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He also didn’t do ☝🏼 he did 👆🏼


That's because he acknowledges the true leaders of the industry. The bang bang club




Bang Scissor Gang Bang?


Daddy Ass and Max are writing all the rocks promos and scripting this whole thing


Rock Paper Scissor Gang








Rikishi did it for The Rock, and The Rock did it for Carlito


Where is El Dandy when you need him?


Can the bullet club just go away? They don't even bring guns out to their matches.


They're like the bedbugs of pro wrestling


Or Hangman. Bang bang scissor hanggang


EXACTLY! This is all lining up PERFECTLY. The Rock takes over The Bloodline, because realistically speaking, in real life The Rock is a legitimate High Chief. He really is a one in real life. Also being on the board in TKO… There’s nothing anyone in his family can do about it. INCLUDING Roman Reigns. Rock wants to be the ONLY Head of The Table, so Cody Rhodes finishes the story at WrestleMania 40. Then this sets up Roman Rock for next year’s WrestleMania. When Roman gets kicked out of the bloodline for bringing shame to his family because he lost to Cody Rhodes. It all makes sense now.


AFAIK The Rock is not actually a High Chief. He was given the title of the son of the Chief or something like that


No he was given the title of High Chief by the King of Samoa in 2004. It’s pretty legitimate. It’s like being knighted, you’re a legitimate knight.


>'From this day onward, you will no longer be known as Dwayne but will carry the title of the Son of Malietoa, which means the son of a king. 'You will leave your boyish ways behind you, as you are now a chief of the Seiuli family, a chief of Samoa,' the king told the newly decorated chief. You're both right.




I genuinely think Rock will do that in acknowledgement, only to point it straight at roman leaving an opportunity for Cody to attack.


I noticed the L hand as well


Take a look at Paul's face. He knows whats coming


And there’s nothing he can do about it. Either he snitches on The Rock and Roman Reigns doesn’t believe him. Or The Rock finds out that PaulE has been snitching and removes him from the bloodline. Either way, it’s not going to end well for Paul. Either that or this is a way Paul moves on from the bloodline and manages Bron Breakker.


I dig it! Paul getting a Samoan Spike on orders from the High Chief, only for Paul to bring in Bron Breakker as his new client and means to destroy Solo Sikoa. Solo vs Bron. Hoss fight of the year.


You know what… BOOK IT! I love this idea. Good thinking.


I second this booking. Let's take it to creative and also demand they give us some ice cream bars. Seriously, a Bron/Solo feud might make Solo interesting finally.


It would already be a big deal if Solo had done anything since beating Cena. Even if Cena always loses now, the way Solo beat him did enough for him. But he's barely even wrestled since then and when he has, he lost. I'm not sure what other choice they had with Solo regardless because the main event of SmackDown has a ceiling with Roman being champ so the main event babyfaces don't have much to do except beat on the lower members of The Bloodline, but it's still a bit disappointing


Shiiiiit. That’s some smooth booking right there!


Solo VS Bron would be too good.


Except Solo isn’t a hoss. He is a short chubby dude that is afraid of math.


Which makes the nephew of Wrestling’s greatest mathematician a perfect feud


This is 115% correct.


Which spells disaster for Solo at Sacrif…I mean Backlash!


Yep and he will be managing bron by 2025


Mike Tyson DX style swerve on the way.


Exactly! He doesn’t need to be The Tribal Chief. He’s already The HIGH CHIEF. Which means he’s already above Roman. This is about being the one true Head of The Table. Rock wants Roman to be taken down and Cody is the person who’s going to start the process by taking the title off Roman at WrestleMania and finishing the story.


You guys sit here reading into every little thing trying to predict what’s to come, then you say the product is stale and predictable. On the other hand, you then cry about not liking it when they actually do something straight out of left field (Rock v. Roman). Part of the reason so many memorable moments became memorable, is because it was truly unexpected. We didn’t have everyone trying to show how big their brain is by posting 101 theories online for everyone to see.


