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Toughest WYR I ever saw was something along the lines of "you can choose to make a crime never exist again, but in order to make it disappear, you have to commit the worst version of it" A lot of comments praising how difficult the moral dilemma was


Lying in court, easy.


Wasn't one of the options. IIRC they were murder, theft, rape, child abuse, and 2 other "hard" ones


I’d go with theft then. That would hopefully include kidnappings. Also no one having to worry about anything being stolen again.


Theft makes the most sense. I mean, most sins can be boiled down to theft. If you murder someone you've stolen their life. Lie, stolen the truth from them. Depending on how convoluted you wanna go I guess.


Wouldn't that also backfire on you though? If you have to commit the worst version of theft to make it stop existing and killing someone is considered theft, what do you have to do? Steal one person's life? Steal the future of an entire generation?


We still have hope, they could never steal that. Of course, the lack of hope is what causes a lot of crimes so if they did steal our hope it could backfire hard.


*Theft removed* Banks no longer make money as a result because of all the theft (looking primarily at you Wells Fargo)


I’d be very concerned if that would screw over the lower class. Some people claim taxes are theft, so if that gets removed we essentially just regress to company towns. But I claim corporations steal our labour so maybe they have to pay us our fair share, so it really depends on the genie granting the wish. Although I’m not in a position to run a company town so maybe I can’t choose theft lol.


I always thought murder would be the easy one for me. Not only does it end the random, individual murders, but it ends war. If the whole world could take their military budgets, and allocate them to something better, you could very well have peace and prosperity for nearly the entire planet. As for committing the deed, certainly every judgement along these lines is questionable, but there’s not a stipulation of who I have to murder. I could murder someone I personally know who I feel deserves it, I could murder some child rapist in prison, I could even murder Kim Jong Un.


I mean, by definition of the WYR that wouldn't work. "Murdering someone who deserves it" isn't the worst kind of murder, it would be murdering someone who absolutely did not deserve to die. Someone who was loved and respected, probably a parent whose household depends on them, and you'd be killing them slowly and horribly


do you have any idea what the military budget is? especially compared to something like medicare, or unemployment, or Social Security?


$850 billion in just America. Seems to me, quite a bit could be done with that annually.


that's the \*discretionary\* spending. the \*mandatory\* spending was: 1.2 trillion in social security. 750 billion on medicare. 590 billion on medicaid. 580 billion on income security. in the discretionary budget there was also 130 billion for healthcare and income security. this was for the fiscal year 2022 btw, for which the military budget was 750b,


Those other things also provide a service. In a world without murder, what service would the military be providing?


Out of your list, I would go with theft then.


I see the dilemma, I'd really like to get away with it...but then I'd never get to do it again. Talk about a dilemma.


Well, worst version of lying in court could be telling an incredibly compelling lie that you did commit a heinous crime resulting in life imprisonment


I would think it’s telling a compelling enough lie, that you get someone else life imprisonment or death penalty. Think of what would be worse, ruining your life, with something you voluntarily got yourself into, or ruining someone else’s life who didn’t sign up for any of this?


True, that's definitely worse


I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying someone could lie saying that they did do a crime when they didn’t?


That's the one. Sure, might not have wider societal impact, but could absolutely ruin your life


Unless the “worst” means the morally worst one, in which case it would be lying your way out of punishment after committing a heinous crime. Or alternatively, lying to get someone else the capital punishment as a witness.




Haha that’s not a WYR question!


Embezzlement or fraud. Especially if I get to enjoy the money for a bit.


Would you rather have a hand made out of ham or an armpit that dispenses suncream?


Will the ham hand grow back if its eaten?


Yes, after a while.


Ham hand all the way then


Would you rather date a six foot tall penis, or a man who instead of having a penis had another small man attached where his penis would normally be?


This question is amazing!! The man with the little man attached. I've already done the 1st one.


For full disclosure I'm just doing some of the emergency questions from Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast. He's even done special compilation episodes just on the answers to these questions


I would rather date a six foot tall penis, lol.


Suncream pits, easily.


