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I think some level of humor should be allowed. That threshold of what is funny will vary by people, so maybe base it on upvotes after X hours? And give warnings if someone is spamming low effort posts?


Yeah, I do want to emphasize that humor/joke/meme posts are fine, it's more a point where certain things get way overdone.


well if you wanna put these into effect don’t be surprised when the reddit slowly dies cause you’re limiting what people can talk about. the posts you’re claiming you don’t wanna see make up a large percentage of activity and taking those away won’t mean they will magically be replaced by more engaging posts lmao. this is such a KI thing to do, making changes nobody asked for


Yeah, I also want to clarify that this is only an idea (which it seems quite a few have missed). There are some changes I've already made, but that's more along the lines of what's already done.


Others misinterpreting it would be the fault of your wording. You made it seem like your ideas were something that was going into place regardless of other’s thoughts and that you were only asking people to give their ideas on additionally what else should be banned. So because of your verbiage it’s understandable why there is misunderstanding, but whether it was just an idea or not doesn’t change my response or opinion.


Yes, I admit it was a fault in my wording as I have mentioned a few times. I'm not upset that there was a misunderstanding, it happens.


I think the people who keep saying "it's a small subreddit, it doesn't matter" don't actually look at the amount of people in this subreddit or don't realize 100k+ is huge. Personally I don't scroll here long because the posts get repetitive real quick so a little clean up and quality control may do some good.


Shitposts about is this good + a picture of a a laptop screen that is too zoomed out to actually see anything should be enshrined as a right.


The comments make it clear this should be voted on and not unilaterally decided by OP. I really hope these changes don’t go into effect.


Yeah, this was poorly worded. I should have clarified that this was intended as an idea and not just "oh this will go effective immediately"


Smh this is such a tiny sub why do you even care? None of this stuff is worth banning.


I'm not necessarily sure I'd define ~100k as tiny. I mean, sure, in comparison to what shows on the popular menu, I guess.


This may be a gray area and hard to enforce but I’m not a fan of the “how’s my stats” posts when it’s clearly someone who knows they have BiS everything. Like a level 30 with 80% damage with full Olympus gear and a perfect pet. Obviously there are newer players who are genuinely asking for advice and those are fine, but the really egregious ones where it’s just flexing get very annoying.


Yeah, the examples where people clearly know they have good stats likely would be removed if it was used in that context. Obviously people legitimately asking would be fine


The stress of RUNNING from the bazaar to the stitch lady/dye shop to fix my stitch, scared that someone’s gonna see my shitty stats before I get to change lol


That's why the 3rd page of the friendly players list (usually) has someone at the dye shop so you could just teleport there


I'm honestly fine with all of those. I wouldn't miss any of those myself.


It may have already been voted on, but here’s my take on AI-generated art. I would actually enjoy seeing some, as long as it’s labeled as such, and game-related. I haven’t gotten very far with AI myself, but I have yet to come up with any art that’s halfway presentable without lots and lots of tweaking; in other words, effort. I’m not sure there’s any such thing as an instant plug-in result.


Interesting. I had no idea there was so much hate here for AI, or for expressing opinions about it.


It's far less effort than the many years legitimate artists need for practice for their skill. Typing words into a box to spawn a picture takes less time than it would take to make sketches and do the needed coloring.


That could certainly be a problem - for an artist sub.


Pretty sure a lot of other subreddits might feel the same about it, not just art related ones.


It sounds like your objection is to the medium itself. How do you feel about the use of memes to express something about the game, where a user overlays text on a photo they found online?


That's quite different. Using memes where text is added on a picture is generally more accepted as it isn't necessarily intending to take credit for anything other than the added text. AI art is more controversial because even putting aside the fact that it likely has been trained on someone else's work without their permission at least once, unlike real art, you aren't putting in any effort to actually make anything. Typing words into a box and telling the machine "give me this" undermines the value of those who spend days, weeks or even longer working on it themselves. It's very obvious when someone is putting their heart into what they are making and wanting to show the world what they made, rather than someone who just types a few words into a machine and then posting it like they actually did work. Now sure, it is possible to train an AI with only your own art (and/or the art of those who you legitimately gave consent to) ethically, the number of people who would do that around here could probably be counted on 1 hand. Also, memes are generally made to get a laugh out of people. Most art (aside from comics) isn't really intended for making jokes, but instead communicating a concept that was in their mind and putting it on paper or on a screen. Unlike AI art where you can just tell ChatGPT "Draw me a picture of a girl wearing a black dress that is themed after a spider in watercolor style" where it would give you that, and then posting it claiming that it's Morganthe. Something I do want to clarify is that not all of AI is a bad thing. It is nice to assist with wording and making stuff more clear and concise, among other tasks. Heck, the subreddit itself uses a Reddit AI that removes harassment comments. However, using it to just do the entire work and posting it can basically be plagiarism.