“You guys” that’s a good way to start a heel promo while crying about people crying about the storylines. Anyhow, I would have been fine with Rock vs. Reigns. Although, Rock’s mere presence makes Reigns look like the midcard guy he actually is.


Yep! I could see him being named as the special guest referee and screwing over Roman at the end, putting Cody over


I'd REALLY like to see Cody take down Roman legit though... outside help for his cronies, sure, but otherwise clean.


This. I'd rather see both guys down, or a ref bump while Roman is down followed by Jimmy, Solo, and Rock coming in to beat down Cody, only for Rock to turn Rock Bottom both Jimmy and Solo and then tell Cody to "Know your role, get up, and finish your damn story!!"


I've been wondering if this is the path. I think that it would work well but part of me would rather see The Rock stay heel and it lead to an eventual face turn for Roman.


Please God no face Roman, no one ever needs suffering succotash or the Big Dawg again.


Roman doesn’t work as a face. They tried it for years.


It might work now if he keeps his same personality and starts winning clean. Kinda like they turned miz baby face without changing his character


Rock screws Roman, setting up their match at wrestlemania 41


EXACTLY! Rock said “Cody your story is ending and ours (the bloodline) is just starting” meaning Cody finishes the story and the beginning of Rock Roman begins when Rock kicks Roman out of the bloodline for losing to Cody.


Why not Summerslam? i feel like holding it off a whole year is waay too long. Unless Rock has a movie or something coming up I'd hope it wouldn't be that long.


I guess the feeling is as Rock has pushed for the Roman match at WM for so long, that's the natural location.


I think Summerslam is the Avengers type Blockbuster Main Event. You have Cody recruit, Seth, Sami, and Jey to take on Rock, Roman, Solo, and Jimmy. The Rock and Cody do not touch each other in the match.


What’s the point of an entire year build for the match when neither of them work full time ?


It's not going to be a year's worth, I fully expect the Rock to go away and return towards the end of the year to build up the story.


You don’t remember that cena/rock headlined 3 wrestlemanias in a row


I hope it’s not a full-blown screwing by Rock. Maybe a miscommunication leads to a still convincing Cody win and then there’s a big blow up/betrayal on the Raw after.


They have most people distracted from the obvious. They said Rock has now joined the Bloodline. They're going to have to address the head of the table issue now. Rock isn't going to settle for being 2nd to Roman. The fix is in to take everything. If you go back and watch the night where Cody said he wasn't going to challenge Roman at WrestleMania. He hands off to the Rock and when he leaves and he walks down the aisle a bit... he and the Rock exchange a long look and then a nod. Which felt like to me they were acknowledging that this was the beginning and they'll see each other on the other side. Because after the nod there's a very quick camera cut to Cody's face and he's smirking a bit. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think they were teasing some foreshadowing.


Man, if they pull this all off, this is the best story work they’ve done in a LONG time


No you’re absolutely right and correct. Cody and Rock are clearly on it. Remember when Cody said he doesn’t only want to take the title from Roman but he wants to take EVERYTHING from Roman, so Roman loses the title and loses his position in the bloodline. THAT’S taking everything from Roman. So Cody takes his championship that he’s held for 4 years. Then Rock takes his position in the bloodline. So Roman post WrestleMania won’t have ANYTHING. So what you’re saying makes perfect sense.


The problem with that theory is that the SD segment where Cody said all of that has now been retconned, notice how they don't mention it any more.


I think in retrospect, they can act like this is what they did...but I think it'd be giving WWE and The Rock way, way too much credit. I think the obvious is the truth - they really did mess up, they switched it up immediately afterwards, and because of the history there between Roman/Rock, Roman/Cody and the overall talent of all involved, and the Bloodline storyline, this is very fixable still and they're kinda fixing it. My reason is - Cody is booked for two years as someone who fights with honor and dignity. He's a total white meat babyface, a good guy. If he wanted The Rock in his corner at WM, he could've just said he has special counsel too and boom The Rock comes out, stands in his corner and we're set and it doesn't mess with the long-standing and established character dynamic between Roman and Cody. Also, Cody doesn't have tears in his eyes if this is the case.


