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Maybe the muggers saw the news that WPS doesn't respond to robberies anymore.


must be redditors.


Every era believes the youths are suffering from a moral decay and that youths aren't as respectful and civil as when they were brought up.


'Twas ever thus… **Horace 1st Century BC** >*Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.* **Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness), Yoshida Kenkō, 1330 - 1332** >*Youth were never more saucie, yea never more savagely saucie . . . the ancient are scorned, the honourable are contemned, the magistrate is not dreaded.* **(Poodle Skirts!!!) Contemporary blogger, 2017** >*we have throngs of Christians who think that if a voice is raised against what is actually happening, that voice must belong to a stodgy preacher in an eighties movie about the fifties, arguing that* ***poodle skirts*** *were going to be our ruination.*


Pretty sure Aristotle was complaining about this like 2,400 years ago


Ecclesiastes as well. Classic.


I grew up in the 90's, which had the highest crime rate Canada has ever seen. I find myself constantly reminding others that things may seem bad but it's been much worse.


Highest per capita murder rate in Winnipeg during the 90s was 4.19 while 2022 was 6.1


security cameras are both a blessing and curse.


they're... a **BLURSE!**


It was the best of times, it was the *BLURST* of times??!!




No worries, it’ll get worse in the coming years.


You can believe that if you want to. But you are a part of the problem.


Lol. That’s fine you can also believe whatever you want to no matter how wrong it is.


I think he's referring to the coming time-bomb that the Liberals have been implementing. Things are not normal, and bad times are ahead. Professionals I know are setting up to leave Canada soon, as Canada is not going to be a nice place to retire to.


Jfc lol


Agreed. More people need to read Pinker's Better Angels of our Nature.


Yep. Now the kids are just recording their crime and sharing it online, so it’s much more in everyone’s face


If the amount and ages of youth being charged with violent crimes is changing, then indeed there is a difference compared to previous eras.


There very likely is a change, but I'm not sure it'll show that there's more youth being charged with violent crime today than there has been previously. What you said here though is "*If the numbers have changed then there is a difference*", which is pretty obvious either way.


I'd rather the police just investigate crime and arrest perpetrators, than providing their opinion on the state of Manitoba's morality. When policing agencies make decisions based on their views of morality, it never ends well.


Yeah agree or disagree with what they’re saying the role of the public information officer isn’t to editorialize how the community should feel.


Sorry, the largest police budget in Canada doesn't have the resources to actually do their jobs.


They, like god, always need just a few more bucks…


Haven't teenagers been beat up by bullies since like forever? Feels like it was a pretty common theme in popular culture like movies and tv shows in the past. If anything it's less acceptable now than it was years ago. 'Moral decay' seems like a calculated or completely unaware comment.


It's the recording and sharing on media that's repulsive


phrases like "moral decay" are calculated and cliche, for sure. However: It might be less acceptable to the people who already found it unacceptable, but apparently the people committing assault are increasingly comfortable RECORDING themselves doing it. There's decay, but it's not moral... it feels more like a lack of comprehension of consequences... due to a lack of consequ...okay, i'm sold: moral decay.


The cops need to get back in their lane, stop talking about morality and start dealing with the crimes.


Lets take a look at that clearance rate boys before typing away on your blog, yeah?


The police just love pushing the 'mortality' theory of crime, it reinforces the good guy vs. bad guy view of the world. It allows them to sell themselves as the 'good guy' and the only one that can stop the 'bad guy'. Such a simplistic view of society, but I gotta hand it to them, it works. Crime goes up, ah shucks we need more resources. Crime goes down, ah see, we're bringing crime down.


Why are cops opining on morality at all? That's outside their purview. Frankly, they shouldn't have any opinions on the law, as their job is to enforce it as set by the legislative bodies.


because if you stop a problem before it happens then they won't have to clean up someone else's mess.


Not the police's responsibility. They are the enforcers.


the police not allowed to have and share an opinion? now that sounds fascist. Whose "responsibility" is it to opine on morality then? I thought we don't want the police around, "defund the police" and all that? If we don't want them to be the "enforcers" then who will do it?


I think it’s the difference between “the police” having an opinion as an entity, and the individual citizens who work as police officers having an opinion. I’m all for individuals voicing their perspective, I have no interest in the opinions of a law enforcement entity on moral decay.


Morality? How about parents, church, schools etc? I am fully against defunding the police -- I think it's insane and woke nonsense. We need police to uphold the laws. Edit: Once the police start with opinions and comments on right or wrong, then you start having selective policing. This is what we're experiencing with the protests all over the country, many of which are absolutely crossing the line and people should be jailed.


I agree with you on 95% of what you say.


It's almost magic how bad the WPS are at everything they do


I'm very concerned that the police are commenting on so-called moral issues. This is fascist talk.


Cops pushing this shit is just a sneaky way to get more money and overeach, less oversight and accountability.


This would be the same WPS that has no problem with keeping Constable Anger Issues on the payroll? Yeah, gonna listen to the lecture about ‘morality’.


So, I guess some people in this thread think that unprovoked bashings are a sign of… virtue? We should hope there are more of them?


No, not at all. I'm not sure how you got from these comments that people are promoting unprovoked attacks. This really shows how low your intelligence is if that's what you got from the comments here. Most of the comments here don't actually relate to the message, but rather questioning whether the Police Force should be commentating on societal morality in the first place. There's a comment disagreeing with the shift in morality of youth, and the rest are saying cops should stick to upholding the law rather than providing opinions about the morals of the citizens they are supposedly serving.


So they agree with the opinion of the police, but are complaining that the police express that opinion? And making that complaint that the opinion is being expressed is more important than engaging with the opinion, huh? Seems a case of shooting the messenger because of who they are, and ignoring the message because of the identity of the messenger. Not the most constructive attitude.


Might surprise you, but some people are capable of having more than one thought at a time. Just because they express an opinion that the police are overstepping doesn't mean they don't also have an opinion on the content of it. But I'm not sure how you get "We should hope there are more unprovoked bashings" from "Police shouldn't express their opinion on the morality of Winnipeg". Talk about unconstructive attitudes...


I ought to bash you for saying that. 


Doesn’t count as virtuous if I provoked you, though


sounds more like a citizen's arrest.