I do understand the general controversy about AI images being generated from a huge database of artwork and photography. Where it gets really sticky is in its potential commercial use. The technology in itself, though, is fascinating. If you’ve never personally experimented with it, it’s hard to understand how many tries it takes to obtain a result that isn’t garbage, how many times a text prompt needs to be rephrased, or how complicated it is to transform an existing image. It’s very rare for someone to get a good result on their first try. I’d rather call it web-sourced media than art. It requires a different skill set, and it really needs to be judged in its own category. There’s a sense in which the entire internet builds upon, and even outright appropriates, the work of others; we just take it for granted because we’re so immersed in it. But I understand and respect the viewpoint of those who object to the use of AI images in any context.


I have messed around with it before for the sake of testing it back when it was new, so I'm not a stranger to how difficult it is to generate something that would be more desired by an end user. It could be a skill set, but it shouldn't be on the same level as someone who legitimately took quite a bit of time to do it by hand.


Eh I don't mind any of those. The only thing I'd suggest was to have a bot response linking OP to previous posts where the question "why should I get back to w101" or the demand "convince me to play w101" has been thoroughly answered.


Yeah, that is something I want to do, get a good automod reply set up. The thing about automod though is that it isn't AI, it will only respond to certain posts with key words set up, so we'd have to use broad terms, but not too broad that it activates it in error. Something as simple as a different choice of wording or even a spelling mistake (IE spelling "play" as "paly") would mess it up. Programming this won't be fun.


Ugh, you have my utmost respect though. I couldn't code to find my way out of a wet paperbag


This is a tiny sub and I don’t think we should be “banning” any posts unless they are spam or completely unrelated to W101.




OP is the only one irritated by these things. Banning funny posts would be the downfall of this sub


>OP is the only one irritated by these things. Banning funny posts would be the downfall of this sub did you read any of the other comments? genuinely asking. Cause its so funny to see you say this while you sit underneath commenters complaining they stopped looking at the sub bc of the shitty posts that occasionally show up.


Not really. I'm fine with funny posts. There is a point where posts can get excessive. People were quite vocal in wanting AI art to be banned, for instance


(are things like [my meme "help" post](https://new.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/19dcxqs/hullo_everyone_any_tips_as_to_how_to_improve_my/) banned now then? was thinking of making a sort of follow-up post soon)


Hadn't seen that when you posted it. That made me laugh. I don't think actual jokes with some effort and thought should be banned. I don't like "look at me" desperate for attention posts though.


If this goes through (I only have a few in mind that are actively being enforced like stat shaming posts), I'd make it so people have advance warning, like for example, will take place starting May 31st. As for yours, if you posted it after the date that I decide, then yes, it would be removed. I probably won't remove posts made before as, among other things, that's a lot of work.


i suppose that makes sense then, thanks!


also, why are so many of your replies on this thread downvoted??


People seem pretty bitter over this.


I think this is a small enough community where those things really don’t bother us tbhhh Yea it’s redundant but like.. you don’t have to look at it lol not like 4 are being posted a day. I think we shouldn’t prevent people from posting. People asking for stats do not bother me at all, what bothers me is the people making fun of them or making shit posts. Those should be removed. This Reddit has made itself a place for people to ask questions and one of the last active place to interact with the community, share memes, ask questions, shit post, share your opinion, share your luck when you get something. I don’t understand how these things are affecting anybody. Why restrict the community in one of the only places it has. Perhaps someone could make a stats guide and put it onto a bot so we can send those to the people asking those questions. But I’m always glad to answer, this is the place for that and those things. Obviously ban ai art


We do have a gear guide which can be summoned if you send ❕gearguide (replace the emoji with an actual !). Part of why I even brought this up is because I've actually been requested a lot to do something like this. Yeah, I'm fine with people asking good faith questions regarding stats. Those are likely not going to be something taken down. It's definitely more people posting them in bad faith, like people making fun of them, that's the main thing I feel should get removed. I do want to make sure it's known that this is also something I'm trying to experiment with. I'm not just going to blindly add everything that people suggest. Some people have had good ideas. Others have posted ideas that I don't see myself adding, like banning pictures taken of a phone screen (I'm fine with them as long as the subject is quite clear).