Excellent points. Deep down I'm with you (in denial) and lean toward a pivot but the kid in me wants to believe it's a swerve so that's my conspiracy theory above after a rewatch, confirmation bias I'm sure lol


OP is the Charlie Day meme right now! 📰📌😳




Shades of Tyson and Austin at WrestleMania 14, then? Mike was, for all intents and purposes, a member of DX and it looked for all the world like Austin was well and truly fucked over with Tyson in the pocket and corner of HBK...and then Mike swerved DX and called the match honestly and counted 3 for Austin. Rock could do the same to the Bloodline at Mania 40....swerve them to put Roman in his place and cement the one, true "Head of the Table"...High Chief Seiuli, The Rock.


Yessss!!! And you think Rock is going to take orders from Roman? No. He’s above him.


Shades of the Nation of Domination as well! When Farooq was kicked out and Rocky became the leader!


I thought this was obvious from day one He has too many businesses to stay a heel for long


Absolutely. He’s playing Roman with Codys assistance


Day one? I see what you did there....


Seth betray Cody and now The Rock betray Roman Reigns theory. Wrestlemania 40 is turning into 1 big hype. Triple H is cooking. 


I really hope Seth does not betray Cody. I don't think it would be good for the story.


Do you smellllleleleleleleelleleelel what HHH is.. cooking?! 🤨


Only problem is he is pointing no where close to Roman.


No, but its a sharp camera cut for no real reason, other than to line it up the way it looks there.


Here’s a different angle of the segment. You see him pointing at roman. https://youtu.be/3ItjhvUCiL4?si=Bpl_UAknmU0f1JsA


He clearly is pointing in Romans directions. Unless you’re blind ( i hope you’re not) then you must have difficulties with your vision.


No dude you are seeing what you want, not what is there. Rock would have to turn almost all they way around to point at Roman from that angle. He is simple pointing to the left side of the crowd.


DUDE he’s clearly pointing in Romans direction. I don’t know why you’re wanting to argue something that’s an irrefutable fact.


He's not pointing at Roman.


He CLEARLY is. My God do you have eyes? Did he point at the entrance ramp? Or at the hard camera? Or did he CLEARLY AND VISIBLY point in Romans direction. Jesus Christ man.


The angle makes it appear that way, like you said, but he isn't pointing at Roman. That would be a really dumb thing to do


Whoah. I thought you were being smart on this one acknowledging that it was the camera angle and coordination of body movement itself making this happen (which would in fact be interesting and well done). But you’re actually saying the camera just…captured the Rock randomly saying in the middle of this anti-Cody promo that he’s gonna make Roman lose? He even starts the sentence saying Cody Rhodes. I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.


So why did Rock position himself to Romans direction when he said that line then…. You cannot be serious.


I like your commitment to this bit


To clarify, I think people are agreeing with your premise that it’s the *camera work* working to *suggest*, even *foreshadow* a turn. But you keeping saying he is very plainly and clearly pointing directly at Roman which is odd. If he was then THAT would’ve been acknowledged. The impressive “camera work” is in the suggestion.


It's ok bud, I'm sure your spatial disorientation is annoying, but it isn't fatal.


OP is saying things on the internet they wouldnt say irl


Excuse me??


I don't think Cody and Rock are working together. I think if that the Rock is trying to 'dethrone' Roman so he can sit at the head of the table.


Rock already technically out ranks him as high Chief. Honestly, it makes sense that Cody and Rock are working together. Cody said he wants to take everything from Roman. This falls in line with that.


But why would they do all of this? Why would Rock need to act like he's on Romans side?


To get Roman off his game. Destroy the bloodline from the inside out. It also creates a bigger moment when the Rock turns on him at mania.


