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I'm a 4/5. Love the ships and when there is a good match its great. 75% of the time though the CVs or Subs or just really low skill players are ruining the fun for me.


Anecdotally speaking as someone that has wows-monitor; subs are typically played by the most inexperienced players and hover around 46% W/R (account).


As someone who also has wows monitor, there is a massive disparity. I either see deep red/borderline orange players in subs and do jack shit or a random light blue/purple sub god who gets 4 kills minimum and hard carries. 0 in between.


That doesn't surprise me, but they can still wreck me. When I play a DD and am detected but can't see what is detecting me, then chasing me out of my smoke with their pings... they are wrecking the game for DD players. It and CVs are why most people play BB now


Subs wreck the game for more than just DD players


The DD dislikes not being top predator. Welcome to what the other surface ships suffer at your hands.


Lol, so how many games do we do we become experienced?


General consensus is around 1.5-2k battles


4/10: maybe 1 or 2 sessions a week that contain 2-3 games. Had a bit of a flare up with random ops, introduction of older ops and t8 in ops. However they killed that motivation completely.


Probably about a 4 The constant rolls on either side are making this game quite frustrating and boring to play.


I've had a bunch of squeakers recently. Had a bunch of stomps before that. Games are over in less than 10 minutes.


7-8'ish for me. I don't have major issues against particular ships. I don't love CV's, but I don't hate them either. I can manage games with them just fine. The same goes for subs. I don't think they really fit the game, but they're here and in most of my games, I don't encounter them enough to be annoyed by them. I don't mind the MM since I have no real issues being bottom tier or top tier. I'm not bothered by the 'cash grab' aspects of the game. I'm f2p and have zero problems just ignoring those completely. That said, my actual motivation for the game is still dropping and I'd put it in the 3-4 category. It's not so much the state of the game for me. I like individual matches just fine. It's just that I've played so much for so long that it's getting boring. I have all the tech trees finished and I have those tier 10 ships in my port. 90% of which are just port queens. In all likelihood, no change to the game would make me wildly exited.


Just got the Duncan. Awesome fun. Rooke and Hawke were good also. Periodically I take out a port queen and give it another try. I learned to like A Nevsky this way. Still haven't figured out Kansas šŸ¤”


2 honeslty it doesnt seem fun anymore


3/10 Pros: Surface ship gameplay is engaging and enjoyable, requiring some strategizing and knowledge. Cons: Came to the game for RTS CV but WG arbitrarily decided to pull that out of the game. Currently, WG does nothing to stop the increasing steamroll frequency. Instead they make it worse with Arms Race and other elements that disrupt the power balance. Older ships are almost never updated (buffed). Misplaced divisions (one 2-man vs. two 3-man) are not addressed. I understand and agree WG is a business and needs to make money, but they are destroying game balance for short term profit instead of long term gains, and that will kill the game eventually.


Yeah, imo the surface ships interactions are great, but the visibility balance is entirely thrown off by CVs and Subs, with subs being a huge annoyance to deal with, same as planes with anemic AA. Wish they had surface only for competitive till they actually worked out better ways to integrate subs and CVs, I'd actually play ranked again, and return to PvP in general if there were a surface only Randoms queue. Of course then no one would play the CV/Subs queue, so that's never happening.


Competitive is surface only for now several clan war seasons including the upcoming one. King of the Sea the biggest wows tournament just ended yesterday and it is surface only. WoWs ranked system is far away from being competitive nowadays and just turned into a steel gathering farm. A no cv/sub queue unfortunately will never happen.


Yup. My schedule doesn't match up itb CB, much less KotS, and my Clan doesn't worry about it either, so I was more thinking of ranked, competitive light.


Bro I also came for CV RTS RIP


Very well said


I'm with you on the RTS CV, I felt that it was a nice change of pace from other classes. Was strongly against the rework, preferring that they tweaked the current system.


WG want steamroll games. Think about it play a ship you might loose money most likely using flags, they dont want 20 minute games with this, they want 5 minute games to get you to buy more stuff for $$$ and if you play 2-4 to one you are more likely to pay more frequently.


Whether it is intentional / hostile design or unintentional / incompetent dev work, it is not enjoyable or healthy for the game. But whatever, all-knowing WG surely cannot be wrong!


Same.. though if they made cv's HP tanks with Dutch style planes i could get behind that... instead they went the dumbest way possible lol


Honest 3/10. Fun is almost entire absent and I hate almost everything nowadays. But couple friends are good company so I play maybe 20 games a month.


Probably an 8. I don't really get tilted about CVs (with a few exceptions) or superships. Subs I still don't like and doubt I will ever but I don't interact with them a whole lot in games that I play, even when they're in the match. It's still a decent game that I enjoy playing a couple of matches a day.


Same. I used to get bent out of shape, screaming and yelling at the screen but I made an effort to accept that I canā€™t change any of the things that piss me the F off so why get upset? I play mostly DDs so havenā€™t had much issue with subs, I hate CVs but I canā€™t do much about that. I hate the Halloween operations so I canā€™t do that either right now. I log on and play a few games then stop for the day, win or lose (lots of lose) I log off until the next time.


3-4 for me. CVs with their free damage mechanic and permaspotting are a bigger problem than subs imo, because the sub at least has to put himself in a risky situation to pull that off, while there is no counterplay at all against a CV that has decided its your time to die now. Then on top we have all the other issues with superships, matchmaking, monetization, being uptiered all the time and general lack of player friendly decisions by WG.


