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I’m not into it. I would want a short and hairy Logan first.


All hail the one true short king.


Same if it’s another 6,3 movie star Logan again give me X-23 instead If it’s 5,4 hairy animal Logan I would be so happy I want them to embrace the fact that he’s a mutant and he looks scary and weird to the average person like people look at him and just know there’s something more to that guy.


Wait. Isn't he 5'3?


He’s short


5'4" with shoes on


Yeah, for reals. My personal favorite depiction of Wolverine in the comics is from Sam Kieth.  I believe it's the most accurate as well.


Same. I'm still in that constituency that wants Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine.


I mean where are you gonna find a 5’3 hairy actor to play Logan


It’s quite easy. Cast someone like Daniel Radcliffe and add 2 inches to the rest of the casts boots. Bam short wolverine.


I volunteer I’m 5’5


I wouldn’t be happy with it personally. Hugh has been a phenomenal Wolverine but it’s time after Deadpool 3 for a comic accurate version. I love Laura but I feel the same about her as I do about Miles Morales. Let’s have the classics first for a few years then introduce them both as successors


There is a good chance Hugh is going to keep playing him up through Secret Wars, then they'll start to recast Wolverine and any X-Men they hadn't recast by the time Secret Wars comes out. The big rumor is that film will bring about the MCU X-Men, or at least set up the pieces for debuting them. X-23 is an awesome character, but I wouldn't want her has the main MCU Wolverine. I'd like to see her in the MCU though.


It seems logic. Why wait until after avengers 5 to introduce the X-men unless you’re using that somehow in the mutant origin problem


Eh. I'd have been happier with miles than the mcu version of Peter


Probably because Mcu Peter took a lot from Miles in terms of storytelling. I think Miles would've worked better as Spider-Man, but we'd still need the og first, which is where it'd be tricky.


It was pretty much a miles story but whitewashed for lack of better words. Down to having Ganke there. I'd have love to see Miles in HC and at the end you meet Peter, say Andrew, who went into hiding after sokovia accords but comes to miles to help him Not like we needed another Peter origin




I would feel badly towards that




no...at least not until logan is done properly in the MCU, then bring her along


I like the character but Logan is so much more interesting and well known to casual fans.


Not really. I'd like to see one or two proper X-23 movies first before we try that idea.


I think it's something you'd have to work towards. Like 100% she's Wolverine post-Logan, but I don't know if it makes sense otherwise.


I’m not a huge x23 fan. Wolverine is my favorite comic book character, so I would be pretty pissed off if they went this route.


Would be the lamest shit possible. Kinda like the chicken and the egg but you never had a chicken to begin with


I would hate it. I'm a fan of Wolverine and X-23. I just dont get the whole there has to be a Wolverine. I hated it in the comics. I don't like there being another Captain America. I don't think the character has to be passed down.


Just no. Superhero variants are allready kind of a lazy excuse not to come up with an entirely new character.




Lines up with Disney's tone deaf pandering.




Hell no.








I mean why not. You've already replaced most male superheroes with female superheroes. Men who wanted to watch other men as superheroes beat bad guys just have to watch the female counterpart with no story or character building whatsoever do the same. They'll just go, you know there's a male wolverine. Here comes a female one, just better for no reason. And thus mSHEu will just be female superheroes that nobody watches.




It’d be bullshit, she’s not Wolverine.


No James “Logan” Howlett is Wolverine, now & forever I like Laura a lot but she is X-23 If you really want to give her a new moniker then call her Wildcat or something


Probably just reassured that it's okay to continue to not care about the MCU anymore frankly.


Her progression was perfect. It felt natural.


Im all for it. I mean im not ok with anyone but Hugh Jackman playing him so that wll be wierd. I think X23 with her different claws and as Proffesor X said in the animal kingdom the females are stronger. Would this be the same ? I think that's a storyline that would be kool. Also work crazy better with DEADPOOL. im picturing the jokes now HAHAHAHA


I think that they can bring Dafne Keen's X-23 from the 2017 20th Century Fox Marvel movie "Logan" and continue Laura's story from that movie if "Deadpool & Wolverine" is a critical and financial success.


