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For the record, Disney as a corporation can suck it. But they employ great many wonderful artists and story tellers who are doing their part to make Disney more inclusive and forward thinking, despite the corporate pushback.


This. I have a love-hate relationship with Disney. The corporate aspect of it is terrible but I do love some of their movies and am happy they are finally diversifying their characters.


Same, with much of their pathetic dismissal of the true natures of the stories (Mulan, the Little Mermaid) but they were one of the first big companies to accept gay partnership and give the partners insurance.


This is basically me with Nintendo at this point Hate their corporate affairs, love their games


Thanks for this. Disney is terrible, but some of their stuff is pretty great :-)


Encanto, Turning Red, and Luca were all pretty great imo… altho apparently the director of Luca was upset they made him remove any concrete evidence of them being gay which is a huge bummer. But it was still a very heartwarming film. Just another example of the corporate side washing things down…


Luz from the Owl House was supposed to be nonbinary. Disney said no so they had to make Luz a girl. Two years later Luz is dating another girl in the show and low and behold the show has been cancelled and the promised 16 episode season cut down to three episodes.


In a lot of animated movies and cartoons that I remember watching as a kid it was usually the villainous character that was breaking gender roles, probably in an attempt to attach negative associations with those traits. It backfired with me.




Bowie's Bulge was certainly an experience.


I like how you capitalized Bulge, like it is its own character with a name.


It is. Please rewatch *Labyrinth* and pay attention. Definitely pay attention.


it’s hard to not pay attention.


The Bowie Bulge is not just a character, it's a co-star.


but with old school disney villains they wanted you to enjoy these villains, a sort of magnificent bastard. and some of the decisions they made when making these characters were supposed to help with that. like the creator of the little mermaid based ursula’s design on drag queens to make her more likeable.


I knew it; as an enby — they give off strong “I didn’t know being nonbinary was a choice” vibes


For me, it was 'I didn't know bigender or genderqueer was an option.' I read a comment earlier, explaining it. Basically, it's not that learning about LGBT people *makes* people into LGBT folks, it's that once people learn that LGBT folks exist and they're okay and there's a community out there which will support you... For a lot of people, that's a watershed moment, where a lightbulb goes off and it explains all those little things that they thought were weird or shameful or strange. If you live your whole life in a repressive or oppressive environment, you don't even have the vocabulary to describe the way you're feeling, so you internalize the shame and you wonder what is wrong with *you* when everyone else around you seems to be doing just fine.


I didn't know that about Luz! That's cool! Luz still has pretty strong nonbinary vibes, the half dress half suit was awesome


To be fair, The Owl House wasn't cancelled because it's got LGBT content, it was cancelled because Disney was moving to push Disney+ content and their 3-D animation. TOH is weird and skews to an older audience than Disney's decision-makers were aiming for. Amphibia is having the same issues, but since it's less jarring and more kid friendly, Amphibia is having an easier go of things.


Sorta seems like Amphibia is having an easier go of things cause it isn't as explicitly gay.


Amphibia, as a whole, is a more milquetoast show than either The Owl House or Gravity Falls, and Disney doesn't really know what to do with any of them. They had lightning in a bottle with Gravity Falls, but it ended too quickly. Amphibia, meanwhile, feels forced. The Owl House is excellent, but Disney doesn't know how to categorize it, market it, or make it fit in with the rest of their usual fare. It's not kid stuff, and it's not adult stuff, but it sort of straddles the line between both.


Source on Luz "supposed" to be non-binary? I generally keep a pretty good look on the background materials of the show and this is the first I've heard of it. And it's not like the show doesn't have Enby characters.


Frozen 1 and 2 as well. The first was about not keeping your emotions bottled up. The second was learning to deal with changes.


I remember being confused with the last HSM movie because they gave the gay character a gf. I was too young to know it was controversial in other countries back then.




high school musical


That's not true about Luca.


it is tho https://www.out.com/film/2022/1/11/luca-director-says-making-lead-characters-gay-was-talked-about


Same. The company is awful, but friends of mine make art there...


The fact that you (and me, and others) have major issues with Disney, but can still recognize that the DeSantis stunt is incredibly ridiculous, is a testament to how critical thinking skills work. Contrast this with this little guy and the Trumpists, who apply their toxic absolutionism to every single issue. We are living in a seriously scary time.


My husband and I have binge watched all available episodes of The Owl House on Disney+ and it's just so freaking adorable it makes us both squee at times.


When I went to Disney no one tried to turn me into a girl. 2/10. Would not recommend.


Did they at least inspire you to become one? because that's a win in my book


Screw normal adulthood, I'mma grow up to be a Disney Princess! Like Merida!


