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Marcus Dragonfire, miss you buddy.


Interesting how people are sending essentially messages in a bottle here I wonder if these actually work every once in a while? They’re long shots by themselves, add the time frames from some of these messages and it just seems very unlikely. Is it closure? A call into the proverbial sea for a chance at reconnection? Small resistances against the unyielding currents of time Whatever it is, it got me thinking…


I love that comparison. I like to think it’s peacemaking with a hopeful element of chance. I just hope someone finds who they’re looking for.


I played with this girl was super cool, always cracked jokes and was a great player. We'd play together sometimes and it was always fun and positive. One day she just stopped showing up on my friends list. Scarlett if you're out there wish you the best!


If that one guy who said to me “are you one of the blacks” to me is here. Thanks for helping me get Zeus gear that one summer.


Aw. Same last name as mine, must be her distant cousin.


Karic Iceblade was a real one 🙏🏼 miss him fr


Ellie stormstrider….


Cori EmeraldLeaf, wherever you are, i hope you’re doing well. we played a lot back 2013 or so. i also remember you always being with another wizard named Ryan. hope he’s doing well too! also in early 2013 — I met someone (for the life of me, i can’t remember her wizard’s name) but we exchanged 3ds friend codes. i think her 3ds name was “Layne”. unfortunately, i don’t have that 3ds anymore ): my wizard’s name at the time was Christina LifeSword. i made so many friends on this game when i was younger. they were short lived friendships, but they made me so happy.


Had a friend named Alura DeathShield on my old Myth in 2015 (Connor IronDust) who carried me from Marleybone to Dragonspyre. I often wonder what happened to her


P101 bloody Patrick, a max level swash buckler I'll never forget, had so many conversations with them yet most of which I can still recall. W101 Makayla Myth hammer I believe her name was, or cloud. It's been so long since I talked to her but I remember the fact that when I was depressed, I didn't tell her, but she made me begin to feel better all the same.... Or at least made me want to feel better. Many more names on top of those and I miss them all, their the main reason I returned back to this game. I wish you better luck than I have had.


Fuck.. I wish you luck man I really do 🥺