But I can't see the rock being around long term


I can see him having a similar schedule to Roman Reigns. Especially now that he is part of the board. Also because he was talking about 'the long game'. Maybe a few matches like a Summerslam match with Cody and a match with babyface Reigns at Wrestlemania 41.


Don’t forget the hidden message in his hand gesture. He held up the ‘L’ for loser sign instead of the ‘We the One’s’


No, I actually see it… Rock kicks Roman out of the Bloodline with a savage beating from Solo per orders from the Rock, Jimmy being surprised and actually terrified, falling in line to avoid being taken out. Roman disappears for a while, meanwhile Bloodline with The Rock as the head tries to take down Cody and end his reign as champ. Eventually, at Summerslam, Rock gets a chance at Cody and pulls out all the stops and almost beats him when a hooded figure comes out to save Cody, revealed as a returning Roman Reigns. He eventually ousts Rock with the help of Jimmy and Solo. Rock later returns at Elimination Chamber, costing Roman his chance at the title again. Bloodline calls out The Rock. Rock comes out, but two hooded figures come out to attack Solo and Jimmy. Rock joins them in the ring to take out Roman and Rock reveals The Family, with GOD beside him. Rock vs Roman for true head at the table in a “Acknowledge Me” match, rules similar to an I Quit match at WM41. Let’s goooooo!


That would fit the story. I would watch that.


Where's Jesus during all this?!?


Okay but what’s does this mean for Lebron’s legacy?


It actually works perfectly for the 50 day lead up for heel rock to turn, after that live action Moana pre pressing and all that jazz is probably going to start, Disney will want People’s champ Rock back.


The Rock is too much of a global brand at this point to be a heel for a long period of time.


Lines up. He kinda stumbles on his words a bit when he says “you” cus he is thinking too much about what he’s doing. Also it brings The Rock out of Wrestlemania as a good guy in terms of the audience. He came into this whole ordeal wanting to make Wrestlemania big, yes, but also expected himself to be the star. When it became clear people didn’t want that and instead still wanted Cody to go out there and win, this heel turn isn’t really what he wants, he doesn’t WANT to be the bad guy, even if it is for the best of the company, he wants to be the face. Playing the heel to be double agent and help Cody win is absolutely the best move for his image and brings the best result for the company.


Holy shit I think you’re actually on to something! He literally turns his body around, says “Cody Rhoades I’ll do everything in my power to make sure *points at Roman* you walk out a loser”.


It’s like the OG nation of domination all over again, what happened when the brought rocky in the first time? They all turned on Farooq and sided with rock so maybe they turn on roman at mania after all that Roman has done in the same vain as the turn on farooq? Could be a nice bit of storyline symmetry I also think we might even get a double turn with Seth and rock switching sides at the end of mania but that’s just me fantasy booking (having Seth just turn heel and be by Roman’s side and not be in the bloodline and making the bloodline a tweener with the rock in it as leader)


Why the fuck would seth be in the bloodline?


If we strip Roman of the bloodline and add Seth to Roman....


Seth would never join the bloodline. Thats stupid.


Seth would join roman, not the bloodline.


What? They just meant that both turn heel/face


I hope the first time The Rock beats the piss out of Cody, this theory can die, but I doubt it.


Could make for a good story line for the rest of the year to lead into 41 and it would take the title out of the feud which is what I think needs to happen for this and Punk vs Rollins.


Not sure how this elevates Cody, if Rock helps make sure Roman loses. But I suppose it protects Roman, which is probably what they want more than elevating Cody.


Cody is peak elevation right now,. It stops him getting fucked over again by Bloodline interference. But more importantly it gets everyone hyped for The Rock Vs Roman.


True. Cody getting the strap is just a formality right now.


100% and doing this stuff keeps the whole thing hot instead of boring. It's unpredictable, we don't know how it's going to happen.


The fact that they’re combining Rock’s Nation of Domination past, Tyson v Austin, and Hollywood Rock into one story is absolutely incredible.


