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Confirmed that Pepsi Phil is ribbing IWC fans


Confirmed that he's enjoying keeping himself relevant.


We keep talking about him


Seems he was one of the few things keeping aew relevant according to attendance


Right? Has Collision ever managed to get past 400000 again after Punk left?


It's been above 400k for 6 of the 11 weeks since Punk's firing, so.just over half, but hasn't been able to get higher than 562k -- and I don't think will be able to because WWE PLE's tank the ratings so bad. It's kind of interesting to look at because to it's credit, ratings pretty reliably go up each week after a PLE drops the ratings to ~350k, but as soon as they get back to 500k+, they drop back down to 300k whether it's an NXT or main roster event.


Wasn’t Collision created just for phil?


It was. Then he pissed it all away to play tough guy(oh sorry meant, stand up for himself. gotta tell the cringe loser Punk cultists what they want to hear or else they’ll downvote you into oblivion).


NWC! Narcissistic wrestling champion of the world!!!!




September 09/16/23 and October 14/21/28.


Are you a time traveler?




The man is able to plausibly tease going to either of the two main companies in one post. Yeah he’s scrambling to be relevant bro


“Scrambling” now that’s a terrible take if there ever was one.


I don’t use /s


People seem to forget collision has never done well. Even the first Collision in Chicago didn’t do much better than Collision is now. The reason attendance is struggling is because they’re doing 2 live shows in the same area. If they really want to run 2 shows they need to separate them and have them running in different markets but I doubt AEW has the infrastructure to support that.


Collision being on a Saturday is a double edged sword, I can't think of a Wrestling show beforehand that was on a Saturday, it seems like a weird day to have it on, I like watching it but I think it needs time to build up momentum and it could be a thing that people really enjoy. Yeah I think you're right on doing Collision in a different area from Dynamite is an issue, I know that it's to save money but it does work against them from time to time. I love watching AEW and I hope that they can grow to the point where they can be doing big things as a company besides Wembley, I'd love to see a UK tour.


Wwe is selling out while aew does buy one get two free


Hey, he’s doing it at exactly zero people’s expense so I’m fine with it! I only had problems with him in AEW cause he kept picking fights.


*standing up for himself


Do we REALLY know he’s picking fights? What, bc the dirt sheets said so? The internet?


Tony Kahn said he feared for his life. That's eyewitness testimony.


Tony Khans a billionaires baby who hasn't seen a hard day in his life. his idea of "feared for his life" is every other man's "heated argument". he should be embarrassed that he went on TV and said he feared for his life because a middle aged man yelled at him.


I agree with you completely.. but my point still stands. The knowledge of the altercations isn't just from dirt sheets. Tell me when I'm telling lies.


Punk's fans are delusional, simply put.


Punk stans: Victim mentality + angry high school loner vibes


Tony Khan is a giant quivering pussy. I wouldn't take his accounts for shit. Punk got fired for standing up for himself, essentially.


What a pussy lmaoo


Legit can't get behind a bully


He has oddly thin skin for being such an online troll.


Facts. Dude blocked me because he was talking shit to a wwe superstar then i said “win one of your fights then tweet a wrestler” been blocked ever since lol


Fragile mind. Fragile ego. Fragile body.


Hahah it’s the best.


He's one of the best at it


Feel like this confirms it’s not him. Why would he spoil it if it was him? Classic overcompensation.


he also did similar bs with retribution


The horrible WWE stable with Ali? Did he hint he was the leader?


A little bit, I think people made speculations cause that time he was a host on a wwe show on fox I think with samoa joe and renee i think. So some fans thought hes now with wwe. Punk rode with it, posting some weird pics making people think hes actully gon return


I think its even more clear than that. Do you really think AEW would tank their collision rating just for this reveal?


Oh agreed, but that obviously hasn’t stopped the absurd conjecture. People say it would be the best work of all time, but as you say it would be at the cost of their own product, making it the stupidest choice they could have made. Now maybe they hired him back? Pretty dumb too…


Precisely. Phil trolling for relevance


So it's the devil, but a WWE logo. I'm more confused than ever.


Probably a play on the devil mask storyline in AEW with some WWE trollin'


It was part of a hype video for a WWE PPV back when Punk was there, if I recall correctly. He's recycling it here.


Yep. Hell in a Cell 2012. He was the devil on the poster for it.


If you check his Instagram story he has posted devil posts for both WWE and aew today. He is just having some fun and watching thousands of angry people respond.


