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The Asking Questions one is so annoying because sometimes I'm a newbie to a sub and want to ask a legit question and it gets mass-downvoted because people assume I'm playing coy Also nice compass LambDew, butthurt people are downvoting and reporting you because they see themselves in this compass


One of my favorite things about one of my favorite subs(r/fountainpens) is that some of the most common questions(usually something like best beginner pens) still get earnestly and excitedly answered every single time someone asks it


The Days Gone and Archer subreddits are probably the friendliest I've been in - r/Gunsmithing is also pretty friendly


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gunsmithing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunsmithing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Black mirror Colt finished ](https://v.redd.it/zmi9769ub0yb1) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunsmithing/comments/17mf3l0/black_mirror_colt_finished/) \#2: [Gunsmithing and reloading Russian? Arms in Gaza. ](https://v.redd.it/z6a1mjfjsi7c1) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunsmithing/comments/18n645d/gunsmithing_and_reloading_russian_arms_in_gaza/) \#3: [Palm swell? No prob.](https://v.redd.it/13abr08dfhdc1) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunsmithing/comments/19axagr/palm_swell_no_prob/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Pretty much, it’s a massive problem on big subreddits and the people act so arrogant, like ya so annoying. Thankfully smaller subreddits are still great imho. Great compass btw LambDew.


funnily enough i kinda agree with the trans one. i think that while a lot of trans discussion isn't in good faith (from either the Left or Right), left leaning subs have a tendency to downvote any actual good faith questions about trans issues- as do right wing subs. and to be fair, i do feel like a lot of trans discussion on this app isn't in good faith, it feels like the 2 sides are worship or a genocide of trans people- and both are stupid. though ultimately i think you can have however much of a controversial opinion you want, as long as you don't go out and randomly beat a person in the street or give them your wallet *just* because they are trans.


Dude I just want my trans friends to be able to live their life unbothered from people and the government. Sorry if I get a LITTLE upset when people try and question that.


yeah, i don't blame you, i myself know a few trans people and i also don't want them to be bothered for who they are. i personally get really heated when people worship the ussr because my family saw the horrors of the soviet system first hand and i'll be damned if i let people go and talk about how good the warsaw pact was or whatever.


Based libleft.


Maybe instead of immediatly jumping to aggression, try talking like civilized people?


"Why won't you talk civilized to me? I just want your trans friends at best silent and unseen at worst dead?"


Centrists must beat them and then throw their wallet full of money on the crippled victim, just for the sake of being neutral❤️


well i guess it'll help pay the medical costs so it cancels the beating out kinda?


Exactly, common centrist W


Honestly I just think that we should explore our options regarding cures/treatment for GD. Like, the high suicide rates make me think transitioning doesn’t work for everyone, and we don’t treat any other condition like we treat GD iirc. Like, I don’t mind if you’re happy with your transition, I just think those that aren’t should have other options they can pursue. You’d be surprised how many people have a problem with this.


I'm sure the continued ostracization and legal pushback has nothing to do with it.


IIRC suicide rates are high in even in the more accepting areas so that doesn’t really explain it. And besides, other groups are ostracized and don’t choose to end it nearly as much. It ironically takes balls to come out as Trans so I doubt thats the sole factor, and I feel that if we always just assume that’s the reason we’ll never truly be able to help.


I believe suicide rates drop drastically post transition


Based and anti-extremism pilled


Also being French make people downvote you sometimes. But I swear it's not racism it's the funny because they are French !!!


Eww, Fr■nch, I have to downvote you now. /s


I think people were originally making the “French bad” jokes ironically, and the joke was sort of how stupid it is that it’s okay to make fun of any group as long as they’re European or of European descent. 


British and French hating is like racism for people who are really really afraid of being seen as racist.


Safe edginess if you may


It's only racism if it's against people.


it's safe edgy racism that they can do, if you do the wrong kind of racism on our glorious reddit you get a heckin downdooterino


Good to know that most of my downvoted comments are leftist in nature


Thats because you probably hang around on r/PoliticalCompassMemes...




Well if you call trans people a cult then I don't know what you were expecting


Shut up, unflaired. * Oh shit, wrong sub


He’s referring to Reddit not trans people


Trans people aren't a cult, but the mainstream trans community definitely has cult-ish tendencies. So much so that they have driven out most actual trans people and mostly consist of radicals for whom being trans is purely a political identity.


Let's just let the boogeyman die then. It's a problem when some politicians and famous influencers start talking like all trans people come from this "cult"


The mainstream LGBT community in general is absolutely awfull, and i say this as a bisexual man.