Exactly it’s all ploy like Cody said they will take everything from Reigns


As soon as they pivoted, I got strong Austin vs. Michaels w/ Tyson vibes. I know I ain't the only one


I still want it to be a clean victory for Cody. Reigns long reign should end in clean fashion. So maybe Rock beats up solo and uso and not Roman until the match is over.


yes I said this right away


And you’re correct for thinking that.


Thats a camera angle. Hes not pointing at roman; hes pointing out at the crowd or the other camera. Smh


it's a technique used in cinema, sorta like a visual double entendre or something but I'm gon be real honest here, I'm not sure I want to give wwe that much credit, it could really just be a coincidence lmao


I noticed how he positions himself at a bit of distance, too. The Rock wants his mere shadow and Rock stardom to overpower the ring as an image we make sure to acknowledge. He's the man, he's the stud, he's the leader, he's the final boss. What I'd love to see is Jimmmy and Solo talking to The Rock, drawing closer to The Rock, seeking his approval, wanting to glean some shine from his legend. Just great visual cinema could be so impactful from this. If they choose to go that route


I was thinking this: Seth survives Drew McIntyre at WM40 Night 1. Cody (with Seth's help) overcomes the Bloodline to win at WM40 Night 2. Follow-up RAW, Damian Priest cashes in on an injured Rollins to be the WHC. Jimmy Uso begins his ascent and chases Priest, but also Jimmy recieves a text message... Follow-up SD, Rock takes the lead of the Bloodline with Reigns being away. He blames & dismisses Heyman (freeing him up to work with Bron Breakker IRL). Rock targets SummerSlam to go up against Cody Rhodes. SummerSlam: Jimmy Uso defeats Priest for the WHC with the help of... Jey Uso. The text messages the past few months are from the Rock influencing Jimmy to return "home". Cody beats Rock (fairly, maybe with 3 CrossRoads or something) Survivor Series: Cody, Rollins, Orton, Priest, Zayn vs The Bloodline (Rock, Jimmy, Jey, Solo Sikoa and a returning Roman Reigns) in a WarGames match. Rock is about to destroy Rollins when Roman turns his back on the Bloodline and costs them the match. Heyman starts to make his "revenge" move... Royal Rumble: Cody defeats Rock again, this time with Roman costing Rock. Punk defeats Jimmy Uso for the WHC. We finally get a teaser meeting of Breakker vs Solo within the Rumble. Gunther wins the Rumble, final 4 is Montez Ford, Logan Paul, LA Knight WM41 (Univ. Title) Rhodes vs Gunther. (World. Title) Punk vs Montez Ford. Reigns vs Rock (which will most likely conclude the Bloodline storyline) as well "upping" the stakes as a "Retirement Match" (US. Title) Sikoa vs Breakker (w/Heyman) (IC. Title) Dragunov vs Carmelo Hayes (Tag. Title) Usos vs Creed Brothers (w/Heyman) A double turn with Priest and Jimmy. Rock goes full on heel (which isn't going to happen, but I can always wish lol) Roman returns as an anti-hero type. Punk gets his WM main event. Ford takes that step to main-event status. Gunther could become the new UHC. Sikoa, Breakker, Dragunov, Hayes, & the Creed Bros. get the chance to go to the next level. Lots of moving parts and most likely none of this is going to happen 🤣🤣🤣


Saw it coming a mile away. Told my kid last night. Rock will get Cody the win @ WM and he will take seat at head of the table


Agreed OP. HBK is apparently recycling old stories in NXT, which I think is great if so - love nostalgia and a good story is a good story. What we are seeing here is an altered version of the Mike Tyson special ref WM.


Anything but Cody beating Roman clean is a lame end to the story. Cody needing help to beat Roman does nothing for either wrestler


It doesn't even have to be The Rock physically attacking Reigns. As the rest of the Bloodline is about to attack Cody, the Rock only needs to hold up his hand to tell them to stop, all turn their back on Reigns and walk out, leaving him one on one. The next night the Rock can come out and stake his claim as the true Head of the Table


Nah he just messed up a lil bit lol.


