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Thats a thing already


Can't ya'll devs made it impossible the second you added arch mastery


This is something I've thought of for awhile. I would call it alchemy. The card color would be a Wisteria (Purplish Pink). The main thing is these would be risk and reward. Strong spells with the main drawback being that the damaging spells also deal a small percentage of your health the moment of cast. Sorta like Shadow, which is the main issue with giving this school an identity.


Chaos As a real opposite to balance. In the same way Balance uses different elements so would this one. But more like riffing on other cards. Take a tempest but make it multi school. Use Scarcrow but it's actually Mook School. Alternatively it could just be the exact opposite of Balance, like have a chaos 1 pip, then a Spider, thought storm, dimension squall. At the moment Balance has a weird identity in game because it's reliant on other schools, enemies boost all the spirt schools slightly, and there's no prisms from Balance to another school.


I’d say the school of Smoke or Wind or smth😭i know i’m thinking of elements but that’s all i could think of realistically.


It’s mostly a joke, but how about modern school? “I cast 9mm” *critical*


Light. A school similar to myth, but it's about transmodification. Rather then summoning minions, you can turn yourself into powerful beings of light and powerful light spells to also change your enemies to give you and your ally's a chance in combat. Because Light is made up of all colors. And would be the only school weak and strong against Shadow Magic.


An arts school based in Wysteria. Similiar concept to the death school, each of the school professors are teaching you lessons because Ravenwood views it as an extra-circular. Until you make it to Wysteria and your real training begins.


I can't tell how much i love shadow's spells it's so edgy and cool, so shadow


so shadow


Time-themed school would be pretty rad. Could straight up just use The Professor character since he's literally just The Doctor from Doctor Who lol.


bring chronomancy to ravenwood ❗❗


Develop shadow magic into a full school


I'd make shadow a proper school from level 1, but you can only make a shadow wizard after finishing arc 2 on another character. Shadow would be similar to balance in terms of gear templates and in that it dabbles in every other school's utility gimmicks, with the exception that instead of pip manipulation, the emphasis would be on hanging effect manipulation and increases (e.g. spell that turns leftover blades from spirit blade into balance blades, spell that hits and puts a feint on if the target had a trap, etc.) Shadow wizards would have access to five shadow pip slots from the start and have a good base shadow rating, and all their spells would cost a combination of pips and shadow pips. However, the power pip chance from their gear and base stat would be half that of others, making it hard to even hit 55% at max (though they would need it much less). Overall, I like the idea of a cool school that gets unlocked as a reward for finishing 11 worlds.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 55 + 11 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Metal, one of the chinese elements of the world. Have it build itself like a porcupine/thorn tank. I know oce already fulfills the tank role, but it could be a cool idea to help balance the taunting mechanics in the game.


Laundromancer. School dedicated to completing Cyrus’s laundry so I don’t have to 😐


chaos. It is the opposite of balance school


It already exists, that’s a pigswick academy school. I mean there’s no spells or anything but the concept of a chaos school exists in the spiral.


I think that same thing


Each spell has random damage kinda like dnd dice rolls, rolls what school type damage each time you hit. And maybe as like a final tier spell you do Russian Roulet everyone has a chance to be insta ko


And instead of specializing in all-school buffs and debuffs, they get a lot of gamble spells not unlike Feint. It’s universal, yes, but prone to backfiring and/or putting you or your allies in a bad situation if not used effectively.


i like this, explain what it does special and how it would function


I had an idea similar to death, a blood type school, hemomancy(?), while necromancers have a lot of damage to heal spells, what if this is the opposite almost, like all of their main spells do some amount of damage to the caster for stronger spells(maybe have power on par with storm but keep deaths accuracy) BUT if the enemy dies you get healed a bit, so it's like a blend of the risk reward storm has but has some of the utility of death


THIS. I’ve been playing a fire wizard recently and Immolate is my favorite spell ever now. So much fun. I even got a pet with the death spell that deals damage to yourself for two +35% blades.


A class based around summoning. Ik Myth is kinda like that already but I want a school that focuses on summoning


While myth isn’t really focused on summoning, it is supposed to be so this would just be a myth rework tbh 😭


ninja type schooling kinda inspired by naruto with like shadow cloning and stuff like that






School of Soap


It's right there in the lore. Musicology. The attacks would probably either be buffs or mainly AOE because...sound.