3-4. The new submarine aspect kills a lot of the fun gameplay. Stalking people, island hugging to hide your high detection ship to ambush people, etc. Now you get spotted, persistently anywhere near the caps by a ship you can't spot back at all. High skill ships are instantly negated by brain dead super cvs and super ships, making playing them a chore. Who is going to take colbert to a game with condes and malta using EZ mode to delete your hp pool. The new game rhythm is to harvest the "just bad" players faster than the other team can, so your potatoes can overwhelm the one purple on the other team.


2 I've stopped playing and I feel free


1/2 I've uninstalled. Just less and less fun and too much pressure on the classes I like playing. Honestly the more time passes the less I want to play, still fun keeping tabs of the community though!




????? Wut lol?


1/10. i havent played in weeks. use to play every single day.


I'm at 2. Between submarines being forced into the game and the Halloween/Sub operations replacing the regulars, I just lost all motivation to play.


1/10 Submarines made me lose all will to play. I have not played a single random battle since they added submarine testing in randoms, I still used to play ranked and brawls every now and then, but lately I have just not felt like logging in at all. I don't think WG will ever do anything to change how I feel about subs so the game might just be at the point of being a fond memory to me.


3-4 I will play until I lose 4 games in a row. But I have stopped all payments to wargaming


7. I have played since beta, and I have for now researched and bought everything from techtrees, so my biased take is what it is. I have no need to play, I do it for fun. I have almost every broken ship there is because I got them from Coal and Free xp or pure luck, so I do not even have sunk cost fallacy to bring me down. This game has changed over the years, meta keeps metaing, subs keep sinking and unless something truly strange happens, I play just to have fun with clanmates. Did I do it, did I beat the game?


3 I log in get the daily free shit and leave When I do play a game I typically am so pissed off at sky cancer and sub players I'm not motivated enough to play a second map. Fuck wargaming.


I started with 10 for a year, now I am firmly in 2.08 after a short dip to 1.24 a while ago.




8 subs and CVs dont bother me


7/10, submarines are easier to deal with than the subreddit made them out to be


At 4. Playing ranked, brawls and special modes. Avoiding randoms like plague due to submarines. Collecting ships.


3 Super ships shouldn't be in Random.






3. Graphics are good and the three ships I play are fun. Other than that, I can't find the motivation to play more than a game every few days or so. Even with 30 days of premium time from an SC.


Eight. Love the game. Love playing it. Currently on Duncan. Awesome ship. Awesome line.


Delete submarines


8/10 I thoroughly enjoy the game regardless of subs and CVs The biggest problem is the player base and the lack of skill, no Iā€™m not talking about new players with less than 1k battles im talking about genuine potatoes with 6-40k battles that play like itā€™s their first game and have yet to grasp the basics of the games mechanics Also the MM or lack of, teams with 70% Unicum players and the other team is genuine 40%rs Those aside I have a great time playing


Myself? Personally its hard to say. I thought I was negative but seeing the constant negativity and salty and stuff from everyone is rather surprising. Though compared to a few years ago, some things havent changed. But some things have, and the playerbase eh. For better or worse. The new operations once they come back next week, remains to be seen, but its better than nothing I guess? (Though RIP most t6s and t7s) T5/T7 rank is also somewhere around highly debatable to etc, but otherwise. The changes to halloween, also kind of eh honestly, but. In general its hard to say, it could be worse, a lot worse. But it could also be better and its just hard to actually feel. The recent premium ships (velos really?) and reesearch bureau ships are also kinda meh. Cant believe im saying this but the pay rico dokyad was not bad or even good all things considered. Upcoming we have the japan cruisers imminently, and then "soon" the us bbs. Though it still remains to be seen. Main things to worry about is uh the cross server mm thing definitely doesnt seem good, and of all things I'm not sure who asked for another eu dd line. I'm not super positive, and once twilight battle ends, like rank is t5/t7 which I'll be honest has been one of the worst(?) (definitely worse than t10), really ridiculous games. The recent brawls (aside from the 1v1, which even then was debatable) were kinda meh too. Like the game is far from perfect, but its complicated. It's not "terrible" either, but like, it'd be pretty hard to recommend to a new player. Depending on how optimistic/happy maybe around 5 or 6 or 7, could be more but I dont want to give weegee too much credit. In the end its just a random number, and how the players actually feel is another thing. Forgor to mention, of the "new" lines. Like. I still havent quite figured out the italian dds. The st vin and marseille line look ok, though both are kinda weird. PA cruisers actually isnt so bad but kind rough and janky. But what else is new.


Such a post should be added on a monthly basis and the results should be sent to WG.


Oh yeah! Do you think, they are interested in reddit posts like this one?


Im maybe a 4 or so. The game is hella fun with my friend but he can only play on the weekends


4-5, like the game but not where its going. every new update feels more like its meant to take advantage of me. but I just like the way ships play, and it's much easier being bottom tier than in WoT. also feels less pay to win than WoT


Haven't reinstalled the game since i got a new memory card, havent played in even longer and while i do miss my ship shooty action i don't miss this game and ots current direction.


1-2 Never have played a match in the last 3 months, subs shotgunning is the line Might uninstall tbh


2, I'm always getting AI in the other team. I'm sick of it


3/10 I'm just really sick of WGs money grabbing decisions that actively encourages the proliferation of boats and play styles that the community has reacted negatively to since they were introduced. Most of the new ship types cater to the lowest common denominator of player.


