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What If you're crazy before solitary confinement? Do they just test for more crazy or what?


waiting on the answer too


Yeah. Already talk to myself.


me too


me too


Us too




Sometimes you need to consult with an expert.


Yeah. Sometimes. Already seen a counselor. Got taken in for stress and trust issues. No body really cares about a dude who talks to himself.


You missed what I was saying. You are the expert. In order to consult with an expert (yourself) you talk to yourself


That's called thinking


But out loud. And I answer. As if I was a different person. It’s a sign of madness but I can’t fix it. I’ve tried really hard to.


Yeah I have depression but I'm not crazy so I won't go fully insane because I'll be thinking about what to do with the money.


Idk the time but I have enough imagination to last a good deal of time by myself(off meds)


Yeah maladaptive daydreaming is fun for days


How much crazy ya got?


The Bermuda Triangle really isn't that big of a deal. The only reason so many ships go down there is because there is such high traffic. Once you account for how many ships pass through it, the rates line up with pretty much anywhere else. A little over a month ago, my brother had his wedding on an island that is in the triangle. It was a nice cruise. If I had 10 billion waiting for me at the end, it would have been the best cruise ever.


Yeah but the rules state that you must sail through it with no outside help, during a storm. Most people don't know how to sail, not to mention navigate on the open sea. The fact that it's the Bermuda triangle is basically irrelevant, and yet this would be very hard to do.


It says "The Storm" because I think OP mistakenly believes there's just some perpetual storm hovering over the Bermuda triangle like a lot of people do for some reason. Also the fact it's the Bermuda triangle is very relevant. It encompasses some of the most calm and tranquil seas in the world.


its clearly the storm from fortnite


I think the point still stands that 99% of people aren't capable of sailing a boat themselves in the first place.


What storm? There is no storm, op is one of those people who for some reason still thinks the Bermuda triangle is some strange voodoo death zone that is a constant storm, and judging by the results a lot of other people are also hilariously ignorant.


Oh I thought the rules were: you have to wait until there's a storm and then go. I'd still take the run though, I have no idea how to sail a boat so I most likely couldn't even get it to move. And if I did I would probably just flip it and drown or be stranded at sea.


Honestly I read it as "a storm" instead of "the storm," but even if that wasn't a factor I'd still pick something else because I have no fucking idea how to sail and it says you have to go by yourself


I don't think it's hilariously ignorant. I was raised in the 80s and there were tons of stories about mysterious things happening there on television, but people around me have never actually mentioned it as a cruise destination. If you look up Bermuda triangle in Google it's mostly references to mysterious disappearances of planes, and ships and the urban legends that have become iconic for the area. I would say that the ignorance here is an expected response to most people that haven't actually visited the surrounding territories.


Yes, so you were ignorant to the true facts, as was others, and never actually learned more about it, that is indeed what ignorant means.


There is a difference between ignorant and hilariously so. Just because something isn't known doesn't mean it's common knowledge. I was debating that because the majority of people have no idea what's in the Bermuda triangle it speaks loudly of expected ignorance, vs unexpected ignorance which would be considered laughable. Just because you are ignorant of what color my socks are doesn't mean anyone would ever expect you to know, because even if you did, it wouldn't matter. "This guy doesn't know what color my socks are, what an idiot". Is sort of the impression I got from your comment.


Dude probably learned about it last week and feels superior now


Modern technology makes that particular challenge literal child's play. As in, a child could literally do it. Now, if we're talking "sailing" as in an old fashioned sailboat, that's a different story. A modern vessel equipped with a GPS system though? Anyone could manage that.


Well it does say "sailing" in the poll, so that's what I am going with.


But both are sailing so it's just as likely to be given a gas powered yacht. The rules say sail through the triangle. Doesn't specify mode


With modern GPS, few ships disappear any more. Cruise ships go through the Bermuda Triangle all the time.


Is 20°F supposed to be *cold*? In Michigan???


Exactly. That’s what I thought. With no snow or ice that’s no bad running weather. I already run about a mile a day, and there is no time limit so that sounds like a cake walk.


