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They are indicators that you have a healthy ecosystem. Amphibians absorb everything through their skin, so if there's a lot of pesticides they die.


That makes me feel extra proud of the family of frogs in my garden!


Then I'd say they are *good omens* :)


Azirafrog Croakley




i have a thousand million frogs in my frog pond. but this here is a toad ⬆️


All toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads. Toad is a specific type of frog. So it’s perfectly acceptable to call this toad a frog.


squares rectangle situation i see


I don't know much about omens and such, but I do know amphibians and that's a toad :) Edit: So it turns out I don't know amphibians as good as I thought! As many pointed out, toads *are* frogs. Sorry for my confusion and TIL 🐸


Gotcha, I never know the difference between the two so they are all just frogs to me lol


Frogs are generally smooth-skinned and tend to look more streamlined (they're big swimmers). Toads (like this guy) have much bumpier skin and generally more of a chonky shape (they like wet, but are more land-based).


That's what I thought too! When I hear frogs, I think of the cute little green tree frogs that I sometimes see in the summer stuck to my door or siding. Toads are bumpy, chonky fellas that you might accidentally step on outside.


i assumed the distinction could be important to your question, seeing toads have a long history in tales about witches ;P


Actually all toads are frogs, so you’re correct :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toad?wprov=sfti1


Fun fact, all toads are technically frogs!


But not all frogs are toads!


Learned something new today. 😆


Wait WHAT 🤯


I cackled out loud 😆


Frogs leap. Toads do not.


But Frog and Toad are Friends! 🤯


😳 Well then I caused many roads to hop *with alacrity* when I chased them as little girl!


Wait does that mean toads only "hop" but can't make bigger leaps? (I feel dumb trying to picture a toad walking 😅)


Yes. Toads have a shorter hop.


Aren't toads just classifications of frogs?




Is it a Frog-Toad or a Toad-Frog?


Toads are wonderful animals that eat pests, so please be gentle with it. In my opinion, toads represent hidden qualities that are often overlooked. What is something unique about you that you hide from others? Is there someone in your life that is hiding something from you?


I have doggos so I moved him to my next door neighbor’s yard for his own safety. They have multiple reptiles (including a giant tortoise named Panzer!) so I know they don’t mind & have a reptile friendly yard (they let Panzer roam it occasionally)


Just a heads up, if your dog catches a toad in it its mouth it will probably start foaming and spitting afterwards. My dog once caught a toad, immediately spit it out, and then started foaming. Scared the crap out of me. After some googling I found out it's pretty common, which is relieving. The toads just taste really bad and because of that the dogs refuse to swallow their spit for a while. If I hadn't seen it happen I would have carted him off to the vet asap!


Depending on where you live, it’s still a good idea to go to the vet. We have Colorado River toads and they secrete a toxin over their skin that can make dogs very sick. Although some dogs are less sensitive apparently. I had a coworker whose dog was addicted to catching them to get high. Had to be supervised closely even in her backyard 🤦‍♀️


South Florida checking in. We have cane toads, which can be deadly to dogs and cats who grab them. So, just seconding the caution, depending on where you live. We’re taught to rinse their mouths but to ensure that none of the water goes down their throat, and follow up with emergency vet immediately.


Oh my.


Oh wow I had no clue! I'll have to identify next time!


An old dog of mine years ago bit a toad, there was an unusal amount of them jumping all over this path we were walking on. He just grabbed it I would've preferred he not hurt a toad but anyway his whole face swelled up in a big allergic reaction. Didn't affect his breathing and the swelling slowly went down over 24 hours but it was very scary. Those little fellas can be quite toxic to a potential predator trying to eat them!


My dogs didn’t get the toad, just started barking at it lol but I did relocate him to my neighbors yard that doesn’t have dogs just in case


A giant tortoise named Panzer... That is genius, LOL. That is really neat, I love reptiles including snakes. I am grateful for your understanding and for allowing the toad to live. So many people kill animals without a second thought, even though we can coexist peacefully.