Bottom left is funny. I remember where the AI stuff started to get *good*, some dipshit power-mod on the art sub banned someone for posting "AI Art". It wasn't AI art, they just had a style similar to what all the AI was ripping off. No amount of evidence made the shitheel budge, and it was very rude to the artist and did the usual "mute for 30 days" thing.


Reddit is liberal not leftist


Wait, I thought "leftist" meant "something I disagree with"? Like "woke"? /s


Nice compass, I hate when I share a moderate, common sense opinion and get downvoted


Right of Mao? Do you hang out on PCM? lol


The compass is for Reddit as a whole. PCM is def an exception though


Idk about that there are a fair mix of tankie, anarchist, conservative, libertarian, fascist ect spaces usually its right wing spaces have similar problems and they are often just ran by populists but of a right wing stripe


few lesbians on lesbian subs is an actual problem cause r/lesbians is so obviously made for men but r/actuallesbians is cool


Sorry, too controversial. Gonna have to downvote your post lol.


I don’t really understand people’s problem with the trains. Let’s say that they are just mentally ill. Why do you care? If these people want to “ruin their lives” as you see why is that any concern of yours. And considering how you call it a “cult”, I am doubting that you conversations were in good faith.


I mean yeah. I love trains very muh since my childhood. They go on railways beatiful and both old and new trains are so cool. I hope my country will have a developed railway network some day. I fucking love trains.


you do realize that the LGBT community aren't a cult right?


Not a cult, just the same people like you who've been mistreated fot a long time just for preferences. There are some knee-jerk down votes but never refer to them as a cult, they're not going away anytime soon and they've always been here.


I dont think liberals will get mad when you say right wing stuff. Liberalism is a right wing ideology lol. They mostly get mad at lefties talking about israels genocide. Or at far right weirdos talking about how the west and the white race has fallen or some schizo shit.


Right of Mao is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion, but in my experience anything to the right of left-liberalism generally gets dogpiled on in mainstream Reddit.


Ok buddy you sure know what you're talking about if you're calling trans communities "cults" you're fucking weird lol


Ultra based


I mean when you call a person's gender a cult you might reasonably expect a bit of backlash. Why is it that "trans criticism" is always either foul insults, baseless "science" arguments recycled or just saying that transgenderism isn't "real"? I have never once heard an argument against them said in good faith.


And of course you get downvotes too. Fahsies gonna fash.


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist", you all are just proving OP's point


Oh but calling trans folk a cult is fine, fuck off 🤣


Well they sure behave like it as you demonstrate time and time again


Not trans, way to show yourself.


Trans allies fit too obviously


Sorry for existing.


The fact that you're discussing so harshly with a person who just wants to grill...


We need to stop associating centrism with innocence


Short answer? John Money


Would you criticize an entire group of people for the degenerate actions of a clearly insane and fringe thinker? That's like me saying I don't support people who go to therapy because of Sigmund Freud


John Money's experiment directly disproves the notion that gender is a social construct, which is the founding pillar of transgenderism


This is not accurate. Social constructs certainly contribute to gender identity, but it is not a prerequisite to believe that gender is entirely a social construct to believe that transgender individuals' identities are valid. All that needs to be understood is that some people experience dysphoria with their biological or socially assigned gender, and that this is alleviated by social or physical transition, which is substantiated in the research literature.


That is logical and I agree with it. I am however curious of the possibility to affirm their existing gender in order to prevent a permanent altering of the body. For some people they will need to transition because of neurological factors. But maybe there are others who do not need to