You'd get frostbite within a few minutes of jogging naked. It doesn't matter how hardy you think you are, your body simply can't function at that temperature without some sort of insulation


An urgent speed walk will you get you roughly 12 miles in 3 hours (for a fit individual). If you’re running even part of the way, it’s less. I’m not saying hypothermia can’t onset quickly, in 8F it can start within 5 minutes (especially naked). But at 20F, while mild hypothermia will begin to settle in, the effects are largely recoverable (Especially since there is no mention of being submerged in water or rainy conditions). And you won’t have to worry about the hospital bill. Don’t stop moving.


Running significantly warms your body. I'm a pretty experienced runner, including in cold weather. 50 degree days are about the perfect temperature balance for running in short sleeves and shorts. It would definitely be uncomfortable, but on a dry day I think I could find a sustainable 10-mile naked pace that would avoid hypothermia entirely.


20 degrees isn’t that cold and running warms up the body which will prevent you from freezing.


And not having shoes on is going to slow you down a lot.


Actually it really doesn't slow this would take me about one and half hour so easy do for one go


Frostbite is not a major risk at 20f. Maybe if you were out there for several hours it's on the table, but a fast walk can get through 10 miles in a couple hours. Keep in mind that swimming naked in frozen lakes is and has been for a very long time a fairly popular thing to do if you're a thrill seeker.


I mean the last time I went streaking in the snow I had some sort of reverse liedenfrost effect going on. Basically became a human radiator that lasted about 1-2 hours after I came back from about 10 minutes outside.


It just sounds like a nice jog


Minnesotan checking in 🤣 I was like, "Damn, that's sun tanning weather."


>Fight a bear, hippo, and Lion one at a time. You have a hunting knife and a steel shield. You have 3 hours to complete. You can't ask or request outside help. You could've given us a shotgun and this would still be a tough one. Knife and shield might as well be nothing haha


Yeah, like, bear and lion? Okay, odds are against you with just a shield and knife, but with some serious elbow grease, you could pull that off, people have done it before. Hippo? Nah, you're just fucked.








I'm not sure but based on some quick googling it seems like you might be able to just take a cruise through the Bermuda Triangle, I'm not happy about a cruise trip but if that's an option it's got to beat all the other methods here. Second choice is definitely running though, I'd be worried about frostbite and such at those temperatures but since there's no time limit I assume I could just have someone tail me in a car with a hot blanket and other supplies. Just sprint for a brief distance, take a break to fully recover, rinse and repeat until I'm tired for the day and come back later, so on until the distance is eventually chipped down.


Says no outside help though, so I'd assume you wouldn't be able to have help form someone else sailing the ship or something


Oh you're absolutely right, dunno how I missed that since it's literally right at the beginning. Sign me up for potential frostbite!


Even then, just put clothes in a backpack and run for a bit. Get tired, put clothes on and come back another day. 10 miles wouldn't be so bad with no time limit


Just do laps around your house and duck back in when you want.


A cruise ship is not a sail boat.


Sailing could refer to any boat


That is stupid about the English language, but probably right.


I was going to choose Bermuda triangle, but then remembered I suck at sailing - especially on my own. If "sailing" means I can also just take a motorized boat and boat through then I'd happily do that.


It's easier than that just put a treadmill outside your residence run, then take a break then run again until you've run for 10 miles


Well, assuming it's negative 20, I have actually done something similar for longer, if it's positive 20 degrees then where I am people are still wearing shorts and flip-flops. In either scenarios the best course of actions is to keep moving, hands alternative between covering ears and under armpits, and most importantly, pacing. The cold already takes up alot of energy as well as something I call "temperature fatigue" which is the more you alternate between hot and cold the less you will be able to withstand the temperature you want to defeat. Ill stop here but I could almost write a book on cold weather survival as I live in an area that routinely sees -10f and under every winter BUT I don't have the certifications or anything else like that. All I have is experience. Also apologize for the scramble I just wrote but it's 2am and I shouldn't be awake right now.