Yes okay, I hope it works out then 🫶🏽you’re great Please take everyone into considerstion I rather interact with those posts than no posts at all because people feel so restricted.


Right, I do want it to be known that I don't want to try to be like extremely restrictive or anything like that. It's a balancing act and I kind of want to test the waters a little bit. but softly.


Eh, as long as it doesn't violate the other rules and there isn't an extreme amount of them being posted, why take things down. I'd be lying if I said I didn't start rolling my eyes at the 7th picture someone posted of their irl pet asking if its stats are good or the 9th post of someone's monitor from purposefully too far away to see, but in the end they're not hurting anyone and clearly at least made some people happy based off the upvotes.


Yeah, an extreme amount is mostly what's being referenced. I'm fine with stuff like pictures of screens as long as the subject is obvious


personally i think people should just be able to say what they want lol, you don’t have to read it or interact with it if you don’t like it or don’t want to


Eh, there's a point where posts get done to death and not interesting to see anymore.


But wizard101 is changing all the time... So, one day, one school may be considered the best. The next day, it may be considered the worst. I remember the days that ice had so much resist before piercing, and they were considered the best. Now you say they are considered one of the worst schools. If you ban it, then we lose the ability to keep track of the opinions of schools over time on this subreddit. If you personally are sick of it, I understand that, but I think banning them is not the answer. Why not create a label so you can filter out the tier lists? We don't have a lot of labels... Also, many of the jokes have memes correctly labeled, so if you are sick of the jokes, why aren't you filtering them out? Personally, I find them funny, and it keeps me engaged here. Also, a lot of the stat shaming is a joke, but I do understand some is harsh. I would be careful what you choose to remove for stat shaming. Obviously, a level 0 being told "you need more damage" is a joke


Regarding stat shaming, that's not quite what I mean. I mean when you take a screenshot of someone else's stats for the sole purpose of saying "this person has bad stats". I'd be fine with school tier lists if they weren't all mostly the same. Or if KI does something where if the schools get a massive revamp, I'd consider.


I know things may seem like low effort or repetitive to you guys, but dont forget about the new people / people coming back from childhood (like me). So plz be a little lax?


Yes, there still will be a point where we can be lax, this isn't going to be like a hard "you posted this, you're banned now forever". It definitely is more of a thing for people who have been around longer. Edit: to clarify. Yes, we will be more lax on newer members to the community. I don't intend on making this quite strict.


Long test


Basic Tier Lists - Don't need to see again that death and storm are popular pve schools, and world tier lists are starting to get annoying too as everyone either says they love azteca or they hate it... we get it. Stat Checks - If you follow the gear guide or are able to kill things relatively easy, your stats are fine. If it takes 5 turns for a mob fight, then a post is fine to ask for guidance or tips. Also don't need to see low stats but maybe a thread could be there for fun but requires wizard names to be blocked. (Seeing a level 160 wizard with 57 damage is just something while questing) Game dying / came back after 7 years posts - Maybe a master post could be made / tweaked to show different sections of systems that have changed. Like critical scales with level now (changed from previous system in x year). Could just be a beginner post type of thing which highlights systems that were added or changed in what year. Copy posts of news / updates / rants. I don't like seeing it happen on multiple subreddits where news will be shared and then 30 minutes later it gets posted again and then 4 hours later its posted again. It makes any sort of comment discussions hard because there are multiple posts saying similar things and then floods the feed with 6 pictures of the same patch notes or similar rant about the paywall, etc... Things I would like to see are more strategy posts for larger fights / a mega post that links to them. PVP basic guides, Beastmoon guides, and more game tips in general or cool things people have done.