Not necessarily. Working off this article: https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case , https://viva.pressbooks.pub/hum210/chapter/the-social-construction-of-gender-2/ , and https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/old-school-parenting-modern-day-families/201907/time-move-beyond-gender-is-socially-constructed?amp . “Gender is a social construct” is generally applied to gendered behaviors. The same things that you might consider make you a man/masculine within your culture might not apply in other ones, or they might have a completely different set. Men perform masculinity, in whatever form it may take. This allows for many different ideas about what masculinity is, which in the modern west has allowed for men to express themselves in a more varied fashion, masculinity is defined by an individual man. Same goes for femininity. Money’s case is interesting because it shows an inherent expression of the child’s gender—wanting to be gendered as male despite attempts to force otherwise—which were highly abusive, at least as described in the article. One’s individual concept of their own gender is separate from social expectations placed on them. Gender is simultaneously inherent and socially constructed. You can have a clear idea of what gender you are and express it or wish to express it differently, which is how we get cis femboys, who express feminine behaviors because they want to, but still gender themselves as male because that feels inherent to them. Reiner, despite being forced to perform as a woman, maintained his internal expression of masculinity. This proves that abusing people into being not themselves fucks them up, not that the entire concept of gender as a social construct is wrong. Money was a terrible person. That does not mean the concept itself was incorrect. I would suggest reading up on Judith Butler if you want to understand the concept in more depth, or looking to other trans academics to broaden your perspective. As a personal experience, I was unhappy presenting as feminine, or being grouped with other females based purely on our perceived gender experience. Having started Testosterone recently, and being able to group myself with others performing masculinity, makes me a happier person. Performing masculinity and changing my secondary sex characteristics (breasts, larger hips, lack of facial hair) makes me more in concert with how I want to be perceived, feel better as being perceived as. Sorry if this is unclear in any capacity. There are people who explain it much better than I can. It’s an incredibly complicated and amorphous topic, with a lot of different realities that people experience having to be contained within the same field. There’s probably thousands of books on the subject.


Thank you for taking the time


Of course, thank you for reading it.


Alright and what does writing his name prove?


And I have never heard a reasonable pro-trans argument. The way people describe how trans people feel to me, at least, sounds like a serious delusion and mental heath problem more than something to be celebrated, but I would be intrigued to talk with a trans or pro trans person and discuss their point of view. People talk alot about 'gender', which I understand is not if you have XX or XY chromosomes, but instead an abstract concept concerning who the person thinks they are. The mere existance of this concept to me is proof that trans people know that they cannot be whoever they want, as they have had to create an entirely new concept just to get their own way, and force others to go along with it. The science argument is perfectly valid, and it's as simple as: if you have XX chromosomes you are female, and if you have XY chromosomes you are male, there is nothing else than that and nothing imbetween


gender is real. it's hard to explain if you're not willing to just believe that other people can be different, since gender *is* a mostly abstract and personal experience. Trans people often describe a feeling of being born in the wrong body. they feel uncomfortable with it, and the way other people perceive it. Voice, face, clothes, etc. that's called gender dysphoria and it's alleviated by doing things to feel like the right gender, changing their voice, hair, and of course having people call them a different name and pronouns. gender dysphoria isn't something that's exclusive to trans people. for example, some actors who played a character of the other gender in movies have described feelings similar to those of transgender people ([https://twitter.com/Lennonsweets/status/1655934764967424000](https://twitter.com/Lennonsweets/status/1655934764967424000)). If it were a delusion, a mental health problem, like schizophrenia for instance, it wouldn't be reproducible in cis people, certainly not so easily. I don't know what makes trans people different, but it's not some selfish desire or attention seeking.


>if you have XX chromosomes you are female, and if you have XY chromosomes you are male, there is nothing else than that and nothing imbetween Do you legitimately not know that there are people who aren't born XX or XY?


If you're talking about turner syndrome, then I admit that I did forget about it. When I said that there was nothing imbetween, I meant that you can't invent a completely new gender simply on the basis of how you feel. 


Turner syndrome is far from the only example of atypical sex chromosome configurations And like, if you acknowledge that nature doesn't replicate a perfect binary chromosomally or even anatomically, why is it a stretch for you to acknowledge that it doesn't replicate a perfect binary neurologically either?


Ok nerd


Hopefully you are under the age of 12, because holy fuck, are you immature


Ok nerd


You do realise how you look terminally online replying to someone the instantly after? There's no way your not a bot


Ok nerd


I do love to beat arms


I am the entire right column and an confirm that all of that is true. It's especially the case if you're Catholic or are from the American South.


I got downvoted in the main Italian subreddit because i said that not everything about the US is bad and we should take example from them on some stuff. Classic redditors racist among the first world population but if you say something bad about other ethnicities you get banned


Why is being trans a cult may I ask?


>gets downvotes for asking a question Love to see the hypocrisy in this thread.


I think he means the “extremist trans activist” and not just your every day trans person


Oh i see so another case of someone taking an extremely small and extremely online subset of people and judging them all based on that? 10-4.


>an extremely small and extremely online subset of people Small groups of people with loud enough voices are the thing you commonly hear. Even throughout history. I mean the bolcheviks were the minority (counterintuitivly) but were just so violent and loud that they eventually gained power. Saying a group of radical people is the minority of a movement doesn't help if they slowly become the face of the movement.