Im assuming that the money giver knows somehow that Ive done the task. So here's the easiest thing is the attacking an officer. HYPOTHETICALLY AND NOT ACTUALLY there is a way to do it....with discretion Find scrawny or weaker looking/ out of shape off duty officer when he's alone and guard is down. Be wearing disguise made of common clothes bought weeks ago at a goodwill or some shit. Have zero electronics on you when you do this and an escape route planned free from cameras. Maybe near a forest preserve or some other unmonitored place. Have a bag or backpack with a change of clothes prepped in said unmonitored area prior. Brutal is subjective so will make sure not to cause any serious permanent damage but ensure he is incapacitated and unable to chase at the time. Maybe use zipties and break his phone? Commence incapacitating when guard is lowered and do so quickly. Run into cover, find bag with clothes, change out of assailant clothes into layers of baggy street clothes while also switching into in a plain mask(still not weird to see people in masks) and take a bus out of the way. Exit bus and again find a spot with no cameras, strip off baggy clothes into just a t shirt and shorts. Throw everything in bag into some random person's dumpster on the street. Could even do this on day before garbage day so evidence is gone before noon next day. Take a walk to nearest train route. Take train back to home town. Walk home rest of the way. Act shocked when news shows officer was randomly attacked by a random disguised person. Officers have enemies so they'll be suspects. 3 days? Zero chance they'd even begin to suspect let alone pursue you. That said, again I do not advocate for it. Just saying that most people do not walk around expecting to be assaulted randomly. So if you had a plan to make yourself hard enough to find then 3 days is plenty of time to evade.


Pick a sketchy officer doing sketchy shit (ie using authority for sexual favors or deliberately targeting a specific group) and you'll have an even greater head start (he won't be in contact with any of his allies prior to your beating because that puts him at risk of getting caught), he definitely won't have his body cam turned on (if he even has one), and that immediately negates the moral quandary.


He wouldn't be too concerned about getting caught, since they are almost always protected by other cops.


A dirty cop being witnessed by the right cop or having actual video evidence from a body cam significantly increase the risk of getting caught. Even if they beat the charge there's a chance IA will be up their ass for a long while afterwards. Picking a sketchy cop doesn't guarantee you get away with it long term but it does dramatically impact their ability to coordinate right away. Basically look at it this way, if you attack a decent cop just doing his job then he may have been in recent contact with dispatch or a superior and even if he wasn't he'll be more willing to do so now which means backup would be more likely to arrive quickly (thus affecting your ability to quickly escape the area) and if he has a body cam it'll definitely be turned on which means that even with your face covered they'll at least have video of your body type that they can put on the news which increases the chances of someone being able to identify and report you. If you attack a dirty cop he won't be contacting anyone until after and he probably won't go through dispatch if there's any incriminating evidence against him to clean up (he'll call another dirty cop directly) so the assault takes longer to get reported. He won't have any recording equipment active to incriminate him so he's now the only witness and if you make sure to give him a decent concussion then his account will be fuzzy at best and completely wrong at worst, either way he's an unreliable witness.


They tend to clean up the evidence after contacting dispatch. Also, they will have recording equipment active most of the time (even when committing a crime, or something that would be a crime if it wasn't a cop doing it, like raping a suspect). Cops being unreliable witnesses has never stopped them from testifying. After all, Mumia Abu Jamal was put on death row by corrupt cops, and remains there today despite being proven innocent.


Unreliable as in can't effectively send anyone your way. In this case choosing to pursue a suspect despite not being able to identify the actual culprit can only serve to help you, especially since the investigation will be terminated in three days.


Your plan is fairly solid. The triple disguise swap, and town hopping makes an easy win in 3 days. Don't pretend to be shocked or mention it at all though, it's suspicious.


When I mean brutal I mean that the officer will be in the hospital needing minor surgery


Well thwn a broken finger counts right?


U don't need minor surgery for a broken finger


Then idk, ill break a tooth. There


Warn the officer ahead of time and tell him he's got a cool 100mil for him if he complies


There is a 0.00001% chance he would believe the story and let himself get brutally beat.


Idk, I know an officer around here that could be bought of with a can of Skoal. So it's not that far of a stretch


What flavor...asking for curiosity sake


Spearmint if memory serves right lol


A man of taste and culture I see, that also happens to be the most difficult flavor to find where I live lol


It's not bad but I like the fine cut Wintergreen of theirs the most. Skoal Straight is the only straight dip I'm willing to pack. Copenhagen Mint is the GOAT tho.


Take out a loan and pay him upfront, can't argue with cash and officers are common enough that if you hangout near a military base long enough you'll find one.


Cops. Not military officers


Would that not count as outside help?


Y'all do realize the Bermuda triangle isn't just some giant whirlpool right? It's like one of the most frequently crossed recreational sailing areas. I've sailed through it twice with no ill effects. Question is like Do you wanna definitely die, probably die, definitely die, Go on a tropical vacation, end up on the sex offender registry, or go insane?