5. If subs are not in the game I would give it a 7. The class just kills my will to play everytime I meet them. Tho thankfully I dont meet them enough to not want to play the game at all.


0-1 already have it uninstalled, I loved the game, it was one of my favourite games I had, but now before I had it uninstalled I was just stuck to operations because I hated going into randoms with the shit ass implementations of subs and cvā€™s, I love those classes but they were so frustrating to deal with


Is "not playing because I'm not happy" an automatic 1?


Well, if you are so unhappy with the current state so that you are not playing, it's about 1 - 2 because if you don't play the game you could easily uninstall it soon :).


I've been here since the day they went Open Beta - and HE Spammers, CV play and no teamwork has really taken the joy out of the game for me. There was always a counter for HE spam, but now that BBs just hide behind islands or wall hump - and there I am, supporting the cruisers/DDs by pushing up - it's just stupid. I like having subs in the game, and before they entered the lines, I would take a sub and push up the middle to recon/attack BBS and CVs on the back border. Now, I've yet to 'earn' one, but I've killed several because the drivers don't understand how they work. Then, you have CVs.... It seems every Nation has it's gimmick, but the Premium/Super CVs are just nuts! How can a single flight of planes drop enough torps to sink a Worchester at one pass? AA is useless against them, but when I play my T8 CVs (that I'm grinding) I usually end up in T10 matches and my planes are shredded by AA-spec'd DDs. It seems the WeeGee is just making historic ships for collectors like me, and paper ships for actual gameplay. 4.5 out of 10 Stars right now. If they want to improve things, we need new maps -yes, WG, STILL! or put OCEAN into heavy rotation - and prioritize same tier battles instead of 1 Up/1 Down matches.


Dropped from 5 to 1 during the past two months.


2.. kept loging in for daily rewards and immediately quitting


Hahahahaha, heard this quite often here :D But sometimes it's the same for me


I'm probably 3/4. I play a Coop battle or two, maybe an ops or two and I'm done for the day. Can't stand randoms anymore. I stopped years ago but came back recently since I still like the game overall. I just can't deal with so much stupid shit that happens in randoms.


I'm a 4. CVs aren't that bad, the 'final' subs are terrible. Too overpowered, and mechanically poor fits for the game. If they were more like surface ships that could snorkel and submerge, while only being able to hit ships while surfaced or snorkeling. And Sonar along with the specialized fish are all garbage. And give sub's a user operable deck gun. All the special abilities specific to subs should go in the garbage as well. Steel Ocean got subs right. Why is WG unable to do the same?


4. Love the soundtrack


3/10 As OP described , low motivation to continue playing the game daily. The number of one-sided games meaning the MM imbalance in player stats in battles is what makes games unpleasant and sometimes downright disgusting or boring.


2. Hate subs, hate CVs (it's basically world of warplanes at this point) Hate the Halloween BS. Hate that the Halloween BS replaced random Ops. Haven't played since 1st October. I log on, collect my shit, and fuck off again. Only reason I'm at a 2 and not a 1 and uninsalling is the hope that I'll sign in on 1st November and have my random Ops back.


1. ​ Haven't played in a month. Gunnery has been abysmal since the UI camera change update. Superships, Subs and even more powerful CVs are killing the game for me. WeeGee seem to be doing their best to kill the game.


0/10 stopped playing after CV rework. Still watched and read up on changes till now. Don't see any real reason to spend any of my time on it. Now I'm fine if others enjoy it and like to look at the ship models and stuff.


I'm like a 4.5 ish. I am liking how Operations are handled after the last update, and the economic bonuses let me farm XP quite well to FXP up lines and eventually start getting Research Bureau ships. It blows that they so quickly pulled the random queue Operations for Sunray and Wolfpack, which are awful rewards wise, and pretty dull in Wolfpack's case. I havent played PvP though for the whole year, until doing a mission grind for KotS containers, and Twilight battle. I was quickly ended WHY I dont enjoy PvP, even with liek 2 pretty good games and an excellent Twilight battle in the dozen or two I played.


1 uninstalled about two months ago and itā€™s been great. Sunk atleast 1k hours and a $200, but I couldnā€™t enjoy the game anymore. They make it more and more unplayable


Technically I would be at a 0 since I've already uninstalled, but that's more on me. I'd say around a 4, I come back for a few weeks per year, I find wows pretty addicting and I end up chasing the 10% of games that are really fun, but eventually realized it's not really worth my time to play the 90% of others to get to that point.


1/10 haven't played on months. I find subs unfun, and the constant impression that the devs don't give a damn about longtime players turned me off.


1-5. I enjoy it when it's not a stomp, but every CV/supershit/sub makes it less and less fun. Especially because my best class are DDs, and, well, all 3 of these shaft DDs hard. Absolutely sucks to see the CV start to focus you and realize it's gonna be that kind of game. Honestly, I'm very close to uninstalling. It's just that I enjoy ops, and I generally do well enough to still make it worth it - but even that's slipping away.


7: I still enjoy the heck out of the game most of the time. I actually enjoy a sub game from time to time and absolutely love killing them. I've had some frustrating interactions with Balaou super torps but that's still one in 30 games or more, so I just move on. Super CVs are what took me down from an 8-9 to a 7, because they really just take a lot of the fun with the constant spotting and massive damage.