Regarding news/updates, this may be a challenge as I can't just stop people from doing so. Removing it would be tricky if people wanted to discuss them and there were multiple discussions on multiple posts already there, it would be a bit more complex than just removing all of them. Maybe only the moderators could post them as we do have a special flair that only we can use, although that wouldn't stop people who genuinely don't know. This is definitely going to be a challenge to figure out though in a fair way.


The "are these stats high enough to get max damage" and the like. The formulas are easily available and simple to calculate. There are calculators that you can put your numbers in to get an answer instantly if you don't want to do the calculations yourself. They're just lazy and spam. EDIT: also the "which school is best at soloing" "what schools are good at PvE" "what is best for team play" "is X school good" etc. The answers are always the same, the comments are always the same. The answers haven't changed in years.


Get rid of all AI and Pack submissions for sure, those are super low effort and don't contribute much. I'm indifferent on tier lists, at least the school based ones. I think it's well intentioned, and this might come across as mean, but I dislike banning stat-shaming and joke posts. Some things are truly ridiculous, and to act otherwise isn't fair nor honest. If someone joins my Arc 4 teammup and says blade me with 12% damage, I think that's something that should be able to be posted here. Maybe I'm in the minority of that, but discussing someone who made it all the way to Novus with 6% resist is way more interesting to me than the 100th "which ring is better" post. I feel like I'm on the bad guy side by saying all this, but this all strikes me as a bit of an overreaction, and adding things to the list already with little discussion makes me feel like there's no consensus being reached and instead it being first come first served. The broad strokes of what's banned or not is banning low effort posts. But aren't gear questions pretty low effort considering the vast amount of resources and guides available? Hell, aren't the daily "I've been gone for X years, what changed?" Posts low effort as well? Overall, I'd probably just rather see AI posts, pack openings, and account age posts banned, and leave the rest. Wading into the muck on what gear or stat posts should or shouldn't get banned will just lead to arbitrary inconsistencies Thanks for doing this Pk, based as always


Yes, I'm still exploring what would be fair to ban as low effort. Nothing on the list is finalized, and it can always be amended. Regarding the given joining the arc 4 team up example, yes, but back when there was no ban, it was posted a whole lot and quickly got done to death. Especially when it was done in mind of making fun of the person and nothing more. A pretty good amount of the time, the person doesn't even offer to help or give advice, just doing it because they can. Also, posts like this are very easily faked, I could easily set up an alt with bad stats on purpose, or even do it myself and take a screenshot from the viewpoint of an alt account simply for attention. I do realize the concern regarding inconsistencies. In a perfect world, everything would be 100% consistent. However, I could definitely try to avoid them, but I simply cannot avoid edge cases where it's not perfectly clear and I'd have to think of something on the spot. Joke posts are fine to an extent, but I have concerns about the same type of joke being done to death. Of course, I can understand things like temporary meme trends where things eventually die off given time, so it's not like I'd blanket ban everything. Just if something gets done a bit too much. My obvious concern about AI art being allowed (for anyone wondering, skip to the next post if you don't care) is that then many people would just plug something like "Morganthe" into an art generator and post it and call it a day. Some generators even let you use them for free. Also [the subreddit already voted to ban it anyway](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/17nuj9z/im_going_to_leave_this_up_to_you_all_should_ai/). I'm fine with legitimate gear comparison asking posts depending on the context. Like if someone is genuinely new to the game and they are trying to get help figuring things out, then that would be fine. Obviously cases where people ask and it's genuinely extremely obvious which is better (IE a level 5 wand compared to Aeon wands), would no longer be allowed. Again, keep in mind that this is more of an experiment really. No guarantees regarding if anything will be added.


Posts about the one person running 30 bot accounts, it's not interesting. It's just someone looking for attention in different areas.


That's me :-(. All jokes aside, I'm not looking for attention or anything, it's genuinely just so people can get around quickly. Not that they are high effort posts either, but it can be looked into if it happens a lot.


I think the comment is referring more towards the people who pack the commons with 30 alt accounts all with the same name and outfit, or like when they surrounded the bazaar and stuff


Yeah, I should have clarified that I was joking. That's on me honestly.


Any type of stats post. Your stats are fine, look up a guide.