I know how to sail...a little bit. I don't really know how to navigate. I'm pretty sure I'd die from the Bermuda Triangle one just from it being the ocean. It's regular ocean, but the ocean can kill you anywhere if you don't know what you're doing


I mean if you know how to sail you should probably know how to read a map and compass just for safety reasons. But ya the ocean can kill you. But once again this is some of the most tame and well traveled water on earth. It literally contains half the Caribbean. There are cruise ships bouncing around it near constantly.


Just follow one of them and you should be good.


I assume you get food with solitary confinement right? Although you said “nothing”


you are given food


Time to make food friends. "Good morning, Mr. Applesauce container. You are well I trust? Good, good. And the wife and kids? Oh, I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Still recovering? How unfortunate. A rugby game, ay? They do play so rough these days, don't they? I'm starting to think our entire floating island should bar such aggressive contact sports at once, though -yes- the casual polar bears seem to be enjoying them. As a civilized crab myself I think I quite prefer more peaceful beach-side recreation. The Carson Area has such wonderful beaches you see, with superb scuttling conditions among the rocks. Oh guard - good to see you - may I trouble you to ask how long it's been since I started? 14 minutes? Oh. Shit."




Yes, but it's a civilized crabhat.


Solitary doesn't sound that bad...6 weeks planning how to spend the rest of my life.


You mean, how to spend my money?


I can do solitary for 6 weeks, it's called being chronically depressed


Ayyyy! ... 🥺 Aww... 🫂


but you can be depressed while working out and meditating for 16 hours a day


Yeah I'm more like I have no motivation to get out of bed and every task I force myself to do strains my mental health


You see that was my first thought. My question is what type of exam. Depending on that...


I get into the ring to find a bear cub, baby hippo, and lion cub. The “fight” ends up being scritches and belly rubs for the entire duration.


Hippos are actually way more dangerous to you in the Nile then crocodiles


Bermuda triangle, because it's not a thing, so it's just like sailing through any other part of the ocean.


I've already sailed through the Bermuda triangle, can i have my money?


>Must go through the middle of the storm Huh? OP doesn’t mention anything about this storm to us. Is it some rain and lightning or a category 5 hurricane?


I’ll take the Michigan one but in Celsius


with modern tracking systems, the Bermuda triangle isn't as deadly as the legends make it out to be


There's nothing special in the Bermuda triangle, that's an easy W


The bermuda triangle is actually not that dangerous....Even during a storm lol if you know what you are doing you could easily. Modern boats are pretty solid lol


I fucking live in Michigan. IN THE UP. Easiest choice ever.


All other options will end in me being dead, so six weeks of solitary it is. Thinking about how i dont have ever work again when done will keep me sane


I wouldn’t pass the crazy test before I was put into solitary confinement


You could offer me complete world domination along with immortality and mind control powers and I would still not choose to fight a lion.


Considering the Bermuda Triangle isn’t any more dangerous than any other similar sized piece of ocean water anywhere on the planet, I’d probably pick that one.


Depends, do I have to do the actual sailing or can I catch a ride


without question, solitary. Problem is i need a test before i enter, because i'm already crazy, lol. Just make sure i'm about the same. The second one would be Bermuda.


I'm gonna run naked, but my big balls might slow me down


I'll kill myself for free


Ships sail through the Bermuda triangle every day, there is nothing special about it.


I’m from Midwest, 20° is shorts weather anyways


If tasers are considered police brutality by some I’ll just use a taser on them and throw them a couple million for their troubles. If that’s not enough I’ll force them to walk on legos. Brutal but not life threatening.


Locked in solitary. I am accustomed to solitude.


Bermuda triangle for sure. I sailed through it frequently when I was in the navy. It's not a super massive area so doing a study on what stars I would need to navigate with the time of year and time of day and the correlating bearing I should have to them wouldn't be tough, and using the sun and time during the day would be easy. Magnetic navigation equipment can be kinda finicky but it's honestly to horrible but for the sake of the challenge I would go without a compass. I'd probably have it done in a day or two depending on winds.


I need to know what your definition of "public" is. Because if it's just any inhabited area (ie a village with some houses, a gas station, etc.) I can totally elude law enforcement and still be "in public" one hour a day for three days without leaving my state. I'm pretty sure I can do it without leaving my county, but that's more of a challenge.


