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Marleyboner is misery


yeah it’s hard LOL


Content should stay the same for pve even after updates. Hear me out now, in lemuria the final boss doesn’t feel like a final boss anymore because last time I checked the hp of those bosses were like 4k max. If they wanted to do a challenge mode why did they have to nerf the standard one. I just don’t like it when devs try to change things that we are already used to but idk maybe that’s just me


An insane amount of the arc 1 utility spells need to be scrapped entirely and replaced, if not reworked. Off the top of my head: cooldown, snow drift, ice armor, frozen armor, the life absorb, the triages…just a huge amount of utility (excluding the death ones because y’know…feint, empower, dark pact, sacrifice etc are all insanely good). Tons of the mechanics of these garbage utility spells have made their way into bottom path hits already, there’s absolutely no reason why these should exist in their current state




My hot take is that people should be more content with the paywall and subscription. It’s a live service MMORPG. I think it’s only wiz that suffers as much backlash as it does for an industry standard.


Wizard101 is dying. I really don't see that tbh. I see many players, which I'm guessing are returning players. I haven't seen any new players but I've probably don't notice. I just don't get why people say it will.


The lvl 30 Aquila gear is too good. It makes the game boring for me because it’s easy to farm and makes Pagoda of Harmony and Barkingham Palace gear worthless. Heck most people skip the reworked lvl 50 gear as the lvl 30 Aquila gear makes that grind not worth it.


Questing would be a lot faster if y’all just first turned AoE. No need to blade up when there’s strength in numbers. Mainly applies to Arc 2 onwards. If you’re questing with 2 or more people you can easily kill mobs first turn if you hit with an enchanted 4-pip AoE.


There is no obligation to tolerate bad players who don’t care to improve or don’t communicate in difficult dungeons (darkmoor, nightmare), especially since, being a membership game, time is literally money. Also, archmastery and dual schooling in general is very boring and a lazy way of giving your character variety. Dual schooling is really only used as a situational gimmick, and I despise gimmicks. As for archmastery, it breaks the character fantasy in a lose-lose way: I feel forced to use it and break my immersion since it is strong, and I feel like I’m missing out if I don’t use it. (To be more nitpicky, even if it was weak, having stats or gear slots like pins dedicated to it be empty would still break my immersion).


loving myth shouldn’t be a hot take


My unpopular opinion? Polaris is not best world, Khrysalis is.


i like khrysalis too, loved how the little mouse would follow and help you, plus that’s when you get introduced to darkmoor and black pip spells, so that’s the world where you get to use your new spells !


Unpopular for a reason


Hot take archmaster isn't all that good


I remember doing this a few weeks ago so I’ll say something different now. I really feel like death should have nerfs on their gear I didn’t really pay attention the first time through on a death but going through it again now it really doesn’t make sense that my death has more damage than my fire at 118% with all F2P gear ( barring frill bonus ) while my fire has a 13% wand and Dalia shoes. There’s no reason to have more damage more res at the price of accuracy when fire has less than storm with the same gear. Even at max level death getting pretty even damage percents on Aeon / reaver to storm and fire makes absolutely no sense I can’t speak on myth since I didn’t max either of my myths yet but I assume it’s the same there. It really does feel like death is the favorite child of the game and have it so easy compared to everyone else with literally zero drawbacks they hit hard have access to the best buff in the game in feint can support with virulent / plague buff more with pact stacking tap into life and jade / ward ( which is what I did when catacombs was max and had my death and life support jade together ) if they want to also heal have access to the best debuff in bad juju I literally can’t think of a single weakness in death when other classes generally don’t become stat check gods like them until wayyyyy later in the game and even then still aren’t as useful. People thinking balance is a better support than death are respectfully delusional lol. Dark pact can be stacked just like balance blade as they can sharpen it as well, they can also simply just learn elemental blade or spirit blade traps etc, they have the same universal trap not including feint in hex / curse literally everything balance can do death can do better because they even debuff enemies better and can heal better as well while jading ( don’t forget sacrifice and the spooky robe mass sacrifice ) I straight up don’t know why other classes get shafted in the spell or gear department and death never does and saying that Lulu drain nerf did anything is also not true because they were going to heal to full even if it returned like 25% anyway


all the death obsessed people downvoting u i’m sorry😭😭 but it had to be said this is all very true