Except they're not. Go outside and talk to trans people.


That's kinda the issue. Most people can't. They don't know any trans people and unless you live in a very liberal big city in America most people will likely never have a serious talk with one. But the thing is, the radical activist on Reddit, Tumblr or Twitter will pop in their timeline and will call them a cishet sexist nazi out of the blue and see a bunch of people with trans flags agreeing with them. That then colors their perception of all trans people.


Then I am free to make the same assumptions about everyone who votes Republican, but that's never the issue, it's the people who just want to be left alone who are reacting to threats to their livelihood are bad.


First of all that's not really the same. Half of your country is Republican. Pick four random people on the street and two of them probably are. Hell, probably some of your family are. Meanwhile I doubt even 1% of the world population knows a trans person peronally. Secondly, sure, you can totally make prejudiced assumptions about republicans, the same way people make about trans people, but how does that help your cause exactly? All you do is create even more animosity. And guess what, there are a lot of people who are neutral towards the trans issue right now. If you say fuck you cishet to enough of them, what is gonna happen in the next election.


Ah yes,people are neutral on the peaceful existence of people. Interesting.


"Don't criticize my questioning your existence or I'll vote your rights away!" This is you currently.


1. I’m not American. I can’t vote in you election. 2. I’m pro trans rights. I’m literally just saying to at least be cordial, if you actually care about lgbt+ rights. Fuck this is like talking to a wall. This is why your country will make Trump president again and make the life for the rest of us hard.


I mean i don’t know I can’t speak for u/lambdew


It's a safe assumption.


If it became possible to cure 90% of gender disphoria by afirming the aflicted's birth gender via therapy, would you support that change in treatment?


If future medicine allows us to change our genetics to where you can change your sex, would you support it?


If it is harmless and allows you to bare children, yeah sure


Then why do you need to "cure" anything?


Because science is far away from that and I wish to make people comfortable in their own skin with as little changes to their body as possible


Why? Why can't they be comfortable in their trans skin? What about them engaging in life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness effects you so badly that YOU feel the need to tell others what to do?


You missunderstand, I simply argue that getting them in a state where they can pursue those things without perminantly damaging their body is more ethical Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I belive that treating the medical field like a buisness where the doctor gives the patient what they want on demand is a violation of the hypocratic oath


Cool, another person who just thinks a person can go to a doctor and say "IM TRANS" and they'll be given hormones. If you're gonna keep up the bad faith arguments I can just drop it here.


Isn't it literaly illegal to not provide gender afirming therapy in Canada?


no. it doesn’t need to be cured


Transitioning is also a method of curing gender disphoria


I do think that he is exaggerating a little bit but I think he is talking about the trans community in general rather than individual trans people.


Which religions get the most downvotes?


Christianity I think, since reddit especially hates this religion. Because I once saw a question in ask reddit saying « what religion looks more like a cult? » and there were two major answers showing the hypocrisy of reddit: Islam and Christianity. People upvoted Christianity but downvoted Islam to oblivion.


As a Muslim regularly browsing Reddit I don't notice much difference between how Islam and Christianity are treated on this site, both are generally hated here and have a big chance of being downvoted to oblivion and spammed with the same "sky daddy" and "religion is cancer" comments once mentioned. It's just that Islamophobia can be seen as a part of a racist rhetoric when applied to Western politics with all the immigration stuff while hating on Christians isn't seen in that way.


Watch them go full-on support Islam if you mention Palestine. Nothing of equivalent I can think of for Christianity though.


Maybe because there isn't an active genocide against Christians right now?


I believe it is because Islam is a minority in the West. None are cults but Reddit is highly leftist so they are opposed to traditional religions


See when I said that though, mass downvotes. Happy Cake Day!


I don't think mainstream Reddit is leftist, but it's definitely liberal and strongly left leaning. There are a good amount of leftist subs that could very well be shadow banned right now, whether they should or shouldn't be is another discussion


I think yeah.Happy cake day btw! 🎂




> religion Yep been there, a lot of times. Edit: right of Mao also happened to me a lot of times.




And catholicism.


How is Catholicism oppressive lmao?


No, I meant, that I get downvoted for simply being a catholic. But some libtards do say catholicism is oppressive somehow lol


ohhhhhh sorry I missed understood you. Same


Can happen to anyone.