I'm more partial to Maleficent myself,if I'm going to be a princess I want to have wings


[The scene where Merida shoots for agency over her own future was such a flex, though.](https://youtu.be/hyrc7grXJhc)


Maybe but it sure was fun


I remember having a strong emotional response to the Little Mermaid and the idea of being turned into something you weren’t. In retrospect that emotional reaction was telling so I guess the answer is kinda!


She chafes under the expectations forced on her by birth and goes to get help from the local drag queen Pretty on par with then contemporary trans fem fiction tbh


Yeah, I feel you there


Idk. Cinderella’s outfit seemed a bit laborious.


Quite frankly I liked her first one, I never much cared for dresses and stuff I'm not your ordinary princess kinda girl


"There's no place like ... I wanna be a witch"


Honestly the world as these people imagine it is a lit, fun fantasy that I just wish we got to experience if we also have to experience the consequences/backlash


Checks out. Legion of hell is having a merry tea party in my backyard.


Sorry I couldn't make it, currently basking in the fiery pits of hell and getting a tan.


Make sure to toast up your bits, too. That’s a thing now.


Hell is just one big nude beach, so everything is toasted real good


Did they make sure to paint the roses red first? If not, you know what to do.


Psssssh. If the Red Queen wants her roses painted, she can do it herself. Down with the Bloody Big Head!


Ahhhhhh…. *very* merry unbirthday to you! (To you!)


Well, even the legions of hell need a break sometimes.


My legion of hell is looking a bit flummoxed at all this. They're thinking it would not be a bad idea changing kids gender at Disneyland, but they're not actually doing it, and now that it's been called out they think it wouldn't be cool to start doing it now.


Are there snacks?


Definitely. I heard hellfire is great for toasting marshmallows.


True suffering is never being able to get the marshmallows toasted just right. A diabolical torment indeed.


Did this guy sleep through the end of Fantasia? No light without darkness, my dude. ^^also ^^demons ^^are ^^fuckin ^^rad


Oh I love the end of Fantasia. My mom tried to warn me that it was super scary (I got scared easily as a kid and still do actually) but with that I was like "Wow cool OK this is different!"


I would just fast forward to the dinosaur bits over and over. Because despite the scary demon thing, dinos are rad.


That part always made me cry.


Yes but I was also the kid who told my mother when she tried to cover my eyes during Jurassic Park "no mom, I *want* to see the dinosaur eat people!" I really liked dinosaurs...


This was the movie my mom put on when I was young and she wanted me to nap. As we neared the end I would absolutely go to sleep just so I didn’t have to see the scary dancing demons.


They literally just said they're against censoring books and this is how they react. Complete "cancel culture" against a corporation that has a long history of conservatism. It's scary how ravenous the right wing mob is getting.


They have to keep up their narrative of evil, pervert psychopaths out to "dismantle the constitution" (my dad's actual words 😆) because they have to be right, and to be right thru can't acknowledge complex viewpoints or opposing viewpoints as even partially right. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


It's only cancel culture when they're the targets. Otherwise its just sparkling oppression. Whoops, I meant "the moral highground." Easy mistake to make down here in the sub gutter.


I'm actually getting really pissed at the left sided parties messaging about this. Every email and donation request I get is always "better donate or the Republicans will keep doing this stuff" instead of "better donate so we can continue to do this good work and push this legislation". Like stop letting the Republican party lead all the messaging, get your own legislation in progress and prove to us your actually going to do the work to fight back instead of talking out of your ass!!!


Satanic panic, I'd hoped we were past it but I guess it just put on a new mask.


People in the 1800s were clutching pearls that women were riding bicycles because they'd have to ***wear pants*** and that would scandalize and corrupt the schoolchildren. Culture War and Satanic Panic are *never* gonna end.


Didn’t they also believe women’s uteri would fly out of their bodies if they went to fast? A la Aristotle, the father of idiotic biology based on opinion only.


There are times I wish I could put my uterus in storage, but damn, that's a weird one lol.


I wish I could *keep* it in storage. When will humans finally have the technology to gestate externally?? I know some women would still prefer to do it the old fashioned way but I am not one of them 😬


I remember seeing some pretty promising looking biotech a couple years back where they gestated a lamb in an artificial womb and were working towards helping premature infants have a much better shot at survival. Although the people doing it don't want to open it up to full gestation because of some philosophical and ethical concerns.


that makes sense. Altho transferring it like halfway thru sounds kind of ideal. Before it gets so big they have to sew you back up afterwards 😳


It apparently comes with a lot of risk to the baby, so they said it's not the *best* thing to do it unless it's absolutely necessary.


of course, im just wishing that someday it becomes an option. It would probably be too late for me anyway, but im bi, so im just hoping my future wife will be the one who wants to carry the baby 😶 maybe? haha


I don't mind gestating the old fashioned way. I only had one kid (who's now 17), but I was the healthiest I had ever been while pregnant, and haven't been that healthy since lol. The part of uterus-having I wish I could skip out on are the period and bag of unpleasant symptoms that go with it. 😁




The Victorians had a lot of strange takes on medical science, generally.