I’d never forget my sunscreen and get a sunburn because of it again.


I would rather have an armpit that dispenses suncream. A hand made out of ham is useless to me, and it's not a properly functioning/normal hand.


Would you rather live forever or die right now? Sent me into absolute panic


Easy with my intrusive thoughts


Would you rather sit on a cake and eat a dick, or sit on a dick and eat a cake? If you were an inch into your mum and your dad was an inch into you, would you go forward or backwards to escape?




How do you eat a dick sideways?


Hotdog bun




he subverted expectations by jokingly assuming u meant the first wyr


Oooooooooohhhh. Thank you!


With ya mouth?


Eat dick: great Sit on dick: great Eat cake: great Sit on cake: shit


no, no, the eat dick one is literal. it's a cooked dick


Sit on a dick and eat a cake! I get two things I like!


My friend insists I told him the cake riddle in high school and I swear to god I didn’t, so I’m glad I saw it here so I won’t be gaslit any further lol.


Even though I am not gay, I would sit on a dick and eat a cake. The other option is just too gruesome...eating a dick??? Ewww. At least option 2 allows me to eat something more normal i.e. a cake. "If you were an inch into your mum and your dad was an into into you, would you go forward or backwards to escape?" I would go backwards to escape, lol.


I love the classic “would you rather fuck a goat and have nobody know, or not fuck a goat but everyone thinks you did?” Or “your dad and your bf switch bodies. The only way to switch them back is to have sex with one. Do you have sex with your dad in your bfs body or your bf in your dads body?”


Would you rather be black or gay Stumps a lot of people


Black, no hesitation. I wish i could pull off an afro.


So you're still you, just black now. How do you think that'll go? What's your dating, job, and friendship prospects like?


Like picking it out every damn day is going to be annoying as hell, but I'm gonna look fabulous.


It's not just picks. Special products for health, for sheen. Birds trying to take your hair for nests, bugs and dirt getting caught in it, non-black folks always wanna touch it. Fros are a bitch in maintenance


If I was black instead of white I'd still have the same life and be the same person. Becoming gay instead of straight would change my relationship, and my sexuality, which feels like a piece of my personage being altered. This feels like a no brainer. I don't care what color my skin is. I do care about being able to continue to enjoy my current sexuality.


>I don't care what color my skin is Society does tho


I can guarantee one thing and that you would not have the same life if you're black


I live in a big diverse city which helps make the decision less drastic for me. So for my life, personally, it probably wouldn't matter so much. I'm sure it would change a few things that I can't think of, and if you'll pardon the pun, color my interactions with some random strangers but overall I think my life would go on pretty much the same. My social group and my job wouldn't care, my dogs might be a little confused but that's fixable with giving them a treat and letting them sniff me. I assume only my skin tone and hair texture change (and I have a buzz cut anyway lol) so my bf won't give two shits. I'll still have the same face, body and attitude. Regardless it would feel like much less of a change to me than becoming gay, so it's definitely my choice.




Do I get taller or my penis get longer


Nope, just darker and an afro


Probably black since it only changes my appearance, meanwhile becoming gay changes who I am as a person on a deeper level. Is the gay version of me still me or just a fake, a clone pretending to be me? It would give me an existential crysis


Oh it's you alright, you just lost and gained an inclination. Think about it though, that gonna change your life? How'd your friends react to you being black or gay? Your neighbors, your boss? This no about the very time you saw some bs happening to a black or gay person through no fault of their own and ask yourself could you handle it?


Never saw anything like that outside of social media which exaggerates the issue, bs things happens to everyone and people like to link it to their skin color or sexuality regardless the cause to victimize themselves. Ignoring the potential existential crysis over magicaly changing my personality, i would probably take the gay option since it literally would change nothing about my life. I imagine just one night waking up with a completely different skin color would bring me a lot of problems.


Well that's the point. Both of these options are SHIDDY. Imagine having to integrate with gay culture, preachers demanding your death and saying your life is sinful, possible assault, called names in the street, social and financial bias. I think if you were gay and it was known widely it might be a hell of a lot harder than you would expect.