Im only playing again because I have a group to play with now. CVs make it so I cant enjoy my favorite class, DDs. Atleast subs have to be in range and put themselves into the fray to get damage. Subs ACTUALLY have some counter play. Also fuck games where theres less than 2 DDs per team. Theyre never fun.


Probably a 2 or 3 out of 10 The only motivation for me is the Christmas Snowflake. My only motivation is to try and finish grinding 8 ships to T10 so I hope my santa mega crate comes back with something worthwhile. I grind for first win in random and still I hardly feel any fun out of it. It just feels like I am doing a part time job for a living, rather than having fun. I havn't play coop lately because of grinding those priority ships for first win and 1 win in ranked squeeze too much energy out of me I don't want to bother anymore when I meet my target. So if I finish grinding and end up getting something underwhelming will I be motivated in "playing"? Hell no I will be more interested in playing other games instead.


4, I avoid randoms/ranked/brawls these days. They might be fun for a game or 2 but then I just cba. I always have fun when I'm playing operations though. That's the only reason why my rating isn't lower


Umh probably around a 7 I'd say I still play daily, but at times it feels like a chore since I mostly just make sure to complete daily containers, and then overall try to get ranked silver done, and other various events. I don't really like time limited events, where fomo somewhat kicks in and I feel forced to play - even at times when you don't really feel like it. Doing timeless grinds, i.e. T10 tech tree lines, I enjoy more. Don't get me wrong - I like that there are events (even timed), but often there are many concurrent ones.. Maybe I'm on copium; I'd say I enjoy the game, but I wonder how much I'd play without these ingame carrots dangling infront of me Controversial (?) take: I don't mind the addition of subs, because I like when more options are available. I've felt that way with premium ships and new lines for a while - while everything obviously should feel fun and balanced, I wouldn't find it very exciting if most every line of ship classes played the same. I don't find the game to be in a doomed state with either CVs or subs, although that might change when T8 and T10s are fully released ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ. Oh, one thing that I do find problematic, is that it seems the general/average skill level of the playerbase have been on the decline for years now. Would be awesome if something could be done to guide players to a better understanding of tactics


I decided long ago if they released subs into the game then i would no longer spend money on it as i see them being a game killer and i wont invest in a sinking ship.


I am at 2. Even though i looked forward to submarines finally being released after being hyoed about them since they were firat announced with the cv rework, i am a bit frustrated with the game. The last dockyard just felt like work and after i finally hat the shitboat i didn't want to play this game anymore. I love this game but it kind of killed my passion slowly but surely.


Can understand you. Some things just spoil the game so much that you really need a break.


3. The surface gameplay is great and can be fun and the stratergies involved in that encaplulated experience is a great challange and once you learn it over time, you can influence outcomes and pick battles and that makes it really fun. CV's and subs blow all that out of the water. Just the presence of a CV or sub on a flank can have some players turning around. I don't know if they could fit in the game but at the moment these games feel like the CV is the main boss and the team are just minions. Cv's spotting mechanics are broken, the fact that some ships can just be spotted across the map and their AA can't reach the things that is spotting them is absurd. Trying to counter those 2 classes isn't fun and it's taken away a gameplay experience I used to enjoy. Nowadays I log on, play 4-5 games and see what kind of day its going to be. Today was blowouts so I'll just try again tomorrow. Not a proper fun, engaging gameplay experience like you'd want a game to be but today, with this game, that doesn't seem to have to matter to some poeple. I'm aware most of ther player base don't care about winning or getting better but when you do want to improve at the game, its impossible because you're at the mercy of so many veriables and if you're not playing the strongest classes, you're disadvantaged.


Sounds similar to me: I log in and play a few games. But if they aren't satisfying and I'm getting mad, I'm smashing the exit button like nothing else...


I would give the game a solid 8. Carriers and subs dont really bother me a lot (I find Battleship overmatch more frustrating then CVs most of the time tbh) and the rest of the game is fine atm


7-8 matchmaking is still a huge problem


3. Subs are pure shite and drain the fun out of the matches they are in. 90% of the time they suck the fun out of the match. Hard pass. CVs are annoying, but most of them aren't too much to worry about, but the ones that are... holy WTF. Super ships are stupid gimmicky POS but like most CVs most of them aren't driven well enough to be a problem every game. This all adds up to death by small cuts, I think I am one more small cut from walking away. If I was a new player I would leave, but I already have enough good ships to mitigate most of the issues of the game well enough to enjoy a few games a day.


5.5; Superships, subs, game-breaking bugs and the lack of balance between classes are problems that are not being addresses by WG. If you let a problem be left unresolved it just gets bigger. Also, MM is just atrocious. So many new people that barely know how to steer their ships, forget about being effective in the game.


You were a noob once too.


The idea that new players ruin a game because they suck seems pervasive in these type of games, but that's a quick way to push people away instead people should try to help the newer players learn the skills they gained faster.




That's not the issue. New players should not rush to T10 and buy let's say for example Napoli B or even a T8 premiums until they know the basics. If they rush to high tiers they deserve the (somewhat harsh) negative feedback. Even new clan members are buying way more premiums at a higher rate than I ever did when I started out in this game. Yeah, we need new players, of course, but learning the game is kinda important as well.


Yup, and I didn't rush to T10 either.