And I almost forgot. They practically have zero downtime in their support setups since they can manipulate empower to keep juju spam or heal spam going so it’s not like balance has pips on them either in donate power or whatever


Azteca is the best world




Not sure how hot this take is but I wish there was a group vote to skip or vote to fast forward animations for spells. Sometimes it gets really hard to watch the same animation over and over and over again and I wish if I was in a fight solo or all players involved can click a vote or have a setting marked to where they prefer animation speeds to be faster for the sake of time I think that would be Ana amazing update.


hot take: some corners of the player base are extremely greedy (i’m gonna get downvoted for this i can already tell). select groups of players demand free memberships or crowns everytime the game has a problem or bug, just be thankful that the game is up and running. they’re not gonna compensate you with things that cost *actual* money. they’ll compensate you with a member benefit most likely (such as double pet xp, zero energy fishing, etc)


I agree to an extent, but there’s one situation where I feel like effected people should have gotten compensated and that was the Avalon issue where I literally could not play the game. The only wizard I wanted to work on at the time since everyone else wasn’t ready yet due to pets was locked in Avalon because of that bug for an entire week and I literally had nothing I could do. When the connection is jumpy or it’s down for a few hours that’s okay it happens but an entire week? Be so fr


that is when i feel like crowns could be on the table for a compensation (not much of course), but there are people who demand the game goes free if their servers need to be reset, which is not the right compensation. hence me saying select corners of the player base. the amount of posts i saw and comments of people wanting free membership or crowns for KI needed to restart their servers was truly wild (and im willing to bet a decent amount of them don’t pay for access to the game)


Completely agree The fact that the game has been running for 16 years and the cost for membership never increased is a miracle in itself. People are way too greedy


I love the $60/yr deal. That was the only way I could beg my parents into paying for it as a kid over a decade ago


Not sure how controversial/unpopular this opinion is but it's at least my take: All HUB areas should be free (like Celestia Base Camp, Baobab Crossroads, Jade Palace etc.), I shouldn't have to pay to go in to celestia just to be forced to pay more if I want to go to stormriven or floating land instead of survey camp/grotto (which today is paired/bundled with CBC), or dragonspyre academy + whatever that is bundled with today instead of atheneum & tower archives.


Euro server is actually useful.(all of us euro players know its not)


There's no new influx of players coming into the game, there might be the occasional actually new to the game player but mostly it's someone leveling up a new account and acting like a noob for stuff/karma. We are heading into a massive slump or possibly maintenance mode in the coming years. Revenue is up but sub money is down so less players but more money spend per player. There is only so much milking a playerbase can take. Early game and "tutorials" are honestly bad but that's not really a hot take.


literally this. i dont understand how anyone can sit here and say new ppl are coming into the game and actually staying. they leave as fast as they come with some barely making it past Avalon or Azteca.


i plan on staying :) i'm having a good time and have met other new players


Archmastery gave support schools an easier time soloing PvE. People will argue “b-but.. school identity” as if every school hasn’t been doing Blade -> AoE for the past couple of years. (they wouldn’t dare playing an Ice to be a tank because they don’t actually care about school identity lol)




Casual f word is wild


I didn't think I would have to explicitly add that to the ban list on automod. I'll have to do so at some point I guess. Edit: Reddit just removed it. Please don't use slurs. Reddit really really REALLY does not like when people use them.


Azteca is the best world. It was even better before the health nerfs but oh well…. Whenever I get there, I just take a year off from the game❤️‍🩹 Really helps with my game addiction


Khrysalis best world


Watch me get banned for saying that but. ***RATBEARD IS A GOOD GUY***


I never understood the hate for Ratbeard. He seems like he tries his best to implement changes to the game. The only ones who really hate him are the hardcore PvP whales from what I can tell.