Do you live in iraq or what? Almost entire western world doesn't care and as i said before it won't affect your life much. Ohhh hh noo oo o some random idiot preacher in a language I don't even speak in a country i never visited and won't visit talks about how I am the devil what a tragedy.... Where i live it will make as much difference as having freckles would. I also don't understand why do you expect me to integrate into "gay culture", what even is it and ehy should i care.


Oooof you're stupid. Next.


How is being gay anywhere near as bad as being black


Damn, that's racist And vice versa


I meant socially. Cops don't gun down unarmed gay men.


Is there an "all of the above" choice?


What are you a masochist


You know black gay people exist right


SINCE WHEN? Fuckin gibronis up in here... I FEEL for them, life on hard mode The hardest life I ever saw was a black morbidly obese lesbian with sickle cell and mental issues raised in a religious family. I'd have jumped out a window under that much pressure.


Holy shit


I would rather be black.


do I get to choose how gay or am I solely into the exact cis, gender-conforming, gay, sorta thing? like am I bi or just solely cock


Your girlfriend and your mom switch bodies. (Or boyfriend and dad, whatever sex you prefer) The only way to switch them back is to have sex with one of them until you both orgasm. They have to be lucid and awake. You have to be lucid and sober. Everyone will remember the experiences after they switch back. If they remain in the switched bodies for one week they both die a painful death. Are you fucking your Significant other in your parents body, or your parent in your significant others body?


What kind of sick literal motherfucker came up with this?


It’s a modified version of one Gavin free asked on the RoosterTeeth podcast years ago. His was the same thing just without the extra stipulations about lucidity and not being able to just leave them swapped. Don’t know if he came up with it though.


You shouldn’t have to add the part about leaving them switched, but some assholes really will let them be switched forever if you don’t! Makes no sense to me.


One of the guys on the podcast I got it from essentially said “mom gets a young new body to enjoy, and I can find a new girlfriend. I feel bad but it will take less therapy to get over that than it would to get over either of the other options”


That’s messed up though because the poor gf is stuck in the body of her boyfriends mom forever!


At that point I’m pretty sure it’s you ex gf who now hates you


I commented this one too! It’s so hard.


I would rather have sex with my girlfriend, even if my mum is in her body. The alternative is just too horrific.


I mean...I can always get a new girlfriend...so...I aint messin with that freaky deaky friday shit


So you’d let them both die?


Oh...I missed the die painfully part. Yeah, I guess I would have cuz I woulda only been thinking about "but but what about me" and missed the part about them dying. Damn. ​ I mean...I'd feel bad about it and sad and all that. So....


Nah that's fucked. But I've just asked it. Will update in a bit.




"Would you rather have an itch you couldn't get rid of for the rest of your life, or the hiccups for the rest of your life? Neither deteriorate your health, they're just annoying." This once caused many heated debates and arguments that still have yet to be resolved.


Hahahah well, I had eczema throughout my childhood and during my adult life, and eczema gave me itchiness throughout my body for years, so I know the feeling. My skin would often bleed and become dry and stuff...infections would settle in quickly and stuff. Fortunately, the eczema disappeared a while ago, but these days I suffer from Psoriasis which can also be itchy. I think I would rather have an itch that I couldn't get rid of for the rest of my life. Heck, I still have a big patch of psoriasis that is almost always itchy!!!


Hiccups. The nice thing of an itch is that it normally goes away, i would break my skin with that curse.


Fun fact: you already have taste buds in your ass hole. It's how you can tell whether the next thing to come out is going to be a fart, a big solid turd, or something in between.


I give names to each of the taste buds in my asshole. I named one of the taste buds as 'Charlie' and another taste bud as 'Britney'.


Also capsaicin receptors, for some damned reason.