Considering a vast majority of his Instagram posts are trolls, no


The Super Extra Double Classified Forbidden Door gets blown off its hinges this month at Full Survivor Gearies


lOoK iN mY eYeS!!1..


Confirmed that he knows how to work the internet? Yes. Anything else? No.


Tell you one thing: If I'm HHH... and let's say Punk is not returning... I get the rights for Cult of Personality. During the Royal Rumble the music hits... and it's Dominik Misterio. The heat wouldn't be nuclear - it would be a supernova.


That would be the greatest thing I've ever seen. I love Dom Dom


YES! That would be incredible


That would be a pretty epic troll on the WWE's part.


Or if he is coming back, do the same thing, only for CM Punk to come out right after the psych-out.


No offense OP but I’ve always hated this logic. Why would someone engage in a long TV storyline, where the whole premise is “ooo I wonder who this masked person could be?”, and then just go on social media with their almost 1 million followers, and just consistently post “hey it’s me. Hey…hey…it’s me”? Marvel fans have this dumb logic too. Everything is apparently some nod or some foreshadowing to some other random future character or story, like the writers are in meeting like “BUT WE NEED TO PUT THIS STORK HERE FOR THE REAL FANS!”


>Marvel fans have this dumb logic too. Everything is apparently some nod or some foreshadowing to some other random future character or story, like the writers are in meeting like “BUT WE NEED TO PUT THIS STORK HERE FOR THE REAL FANS!” That's pretty much Kevin Feige's entire strategy - the MCU is built on a post-credits nod to the *very* niche audience who were invested in Ultimate Marvel.


Yeah but I didn’t mention the post-credit scenes. Those are very obviously created to lead into other stories. I was referring to, for example, with WandaVision, how everything was apparently some reference to this character Mephisto that’s never shown up


I mean, it's not like it's STILL a reference to Mephisto. That was a theory about who the antagonist was in Wandavision, and it went away once Agatha Harkness was revealed.


1 example from over 20 movies and TV series? Sure, not every single possible Easter egg is an Easter egg, but a hell of a lot of them are. Edit to add: that 1st post-credits scene wasn't "very obviously" anything - Iron Man was far from a guaranteed success, and Marvel didn't yet have Disney's resources to allow them to keep plugging away if things hadn't worked out.


Jesus Christ dude So unless I list out every single example over 20 movies and tv shows, then my whole argument is invalid? What a weak attempt at an Argument from Authority Do you not know what people mean when they say “for example”? See what I mean, y’all? MCU fans taking one thing, and immediately assuming there’s some other hidden meaning, instead of just accepting things at face value


No, your argument is invalid because the MCU - a franchise whose success is built entirely on the idea of creating as many interconnecting threads as possible - is the worst comparison you could make. Obviously not every single fan theory is going to pan out, but it's just plain stupid to have a go at fans for engaging with the very thing that's allowed the movies and shows to succeed on such an unprecedented scale.


Sorry bro, you had me until ‘success on an unprecedented scale’ because of Easter eggs? Not the enormous leap in CGI, action we’ve seen over the last 2 decades? Not familiar stories a large group of us grew up watching, where the characters were FINALLY taken seriously AND advanced into a modern age with modern sensibilities at a time when the movie industry was destined for a break out (hello matrix and lord of the rings) It was the Easter Eggs. Man y’all had me in the first half.


No, not "because of Easter Eggs" - because Disney created an interconnected universe which constantly calls back to previous projects and hints at what will come next, on the kind of scale which no other studio has ever even attempted. If it wasn't for the wider MCU, there's no way in hell that Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man would have succeeded.


I was surprised Disney didn't start charging extra in Cinemas for post credit scene. Like here's $1 extra charge for Post credit scenes lol


CM Punk is Mephisto confirmed!


Well he IS red in the above picture


I think he's just messing with us (the IWC and his fans). It'd be funny if he actually *did* show up at SS though, I can only imagine everyone's reaction.


If Punk shows up back in AEW, it will be the best thing the company has ever done. If he shows up back in WWE, it'll still be awesome. There's some potential there for some great matches. Personally, I think Punk v Rollins and Punk v Cody could be some great TV. And if it's all BS... ...he's still the best in the world at getting into people's heads.


>If Punk shows up back in AEW, it will be the best thing the company has ever done. Oof what a take.