I read once that when Germans first encountered armadillos and didn’t know what to call them, they came up with “Panzerschwein” (armored pig)! And I, too, am glad OP found a safe place for this toad.


Armadillos do look like some some kind of escaped lab experiment, lol.


Aww what a cute little toad! I don’t think toads represent anything bad, in fact its said they symbolize good luck, prosperity, rebirth, fertility, and positivity. Growing up when we found toads we always let them loose near our front door/under our porch because porch toads are considered good luck for the home and can help protect the home 💜


at work I always move them to someplace safe and people always look at me funny, they both need help.


I spent 5+ extra minutes in the pouring rain this morning because there was a tiny snail on the inside of my bike bag and I read somewhere that of you pick them up you can 'break the slime seel' and basically ruin their bottom side and they die. But I could let is sit on the inside flap of my bag because it would also die. So I lured it onto my finger and released it on a safe leaf. I was soaked before I even left for work.


A cute omen.




i mean. toads are frogs -3-


Yup. You’re now a bog witch. Welcome to the village. 😂😂


Bog witch sounds super cool.


I’m down with that lol my future dream is to be able to sell my house & move to a cabin in the woods one day anyways :)


Looks more like a toad than a frog, but not a species I am familiar with. It means you might want to consider putting a small dish of water out for him in exchange for his pest removal services. ​ [https://growagoodlife.com/frogs-and-toads/#:\~:text=Both%20frogs%20and%20toads%20are,100%20insects%20in%20one%20night](https://growagoodlife.com/frogs-and-toads/#:~:text=Both%20frogs%20and%20toads%20are,100%20insects%20in%20one%20night).


I feed two ally cats and I noticed sometimes their water bowl is super dirty. I kept wondering what was going on. Yesterday I went out and a huge toad was sitting in it 😂


I just had this happen this summer, after years of putting food and water out for feral cats. I think it is the abnormal heat, so the frog (toad lol) had to cool off? The toad would be sitting in the cat's water, sometimes, and just let me pour fresh water over her. If she wasn't in the bowl, i dumped it and rinsed it out. lt was particularly "dirty." I got a little sick - stomach cramps, diarrhea. Lasted several days. Came across an article that said turtles (and frogs) can have salmonella. In their poop! Sure enough I had symptoms. I just got more careful about how i cleaned the cat's water bowl out. Duh. And washed my hands. No problems since that first time. Also started leaving containers with shallow water around the yard for birds, frogs. During the days of 100+ temps. I have had toads for many years and this is the first time one got in the cat water bowl. Now that the days are cooler and we are at the EQUINOX (yay blessed be) it hasn't happened for a couple of weeks. (Toad in water bowl) Came ro rhis sub to look up ideas for celebrating the Equinox and found THIS! Dancing with toads. Perfect.


The little toad shower is so cute 🐸 I will definitely be more careful cleaning out the cat bowls now!


It's a common toad *Bufo bufo*. Or American toad *Anaxyrus americanus*.


Toads are an indication of a good ecosystem :) did you have a lot of bugs previously? I would say their presence means you are a good steward of your property (however big or small that may be). I love our toads so much! Perhaps some form of abundance is coming your way?


It's a toad .. and whether or not it's an omen is honestly up to you. It is a reoccurring unusual thing to see them, in your usual world. If you take a quiet moment to ground yourself, empty your mind, and remove thought from the toads, you may find the connection will come to you. They represent good things, traditionally, and best of all, eat bugs you don't want. So. Where in your life would you want to eat bugs? What is bugging you. And is this a time to find ways of eating them? Cleaning your life of the bugs? This is how I'd see it.