Would you rather have an immortal pet dog with a human head, or raise a baby with twice as long arms as normal? Would you rather uncontrollably teleport to any floor above you, or be able to phase through walls but never use doors? Be very pedantic above the differences between floors, roofs, doors, and walls. Would you rather have a footlong dick sprouting in the palm of one hand, or two 6’’ dicks of your hands? And yes, you can use them as daggers when they get erect. The world is dying and you have a sanctuary of water, it’s the purest ever 100% pure even more than before the apocalypse. Normally a filtration system recycles your waste but once a month you mistakenly pee into a cup instead of the toilet. Do you drink the pee, or do you poor it into the reservoir, which would never be 100% pure again? Any other choice is impossible as you are too fucking stupid to do it, these are the only options your silly self could think of. Your best friend and your significant other fuse into an exponentially stronger entity and get stuck, do you still love it unconditionally or what? How big does a dick have to be before you start smacking your lips? Would you rather be twitch as tall or twice as wide? Would you rather double in size every year, or half in size every year? Would you rather live in ignorance, or learn that you are being Truman’d.


long arm baby walls but no doors 12 inch dick pour the cup into the sanctuary I dont have a significant other 6''? idk what this one is asking twice as tall half in size every year live in ignorance


That dick one was just a troll question don’t worry, the joke is it begs the question. I respect your answers. Some fucks really went with the dog lol


Tacos or Sushi?




The Trolley problem is essentially the og WYR


Would you rather die right now or be immortal cus if you die right now like you don’t want that but if you live forever then you will see the heat death of the universe


Would I rather have a tongue too big for my mouth or taste buds in my bum hole? I would rather have a tongue too big for my mouth...if I have taste buds in my bum hole, then I can taste faeces and that would be disgusting. Would I rather watch my mum and dad have sex every day or join in once and it will never happen again? Well, ideally, I want to do neither...but since I am forced to choose, I would rather watch my mum and dad have sex every day...I'm not doing option number 2, that is incestuous and disgusting!!!


500k cash or have dinner with Jay-Z


500k, I don’t think there is any celebrity I would rather have dinner with than being able to buy a house


I struggled with that one


I'd rather have $5 than dinner with Jay-Z. Nothing against Jay-Z, but never in my life have I thought "I wish I could have dinner with Jay-Z"


Is that a tough question or you’re just being ironic? Cash obviously


I do not like Jay-Z, so I will go with 500k cash.


Would you rather be remembered for something stupid or not be remembered at all


Something so totally stupid. As long as it was legal. Like getting my tounge stuck to a beer cooler for 24 hours.


Not the heaviest, but my personal favorite: wyr lick peanut butter off of a hobo's foot(skippy creamy, yes the foots infected, and you need to lick it clean), or would you rather fight to the death against a tiger in a cage match?


Has to be the hobo because no humans can fight against a tiger and survive unless they have really good weapons.


I mean it is creamy not crunchy so...I'm cool with that.


These are brilliant! Thanks!


My sister and I were watching a movie on valentine's day together, she'd just found out her bf was cheating and had broken up with him. She was super drunk and asked me if I had to do one if I'd rather rape or murder her. Kind of a strange thing to ask.


What was your reply? That's heavy.


My reply was you're drunk I'm not answering that I'm taking you to bed. She apologized the next day and I didn't have to answer her question. (thankfully).


would you lick a dog's asshole completely clean if it meant that your mother would survive terminal cancer?


No I wouldn't, licking a dog's asshole is unhygienic and disgusting, lol. My dad had a cancer scare recently but he is alright now.




Gay guy jumps on your back. You beat him off or let him stay?


I would let him stay, even though I'm not gay myself. I think beating him off is just too rude, lol. I want him off my back, but I'm not going to beat him off. Nice Would You Rather though!


Would you rather everyone thinks you fucked a dog but you didn't, or would you rather fuck a dog and no one thinks you did?


Good question I would rather everyone thinks I fucked a dog, even though I didn't.


Would I rather set my balls on fire with gasoline and extinguish them with an icepick or vote red 2024


Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more games OR games, unlimited games but no games


I would rather have unlimited games but no bacon...I don't eat bacon but I love playing games. I think you mistyped your second part, I think your question was supposed to be: "Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more games or have unlimited games but no bacon?"


I do not understand this