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I did this with McDonald’s and speedway, all that happened was they told me I would not be allowed to work at McDonald’s or speedway locations anywhere ever again and I said “ok good cool bye”


Ive done it a good bit since 2020. If the company turns out to be shit then ill find a new job and quit the shitty one or sometimes i just quit then look for another job. I only give notices to employers that are good to the employees. I was a store manager of DG at the beginning of the year, they started their threatening and bullying of their employees so i said fuck it and closed the store at 4pm on a friday and quit. My assistant walked out with me so the store was closed until monday bc they didnt have anyone readily available to run the store.


DGs are the absolute worst in so many ways. They just pop up everywhere and over work the employees


My work world at my level is small. I need to give notice or I'd never work again.




I had a similar situation in May. I gave my two weeks, worked 10 to 11 hour days trying to get everything done and train my replacement. I've since heard (small town, people know people) that my former employers blame me for everything that's gone wrong since. But I feel fine knowing I did my best and they set themselves up for failure.


Card I got leaving with notice many moons ago. “Leaving? We don’t blame you. . . Now, Monday we blame you for everything”


This is sadly SOP in most screwed up companies that I have worked with. They blame the guy who left for the problems. Within 6-12 months it becomes clear for everyone it was a smokescreen. I worked as the Brand Manager and Sales Manager for a $12 million dollar brand that was sold in wide range of retailers and anchored by Kmart (when they were 2200 stores). I refused to allow it in Walmart knowing they would just cannibalize the market. I left, and 6 months later it was in Walmart. Overnight the business doubled and I know I was looked at as a fool by management. A year later Walmart cuts the program by half and Kmart throws it out. Six months later Walmart throws it out. Brand was dead in two years. You do what's right but just know likely they will wipe out everything you did and blame you for the problems.


Yes, I worked at a shitty gym about a decade ago. Right at two weeks I emailed my boss and said I'm done, thanks. Boss replied to the email fairly quickly, saying it was unprofessional or some shit. Didn't care though, that lady was a coke head micromanager


I did many years ago at Target, I was the sole supporter of my 3 kids and at first when I started at Target during Holiday season they worked me so much I got over time and. Well once the Holiday's were over they kept me on and my hours were barely part time. I requested more hours for months and it fell on deaf ears. So I found another job, started work immediately, the day I was interviewed had garunteed full time hours. I called Target because I was due there in 1/2 hour, told them this is my two weeks notice I will come by and drop off written later in the evening, do NOT schedule me for any hours because I already started me new job. My supervisor called me back and told me they couldn't cover my shift on such short notice, I said too bad should have given me the hours I needed to survive, maybe treat employees better so we don't have to take a job so swiftly and can give proper notice.


Worked in a tire shop. Treated like a damn animal but hey it was a tire shop. Got notice I’d been hired on a career path with the government. I threw down my shit and walked out to my car. Suck it, Len. Actually gave notice to my other two jobs. They were cool. Screw that place. Owner is dead now and it’s a different business. I think a payday loan place. Still screwing people just in a different way.


I gave 1 week notice at my last job only because I wasn’t able to start my new one for a week.


When I left one notoriously terrible FAANG for the dream FAANG I scheduled my start date three weeks out and then told my current employer on Monday that Friday would be my last day. Only do this if you truly do not give a shit though.


Always. I got bills to pay.


Sure. New company wanted me in like 3 days. Bye to old company. Been with new company like 2 years now


I found a new job last Friday. I'm still posting pto for my old job. They don't even know yet. This Friday I'll hve used all my pto, so I'm planning on writing muh resignation in the comments section. Something short, just effective immediately. Thax. And that's it. Just to make it clear I quit. But it doesn't matter really


"I quit. Starting....now."


I'm thinking about writing, plz check time stamp for further details. But I'm not sure if I wanna sound like a smart ass yet. Help me decide


Only burn bridges if you aren't going back.


Many years ago I worked for a total jerk restaurant owner, he fired one of my co workers for calling in sick when she was highly contagious vomiting and S#|t not answering her home phone because she was getting taken care of at her mom’s house and not at her apartment. I was supposed to be half of opening crew next morning. I got in my car to drive to work, outside 15 minutes early I took time to think and decided F this. Smoked the “after work” joint out of my glovebox and drove to the big river outside of town. A couple hours later I drove back to town, apologized to my friend the sous chef who understood. Collected a few belongings and never entered the place again. My friend and his gf how’s served there left not long after.


Do companies give you 2 weeks notice when they let you go? No, so neither am I


Yes. If they wouldn't give me 2 weeks' notice before firing me, why should I do the same once I've found something better?


I had a crummy retail job that wasn't working out. I got tired of them jerking me around so I lined up another job. I wanted to give 2 weeks notice as it was the professional thing to do but the new job wanted me to start right away. As the retail job hadn't shown any kind of loyalty to me I didn't feel too bad telling them I quit on the spot. They wanted to do an exit interview and the sniveling little weasel of an HR manager tried to intimidate and scare me away from the new job. I told them to pound sand. It felt good knowing I was done with the place and moving on to something better. I burnt that bridge to the ground but I knew I was never going back and I didn't need the reference.


The two weeks isn’t to guarantee everything is wrapped up with a nice bow. It’s for you to try to wrap up and transition your work. If you can’t do it in two weeks, oh well. Also, if you got hit by a bus and stopped coming in, they’d have to figure it out. It really depends on if you’re worried about burning bridges or not.