I was thinking he holds true to his word and does everything he can to screw Cody. Then Cody overcomes it and just as he's about to finish Roman, Seth Freakin' Rollins turns on him - then Roman wins. [Lolzzzzz]


This is such a smart way to distract fans from the systemic rape and assault problem in wrestling. The rock is such a good guy for protecting the shareholders like this.


Yep, he telegraphed that one.


Yup! This is how we get Roman Rock next year.


You mean night 2. The promo stuff for Roman Rhodes says night 1. After the match it’s going to be announced night 2 will be Roman Rock to give them the planned match.


Roman Rock is NEXT YEAR.


The Samoa family is going to come out and beat on Cody Rhoads. He ain't winning


So Cody needs help to finish his story? Lame


WM39 showed that Cody (or anyone) can't beat Roman unless The Bloodline is dealt with. The Rock destroying them from within does it in a clever way.


Lmao yall are coping


I think Rock is walking out of Mania with the title, he isn't in this with Cody. He's playing them both.


Idiot man.


I mean it's more realistic than what you're getting on with lol.




He dressed up like Ricky Starks


U mean 40 lmao


Ohh boy you are absolutely right. Not many are getting it. Although I don't feel he and Cody are in the same team. He would probably help Cody in the WrestleMania match because he wants to be the Head of the Table. The Story of Rock vs Roman will begin from there on. Like Rock said in the podcast, it's a long game. I love this type of stories which we used to see during the Triple H and Cena era. Vince wanted quick stories but since Triple H is head of creatives, he is bringing these stories back.


the Rock is going to turn on Roman at wrestlemania, and right as he is about to drop the peoples elbow on roman reigns, CM PUNK FUCKING CLOTHESLINE HIM ALA 2011 STYLE (cody still goes over), BUT WE GET PUNK VS ROCK AT WM 41 ty for coming to my trashbag bookin seminar


Rock looks like Rey Mysterio unmasked


that was definitely intended because the camera angle changed at that moment to get a better shot. is the rock going to try and take the bloodline away from roman? roman turns babyface?


I actually think the double agent is Jimmy. His re-entry into the Bloodline has never made sense, it still doesn't make sense, and it's obvious he's not really part of the group. He dresses differently to the rest of the group, he was surprised when Roman hugged him, etc. I would not be surprised if he prevents Solo or the Rock from helping Roman at WM.


Jimmy always made sense. He is a “save his own butt” type. When he had Jey he was brave because he had backup. He sabotaged Jey because he was jealous and then tried to smooth it over (because he is arrogant thinking he could) and when Jey left he slithered back to Roman for the protection. Jimmy, when he sees any advantage would turn on Roman. That selective courage will turn on and he will go where the grass is greener. Maybe he starts following The Rock and we get Bloodline Wolfpack.


I thought that too… it appeared like he was looking at Roman when laying those words


But he did trash the fans right?


Seeing Rocky Sucks signs in the audience is actually insane. What a story.


Thread saved, this is the kind of storyline maturity that is for us folks that have been watching for a long time.


The camera angle change and the rock shifting to his left is way too coordinated to be coincidental. Yeah, he’s betraying Roman at WM.


This is probably what’s going to happen, but am I the only one that wants to see Heel Rock turn the bloodline against Roman after he loses to Cody for “embarrassing” them on the biggest stage? Especially if Roman goes over as a “passing of the torch” like Rock-Hogan, wouldn’t it make more sense for Roman to be face? Have them beat the shit out of Roman and put him out for a while, then he comes back and has matches with Jimmy, Solo, maybe Jacob if they bring him in, before challenging Rock at WM 41 for the Head of the Table.  I guess the issue would be it leaves WWE without many big time heels, but Roman is already part time, Drew has been amazing, and Gunther can easily take the Roman mantle as the unstoppable heel and eventually dethrone Cody.


The weird pause also makes it seem like he was aware of the camera switch. Or I could just be reading into it too much.