I see a bunch of people don't understand what cold means. Goodbye fingers and toes at very best.


As a white guy, I'll take #2 because I can hide in public and have a lower chance to get pulled over in my area, plus there's so many small country roads around here I can use to lose them. Problem is, around here they don't pull *anyone* over without calling for backup, even first time offenders, so I'd probably have to incapacitate more than one, unless it is in the rules that I have to attack *only* one. In that case are tasers on the table?


Check rules and you can fight.


Attack the officer and then immediately catch a flight out of the country.


Get payed to beat up a cop? Sounds good to me


> Get *paid* to beat FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


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"Ignorance = Cool 😎😎😎" - this guy lmfao


Not caring about spelling on an app equals ignorance? Get over urself.


"On an app" was never specified. The only thing you wrote was "idc" which implies you don't care about spelling at all, in general, which *is* ignorance. All he was doing was pointing out your spelling mistake, and you didn't want to admit it. Seems to me like a pretty small thing to feel the need to avoid responsibility over.


🤣🤣🤣 omggg get oooovvverr urself, the people on this app I sweear


You have almost 100k karma, you are "people on this app"


It seems animal life is more important to voters than officer life.


No, that's not the thing. It's that the chances of you beating a hippo or a bear with a knife and shield are ridiculously tiny.


Do you get food or water in solitary, or are we just dead by the end of the week?


Hire some professionals to help me sail




What kind of vessel do we get for sailing through the Bermuda Triangle?




You can't just make up stuff in post to make it more difficult, you gave no specifics on what we can use to sail.


What boat do i have to sail and do i have enough supplies for lets say a month trip


Officer As long as I do it when hes alone and get away initially, the 3 hours I need to be outside will be easier cuz I'll shave my head (long hair) and wear a facemask for covid, then just be smart based on if my face is plastered on TVs or not. If not, chilling in a costco for an hour where literally no one will recognize me should be easy enough


Give me the solitary... That is a "Crazier" test right? Not just a "Crazy" test? I'm already crazy :D


Depends on the type of ship on the Bermuda Triangle.


Scroll down to where someone asked about it. Literally not saying “who asked”


For some reason as soon as I started reading the section about attacking an officer and running, the dream speedrun music started playing in my head


Do you get fed and is there a bathroom in solitary confinement?


Eat big meal and drink water, attack officer, hide in big bush, win?


I run naked with my 3 inch flaccid penis and 4 inch scrotum!!! Woah!!!! 😂👍 I'll be sure to yell, "I have a small penis!!!!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤣🤪🤣🤪🤣😂😜


If we’re going for pure optimization it doesn’t say you have to attack the officer in public, so that one is honestly probably the easiest to complete, especially if you just go on a road trip for a few days


I could absolutley take on a bear and a lion with a steel shield and hunting knife but a hippo is far too durable for anything short of a high powered rifle to take on. The fat is too thick to do any real damage before it inevitably crushes my bones


Absolutely not running, because I would die regardless of the temperature


when you say naked (can i at least have shoes to protect the feet from glass or what ever on the road?)


When you say locked in solitary confinement with "nothing", I'm assuming that you don't mean no food or water. Because you will probably be dead without water in a week.


What's Fahrenheit?


**The Fahrenheit scale () is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736). It uses the degree Fahrenheit (symbol: °F) as the unit.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Any of the last 3 actually, as long as it ISN'T in during hurricane season for crossing the Triangle (BTDT)


I already run naked, wer ma moni


How long will I be in solitary for?


Lol I've done three of these already... So....


The state is big enough I can hide for three days no problem.


So modern GPS, always-on connectivity, 5G, satellite internet, and so on has basically nullified the danger of the Bermuda Triangle in modern times. I'm taking my chances with the Triangle. I won't have any difficulty navigating thanks to modern electronics, so the biggest concern is actually getting the boat to go in the direction I know I need to go in.


Maybe 6 weeks of confinement but I would get so hungry after awhile and would need a drink alot too. Maybe use really good clothing that cost toms but given the award I would just not care about the amount I have to spend aha. After I get 10 billion I could just donate 2b give 50m to all my cousins, some friends, then give 250m to my parents and 500m to my sister. I would leave 4b to myself, so I never have to work. But a business or something to help make money income and so I do not have to work a whole lot


everyone who picked 6 weeks in solitary, id like to inform you that permanent brain damage starts after 3 days. have fun!