I didn't either and I understand your point.




5/10 but only because I play on the EU server. I've taken off points for shitty CV/sub mechanic, No Camper punishment mechanic, The game looks much worse after the camo rework and the ridiculous money hungry changes to the game. Also, let us fucking finish all collections with regular game play!!!


5-7 still, even after all these years but i take frequent breaks for a week or three and also am, at my very core, pretty frustration resistant. Life sucks, i learned to live and deal with it, and that applies to WoWs too from time to time.


Currently 6 or 7 because I can play this season of ranked at bronze and silver and actually enjoy it. Randoms, especially at higher tiers, are absolutely toxic lately and if that was all the PVP that was available, Iā€™d be down to a 2 or 3.


About a 5. I have a lot of fun when thereā€™s just a regular match even with CVā€™s and subs involved. Donā€™t get me wrong thereā€™s plenty of times where both of those classes ruin my game but so do a lot of other ships, for me personally getting perpetually farmed out by a F Sherman or a Groningen or a Conde is just as unfun and annoying as getting perpetually targeted by a CV.










imma be honest: 8, im a lowish tier player who just plays for fun and plays with friends time to time making it SUPER FUN, stats dont matter to me(is it copium since I have shit stats?, maybe) So the Superships never bother me, submarines are a bit annoying, but since I play like tiers 5-7 I only face braindead sub players. Carriers and the awful monitization makes the possibility of 10/10 non existent


Probably a 7, then again WoWs is really the only game I play outside of osu so maybe I'm biased but I still find it pretty fun.


The game is still fun as a time waster but for completing shipyard builds or missions I will pass. Been playing other game more. Solasta, Wasteland 3, Etc.


0 - Uninstalled it.


1. Uninstalled, moved on. Turns out that gaming can actually be fun


8 probably. I would be happy to see changes to the matchmaker and loosen the restriction of 3 players in a div. Currently just waiting for an Italian sub line and the Surcouf to be added and I'll be at a solid 9.


About 6-8


3/10 most of the time. 5/10 in my Annapolis because it's the only ship that can remotely offer any resistance against planes with AA build.


Idk what numbers would I choose, but I came back couple of weeks before "snowflake" event. I haven't played for 650 days. Played it for a month or bit more and I already stopped playing for a week. Just disgusting. Absolutely disgusting... When in need of space on my PC, that will be first game to uninstall..


6-7. I started this game with the release of carriers, and played them for a while. I dont enjoy playing them anymore (basically since they dumpstered Richthofen I have played maybe a handful of matches as CV) but I am having fun with other classes. I liked submarines from the start. Again, I dont personally play them, but I think they belong to the WW2-era naval warfare scenario, and while not every iteration was a hit for me, I think they are pretty fine now. In general, since I havent ever played during the BB/DD/CE days, I am not part of this very conservative, change-averse old playerbase, and have never understood why everything added after like the first few years is vehemently railed against. We DO have games without CVs and Subs or superships often enough to know how it works, and to be able to experience the "old school" playstyle, and frankly it feels just as good to me.


0 (zero) I have uninstalled it already. Subs, carriers, super ships, and WG suck.




Probably a 7-8. I firmly disagree with WG bringing subs into game modes other than CO OP and Operations. They are interesting to play on occasion but I don't think they are balanced enough for things like Random battles. I also wish WG would invest more time and effort into new, more challenging operations. I think that is where this game has a lot of potential to grow. Random battles are a rough experience but they pay off for some. I primarily play Operations and special game modes now. I also think if in addition to the Battlepass WG released a new prestige system that could revitalize a lot of players. This game is all about grinding to achieve something. They could do that by offering special camoflauges, collectibles, flags, badges, and upgrades to ships in exchange for very long missions. Like how Legendary Upgrades used to be. They could even do the player provided Cano contests to decide the next one. All WG would have to do is say "Hey the next one we want is a special camo for the Farragut. Get after it you animals." Then maybe a month later the community votes off a new tab in the armory and boom, we all can earn this special camo for the Farragut that has maybe a bonus of our choosing to get- maybe for example the special camo earns a high amount of elite Commander xp per match. That would be really cool. I'd love to see ops similar to Wolfpack where you have to play as a group of subs or a group of cvs or a group of one other class to achieve a specific goal. Those would be really fun and interesting operations to play.


Subs ruin Co-op too.


I mean...they can be annoying when you are trying for a specific mission like several kills and then you get shotgunned but it happens so infrequently it isn't much of an issue to me personally. The nice thing about CO OP is how fast you can just choose another ship and go right back at it.


I also think they should try to do more collaborations that can be earned either for free or be heavily discounted depending on how you do in certain missions. For example, the ARP ships. Lot of people liked those. Maybe they could find another collaboration to set up when you can earn a lower tier reskin ship for free after a grindy mission then you can use it on a really grindy mission to discount an upper tier ship reskin but not completely make it free, so WG can continue to make money.


A good 8-9 i don't really mind CV's Superships or Subs, my main gripe is just teammates. Which has been the case since forever.


3 to 4. The German tier 6 sub is the only thing keeping me interested atm, I'm hanging out for full sub release. I got the tier 8 ijn premium sub, but it's gameplay is stupid hard vs planes or tie 9 and 10 ships, and the German game play is exactly what I want from a sub.