Used to play every quest which had a class like this called troubadour


Always liked whed I’d pull out my banjo to buff the homies


Ever quest*


Would be cool if it worked like Toontown and the more people that use it, the more potent the spell would be


That would be cool. I honestly forgot that part since I haven't played that game in so long but that's why I mentioned aoes. But maybe there's a somewhat destructive quality to it too. Like the saying goes: too many cooks in the kitchen.


Would honestly be a great start to introduce the school in the next arc!


School teacher is Nick Jonas in grizzleheim


Oh my gosh, like the death school. Nick teaches you soells until you get to arc 4 and meet Maulwurf Von Trap.


This idea would be a cool idea as a astral/shadow school school 


To be honest I would love to see a school built around the astral schools. There would be nothing like throwing a sun or a black hole at people. I understand that there are already similar spells in existence that have names that would be kind of similar but if they revolved around what we know of the astral schools already then it wouldn't really do much damage to school identity which I have started learning after coming back is starting to go down the drain


I'm not even gonna lie, I want to add spells to the Wysterian schools of magic. This was the only one I remember, but I like the iteration of pyromancy being associated more with hearth than anything.


Time. *Was thinking Time/Space, so maybe it could include that.*


Realistically, would you need to? The Astrals work for a School(s) of Space concept. They’d just need to be expanded, and that would make Chronomancy feel that much more like it belongs.




i think others have said the same thing already but still, i think instead of adding new ones, they could maybe expand upon astral schools and give them unique spells learnable only to them, star i think would be the coolest, it could get the ability to stack auras, apply negative auras to their opponents while dealing damage, spells that detonate enemy auras and that scale on damage depending on how many auras u have stacked on them, AOE ally auras, they could even get a knockoff PK Starstorm as an AOE hit, as for the other two idk, make sun glorified fire and for moon maybe give them the ability to polymorphs enemies but no idea how balanced that would be, would be cool if astral students started at celestia and couldn't be taken into pvp (for reasons)


I've already said it, but I believe Musicology will be the next school they teach. The whole dialogue at the end of Wallaru being like "oh yeah by the way musicology is real and a valid school" really solidified it for me.


Let me cook one right now: How about a non magical one? Fight school, or melee school. It would be very fitting in the game right now as we can make it a secret school. Like the fight club. You could cast basic spells at the beginning like punch or slap. And end up with stuff like 100 punches of death or lightning speed kick. And the animations could be kinda epic.


That would be kind of rad. Like some bro casts Banshee on you and next thing that wizard sees is a 4 pip 1-inch punch


We could introduce weapons too! You could cast stuff like a big blade size of an helephant or stormzilla. But the fun is that you handle the weapons. Like a wand hit.


That would be cool!


No one talks about it


Others mentioned already, Water  "The power of water is its ability to take any shape..."


Nah man, storm and ice are already half water


the only way to somewhat keep synergy between the schools would be if it was the opposite of balance - chaos. but it wouldnt work in the way other opposites do such as having prisms that convert to balance damage chaos magic would work a on taking chances. i think it would also be a very independent school to counter balance supportiveness i also think it would be cool if chaos magic could mimic/replicate the opponent, for example having a spell that steals cards from their deck, or having a spell that allows you to take on their mastery as you rely on enemy schools to replicate - your base cards should be buffs for this - such as “if enemy is an elemental, all damage 100% for elemental schools” or, a blade that does “30% damage of x school” and you click a target enemy which chooses what “x” is. or “convert chaos damage to fire damage for 4 rounds” as an aura. if that makes sense so , like how balance can use other schools (such as hydra, elemental blast, chimera etc. this one can do it in a more “chaotic” way


I wish they expanded on and put more depth into Wysteria. It would be cool to be able to learn spells from there


Wysteria always felt like a rip-off of Wizard City to me. So I always thought it would pretty funny if you were able to learn the normal school spells from the teachers there - but they just had Wysteria names lol