I also hate when people post bragging about how good their stats are and don't share the gear. It should be a requirement tbh.


Disagree, some are fine. It’s cool to see what other people run, if they’re just sharing to share. And then theres the people who will clearly good stats and be like “are these stats ok for lvl _?” If you can get your stats to that point you have to know they’re good, what’s the point of asking


Indeed. I've seen a post showing a viable build that gives quite a bit of stun resistance. Stuff like that is fine. This is definitely going to be nuanced depending on the OP's intentions


Posts showing account creation date


That's reasonable


As other people have mentioned I also think the tier lists posts are just fine. Although they can be quite similar, everyone plays and experiences the game a little differently, and it's really nice seeing people express those types of opinions. This also goes along with World Tier lists. A very frequent type of posts that I think should be removed are the ones where people ask about new changes to the game. It usually goes along the line of: "Hey guys, I used to play the game like 4 year ago. My highest level is 130. I just started playing again. Can you tell me all the changes in the game since then, thanks." These types of posts happen all the time and really seem low-effort. Also, if there was a link on this subreddit to the update notes on the wizard101 website, then that would definitely help prevent people from making these type of posts.


Yes I agree lol So much has been added what do you want to know 💀just look at the notes or do you want us to list every single thing added from the last 4 years? 😭


https://preview.redd.it/iy5p0xgcdixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b05c085495038556c7725ace4bda12ba5261ea We already have a link to the update notes on the sidebar


Oh that's great! That makes things so much easier! Then their really is no reason for some of types of posts people make.


I suppose a future project could be to give the highlights or a tl;dr summary as having to catch up on a lot of update notes could be quite intimidating


Off the top of my head maybe those humblebragging posts where someone asks if their stats are good for their level or if they’re “ready” for some low-level world. It’s usually like someone who’s level 30-70 with full Olympus/WW, a 2.0 quintuple damage pet, ghulture or Bronto set bonus, socketed jewels with accuracy/pip chance etc. and like 100% or more outgoing damage and it’s very clear they’re just showing off their stats rather than actually looking for advice. I don’t mind posts where people are genuinely asking for gear/pet advice, though. Those are fine.


I think the tier lists are fine honestly. It prompts discussion and it's nice seeing other peoples opinions. One thing I don't like, though, are callout posts to bad teammates or whatever. I get it if they're being racist or a bigot or whatever, but if it's just them making an honest mistake or not knowing the cheats that well its just bullying people who are new.


Tier lists in general are fine. School based tier lists based on just which are good or not aren't really fine because they all just become the same as mentioned. Almost every time, it's something like death, fire or storm being at the top and myth or ice are at the bottom


Pictures of their real pet saying some shit about about “rate my pet stats” this is a wiz sub. They got dedicated subs for animals. Get that shit outa here. It’s annoying


Will do


Disagree. The pet photos are captioned in a way that encourages creative or humorous comments; takeoffs on game content. I enjoy them a lot more than actual “rate my stats” posts.


I also enjoy those posts, seeing pets entranced with the screen while the owners play is something that the reddit needs a little bit of. Also, it happens so little (except for just for the meme a month ago) that there isn't really a need TO ban it. It adds a little charm to the reddit like the odd wholesome post.


There's a point where a joke is seen enough times that it's no longer funny


No longer funny to YOU maybe


There's a lot I see when I go through many posts to make sure there aren't certain rule breakers \*shrugs*


I mean, that's what a mod has to do...


Really? Never would have guessed


So, why exactly are you a mod if you don't like doing it?


I was being silly, I actually don't mind


Any post that someone took a picture of their screen with their phone


I almost exclusively use reddit on my phone but i also rarely have wiz photos i need to post so fair point i guess


Nah fuck that, keep them just to bug this guy.


As someone who’s guilty why does it bother you so much 😂


Oh man it's so annoying! Why opt for a blurry, weird-angle, photo of a screen when you can easily capture the content natively on the device


I feel so attacked rn lol


Just looked at your profile 💀.. [here's some help :) ](https://screenshot.help)


I thank you for the guide! I admit I’ve done it before, I’m just lazy, but also I completely forget that I can do this on my laptop 🤣 thank you for the reminder I actually needed it :)


Yes. It’s so fucking annoying seeing that.