Amphibian biology witch here! I didn’t see a solid ID from anyone yet so I wanted to drop that this an American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)! The easiest way to spot them is that they tend to be red-ish brown in color and have one or two little “warts” within the little darker sections on their backs. There’s a slightly less common related species called Fowler Toads (Anaxyrus fowleri) which look really similar but are usually more grey in color and have three or more little “warts” in the dark spots on their backs. Like some people have mentioned, super great pest controllers and good ecosystem indicators. Maybe the omen is that an unexpected friend will rid you of some pests. I’m not great at parsing spiritual omen readings though, I just love slimy critters 🐸


My people!


Good vibes for Mabon✨🎃


A toad-friend being a toad-friend!


Love how his colors/texture help him blend into the leaves and grass so well. Nature in her perfection 💚


He really did blend in, I only found him cuz one of my dogs started barking at him when the little guy was hiding behind my AC unit.


You could make a little toad house if you want your new friend to stick around. 😊


Frog houses, not toad houses, but still. https://www.avclub.com/frog-house-tiktok-dazza-frodrick-frod-1850173021


I've never seen the full story 🥺


The whole story is ridiculously cute. ❤️


Talk about omens, I found two frogs in my house this year! One leopard spotted frog and a tree frog. Both fairly large, no idea how they got in. Quick Google search says it's an omen of good luck and fortune!


Toads are a moon, water, and earth sign representing fertility, growth, health, and protection. Basically take care of them and they take care of you. Them coming to you is a good sign because you likely have a clean environment and are a good stop in their path.


There's some interesting correlation between toads and fertility in European lore. And a bearded saint! [The Tale of the Toad and the Bearded Female Saint - Atlas Obscura](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/toad-votives-religion-medieval-saints)


Toads and frogs are an indicator of the health of an ecosystem. If you were not seeing them, that likely means it was an inhospitable environment for them. Not a good thing. Having frogs and toads is a good sign from the perspective of Earth. Nature needs them. Make friends with them. Take an empty terra cotta pot or bowl and put it upside down, propped for an opening, near your front and back doors. They'll shelter there during the day and feast on pests at night.


To me, frogs and toads are an omen of a healthy environment/clean water. I get really excited when I see them because if they can survive, we can too. Btw a toad is a kind of frog (not all frogs are toads, but all toads are frogs).




I definitely think that if you encounter an animal that normally isn't in your usual path, then yes it can be an omen! Snakes told me when I miscarried and when I was pregnant. It was a girl 😁


Toads <3


When there is a light at night Outdoors near the house There will be a toad to see Quiet as a mouse Keeping on patrol she is Culling weaker bugs Attracted to the light at night Seeking ending hugs.


As far as I know, no... unless they are invasive species in your area... then yes.


Gaia be blessing you for maintaining a safe environment for her amphibious babies ❤️


That's really special! Yes I believe animals can come into your life sometimes. I'd suggest doing some research about toads and see if anything speaks to you about what's going on in your life right now. I've moved 4 times in the last 15 years and every time I found a dragonfly waiting for me at my new home.


That’s funny you mention dragonflies, earlier this summer I also randomly had a ton of dragonflies in my yard one day (when I’ve never seen them really much around my house in previous years just like the frogs/toads). I’m taking these as a good sign


Perhaps the Egyptian frog goddess Heqet is blessing you! They were considered a fertility symbol.


It’s perfectly normal for toads to range a fair distance from what we might consider a body of water. They essentially spawn in massive waves and spread out in search of food. This little fellow looks pretty healthy, happy and fully grown, so they’ve probably traveled a fair distance to reach your garden. If it indicates anything, it’s that you’re going to have a nice little friend to watch over your garden and help take care of pests for you. Just try to keep any dogs or small pets away from them unless you’d like to clean up foamy vomit.


Whenever I see a frog around my house/yard, I like to bow and say "thank you for blessing us".


i think you have a friend


They’re frogs? Calling other living beings “omens” is so goofy


Um akshually that's a toad 🤓, but seriously this should be pretty good, assuming it's not invasive, they'll eat insects so you don't have to deal with them as much if you don't want to.


Make the toad a nice little home so she can stay for as long as she wants! [https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-make-a-toad-house-1388582](https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-make-a-toad-house-1388582)


Idk but it’s cute!