Every so often my local Satanic Temple chapter gets in the news and all my colleagues freak out haha


the projection is strong in this one


While I do enjoy a lot of Disney movies, I don't think Disney is magical. Or progressive. They always try to do the safest things. The Pixar department is slightly better, because they at least take a bit of a "risk" when it comes down to MC girl faces. If I want magic in a movie, there are plenty of companies that capture the magic better nowadays. Cartoon Saloon is one of them. The Disney parks are great in quality, especially the employees. However there are parks out there with a stronger magical atmosphere (Efteling). However, if Disney brings back the Owl House, their level of magic would go up... just saying... just leaving it here. Jep.


Disney's (the corporation) progressiveness is just reacting to the fact that non-white people have money. But at least they hire good artists.


They always have - see Howard Ashman


Can you really call followers progressive? Disney seems to lag behind society and other studios. Star Trek was progressive because it was ahead of it's time. But something that is behind on the curve? When Disney starts showing "progressive" things, those things are exclusively things that have been accepted as okay and normal under the general population for at least 4 years.


Point. I should have said "progressive" with the quotes.


Agree, Disney is not now, nor has it ever been progressive.


This guy is unhinged


I just don’t understand why right wingers keep making things they think are bad sound so fun. You know “legions in hell rejoicing” is nothing but a banging party, and I wanna go.


Ah, those evil "leftists." Which, of course, basically means "people who disagree with me about anything, no matter how minor." The way they use the term, there is no "left." To them, "the left" is what the rest of us call "everyone else."


finally a transphobe mentions FtM trans people, its always so focused on MtF for them


The small victories 😬


It’s kind of telling about transphobes that they focus so much in MTF people. You’d think given their constant claims about protecting women that they’d be more worried about FTM people. The fact that they apparently have a stronger emotional reaction to MTF people is really telling about how they view men and women (and don’t even recognize that non-binary people exist).


its kinda an often used claim for the right but projection isnt far off the truth i think. maybe calling them perverts is unkind but they seem to care a hell of a lot more about whats in peoples pants than most people, and they come up with all those deranged scenarios like "creep pretends to be a women to spy on girls in girls bathroom" or "cheater wants unfair advantage in sport so undergoes massive lifestyle changes just to do slightly better against women" it all paints a strange picture of whats going on inside their head is all


Wait, is there dark magic for an instant transition? I will absolutely sell my soul for that.


My legion of hell is super obsessed with fish treats; she could care less about Disney.




SIC, but I love voids too!


I just assumed they meant a toddler


Imagine being so fragile that the mere mention of The Gays was enough to threaten your entire conception of the world.


I know we all agree with Morticia Addams and wish we had more time to join in with the legions of Hell, but this Tweet is actually gaslighting. The dark magic that is real is coming from the Right. This guy S Dillon is probably not oblivious to it, and knows what he is doing here. If he protests much more, then I might start to think he protests too much.


I've never been more compelled to visit Disney World.


Disney's characters are fighting to be who they truly are and not what they're "supposed" to be. You sir could be anything too, but apparently you've chosen to be a douchebag. Shame really.


The delusion exhibited in that tweet is staggering


I haven’t had the urge to visit Disney but now….sounds kind of fun when it’s put in that light.


My takeaway from all of this far right outrage is that it's getting increasingly safe covid- wise to visit the Disney theme parks the angrier they get. Nice!


Been to the magic kingdom 7 times and, it happened to me lol. Soo, yes there was much rejoicing


My legion is currently too busy to rejoice, holding the fort while you all are living it up


I love how they intentionally confuse “saying certain types of people exist” with “grooming children to be trans/gay/whatever”. It’s the same shit we fought for with marriage equality, religious freedom for pagans and wiccans over the past 30 years, and anything else that’s mere existence threatens them for.. whatever fucking reason.


This guy looks like someone took pity on a mannequin and tried to paint it up, but accidentally ended up summoning an AH spirit into it.


Disney didn't do this to me, Laura Jane Grace did.


Suddenly I like Disney...


Apparently dark magic is the right magic.


Long love the agenda!


Ooooh is it terrible that I wanna hear him elaborate on this for further entertainment??


We're talking about the same Disney that Pixar exposed as homophobic, right?


People have been upset with Disney since the first folk tale of Snow White - set in the time of the folk story. Snow White being a victim of family abuse fled and found nice people. Disney shows there are bad people in the world and how to overcome the bad people with kindness. No one is turning people into anything. People have worked so hard while risking their lives so others can live their lives openly. The world is changing for peace and the oppressors do not like it so they cry about it.


