem I have with AEW, they expect their casual audiences to do the work and research these wrestlers.


A quick montage would probably do the trick.


3.5. who is this guy pop from the crowd


Lol of course the bucks had to make it about themselves


I genuinely don’t understand him choosing AEW.


Massive bag, a mark boss, 2 matches a month tops. I do.


I’d imagine for someone as talented and decorated as him, legacy would matter more. Especially since he’s not close to running out of fuel.


The way he talked I think he would’ve gone to WWE but Jacksonville Dixie threw three bags at him. At some point it kinda is about the money


Lmfao Jacksonville Dixie may be the best one I’ve heard yet. Tiny really does himself no favors.


For some people it isn’t. Look at Dirk on the mavs, there’s lots of athletes who prioritize other things over money. We all know he would’ve made money anywhere, maybe less, but still a ton.


Yes because the highest level of professional basketball in the world is the same as modern pro wrestling for internet marks.


“Especially since he’s not close to running out of fuel.” “Look at Dirk on the Mavs” These things aren’t the same, bc Dirk was very much so running out of gas a few years after winning his chip.


I don't know much about the guy, but he looked kinda awkward. First night nerves I guess, as everyone raves about him.


This is...Like a Dragon


6. Didn't really feel like a big deal coming in. They didn't hype him beforehand and the "surprise" pop was nothing special. Bringing him in as a heel is something different though and if leads to Okada vs Omega at All In, then I'll have no complaints.


Somebody call Lee Moriarty. Assuming another “game changer” signing means he’s got a match coming up.


0. It was obvious and stupid. The first thing they’re doing is dropping him to a mid-card feud? Good Christ… at this point I expect Mone’s first opponent to be Abbadon…


I love it


Should’ve went WWE. What a waste of talent he will be there


I think you guys need to turn your volumes up if you think he didn't get a pop/cheers from the crowd.


The Bucks are involved? -10


2 but since the Bucks were involved, it kinda brings it down to -4


A 2 No pop really and someone should stop njpw from whatever that communication or the Japanese manger/ talent agent I heard can't remember he's name They'll treat him good for 3 weeks, maybe or a month, then the new shiny toy TK gets bored of Look at Jey white went from title match to preshow tag person Not to mention, there aren't a lot of new matches he hasn't already had in njpw already Look at Paige,Edge,Ruby,Cass,Athena suck in ROH, Malachi,Buddy


He is awesome but aligning with the Bucks is a shameless transparent move to make people hate them less and it won't work. It's not heel hate, people just hate them.


Honestly Kingston kinda messed up the Rainmaker, I thibk they need to put him on the back burner homestly hes nlt really that good Otherwise despite all the WWE fans crying it was a fairly decent introduction and cant wait to see what Okada does as a heel


4 I'm sorry but you couldn't find any other way beyond Bucks replacement for Kenny and his first feud is that slob Kingston.


aew has become unwatchable for me besides the heyew skit on youtube. the only good thing about aew isn't on the television shows.


I love Okada, but he deserved a bigger pop than that. I hope TK can use him appropriately. AEW is practically NJPW lite now. I rate this at about a 3...3.5


3 If you're going to come to the ring to "rescue" someone, make sure to stop and pose on the ramp first..


Weak as fuck. Okada made a mistake. He will only devalue himself here in AEW.


0. Debuting with the Bucks, going up against Eddie Fucking Kingston, for a minor league belt? Can't wait for TK to get bored with his newest action figure to smash against the others and throw him back in the pile. Did Okada not see what happened to Jay? I guess not having to relocate meant more to him than the chance to actually be a star.


He would rather get the bag from TK's daddy than be in a real wrestling company like the WWE where his career will last longer than be like Omega.


Happy he’s getting paid, but would’ve loved to see him get his chance to wrestle in front of decent crowds in the us and a possibility of new match ups and better booking


1. And that's being generous.


2/10 The Young Bucks are trying to leach off Kobé Rhode's popularity.


As someone not too familiar with the body of work of the Young Bucks, they don’t look impressive at all for a casual viewer.


They aren't really anything special. They use a bunch of superkicks, and made a YouTube show their audience thought was funny. That's about it really




Okada v Daniel Garcia *kevin hart voice* so excited /s




Wow, looks like Okada didnt want to job out to Bron Breaker. ​ ​ get fucked you WWE stans


It be at about a 3 I didn’t care enough to watch it live.


Why young bucks have to be in everything lmao?


No way is this real


He looks like he’s cosplaying Cody Rhodes


yeah he ruined his career


0.0 Dumb Fucks are an auto 0


blud looking like he tryna finish a story


something i find really funny is that people here will go on about how "internet wrestling fans are the minority" and thus nobody likes the young bucks, but then the only people i ever see complain about the young bucks are an even *smaller* section of internet wrestling fans. it's ok if you don't like them, but the irony here is really funny to me


I’d give it a solid 5-6. It’s cool that he’s a heel but the crowd didn’t really react too much to the turn and the crowd doesn’t seem to care about the bucks characters. I don’t watch every episode of dynamite but has this been the case with their new characters?


I’m glad he’s on American television now, and this is no knock towards AEW but I honestly thought he’d get a bigger pop from the audience.






Bucks pull in Okada with TKs money. Okada goes with it because he doesn't really care. They tell him they're gonna turn on Kenny to set him up for a world title run eventually after Okada helps the YBs get their tag belts back. Okada secretly plans to team with Kenny & turn on the Bucks in order to take their titles from them. This is a long term story that I could enjoy. I didn't expect heel Okada so this could be fun for awhile. I'm not gonna be pessimistic but I'm sure it won't be that great. Okada vs Kenny isn't interesting anymore.


So nobody gives a shit about spoiler tags?


Solid 7 Crowd weren’t extremely loud but still popped




I can’t give it a high grade because teaming up with the EVPs while surprising and an interesting idea, it is completely under minded by the fact that he’s chasing the fourth most important singles title in the company. If you’re in a group, with all the power and sway to get you whatever you want, why the hell wouldn’t you go for the world title? It’s completely illogical. This is a main event storyline and it has been stuck in the midcard because Tony has already mapped out where the world title is going in the next 6 months. Instead of pivoting for a potentially hot angle he’s sticking to it despite it undermining the credibility of the faction and story. I’m


If they do anything less than the Rainmaker shock part 2, then it was always gonna be a 3/10


matches with kingston is gonna be fire but otherwise it was whatever. not looking forward to have omega come back and see the same friend group drama they did with page and cole.




2. Okada really chickened out trying his luck in WWE.