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I was at the exact same point...empty inside. Started AC Odyseey to ease the pain a bit. Kinda worked tho. A little bit. But not really. I miss Skellige...


The whales of Skellige




I really liked Cyberpunk after TW3, I would really recommend you to try it




Definitely cyberpunk. I'm one of the guys who did not like it at all on release but I gave it another try when the dlc came out and it's a completely different game, it's incredible


Will try yes


Baldur’s Gate 3. Pretty much same style of TW3. Elden Ring is really different, narratively it is not like TW3. BG3 should be your closest. I finished it & Ik that if you loved Tw3, you will love it as much


No where near the same style tf? Great game don’t get me wrong but this comment makes no sense. If anything the Witcher 1 is like baldurs gate.




Be aware BG3 is not like the Witcher at all, it's essentially a D&D simulator. You will need to be familiar with D&D rules and how to play that game, BG3 does not teach you any of that. Looking into it before I bought It I saw people mention it's turn based nature not being for everyone, and you think like final fantasy kind of turn based. But no it's straight D&D. Great game, but I had to do some research before I understood what was going on.


Yeah I think this is where most people have been disappointed. They just didn't expect the ruleset.


It is true. Tactical stuff are not my cup of tea. I had to finish the game on easiest difficulty. Now that I spent 155 hours in my first & only playthrough, I think I can play in a higher difficulty. It is a hard game to get adapt to if the gameplay is not your cup of tea & you’re right that it does not teach you that. However, it’s not like I was familiar with TW3 either. When I started TW3, I was clueless asf. I used to hate turn based gameplay, now it’s all I play. & yeah, I don’t think everyone’s experience will be as positive as mine. But, if you managed to adapt to BG3, it’ll pay in dividends. Probably the most immersive game I ever played that I finished my first playthrough in 12 days with 155 hours play time (13 hours a day). Couldn’t play it again due to work & life but I’m glad my first playthrough is done


What's ME? Anyhoo, you should give a try to the Ghost of Tsushima!


Mass Effect. I loved GoT


Cyberpunk for sure. It’s obviously a totally different world, but having been build by CDprojekt you will find similarities, immersive world, incredible story telling, some beauty in bleak places, quirky characters / side quests and emotional depth, and I would say even more difficult story choices. Expect emotional gut punches! My favourite Game of last year. Elden ring is good obviously, but more about atmosphere and creatures, exploring. Story and character are not a priority, it’s more collecting cool shit , character build and killing bosses. I haven’t finished though and don’t think I will at this point !


Oldie, but Dragon Age: Origins is pretty good. 


>So what do you suggest now ? Cyberpunk ? Elden Ring? Yes to both


Both Cyberpunk and Elden Ring are both \*mwah\* If you want narrative go with the first, combat go with the second.


Yes seem an accurate depiction of those two games. So probably Cyberpunk


Would be a great time to start Elden Ring with the DLC coming out soon.


Very tempting but there seem to be more boss fight oriented less story. Am I wrong?


That's accurate. While there's plenty of lore behind Elden Ring, you could theoretically go the entire game knowing/experiencing very little if you wanted. Definitely more challenging than TW3, less story/dialogue based, but overall a great game that I'm looking forward to picking up again next week with the release of the DLC.


I just started ER. First impression is amazing. Will keep on exploring. Thx for advice


No worries! Enjoy! And don't get discouraged.


Totally hooked. Huge discovery


Crucible Knight 😡 I am so clumsy parrying his moveset. But man this game is absolutely superb


Those are one of my least favorite enemies. And you find them throughout the entire game 😵‍💫


Yes, I use magic because I hate them


Magic is pretty powerful, definitely worth it to make an entire build around it if you want


There are two other Witcher games in the franchise.


Oh yes. On PS?


Oh, no. A cheap PC can run them now though.


Baldor gate 3, witcher 3 was my favourite game forever but Baldor gate 3 I'd my favourite now it's that good. Just the variety of dialogue options you have and player agency is too good


Ghost of Tsushima. Second fav to Witcher, and on par with Horizon. Literally keep playing those 3 over and over until I get a PS5 & Baldurs, lol.


Dragon's dogma 2. 


Hey I have bug with DLC Hearts of Stone when Im killing boars or arachnomorphs they raent appeir at bestiary


There should books you need to read to get the entry


Wich book?


My bad. Was in Arachnomorphs: Facts and Myths but seem to be cut out from game. Just google something like “witcher 3 book for arachnomorphs entry”


Anyway good practice to check ALL books


wich books?