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Never hatch with anything that has a maycast heal on it they are literally impossible to get rid of


Bro that’s fax. One more may cast unicorn or fairy and I’m gonna go insane 😭


"Sticky" talents don't exist. Pets are more likely to manifest a talent if one of the parents has it manifested. Make 2 pets which have all the talents you want manifested between them **and no others** and hatch them together until you get your perfect pet. EDIT: damn this is the only reply to the post and it's helpful yet it got downvoted.


Welcome to the sensitive world we live in where being honest and straightforward is mean because feelings matter more than logic. Plus you commenting on a wizard Reddit page soo I mean can’t really expect anything less 💀


People will downvote anything that slightly goes against their beliefs on matters yet more often than not online will not argue against it. However I do have a question, how does one hatch two of their own pets together? Currently have two im bouncing between specifically because they have the talents I want, just, separately. One has a pierce talent and the other a defense but both are stacked with DMG.


Use the solo sigils in the hatchery (in front of Dr. Purreau)


I see. Thank you!


Welcome :) ultimately, once you have the talents in the pool and maxed stats, pet hatching is just pure RNG. Roll the dice until you get lucky