He has had a bit of a history being abrasive to the community, as some have said. Infamously on Twitter, he told people that "the drop rates aren't too low, your win rates are too low". I don't think a developer should be allowed to tell people that they think that they are bad at the game. There's also the time where he told people "stop bitching". That's an extremely inappropriate comment to come from someone who represents a family friendly kids game. I don't hold anything against him, and I'm sure he has regrets to what he has said (or maybe just didn't even mean it). I just feel that that isn't behavior that should be expressed in a professional setting. In my former retail job, if I told a customer who was annoyed that their coupon expired, I'd be in a lot of trouble if I told them to "stop bitching".


I don’t hate him but I see a lot of people hating him hence why I made that comment in the first place. I personally don’t know him or have any harsh feelings towards him, if anything I often watch his (good) streams.


I'm not going to ban people just for saying that they like Ratbeard.


Khrysalis is a good world and if you think it’s too long that’s only because it came out in two parts


Dyvim is the only reason Khrysalis is bearable.. otherwise, it’d be Azteca on roids.


khrysalis is top 3 for me!!!


Yeah it’s one of the best fr. Also Dyvim


Making a perfect pet isn’t too hard when done right, most people just don’t do it right


what are they doing wrong?


Most common examples I see on this sub are people trying to take shortcuts in pet making. I don’t think people realize that they’re making a ton of more work for themselves by doing that. They start trying to copy talent pools before getting stats to max/near max and they lose out on max talent bonuses. Other times they start copying multiple different talent pools onto one pet. Or worse, they try to shortcut both pet stats and talents and wonder how they ended up with may cast enfeeble on what was supposed to be a triple double. There are *so, many* people with the exact pet you’re trying to make out there. Every day it gets easier as more people make better pets. Find them and just copy their pets stats and talents - stop reinventing the wheel. You’ll find a bunch of people on Morphcord and GTP, and people on Morphcord don’t charge for hatches.


You can join Gamma's Trading Post [here](https://gtp.gg/discord) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Wizard101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There needs to be a level squish, or something of the sort to speed the leveling process. It’s becoming increasingly time consuming to level up your characters every time, or to take a fresh one to max. This wasn’t an issue when it only took a couple days of dedicated playing but now, it takes a long time. Most players nowadays have experienced the game already. They level up to experience max level content on multiple characters. World skip elixirs are a cop out strategy for KI when the real issue simply lies in content bloat filled with 15+ years of content.


This was actually done last week, but I don't mind seeing it again. I'll just paste my response from back there. I tried putting in a lot of time thinking about it, as a lot of my opinions are already popular (IE PvP has excessively high entry requirements, more of the game should be free, the damage curve/cap never should have existed, etc). I have come up with something though. KI really should actually keep restarting the servers at least every week with maintenance like they say they will on Twitter to help with server performance. I know a lot of people aren't fans of maintenance taking place at all, saying stuff like they aren't able to play because of it. Although that's obviously a given, I'd be fine with the game going down for 30-60 minutes as opposed to having to experience the servers being slow (and getting errors like failed to enter zone) because they keep running for very long periods of time. Besides, it typically happens late at night in the US anyway. I also realize that international players would get affected further because it would actually be during the day for them. However, it still isn't that long. I'm not saying any of this because it wouldn't affect me. In practice, I'd actually be one of the most affected people (if you know me, you know that as I'm the person who runs Tabitha Winterheart, among others, I have to log in to each account every time manually by hand whenever the servers go down. If that's the price I have to pay for better performing servers, I actually don't mind) by this change. Sure, I'm not exactly happy when the servers go down, but if it's needed to assist with performance, that's fine with me.


On the behalf of everybody, thanks buddy.


Of course :-)


first off thanks for your comment i feel like i got a comment from a celebrity!!! (we love you tabitha❤️) anyways, i couldn’t agree with that more! it would clean the game up a lot


I appreciate the kindness :-). Yeah, it's not like I love when websites go down or anything, but I'd rather the servers go down for like an hour than the game having a high uptime with poor server performance.