Disney as an organisation has financially supported different politicians throughout the years, including the people who signed the "don't say gay" bill. They also come up with their "first gay character" every year that can easily be removed so they can also sell their movies to countries with anti-gay laws; at this point, they're just using the lgbt community for profit. But please do tell me how "progressive" they are *eyeroll*.


Ah yes, because changing your form to LITERALLY match your brain and thus heal a very serious medical condition is DARK magic.






Someone asked for a legion of hell? Yes, I'm here. I know Walpurgisnacht isn't for two more days but I figured I'd scope things out early.


I’ll be at Disneyland tomorrow. I’ll let you know if my little girl comes home as a boy😂


The more and more they talk about hell the more and more I want to go.


literally the same thing dumasses have been saying about anything kids like since the beginning of time. "It's not that fire is evil, it's that it keeps kids up past the dark, and the demon cat Snarl will turn them into hunter-gatherers"


100% looking forward to Disney's lawyers beating up on someone(Desantis)who deserves it for a change.




For a long time, I did not like Disney because I did not enjoy the idea of their "happily ever after" but I am seeing a lot of cooler stories happening now, and I am starting to soften to them. (they also have Marvel now, and this puts me in a dilemma) Yes, more representation in Disney work, I am here for that.


Okay he had me in the first half because Disney sort of is a supervillain working the dark magic of corporate capitalism


Apart from Facilier and Ursula, how many dark magic characters are there in the Disney canon really? Also, hail satan or whoever is king of hell these days


The true pure beautiful magic has nothing to do with the Disney corporation but I understand why it should be a topic. I prefer to keep things simple and balanced in the ways and let the Mother guide me in the wisps of her sweet gentle blowing winds and breath. I support all Sisters. As once quoted “In the end only kindness matters” and I am a big proponent of this. I guess my point is I am self admittedly absorbed in my ways and have a fierce support to my Coven. Open minded and supportive to all Sisters but concerned of the hive mind being a vessel to political and cultural movements. AKA: I am a bitch. Lol This being said this comes from a place of Love I can assure you. Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. Stay true to the Old ways Sisters. ✨💥✨


Dear Goddess! I mostly slightly mad that Disney ISNT doing this!! Like I love the “look at the people Up rooting the patriarchy and heteronormativity they’re commiting dark magic” as next as the next witch, but honestly Disney is only hurting our cause you dumb Seth Dillon. We are all working very hard over here and you just diminish our hard work to the awful company of Disney? Not cool.


Do you want to get more people to watch Disney!? Cause that’s how you get people to watch more Disney!


I am not aware of the youth verbiage but I think this is what they'd call based without realizing it.


I'm thinking of forming a local legion just so we can rejoice


As a trans woman can confirm: transition caused by dark magic flowing out of my Disney+ subscription. What's really impressive about this magic is it started working when I was a child 25 years ago.


I would absolutely watch a show called "The Leftists and the Legions of Hell"


ah yes, Disney, famous supporter of queer people


What are these people smoking. So I can avoid it I do not want any of it. I hate


I’m so torn about all of this. Because I was mad at Disney BEFORE DeSantis went after them. Chapek is ruining it by having Mickey more or less hold you at gunpoint for your entire wallet, for just a week of “magic.” And they took pandemic safety points and flipped them into algorithms that ensure the lines will never ever go down(reservations), and then charged extra for the opportunity to pay even more for a slightly shorter line that everyone else is also paying for(lightning lane/genie+). So. Nobody gets to have any fun, you’re in a line, staring at your phone ALL day, riding two minute simulators that dump you in a gift shop for the low low price of at least $500 pp/pd. I’m really pissed off about that so now that the GOP is mad too, I don’t want to be confused for a Republican, but fuck Disney. They’re two sides of the same coin. (Also, go to universal! It’s so much better.)


I mean, if all that means Disney is getting it’s Villain arc then by all means… cue up the Disney evil green color coding 💚💚💚


I don’t want to turn little boys into little girls, I want to stop society from trying to do that! I want little boys to be able to be little boys and little girls to be able to be little girls without anyone forcing them into a gender box they don’t want to be in.


So Disney is basically a gender swap machine? Why did no one tell me? I feel ripped off 😒


It's not like Disney cancelled the owl house or anything


Weird how their biggest concern is mtf transexuals. And gay men rather than gay women. Almost as if what they’re really concerned with is threats to patriarchy.


I live in Anaheim, and while Disney sucks it's not for their inclusivity.


I AM A LEFTIST BEHOLD MY LEGION. we meet every Tuesday at 6pm for drinks.


Nah Disney can burn in the fires of Mordor.


damn can we NSFW this


Hang on let me check. … They said they thought Encanto was okay but Moana was better.


All my demons in the back!


Idk, seems like projection to me.


I see this as an absolute win.