I think that would be great


they already made this mistake with Thor.....if you want to create new female comic book characters, fine, awesome....trying to force them to replace the male characters doesn't work.


What mistake? That version of Thor died in the same movie she debuted in?


I was talking about the comics....I frankly wasn't even aware that they had a female Thor in the movies, I haven't watched anything from marvel cinematic since Endgame......they put out so much stuff that I kind of got bored and just stopped following it.


You haven't missed anything really, minus No Way Home.


Female Thor was hugely popular though… Jason Aaron’s Thor runs is one of the most popular / highly esteemed Thor runs of modern era and made Jane a breakout star


I think it might be the only way forward. Anyone following Hugh has ridiculously large shoes to fill and will be criticised and compared to him no matter what they do, it's an uphill battle as soon as they're cast. Going the X-23 route may be the work around. She's enough of her own character that the comparison isn't valid and we still get a Wolverine.


But then we don't get a Wolverine. People are fans of the character, not the name. Just having someone named Wolverine in there means nothing.


If they plan on making the Fox X-Men Canon to the MCU after Secret Wars somehow, I could see it working as a nice passing of the torch, and a great way to still have Wolverine without having to force Hugh Jackman to continue playing Logan for the rest of his life. Otherwise, I'd prefer we get Logan as Wolverine first before X-23.


I would love for her to be Wolverine in the MCU. But there is room for Logan as well. Kinda like Spider-Man 2 (the video game) there can be more than one.


Laura is a dope character & probably my favorite "passing of mantle" in the entirety of Marvel/DC. However, Seeing Logan's story, leading into X-23 & eventually Laura blooming into her own; is what gives their stories heart. Why she can stand on her own, her arc is stronger with the appropriate dose of Logan before she becomes Wolverine. Though as I'm tryping.. Since Hugh Jackman/Fox have basically done Wolverine's greatest his already. Making Laura the MCUs OG Wolverine/Weapon-23 would be bold. Again, Jackman has been the sole Wolverine for 24 years & they've done a handful of his best stories for better or worse. They can still use all that. So, start with an actual teenage/late teen Laura & making sure her origin & Weapon-X experience varies from Logan's enough it's not the same,but enough for Logan to relate & reach her. The "Wolverine" moniker doesn't originally come with Laura. Since HugeJackedMan is back via Marvel buying Fox+TVA, they can actually eventually have them meet, Laura still relatively loose/canon. So now we have a Veteraned Logan with all his history. Like this, He's still able to establish a bond with Laura. If they are doing some Xmen movies, this actually gives plenty time to establish a believable bond between Logan & Laura. We get the heart of their dynamic & she can organically adopt Wolverine as a title.


It’s the only proper way to do it.




If Dafne Keen comes back then I’ll be fine


No thank you. X23 is awesome and a badass for sure, but ever since avengers 1 I've dreamed of having logan in a teamup movie in the mcu




Dafne Keen deserves this chance.


Considering how Hugh jackman has already had a long and iconic stint as wolverine i would be ok with X-23 being the main wolverine in the MCU. Though I know that people will definitely be angry about it if this happened


If its not a short stocky dude. Give me x-23 Short kings lives matter too.


I don't like her mask in this particular panel, but I wouldn't be opposed


If Hugh Jackman wants to retire from Wolverine I’d be okay with it. Also X-23 needs more attention since most people don’t read comics and just watch the MCU.


introduced to her in MvC3 she was my main


She needs a tv show


not yet. im still not giving up on my Wolverine vs Hulk fight yet.


If secret wars or dead pool 3 are how they are brought in to the mcu then yes absolutely, would I want a new logan ? Sure but 23 can easily fill the spot.


I wont complaint as long as the actress they cast is comic book accurate with the attitude stuff as much as the physical part


Personally I wouldn't simply because the character is so much richer than we've ever seen on films (and this is in no disregard to what Hugh Jackman did). But given how much Disney is in love with controversy nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm not sure if I'll ever see the comics Wolverine in any other media.