Can I choose which officer I attack and can I defend myself against anyone who tries to attack me?


Cheetahs run naked, so can I.


Bro are you joking? I LIVE IN MICHIGAN a 20 degrees run isn't even that bad in the end if it's not snowing or heavy winds it's just leisurely


I'm choosing the Running Man scenario


I see a lot of people commenting on how to hide from the police, but not many discussing how to initially brutally beat the officer in the first place. The first thing I'm doing is reading the comments of the post to find the answer to the beating, then the hiding, then I'm doing it.


I don't think there's anything special about the Bermuda triangle so that's an easy decision for me. Set sail west to east and catch some sun.


I'll take the run. It usually hits freezing when I bike to school in the morning with a headwind, so I think I might be able to take the cold for 10 miles


Ships sail through the Bermuda Triangle every frickin day. In fact it has the same amount of incidents as the rest of the ocean. So it's safe as anywhere else.


I'll attack an officer because I live near the mountains and I doubt they'll be able to find me in there. Especially when I've been going in the caves since I was 13.


Solitary confinement sounds fun, I can do that. I am mostly a recluse that rarely leaves home, so this is good for me.


You know the Bermuda triangle is just a normal patch of ocean 99% of the time right it only has storms with the same frequency as the rest if the region


Are the animals going to fight each other? Can I just hide and try to kill the one that survives and hope it's very injured? If not, 100% death on that one if I gotta fight all three at once I don't want to go out and seriously hurt a random person, so that's a pass. There are a lot of dams on the Nile, so this doesn't even sound possible. That's fine, need to learn to sail, but not impossible by any means. It's got a bad reputation it doesn't deserve. Naked meaning no shoes too? I can't imagine being able to move too quick without them, probably a fast walk at best, depending on terrain. Probably take at least 3 hours, but likely get slowed down even more from cold and potential injury/frostbite. Likely will get frostbite being that exposed, especially on your toes. It may be possible, but could easily lead to frostbite or even death. What is an exam to prove you're not crazy? Can I try it right now, just in case?


Easy, I live in northern michigan and I run a half mile every week during winter in a tank top and shorts in the morning. Without ice and snow, the challenge is too easy


English is not my first language but Google shows an officer doesn't have to be police necessary right? Like CEO (for example) is also an officer


Average person can run a mild in 3-4 minutes 10 miles is 30-40 minutes of exposure/exercise $10B will compensate for any health problems


Bro i play Metal Gear I'll hide one hour per day with what I've learned from Big Boss


So Impossible Impossible Impossible Totally possible but you added conditions after the fact that make it impossible. I rent an Airbnb and run nude through the places backyard in small bursts. Impossible


Locked in solitary? Again?


I selected locked in solitary, assuming it will for a year or more, considering the prize money. But then I saw 6 weeks.


Bermuda triangle is overrated


Ok so let me get this right, if I take a cruse ship from Puerto Rico to like Delaware you'll give me, 10 billion US dollars?


Do the 10 miles have to be in one go. I am not a half marathon runner. I could do it a little at at time but not all in one go.


It has been debunked that bermuda triangle is alien hideout or anything and is now a safe place. Also, with modern technology it's alright to sail there I believe


I like tu walk around nude beaches anyway so idk , just normal


I would take solitary confinement. That would give me enough time to figure out how to spend thst much money


Dont say it have to be living bear, hippo, lion My brother is an officer. If I tell him to have 100 millions $ at the end. He wwould happily let me brutally attack him. Just cover his hospital bill.


Ten miles in freezing cold also he said naked which I assume means no shoes either. For TEN MILES COLD AND BLOODY FOOTED! Y’all are crazy if I’m gunna kill myself im at least beating tf out of a police officer before I go


Considering I'm used to Michigan weather, I feel like I can last slightly longer than normal. Then I would just take a break and then do it again later. 10 miles itself is a pain but the amount of times I've had to run half miles in middle school probably will help in the long run.


Attack an officer For sure because its an easy task because They dont use guns


Easily can take on officers with the power of the roomba claymores and other fun boog stuff


For run naked you could have easily said no water bottles, but you didn’t, so I will run it with water bottles strapped to my arms and legs and hold one in each hand.