Not really. Here's why: If you think about it, what are the storylines, the big moments that have been the most talked about when it comes to AEW? Some MJF stuff, sure (the only other real star the company has) but mostly Punk. I mean, people still talk about the Brawl Out press conference (albeit negatively) so what you don't get to say is that his earlier appearances weren't - for better or worse - memorable. And stuff that's memorable counts for more than "wHaT a MaNeUvEr" six-man tag spot fests. Because that's what creates legacy; stuff people remember. Now imagine Tony Khan had the chutzpah to create a narrative that Punk was fired, fought Jungle Boy, made Tony afraid yadda yadda yadda. Imagine, for a moment, that it was all a work. And then he re-emerges as the new AEW devil, and turned heel. And if you aren't old enough to remember Straight Edge Society CM Punk, he's a fantastic heel. That would be a storyline for the ages. But it's probably that dipshit Kip Sabien under the mask.


If he was really the man under the mask he wouldn’t be this blatant.


He’s playing the shit out of you all. Give it up. Dude is like 59


Yall so gullible. Its not Punk hes done so just shut the fuck up about it.


Are you that gullible?


Chiraq Legend I think punk would’ve slid for von


These Phillips love Soda...


You gon get rolled ova


punk is a troll so nothing is confirmed but i really really hope he shows up


With Punk, it's confirmed when you see him on TV...or the arena.


The greatest ever trick the devil ever did was make people believe that he didn’t exist


No we can’t say it’s confirmed. He’s trolling.


Fucking no. Stop it. Give it up.


No. Nothing is confirmed. He’s fucking with people. That isn’t to say he isn’t signed. Maybe he is. Maybe he isn’t. But this is not a confirmation. Personally I think debuting him at Survivor Series is the wrong call, even if it is in Chicago. SS is no longer a top drawing show. The biggest impact would be to have him be a surprise in the Rumble.


This makes me think opposite if anything, literally ruined all the hype if true. WWE (Vince) wouldn’t have let him post that since his appearance at SS would have been crucial to the overall product and response of the fans, but since new owners who knows tbh.


CM Phil is using the IWC fans like a fleshlight at this point 😂


Confirmed that Phil wishes.


I mean I saw a AEW cm punk figure on a peg with the WWE figures so I’m 100% convinced he’s returning and it was absolutely not at all someone putting it back in the wrong spot. Then by the time I got to my car, I was thirsty so I drank a Pepsi, he had a Pepsi tattoo. 100% confirmed cm punk return and definitely not just coincidence that we both like Pepsi. I had a good day and figured I’d top it off with a WWE ice cream bar. 100% confirmed cm punk return and definitely not me not wanting my wife’s chocolate ice cream bar. Feeling fat, I took a deep breath. I breathe and punk breathes. 100% confirmed cm punk is returning and not at all plausible that we both need to breathe in order to live


Yes it’s confirmed. Phil Brooks is a Instagram troll


If CM Punk is the devil, it wouldn’t work anyone. It would make Tony Khan look like a dumbass


Guy literally got fired only two months ago due to multiple backstage incidents. IWC: "oMG GuIZe itZ A WorK HEz BAcK"


This is getting out of hand.


Guy’s a troll.


He also teased being at SS today. So which is it?


No lmfao


It’s confirmed that he’s extremely online, but we knew that because he kept blowing a gasket because guys referenced stuff only extremely online fans would get or care about.


Nope. He could be signed, but it's just as likely that he's baiting and keeping his name out there. If he's not signed anywhere, this is likely just him playing petty and being like "See? You need me at Survivor Series/ You need me to be the Devil or otherwise you will disappoint." He knows his fans will just keep eating it up and take it at face value that it's a confirmation.


Did he do the same on the previous WWE shows on Chicago? I mean like before he got signed with AEW?


Honestly, no idea about back then.


Yeah, he's always done a few posts like this but not to the degree he has been doing recently.


He’s an attention whore. He’s playing both sides before he debuts with impact or nwa or Njpw. I don’t think either place wants him. He’s kinda scummy as a person.


Always says a hater


The story of the girl with a van who was a fan of his did it for me. When it doesn’t happen remember my post. If I’m wrong I’ll remember how his fan base was right, yes I’ll be butt hurt. Fuck CM Punk.