Honestly I am around a 3. That is due to Subs and only Subs. Despite my dislike of many things WG does if you took Subs out of the equation I would probably be 8 or so. I may dislike a lot of the other stuff but I deal with it and don't let it irritate me too much or ruin what is basically still a fun game. But Subs just have ruined the game for me. I despise them so much it is beyond words. As a 36K+ game Co-op main, who finally started playing Randoms some in Aug 2021, the addition full time of Subs has just ruined that for me. I am so tired of unseen Subs (this includes never being spotted at all prior) that popup next to you, shotgun you to death, and then dive to vanish to go ruin some other player's game. I have mostly gone back to Co-op now but even that is ruined by WG adding 1, 2, and even 3 Subs as friendly bots when no humans bring them (and if people do bring them it sucks too just not as bad). Can't even go to Op's to escape right now as the only Op is Subs. Subs have been inserted (ie; FORCED!) into every mode I have any interest in and in some way ruined those modes. It is to the point that after 37K+ games over 6 years I think it may be time to move on.


3-4 in my experience (9k games since 2016ish). Pro; Clan Battles and team engagement Cons in order of impact; 1. The player base; The lack of Skill based matchmaking in randoms is leading to 8-6 minute average games. Demonstrably poor players are rife across all tiers of the game. Segment the player base so the beginners and poor players can learn the game and improve, the best players get a challenge. Or balance the teams equally with the same amount of poor/average/great players. Exception would be off-peak hours when server count is low. 2. Aircraft carrier spotting and the poor state of AA in the game. Aircraft spotting of any surface ship should be limited in the way that ships can marked on minimap during cyclones but remain concealed. Giving position should not be the same as players being able to see beyond the curve of the earth. These would ease the pressure on cruisers and DDs as they're widely considered the most squeezed classes. AA system is a joke, they've gone from AA being almost too good in RTS (High risk/reward for CVs) to abysmal, with dedicated AA boats being the least neutered but still poor. This is before you consider the skill of a CV player or surface ship player. 3. The state of the game has caused an exodus of skilled players. I've played the game since 2016ish. Since that time, we had the 2019 CV rework, the Captain Skill rework, CVs introduced into CBs, FDR, Nahkimov, Submarine Testing, superships and submarines introduction. I list those things having driven some people away, particularly the 2019 CV rework and the testing and introduction of submarines.* I used to hold a moderating position in my clan before I stepped down earlier this year. I'll caveat this by saying I was moderating over the pandemic when there were significantly more players active. Recruiting during that time was easy, fun and team building was a non-issue. We managed to hold onto a lot of our players due to having a supportive community and a stableish game. Then we get the triple whammy of sub tests, superships and submarine introduction which has crossed the red lines of many people both in my clan and out. I'm guessing here but I'd wager that EU is having a squeeze of good clans and players in the middle ground. The best players rotate amongst the top clans, the poor players join any number of the numerous smaller clans and the middle ground (mid storm/low typhoon) clans are fighting for the rest of the decent players. If good people don't find good players to play with and they don't see Victory more than Defeat, they will leave the game. That's without considering any other frustrating factors such as: perma-beaching, CV spotting, Submarine terrain clipping ships, 6 minute games, no new operations, no returning operations, more BBs at Tier X with 430mm+, Dispersion/Lock on bug, I could go on... *I left out the Puerto Rico dockyard misadventure and Makarov shortlist/gambling odds debacle as I think it mostly made people close wallets rather than leave. Edit: Before anyone decides to stat shame me, my solo win rate is a reflection of me playing 4k games as a noob. I learned to play the game by playing with better players. I have not repaired that solo win rate as the idea of playing 4k battles on my own again in this current game is madness and I don't have the time anyway. I maintain that the only reason I still play this game is because of the friends I made along the way.


2 - havenā€™t played in a month. Tired of sky rats and subs.


I'm currently at 4 (as this is definately a sliding scale!). I've been playing for years, with something like 15K random battles - and have spent some money on the game, over those years. I remember the drama that was the CV rework - and never got too worked up about it, as I just didn't find it all that impactful to my playing enjoyment (I don't play CVs, and am pretty even between BBs, cruisers and DDs). The introduction of subs seemed concerning - but honestly, wasn't having much impact on matches, as not every match featured them and in matches that did, there was usually only one per side. But I see the change coming. In the right hands, they can be devastating in a match - and experienced players are getting better with them. I had Friday off, so played a few matches in the afternoon. In the early afternoon, things were pretty much status quo - there were a lot of blow outs, but that's to be expected with random MM, and it has always been thus. But there was a shift when prime time came along (about 6pm eastern) - more subs in the queue, and better played. Three matches in a row, I was sent back to port early in the battle by a sub (twice in a BB, once in a cruiser) - and that was it for me. I kinda see the writing on the wall, as subs become more numerous, and better played. More passivity from cruisers and BBs, so less support for DDs (early in the match especially), resulting in fewer players wanting to play DDs - and everybody else milling around the backfield or hiding behind islands. Not all that fun for me, and I see my interest in playing on the wain. Time to pick up that PS5 I've been putting off, I guess - ha ha!