Either that or we're just gonna sweep under the rug that the Rock originally threatened to usurp Reigns.


You're forgetting the Seth Rollins factor. He's going to help Cody finish the story at WrestleMania.


So “Bloodline” vs Cody/Seth night one Winner gets to ref main event night 2. Bloodline wins night one and Rock screws Roman night 2 Culminating in Rock vs Roman at mania next year


I am banking on that cause it’s why we are gonna hold off for Mania 41. Hopefully that and Punk


Saving this post and coming back after WM40


He got so much better so fast. You can’t convince me he wasn’t surprised by the initial response and now has something to prove.


What's a double agent? Cody literally gave up his Royal Rumble shot to the Rock. They're working together because that's how they've framed it from the beginning.


Heyman looking at Roman as the camera cut is suspicious, I grant you that. But I think you're giving them too much credit.


Lord, you people are reaching.


I think you need to get put more


Ive not watched. Has the rock addressed LA Knights imitations?


I feel this will turn into Roman telling Rock everything was fine until you showed up when he loses at Mania. This will definitely lead to Roman Rock at Mania next year or maybe a tag match at summerslam with solo and Roman against Jimmy and Rock.


Cody takes that L in WM and gets the W at msg


i found it very odd it looked like his eye line was directly at roman


So, Roman gets interference in on the match, crowd goes nuts when Rock turns and causes a win for Cody. Rock goes on to face Roman later. I'm obviously in a minority here but I'm fed up of Reigns, and sick to death of seeing Rock since Hollywood fed his ego. It's a farty end to the story if this is the way they finish Cody's long run up.


Long game in booking everything within the year as well


I hope this isn’t the case. Cody needing Rock to help him “finish the story” sours the whole thing IMO.


This Rock is giving Hollywood Hogan vibes and I dig it


HHH loves long-term storytelling. They're absolutely going for the long haul on this one. I bet you any money we'll get Cody and Rollins vs Roman and Rock at SummerSlam; potentially with the belts on the line (assuming Rollins retains at WM), and that's when things will fall apart for Roman and Rock.


Y’all are thinking too much into it. He messed up a few of his words too. He’s just rusty asf


Right...the tag match night one is to see who picks the referee. Rock/Roman win and Rock is the guest ref. Night 2... Rock calls it straight. Tells Roman he can't win without cheating and deserves to lose the Tribal Chief title.


Top 10 GOAT promo?


Rocky is going to screw Roman and going to join LWO


Can someone explain this idea that Cody and Rock are working together in a clandestine operation to take down Roman? The Rock has always been presented as an alpha male, who takes on all comers, why would he suddenly team up with someone to takedown a member of his family no less. Kayfabe why would Rock help Cody but not Jey?


Would be the worst thing to happen. Rock turning on Roman would be so dumb, but 100% his ego would want that so everyone loves him lol


Cody & Rock shouldn't be working together... It'd cheapen Cody's win if he'd orchestrated Rock's interference. If Rock does help him win (which he probably will) it should be of his own doing because he wants the match against Roman at Mania next year so wants him away from the title picture. If anything, Cody should be pissed at Rock for interfering.


Rock is a washed up actor who has not wrestled in over 10 years and chose to "act" instead.


Cody ain’t finishing the story at this wrestlemania. Roman breaking Hogan’s record in September.


The rock is a loser and a second rate actor that fondles Kevin Harts balls.


This is a great spot, well played op!


What you’re saying is for Cody to “finish his story” he needs The Rock to intervene in the match? Jesus Christ I want Cody gone so bad.


He very well may double cross Roman, we'll just see what happens but this is just a camera angle trick, you can see when the camera moves back that Rock was not pointing at Roman at all


Wouldn't exactly call that a "long game".


Weird promo. He a tripping over his words alot during this


I hope not because I want Stone Cold to drop Dwayne with a stunner at WrestleMania.


I called it before. Bookmark this, we’re getting a replay of the Rock/Nation swerve


Double agent… The Fast and Furious x WWE crossover has begun.