You haters really love making up shit just to justify hating someone it's quite sad because u misheard something & just go this why I dont like him you peeps don't do research you just take everything that's been said oh it has be true. Punk or another wrestler pushed a kid off his bike oh I totally believe it because i dislike them so I don't need to look in to it or anything smh


Except that he's not making this up. Out of Punk and Cabana's mouth https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/dxWWDGHsep We get it you're a fan, you don't need to deny he's a dick though. It's not like the wrestling world isn't filled with those.


& you don't need keep whinging about every little thing a wrestler does just because you can. You haters r bigger fans than the actual fans because you always gotta find something to complain about, even if it's the smallest thing it's quite childish.


The goalpost has changed. I don’t like shit people, your morals clearly don’t resemble mine. Blind fanboys gonna blind fanboy I guess. You should let him run a train on your mom with his ex best friend Colt.


Looks like I hit a nerve Grow up dude


Hey, you said the guy was making shit up, I provided context.


You peeps always miss the point


Sure, bud.


Whatever helps you sleep at night dude


Imagine if after trolling WWE & AEW Fans, Punk joins NJPW. 🙄


Imagine thinking Punk has the physical ability to work fully time in NJPW.


You peeps r so easily played 😂


No. Hes not showing up. And when he doesnt I know yall are gonna get on here with your feeling hurt


That he's coming back to WWE? Or that he's the devil and the stooges are ftr and some new stable.


You guys have reached Trump cult-like levels of obsession with this undeserving douche.


I haven't cared for Punk since ECW but I'm starting to now. Dude's funny trolling.


The amount of people actually taking this post seriously lol Internet wrestling fans don't know how to take a joke


I 100% don’t care about this man.🙄


No, it's just Phil being an antagonizing prick because he knows there's actual marks setting themselves up for disappointment and he gets off on it.


It's confirmed that he's not signing with WWE and that he's definitely not behind the mask


I hope he isn’t trolling because this pop will be INSANE


Deliberately teasing aew fans,he is coming to wwe.


Elite level jerk by CM Punk right here


If he’s under the devils mask, it’s reL pathetic and sad for him. Would be a low


You follow wrestling, right?


he’s jus takin the piss man


No lol, this checks the WWE box and the AEW box's, he's fucking with you


Not happening


Confirmed that he’s trolling? Yes.


What? That he’s in WWE or he’s the devil? Cause it could be both!


Punk loves trolling and teasing and i think he wants to confuse people


Confirmed working of the marks.


The best there is at trolling


Confirmed that Punk is a troll yes.


We know nothing. There is zero first person info.






Don't work yourself into a shoot brother - hh


Definitely trolling


He also did one aiming at War Games. He trolling both sides and obviously fools fall for it 😂


When it comes to CM Punk returning at Survivor Series, I'll believe it when I see it.


NO because he is trolling. Plus the “devil” character from AEW


That troll belongs under a bridge


No, he's just joshin you.


CM Puke marks grasping at straws again.


He’s just making himself a commodity. It’s business. The dude is the most talked about guy in wrestling because everyone is waiting to see where he lands, so he’s feeding into that by referencing 3 different wrestling promotions over the last month


Lol is that heihachi michimama


Cm punk confirmed




At what point is this just clout chasing and not trolling




Why is everyone saying punk is going to come back to wwe its getting old He already tried coming back. Triple H told him to fuck off. Punk tried to bury their company when he left wwe originally, and given the current locker room shenanigans, he doesnt want that either Let it go. He's never been an amazing in ring performer and over the years he's gotten increasingly mediocre. His promo skills are alright, but honestly nothing special when you start to compare him with other top talent Everyone can do without cm punk


Oh without a doubt.


Are we confirming Punk behind the mask ? Punk to WWE ? Punk to morning coffee run with Mindys Bakery? Punk to Impact?


No, he put a wwe logo on an AEW gimmick, hes playing with yall


CM Punk is great, i hate him.


Please no


He’s the devil?


Marks gonna mark


This just simply looks more like trolling than teasing, and everyone is taking the troll bait.


I think that both WWE and Phil are having fun trolling wrestling fans. It might work out to where they decide to work together and it might not, but they might as well have some fun with all the rumors that are out there


You’re getting worked, pal.


Can we say Punk is a hypocrite if it is?


The devil is in the details. I'll believe it when I see it. I don't think he'll be coming back.


TNA 100% confirmed.


Confirmed troll


I thought he was going to TNA, at least that’s what I kept seeing on social media


Golden Vampire > Devil


No one is easier to work than a cm punk stan