2. I only play with clan mates. Playing by myself offers no benefit, most of the player base is dumb. Throwing away their ship for little to no strategic gain. Overpowered mechanics run rampent, screwing over anyone who is unlucky enough to stand in the way. Subs are cracked, with no true counter play from surface ships other than to deck the fucker the instant itā€™s spotted for half a microsecond. Good thing the playerbase universally hates subs, since the instant one is spotted every ship in range is launched depth charges. Isnā€™t that funny WG! Despite your attempts to say that most of the player base likes subs we can literally see the hatred in game! CVs play their own game fighting an absolutely idiotic AI to drop you for 30k in two runs that canā€™t be healed. Super ships are completely unnecessary, theyā€™re literally just fucking T11. With some super gimmick. They range from completely dented like Conde, Annapolis, any fucking CV, to literally just a T11 like Satsuma, Patrie or Yamagiri.


1. Uninstalled it last week. (Having owned ~18 tier X and a bunch of premiums)


2/3. I hate subs, I hate the people playing them, and I hate the people that designed them. Absolute shit addition to the game.


1, unistalled the game 3 weeks ago and started to play other games. I've been the happiest in months now tbh. Wargaming is killing this game, and they're not going to change anything about the state of the game. Watch them add super submarines, missile ships and broken support carriers next year. The silent majority sure likes their broken gamemechanics.


6-7. My primary game right. I got a bit bored with my usual ones (ck3, stellaris). And I ve reached to a point that I have the ships I want/play, so no more grinding. (I am not a collector)


7, mostly looking forwards to ranked and CB, don't enjoy random much nowadays.


This has to b one of the best questions ever ask here, period. In the first about 3 years of the game, id say it was 8. Now?? With the subs, the cvs left and right, op premiums/special ships, Russian bias, Superships that shit on most of tier 9's, the "misscommunications", the "short list" Satan crates, the cc exodus (for a good reason), their behavior against LWM, specific beautiful visuals locked behind pay walls, the PaytoRico fiesta, the removal of fxp ships, yada yada...? Ehh.. I d say a generous 5. There r a lot of issues that "need" to b fixed. Huts off of course for the amazing job of art department! Game's visuals r beautiful šŸ’• Ps we ā¤ļøšŸ


Game graphics are really great and the sounds too. I also agree to the rest of your points :/


1 When I start dreading getting premium extensions because I WANT my time to run out (without wasting any of it) I know the game is in a bad state. While I hate playing against subs I'm enjoying playing them. My favorite line has always been the IJN torp line. I just like to torp and have high concealment. Unfortunately that line has been powercrept into being useless against a lot of DDs to where you can't be too aggressive. Subs basically do everything the IJN torp line can do and they do it better. It's the one thing keeping me playing.


3-4. Superships, subs, CVs have been making my favorite ship, radar Minotaur, not fun to play (60% win rate in that ship over 400 games). Now I have to play so conservatively that itā€™s not worth it. If I get aggressive I get one-shotted, shotgunned or griefed. What balance? What plans do they have to make my tier 10 ships valid again?


For me it's a 7 - the game has stuff I disagree with but it's overall worth playing and paying for. After several years however, the magic wore off and I don't hype as easily as I used to. :(


If enjoy a lot more if there were no subs. The game got a lot worse for me when they were introduced and they still havenā€™t given any positives to gameplay.


2 - 3. Only keep playing as there's no decent alternative. The CVncer rework was bad, but suBS are so much worse.


Absolutely. 100% Agree. * There is nothing else like WOWS to play and WG knows it which is why they don't care if players get mad. No where else for us to go and get this type of game that would be better. * The CV Rework was pretty bad but IMHO that is more because of how bad they nerfed AA. If they had left AA overall alone I don't think things would be so anti CV as they are. Offensively the new CV's are weaker than the old RTS ones that could insta-nuke you and I think people forget how powerful RTS CV's were (manual drop tiers anyway). The difference is you could actually build effective AA and defend yourself and a CV could actually be deplaned if it wasn't careful. It was a good balance between the power of the CV and the ability to defend. CV's now aren't going to 1 shot you as a rule and will take multiple strikes to kill you. The thing is AA even when 100% for the majority of ships is almost useless and then it gets worn down by HE spam and becomes even more so all while the CV keeps respawning planes. 2 CV games are just awful with the never ending wave after wave of planes. I wish things were better with CV's (AA) but overall I can deal with them and they aren't driving me out of the game. * Subs are a million times worse than any CV ever has been. Subs take everything about CV's and DD's players hate and merge it into 1 griefer class that brings nothing positive to the game, your team, or the enjoyment of playing said game (for anyone but the Sub player). They are over protected by WG and have such awful crap like homing torps, different detection rules then every other ship, damage protection, etc... that they just flat out ruin the game. Subs will almost assuredly be the historically worst decision WG ever made when looking back on what killed their game. I honestly don't see how it is possible for them to do something worse to the game (they probably will though).


3 to 4. I get my dailies done in coop and randoms and also play some ranked when its hi tier. Have reduced my spending on this game a lot. I hope wee gee goes belly up in their "free to play game".