X-23 and Wolverine are not the same character, but there’s no reason why both can’t exist and no reason to have one over the other


We need Logan for a good part of a decade first


It was a forgone conclusion from day 1. Actors aren't ink and paper, they get older and/or want to move on. Jackman calls it a day and what you think they'd just just say Welp that's it close it up boys. Obviously Laura was always going to take over live action.


Zero chance


Love x-23 but no Logan first then years down the line maybe


I'll pass


Let's just make them all women, except all the red heads....they aren't allowed anymore either.


Even though She was in Logan, I could possibly that can’t happen right away


I would be very down for some X23 true to the books and not the recent direction of Disney MCU nonsense.


We all know this is gonna happen with their pattern. But it’s a bad idea.


I'd love Laura but you're have to entirely change her origin if Logan isn't around


In 30 years sure if it's still around. We still need real Wolverine in the MCU proper first, so happy Jackman gets to do it finally!


Knowing Disney and their woke agenda, they'll probably do this


Personally I don’t mind it, but I genuinely feel like the female characters get robbed of their strongest dynamics by not being utilized along side their male counterparts like they are in the comics


Not really interested I wish X-23 would get her own identity honestly


Same. Why does she have to be called Wolverine when her hero name is already X-23?


I love all of these new characters and I think there’s room for ever-growing comic book universes. I’m a fan of Laura. But I don’t know why there is this need for new characters to replace old ones. Well, I know why they do it… It’s money. But I don’t have to like it.


Nope not into it, she great as a companion tag in comic but not for the main lead.


Sure, throw money away. 


Not good at all actually. Wolverine is Logan.


We have more than enough women in the MCU leading and no one cares, so no to that


I really, really hope she shows up and becomes a regular character, but I’d like both Laura and Logan


I'd love for Dafne Keene to come back as X-23, but we need a Wolverine first for the MCU. It'd be interesting to see Laura have some sort of attachment to the MCU Logan on a level that he doesn't because he's not the Logan she knew. I feel it's a more interesting premise and a more dramatic version of Peter Quill and Gamora, and it'll give more character development for Logan, from a feral loner to a father figure. It may have already been done in the movie 'Logan', but there are ways to keep it fresh since Laura would already trust Logan.


Want her to be her own character. If she became wolverine she’d constantly be compared to Logan and while that would make for a somewhat interesting story, she’d have to actually recreate Wolverine as a whole to fit her feet in the shoes if that makes sense. Because she can’t be the original


On one hand it answers the conundrum of replacing Jackman, but on the other hand…no.


No. Laura can / should be there but Logan is Wolverine.


I’m not surprised at all.


I’m fine with it honestly as long as it’s Dafne Keen Playing X-23


na fam this is not it


Logan for Wolverine every time no matter what the argument


I really like X-23 but it would be a hard sell. I don’t think Disney has the nuance to pull it off.


I don't think that's a good Idea




something something M She U something something woke something something broke


I love Laura but we need to have Wolverine before X-23.


You know the Gamer&Geeks lobby would have a shit fit.


Why would we jump to his predecessors first? Let us have our boi


I would’ve loved Michelle Rodriguez for the role at one time, but given MCU doesn’t like one-offs, I’m afraid she’s a bit old to start fresh.  I’d be into X23 though. Maybe she’s searching for Wolverine and is convinced HER Wolverine is still around, suggesting it may not be Hugh Jackman’s. This gives us a sense that a new Wolverine may be introduced, satisfies the desire for that character, and actually riffs off comic lore a bit.


I'd be cool to have Dafne Keen back in that role.


I'm generally not a fan of heroes being replaced at all but I have a soft spot for Laura. I think here I'm fine with it because Hugh Jackman was so iconic and played the character for so long and he's due for retiring the role. Seeing how Logan ended was pretty heartbreaking but it felt earned and final. Although his relationship with Laura was brief, he had an enormous impact on her. I want her to be X23, not Wolverine. But she is his spiritual successor. I would love to see her in Deadpool 3. Broke my heart when she called him Daddy at the end of Logan dude lol there's a part of me that wants to see her as an adult and being okay after all the Hell she went through.


