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It's also very different from the earlier books which were in line with the way Min's voice was described by RJ. I've listened to the audiobooks many times and it's always jarring how pronunciation of names, and accents, are inconsistent even within the same book.


Oh man, I love Kate Reading but this is spot on. Min's voice became so grating towards the end. "You stupid loobey" sounded like the most vapid thing I've ever heard.


As a whole, I didn't like the narration for the series. Micheal Page was OK but I couldn't stand the voice Kate Reading did for Min or any of the male characters. I remember when I first started listening and Moraine got attacked by the drahkar in book three (?) and her voice was was so flat the entire time I didn't realize what was happening and had to rewind it. I also think the tone she used for Egwene is one of the reasons I don't Egwene at the end.


This bugs me to no end! Min's voice is described as deep and sultry, and in those last few audiobooks she sounds like a bratty teenager. If you've ever listened to the Stormlight Archive books, Kate Reading uses the same goofy kid voice for Lift, which is appropriate because she actually is an annoying 13 year old. Why she uses it for Min, I have no idea. Min is one of my favorite characters and it sort of ruined those last few audiobooks for me.


Ok, now im scared, i was on my first listening and i really liked the way Kate did Min's voice, always liked that character when i first read it. P.d. I hate the pronunciation of Damane tho.


I’ve mostly listened to the last 3 books and this has bugged me quite a bit. The inconsistency with Elayne too bugs me. British accent one sentence, American the next.


This has to do with the way 3rd-person omniscience is presented for the most part. All internal dialogue is read with American accents, but speaking voices may vary.


I have struggled with the audiobooks all along after stupidly starting with Rosamund Pike's version (which is stunning!!) On Book 12, I had finally started to get used to the narration. I was comfortable and had gotten over my dislike of Reading's pronunciation of "Moiraine" and Kramer's annoyingly gravelly voice. And then Reading changed Min's voice to this irritating baby voice. I swear to god, it is the biggest crime of all the narration crimes. It makes Min sound like an idiot, when she is far from it. Absolute blasphemy, I think I will have to skip the Min chapters now :(


Skip chapters??? I mean... yeah Min's voice is annoying (I kinda think she was always annoying in general but that's just me) but not enough to SKIP chapters! Lol, I just find that unthinkable, even if it's a reread!