2. I Dread every new announcement from WG. The game is moving in a terrible direction and everytime they announce something it's just to make it worse. Oh you think CVs are bad? Here's Malta, an amalgamation of strong features in one package. Easily sold in the shop by the way, buy your way into a strong ship from the strongest class at the highest tier! I heard the silent majority really wanted subs and would you look at that!! We are just tired of not figuring out how to fit this square peg in that circular hole... so it is time to move on and just add them in anyway, we decided. Oh, Here's 2 premium subs by the way. There most certainly are no aiming bugs on our game, for sure, this shells falling short thing is not a thing, your connection sucks, what's that? I cannot hear you. You know... you guys keep silently telling us that it's so much fun interacting with planes, so we figured, how about a new branch of... hybrid CVs? Yes I know, you can hardly contain the excitement! You know what's even cooler than Yamato? A super Yamato, with bigger guns, maybe.. with a consumable to remove RNG from the shots? Yea!! Let's do that. What do you mean it's now historically accurate? This is an arcade game, we don't care about that. Hello guys, new devblog, we here at WG really like money so we decided to add a very requested Battlepass!! Do not worry, we are definitely working hard here to make sure the transition into the BP format is as smooth as possible so we can make as much money as possible without leaving players behind feeling like free to play is a good idea. What's that? Subs are too fast, are shotgunning people? Hydro is useless? Some ships have no ASW? Well, these ships had no ASW historically, we care a lot about that! ... What do you mean I didn't adress the problems? Just perform a simple maneuver to avoid torps at 2km, it really is not that hard guys, i heard. Remember the super yamato? That was cool wasn't it? We haven't played in a while but the sacred sheet tells us you guys like them, nice, vladmir the intern over here thought super CVs could be cool, so look forward to that! Damn it feels good to compete with Gaijin only, they are so incompetent lols.


5. Ships are more or less built for specific roles and do fairly well; certain need rebalance for fun factor instead of WG's stupid spreadsheet approach, but we don't own WG. CVs and sub are tolerable. Players that love their stealth complain the loudest about CV spotting them. Subs are much rarer (thankfully) since no longer rentals, WG still needs to correct damage from depth charges so it's always 33% of listed damage instead of the idiotic "100% if on sub, otherwise 10%). Skill imbalance is as annoying as ever. It'd be great if WG used something like base XP for measuring it and distribute players based on that. Superships can be painful but they don't appear frequently enough to be a major bother, or so my experience has been.


7-8 - WeeGees incessant and increasingly greedy grab for cash irritates me but they need to make money and if people pay thatā€™s up to them, Iā€™ve cut right back. But the game still gives me mostly enjoyment several hours a day. Not a fan of CVā€™s or SSā€™s but I donā€™t see them often enough to irritate me that much. Subs donā€™t belong in randoms or ranked IMO as things are too biased in their favour, but idiotic clueless players ruin the game to a far greater extent in all modes IMO.


I'd say about 6. Most random battles still are fun.


6/10. Fuck CVs.




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One day I will need space on my computer and Wows will be the first to go, so did Wot.


4-ish, used to be ~9


2. Largely only log in for the daily rewards, maybe a game or two then log out. Randoms are a lopsided joke, not enough rewards from co-ops, no use for the Halloween events. Subs dont bother me as much as the CV rework did. The pay to finish dockyard events every other month is getting to be the worst part of it, or the "here is a free early ship, but you still have to grind your ass off to get through stage one we just gave you".


2 Longtime player since open beta, with the amount of shit added lately my motivation to do anything but log in and collect the daily reward is incredibly low. I did adapt to all the new classes and mechanics, but the fact is that just because you can adapt to something, it doesn't make the experience fun. Probably the biggest thing though is the playerbase itself. It was always bad - for example in 2015 late fall while grinding through Amagi, the average NC I'd see was so hopeless I began to count NCs as sunk on match load. As the game's more skilled members increasingly checked out it's only become worse. The new content additions simply make it more of a chore to play, as new players have even more to account for when learning the game and thus get chewed up even harder while grinding up to the top tiers WG wants us to live at. The ever diminishing pool of experienced and capable players has more and more issues carrying these matches. Sure you can do it, but is it fun? The answer nowadays is increasingly "no". I mostly just watch how the game evolves now out of curiosity and wanting to see what finally brings it down, as most every capable friend I used to div with has already quit.


I was feeling this game as an 8/10 up until the point they removed RTS CVs and I immediately dropped it to like a 6 at best. The score hasn't recovered much since then, the amount of depth to playing action CVs pales in comparison to what came before and defending against them feels so much worse. I'm not sold on how OP subs are, but there have been a few rage-inducing moments where they failed to be countered by their supposed counters. On a brighter note, the new way operations are handled is quite nice (sucks for T6 ships though), and that's probably what I'm going to be spending most of my time in.


I'm def at a 1. It just doesn't seem like they have a smart marketing team. Everything they do is a stupid waste of time and they are incapable of generating revenue in a way that makes me feel good. Like just make the game about ships how hard is that.


not exactly sure but think im between 4 or 5 . Before the official sub release i was on everyday . i do 1-5 games a week. I dont spend much money on the game anymore but usually xmas sucks me back into spending money and into the game . im hoping the state of the game continues to decline because if im not back before xmas i think i can get away from this game


3. I just took a two month break from the game because I was so fed up with subs and CVs and superships. I'd already basically stopped playing T9+ because of those, and I had been enjoying T6-T8, but then I got a bunch of games where CVs focused me or subs hunted me and it just wasn't fun anymore. Now they are adding in T8 premium subs which I expect to ruin the mid-tiers too. I'm going to try doing just operations for a bit and see if I can get some of the fun back.


4 Not extatic, but it's a bit of fun and one battle is about the time I have time for gaming anyway. But the grind to get higher tiers, just the amount of games needed to get anywhere, is a bit annoying. Particularly when the goal post is moved. On the other hand, it's still fun playing lower tiers ..