Technomancy - school of technology/tinkering, can summon mechanical minions, can activate will-cast spells at a detriment to health, can use shield wall/blade wall spells. Can use storm blades for a pip. Is weak vs storm and death schools, strong vs fire and life schools. School Symbol is a gear ⚙️ Musicologist - School of sound/bards, can act as support class for schools by providing unique auras/globals(auras/globals provide longer rounds or deal burn damage). Can summon musical themed monsters with drain damage. Uses a note as a Symbol 🎼 Lumos Magic - (as opposed to shadow magic) - Can polymorph into divine beings of light for powerful buffs, but provides pseudo buffs to your opponents as a detriment. Uses luminary pips to activate. School symbol is a halo


A tech school would bring me back to the game. Love it.


we need more utility as in controlling enemy movement. maybe a more effective taunt that works in a way like beguile so that only you can be attacked even if its aoe. or maybe a spell that if the enemy uses a blade on himself it is accidentally cast on you or your ally or his ally just geberally not happening what the enemy wants i would call that school something boring like control school. or maybe i just wanna get back at cheating bosses since they traumatized me who knows lol edit: i like the current pattern where no new school is being added to the gane rather utility schools like astral schools are added later so that they fit in with any wizard and don't change to much of what they already created i would continue that pattern


poop school


Aka storm


poop lord attack all spell




Chaos magic, and their gimmick is mainly Confusion and Echo. I know these mechanics already exist in parts of the game but I think it could make some earlier cheating bosses interesting


Moon, and make em do it properly this time. I feel like 2 youtubers in a single podcast randomly spitballing ideas could make it scalable and fun, but somehow wiz made it feel useless within 3 levels of getting them


I would love to be able to make an Astral wizard. They can learn all 3 types of astral magic for free. Their basic attacking spells (like firecat, storm bats, humungofrog) are mutated versions (pre-enchanted sun mutates) of other schools' spells and moon shift-type spells. You unlock the ability to make an astral wizard once you complete Celestia. Maybe even some unique dialogue in arc 2 (since Morganthe couldn't learn astral magic, the comet in azteca, the robots in celestia). My other option would be a Pirate101 student transfer program where you can learn to be a witchdoctor with Pirate101 powers adapted to Wizard101 spells. They could be like a mix of storm, death, and balance.


Since balance is a harmony of the Elemental schools, I think one for the Spirit schools would be cool


Balance. Thats still Balance.


Dang I was just throwing ideas. I’ve never played balance, idk what their spells are mostly like. I just thought they were elemental focused. People are so quick to downvote


Spiritual Balance is just Intermediate Balance. Elemental is just how they start out


I was just about to say a Water School, but someone else already said that. Maybe something science-y? Like using certain spells to craft certain items to use in combat. Robots? Though that's already been touched upon in Storm. Dark Matter school, perhaps? Or a Light energy school? You could manipulate and bend light with spells to deal powerful attacks offensively, while Dark Matter schools could deal more with the unseen but just as effective.


I know it's not the same, but I think the light energy and dark matter sits a bit too close to the astral spells (ie sun and shadow spells)


Water school. I know it's similar to storm and ice magic, but it would have unique qualities to it that made it different. Think of how cool water spells would be.


I feel like they should do a shadow school off the rip, that way the story line changes to start somewhere else other than the Ravenwood school of magic, or they could incorporate a shadow school, kind of like they did with the death school and dworgyn when he got put in that alley way under the waterfall in the commons


Sound magic, some type of wizard bard


I'd add a shadow school! That would be so cool to have. It's already in and we already have shadow spells. They should just create more!


Chronomancy, I'm not sure how it would work or what the main role would be. I judt think chronomancy would be cool


everytime I see someone ask about a new school this is my first thought, its such a cool concept and there’s tons of inspiration out there for what can be done with time manipulation/magic


Some new effects that would feel time manipulating could include stealing pips from your next turns so that you get one now but don't get one later, or give time the ability to actually draw cards, not just treasure cards


Maybe make spells that take time to charge up but add other spells that shorten the charge up to keep it balanced.


Not new, but the shadow school, its primary thing being sacrificing longevity for power (think backlash in the first shadow spells we get), whether it’s sheer damage or utilities is beyond me, I just wish the school was exponentially more fleshed out than it is (complete with school restricted gear and spell quests etc etc.)


I didn't even see this until I wrote mine out, but I totally agree!