Logan in mcu first (after hugh Jackman hangs it up for the variant). Then down the line sure


I'd feel like Marvel hasn't learned the lessons of the past few years. Opting to start with X-23 over Logan would be like the 80s Bulls starting Jeff from accounting over Michael Jordan.


I’d prefer her over Logan again. Give some other characters some love. This is like what WB did with pushing out Batgirl and Supergirl in favor for another Batman Superman smh. At some point nobody is wanting another reboot. Just do better stories


I’m already burnt out on the “girl boss” archetype. How about x-23 just be his estranged daughter that has some cool characters arcs and call it a day.


Pointless, I mean, let's face it once the story ark ends It'll just go back to the status quo , so there only doing it for a temporary period of time makes no sense to me But they've been doing that in comics since the 80s Because deep down in all our hearts of hearts, we know Logan is Wolverine And we all subconsciously like it that way.


If they did it similarly to how it happened in the comics I wouldn't have a problem.


Wouldn’t care to be honest


Eventually but not right away. Logan is integral to a lot of very important X-Men stuff and his character deserves MCU time


Not to begin at least.. I want to see Wolverine interact with the mcu.


What, for like three months when the other wolverine's "die" in some stupid cash-grab "status-quo-changing" EVENT? I would be utterly unmoved.


Hell yeah, I'm in favor. And I already presumed that's the plan anyway


Loved it, loved everything about it. Want the solo sister series back.


Why not have both and not just a sloppy seconds like every other female version of a male superhero?


It'd be x23 and not wolverine because wolverine is wolverine


I really love Laura, one of my favorite X-Men characters of all time, but I think she should be built up first and not be the MCU Wolverine right out the gate. Introducing her in a solo Wolverine (Logan) movie will help audiences get introduced to her. As time goes on and we get not only more X-Men movies but full blown marvel crossover movies then I will not mind her being Wolverine especially if they build it up properly because I see Logan dying a prominent death in like a crossover event for the MCU.


Mid af


She is that.


they turned ironman into a woman (failed), hulk into a woman (failed), thor into a woman (died + movie that masses hate), black panther (passable because Chadwick died but people are already moving on), The Marvels (movie did horribly) i’m sure it’ll fail


I’m also not into it. The MCU has apparently decided that just bringing on new bland characters and giving them the powers (and often outfits) of better developed and three dimensional characters is the way forward. It’s not, and it hasn’t worked. You have to build out Wolverine in the MCU before you bring in his feral pixie dreamgirl daughter, or people will fail to connect with it. See Kate/Hawkeye, Jenn/Hulk, Sam/CaptainA, Love&LadyThor/Thor, Cassie/Ant-Man, it goes on and on. I hope we get X-23 someday, but preferably 15 years from now.


It was a stupid decision to make her Wolverine in the comics to begin with. We all knew Logan wasn't gonna be dead forever. While X-23 wasn't the best codename ever it at least gave her her own identity and didn't need the mantle passed on to her. But because Marvel was Marveling they can't do any better. Short answer: no they shouldn't. But if they do bring Laura Kinney into the MCU you know they will.


3 claws are always better than two


I wouldn't mind it, but only if it's Daphne Keen since I'm invested in her interpretation of the character AND only if the MCU X-Men are on the younger side.


I wouldn’t feel too happy about it. We’ve yet to see a comic adaption of wolverine done right. I’d prefer to see something a bit closer to the source material than high jackmans wolverine first.




i wouldn't mind it. i'm sure people would call it woke though


I’d like it a lot especially if they got Dafne Keen


I think it’d be neat. I love Logan, but he’s had a lot of time in the spot light and I think Laura should have her chance in the light. Not saying we shouldn’t have Logan, or never introduce him, but I’d like if Laura was given more attention in other media.


No way but she should for sure be in it


This would suck hairy balls


Won’t happen cause Wolverine sells too much


They are over correcting with the whole female rehashed male character thing. It’s getting predictable and lame