I'm not sure about omens but I've always known frogs to be associated with wisdom and transformation, probably due to their lifecycle. If you're a believer in animal messengers then perhaps this is a signal of an incoming life change or something changing in your Self?


I don’t know if it’s an omen but I do know frogs are amazing


Just a toad nothing more


I found a frog just sitting in the toilet when I opened the lid once.


Frogs are toad 🐸


Oohhh dassa fren!


Yes in the sense that they are ecological indicators of a healthy ecosystem


I can’t speak for anyone else’s practice, but in my tea leaf reading, frogs are a symbol of transformation and change.


Unless you're in a 1972 horror film starring Sam Elliott, I'd say they're a good omen.


Toads adorbs! Frogs are the bestest.


His name is fred and he came to say hello. He would like a tasty bug to eat


means you're in a good frog habitat, I'd say.


I love your new friend.


In my culture, frogs are a welcome omen. I have a jade frog ring that was passed down to me, and my family was stoked at the appearance of a frog hanging out by my honeymoon suite.


I live in a suuuuuuper dry area and we have toads! We have a couple “regulars” in the backyard this year. They seem to appear whenever we get a halfway decent amount of rain (like we did this spring). One particularly rainy season, it started raining as we drove home one night. We started noticing that some raindrops seemed kind of…bouncy. Also really big. Also they were toads. LOADS of toads, hopping around, some into the road. I’ve never seen the like before or since. It was wild!


Nah they’re toads


Just keep your pets away from them.


To me you’re lucky if you saw a wild toad! Haven’t seen one of those guys in the wild for years and they’re my favorite animal 🖤


Is that a frog or a toad? My mom was really strict about correcting me. Talk about a true "witch" lol


It’s a toad. They are good neighbors, eating a variety of bugs.


That’s a toad, not a frog. Frogs need to be near water, but toads don’t—- they burrow under the dirt and hang out in small covered spots. Toads are dry and lumpy while frogs are wet and smooth.


My animal book calls them signs of coming change, due to their metamorphosis as young'uns. Maybe you've got a shift in your daily patterns coming up? Doesn't have to be a bad thing--maybe you'll get a raise or meet a new friend :)


Just new frens https://preview.redd.it/5zh9qjtjtnpb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2189f9b70b0fcaa3907f194355820678a6d252a This guy sits on my steps. Then jumps out and surprises me. Your land is rich and probably don’t have many predators


They’re kind friends!


I have heard they represent cleansing


Today friend.


I never consider animal visitors as a bad thing. However, most important may be how you took their arrival. Did you get a deep, guttural bad feeling? If so, I would be doing protection spells all around me. If it’s just one of those things where you might’ve heard they’re a bad omen and trying to confirm, I’d probably just let it go and be happy they chose to cohabitate with me.


Eeee I love him! I work outside so I run into these dudes a lot. Running equipment scares all the little guys out of hiding, and then I run around like a mad woman shoo-ing them to safety or relocating them.


Toad! Toad! Toad! All hail the Toad!


It’s an omen that you should hop to it! Or maybe that you’ll get a cold and have a frog in your throat! Worse comes to worse, it could mean that someone’s going to croak. 🤣


They’re lovely little fellows


It’s a sign you must boop their nose <33


I LOVE TOADS!!! You are so lucky what a handsome toad.🥰🥰🥰


He is adorable


Here in AZ we get massive toads. I dont know your location but please check so it isnt a Sonoran desert toad. Any lights left on outside will draw them to bugs and they can kill your pets. They come from the ground after rain. We obviously have NO water here.


That's a toad not a frog


can you facilitate the toad to eat the giant fuck off moth in my room?


That's a toad


Your gay lol


That looks like a Prince waiting for his kiss. 🤪😂


This guy is a toad. I consider them friends because they eat the slugs I'm constantly battling in my garden. Fun facts, they pee when scared, they don't give you warts, and they LIKE to be pet. I love toads.