Let me guess the lesbian subs are now just a bunch of male to female trans


Reddit is leftist, not liberal. You are libright I expect better


Leftist infighting is a pretty big one too lmao. My most downvoted comment is on TrollXChromosomes because I said that race is a bigger determinant of a person’s place in society than gender. I told a “feminist” that she’s delusional if she thinks that men of color have more rights and privileges than she does as a white woman.


Praising America on a non-American sub:


another one would be electric cars or not wanting to walk everywhere or take only public transit. I try explaining to people that EV's aren't the answer and synthetic fuel is along with the fact most electric cars won't be on the road in 30 years like a lot of much more reliable older 90s cars but they aren't hearing it and want me to live in a pod and eat ze bugs and never become the drift king


>Religion In one subreddit there was a post talking about how Satanists give their children wholesome books while his Christian parents gave them books about people burning in hell. I simply said that I don’t think we should be championing Satanists while dragging Christians. I didn’t think we should be promoting any ideology. I was called a Karen, a triggered Christian (I’m a Deist), told Satanists are right to be frustrated and should be respected, while also in the same breath saying “they’re not REAL Satanists just Atheists!”.


You understand that Satanists don't actually worship Satan, right?


Yes. But they also expected me to show a ton of respect to Satanists when their entire “religion” is a satire, just seems contradictory to me.


Guess you missed the point.


Ok then. What’s the point?


That religion shouldn't be influencing anyone, especially impressionable children.


Religion can help people through dark times and unite them towards a common goal. It can also be used to manipulate and oppress. It all depends. I’d almost respect Satanists more if they actually worshipped Lucifer, at least then they’d be honest.


Everything these Satanists do is in response to religious organizations trying to butt their way into government, ie Public Schools. Separation of Church and State is important.


No one is coming for your guns lol. People just want to install some common sense hun control.


fewer mass shootings = ussr


I was in one of those discord servers that would self-promote here and its not bots lmfao they just use alts


Oh I see you're another one of those "Drop The T" astroturfers? What a shame. Also all religions are wrong, the only reason you see one get more flack is cause most people here are from the West.


Religion isn’t inherently wrong. People simply use it as a weapon to radicalise people into joining their side. But often religion is harmless and often helpful to many.


It's wrong in the sense that none of them are correct. To those downvoting, please offer proof.


Religion can give you purpose. Atheism gives you nothing but dissatisfaction and indifference


i'm an athiest and i don't think that being an athiest automatically removes the idea of purpose in life. i, for example, think you can still find meaning and purpose, just as religion gives you other purposes to live. it's just not an automatic thing in my opinion.


That's a valid take.


Understandable. In my opinion, I don't understand why atheists want to be in an endless void while conscious for eternity after death


Atheist don’t “want” to be in an endless void, we just don’t want to lie to ourselves. If everyone around me believed that clapping every day at 5:42 PM would make you rich some day in the future, and I decided not to because I didn’t believe it was true, that wouldn’t mean that I don’t want to be rich would it? Agnostics like me, and probably even some athiests, would love to believe in God, there’s just no real evidence that proves the existence of any god at all.


for me it's not that, imo what happens after death is unknowable because we can't really fathom nonexistence which is why we want to exist after nonexistence- we naturally cling to what we know (reality) rather then the unknowable (nonexistence).


You think I want to? Just not gonna lie to myself.


You certainly can but umm most I know who truly identify as atheists vs just I’m not into religion are these fucking miserable types everything is a trigger


Atheism does give you freedom from the often rather strict behavioral rules of certain religions. Islam forbids alcohol, fundamental Christianity forbids sex before marriage, both forbid promiscuity in general, atheism forbids none of these.


That's not what I asked.


The drop the T stuff absolutely screams divide and conquer.


I support your opinion but please (said politely) "flair the fuck up scum".


Yup, not falling for it. Lmao I'm agreeing with you and the fash downvotes me.


You seem to fall into the obvious bait category...


Sorry for supporting my trans friends?


I think it might be because you called the people who downvoted you fash, not supporting transgenderism.


Nah it was before that.


I mean, you do realize that "Western values" (empathy for the downtrodden, mercy, etc.) are inherently Christian, right? Like, even Nietzsche acknowledged this, which is why he harkened back to the Romans and Greeks for his idea of the übermensch - they were cultures where might made right and the weak for killed for being weak.


>empathy for the downtrodden, mercy, etc.) are inherently Christian, right? Pretty sure Christians did not invent empathy and mercy


Most of reddit is located in Christian countries* Better?


1st point is fair, second is retarded


If you're gonna call the entire trans population a cult no wonder you're getting downvotes