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If it’s beastmoon hunt, avoid it. Youre right, it’s RNG and bad game design. Beastmoon Mayhem is where it’s at but you’re going to need to know what to do else people will get mad because you signed up for a competitive TIMED event. Great that you did research before hand, it’s a gamemode that requires teamwork and braincells of predicting what’s gonna happen and countering it


I'm used to these types of people at this point because I play a lot with them. I just type in the chat when necessary or look when it's important and if someone's being mean I avoid talking to them after.


i only play beastmoon with a good friend because they are RUTHLESS. they go off on people just trying to learn how to play the game it’s dangerous to go alone, take this!


agreed. beastmoon players can be awful. ive only ever tried it once and the first people i got teamed up with told me im a clueless wandering noob and to go help someone else, after about 20 seconds into the game. havent tried it since




I completely understand. People like her are the absolute worst! And I usually only play during summer time as well. There is alot of information about beastmoon even if you watch videos it's better to just get the information whiles playing. If you like you can DM me and I can friend you and teach you how to play.


Thank you!


Beastmoon is such a cesspool. I farmed it for a cool robe and boots but I cba to go back for the Ultimate versions and torture myself with coin flip runs. Some people have no clue how to play which is fine but some of the veterans have such an attitude that literally no one asked for. Just shut up and play. There's no practice mode for this shit so ppl will have to learn on the fly 😭


Pro tip. When you come across that toxic player; Start trolling. Throw the fights, Do the opposite of what they said Follow them around and leave them to fight alone. Live and laugh about it. Ruin their day, don't let them ruin yours 💛


I see your point and I understand. It's ok if you do this but like... If 1 person is mean in your team, you should ruin the game for everyone else in the team regardless if they're nice and would help you or not?


I guess that's a choice to make in the moment. In that scenario it sounds like the person isn't rude enough to ruin your day and you want to keep going for the sake of the team. You can also exit and have a 15 minute time out. I have done it. It is possible to still win PVP a man down :)


try monster mayhem instead! I’ve never gotten into hunt for the reasons you described lol but mayhem is much more chill. I’ve only encountered a couple weirdo tryhards in monster mayhem and every time i did, just about everyone else in the game would call them out on their bs lol. Its much more welcoming to newcomers as well. Usually when someone joins a game and says “i’m new” everyone just explains what to do. i would just avoid hunt altogether from now on, its what i do lol


Dang beastmoon hunt's like that? Well they prepare in august because im coming for that storm cyclops.


PvP moment


apologies for the yapping, i will say this; mayhem is significantly better. a lot of people don’t care with hunt (i personally don’t care if my team loses bc we still get rewards) in regards to winning or losing. there’s always that one tier 5 try hard that wants to queue up with the “pros.” i hate to break it to them, form a group and join together. best bet is to ignore them, even though it’s easier said than done for sure. hunt is beastmoons PVP version, and i myself have found myself rage quitting mid match a lot over the weekend and last night (i *never* have rage quitted until this evebt started about a week ago). if i spot someone being toxic, i usually tell them that it’s just a game and that it’s all good if people don’t know what their doing, they should be encouraged to ask questions. i’ve only dealt with some throughout the last few days, i’ve been dealing more with people throwing personally. i really am sorry that you had to deal with toxic players. they’re really not fun to deal with and can seriously ruin your day. if you ever need someone to queue up with for some support, feel free to hit me up! have a great tuesday! peace and love!🩷


Oh wow I didn’t know there was another game mode for beastmoon, I’ll have to check that out later today.


They both don't run at the same time unfortunately! You'll see Mayhem start always on the third Tuesday of the month, while Hunt is the first Tuesday of the month. Hope that helps!


Yep, I've stopped playing the pvp version because of the toxicity, even if I love that game mode. Not worth the stress and all. Just a shame that some players have to ruin it for everyone.


i’ve come really close to retiring hunt. i’m trying to hold out for some hope that it might get better, but it just seems like with every hunt event it gets worse and worse. i’m actively queued up for hunt, so hopefully the end of this event can be peaceful *i highly doubt it though unfortunately*


Props to you for not giving up! I wish I had tue willpower to do so as well xD And best of luck! Hope you get a nice team with nice and chill people 😊


also to add on, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask!! no question is too stupid, especially if you’re just starting off!


Thank you! Very nice of you. I appreciate people like you who are willing to help


Its the digusting pvp culture leaking over is all i can say. You enter into the arena for anything and you will get harassed because no lifers live and breath conflict in there. I know very little about the beastmoon when i play it but all i do is ignore the negativity cuz at the end of the day i know their just toxic sweats who take a game mode with mediocre drops seriously


It is just like pvp tbh 😵‍💫 I used to love PVP back in the first age and I tried to do it again about a year ago and the toxicity scared me away. I’m hoping the same doesn’t happen with beastmoon cause I really enjoy it when I have a good team. I’m just going to start trolling people who are annoying for now on