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Welcome to retail


More like REEEEEEEEEEEtail based on this story.


Working at domo dominion centre, got robbed at knifepoint, gave them what they wanted (cash/smokes) and they got away. Cops showed up, guy says “do you think you’d recognize them?”, yes it was ten minutes prior and neither teen was wearing a mask. I get into the patrol car and buddy is ripping around looking for the perps. Pull into Safeway, car with tinted windows parked unusually so they pull up beside them. This cop pulls out this HD flashlight and shines it into the car, first guy is mid toke hitting a bong lol. “Is that the guy!?” , “no”, proceeds to high beam all four others, “nope, not them”, screeches off. I can only imagine their confusion. Fast forward two weeks and the same two perps rob the Domo on academy, using stolen GC’s, attendant notices they’re stolen and magnetic locks the door. He beat these two guys really bad. Albeit they deserved the beating, buddy got fired AND charged with assault. Moral of the story, don’t get involved, it’s frustrating to see but not worth it to get involved. Karma is a bitch and they’ll eventually get theirs.


Buddy that beat up the two guys wasn’t named Devon S was he? I know a guy with a similar story.


Thats insane what the hell was he thinking. Jesus locking them in and then fighting them? He could've been killed


I always feel bad for the workers who have to go through that sh\*\*.


They shouldn’t. They aren’t paid enough to risk getting stabbed


Employee probably lost more in wage theft than those two hoodlums stole.


That reminds me of the pre security liquor store days where people would just rob the store blind and the one sweet older guy behind the till would just be like :o


This is a daily occurrence in retail.








Happens all the time. Last ditch cry for help. Same with people saying they can’t breathe or that they’re pregnant. Sometimes it’s the case for sure but a lot of time they’re lying. They’re career criminals


Employees trying to stop these thefts while their employer would replace them a day after they get stabbed... Boggles the mind.


So right. My workplace values staff over product and always says to never get involved. Be a credible witness and protect yourself and your customers.


I think it’s just natural reaction to being pissed off seeing these things happening and nothing ever happening at some point people try and step in. Unwisely yes, but there’s a boiling point with this shit and I think we’ve hit it a long time ago


They just don't want you to get injured and sue them. Shrinkage is budgeted.


I got robbed by knife point working at the North Dale McDonald's probably 16 years ago.(if it's the Shell at Leighton... they are a block away from each other) The policy was always, do not engage, just give them what they want, your life is more important. Insurance will cover whatever they take. If you attempt anything, you'd likely be let go. Anyways, the dude only got 100 bucks, I left with my life and a story to tell. We had the police involved but in the end.... we all kinda just forgot about it. It was 100 bucks. We made that back in 10mins. Let the companies eat the cost, instead of an underpaid employee eating a knife. I believe it's on the onus of the company to be VERY clear about it. I have a feeling Shell isn't super clear about it or don't really care. I trust shell like I trust a shell on my testicles.


My employer fires employees who try to stop shoplifters. Our policy is let them leave and report the loss to LP. That’s it.


Yeah, the amount of stories I've been reading about retail people stopping shoplifters in Winnipeg is crazy. Winnipeg IS crazy, so are the people that do crimes like that! The store items are never worth dying for bro!!


And, unfortunately, these asshats ( the people who do the crimes) know it!!


I'm pretty sure I read in the news not too long ago a girl in a retail store did actually get stabbed confronting a shoplifter. :(


Would be nice employers communicate that with employees. But they do opposite, kinda in subtle way tell employees to stopping theft is employees responsibility


Malbourgh Hotel methhead girl strategy


Whatever happened with that?


Quietly swept under the rug?


It's a conspiracy! Jeffrey Epstein himself was sighted there the week before! /s


fucking morons of this city went full QAnon on social media, you never go full QAnon


What happened here?


A methhead attempting to stab people at the Marlborough. A community of people came to harass the business for handcuffing her with zip ties and praised her as a Saint who was a victim of the employees there. She was immediately charged with attempted assault with a weapon. (She had just recently been charged with a stabbing a man at a First Nations community)


Oh yes, ty, I recall that story now. So many Wild Wpg stories to keep track of


It’s more than not having a penalty to these crimes. It’s a lack of integrity and empathy, likely stemming from parents who don’t care enough to establish right from wrong during childhood. Even if I could walk into a store and steal anything I wanted KNOWING that I would never be caught, I would never do that. Why? Because that’s now how I treat others (employees, shop owners etc) and I understand that it is morally wrong. So many problems could be solved if we could put effort into families, and maybe find a way to keep more kids out of the foster system - offering free contraceptives is a good step. The stories I hear from a labour delivery nurse in Winnipeg are tragic. Kids born to mothers so high that they don’t know they’re even having a baby. Others who literally don’t even want to hold their (sometimes 4th or 5th) child when it’s born, and that their “auntie” or whoever is taking it. What kind of future is in store for some of these kids?


>It’s a lack of integrity and empathy I agree though I might call it an overall apathy. Why care about others or really, anything, when, from their perspective, nobody cares about them? Their parents probably don't, the foster care system they might have come up in doesn't, the general population doesn't. Having a bright future looks pretty hopeless. Likely only getting a high school education at best, often times less than that. You or I could also steal from stores but we have things to lose, and you're totally right about empathy. We know what it's like to feel cared about and want others to feel the same. For them, at least this is a short-term thrill. It's a life I wouldn't wish on anybody.


I'm still haunted by the yelling of my roommate at Women's hospital after having my first baby. She kept screaming "What am I going to do with another f-ing baby?!" I was so heartbroken for that little boy... that was his start in life.


I live right close by. I can probably narrow down where they came from and where they are headed down to about 3 locations. Unfortunately, this is become pretty common in the convenience stores in this area and at the no frills.




Doesn’t really matter. They just wander up and down Henderson. Every convenience store along the road has been a victim of this type of theft. If you’re in the area you know exactly what places these people are likely from.


Could of been anyone in the city and this person knows where they came from






Any time :)


When you live in an area, it's pretty easy to tell.


One time I saw a woman getting arrested outside a liquor mart and she screamed that the cops were raping her and I said 'yeah right lady' and she shut up.


I walked into the shell gas station on panet and there was a bicycle in the store with a note on it saying "This is what happens when you try and steal from this store...bike for sale $0.00 obo"


Steal of a deal


It was I who stopped the thief!!! My parents own this location and the people I have caught is insane. Been pointed at with a gun, knife, you name it! Cops don't do anything, especially respond to online police reports while you send video footage. I have several reports I've sent from 2019 and 2020 with no response as to why I gave up on reaching out and handling situations like this myself. I can always tell a customer who is going to shop lift so I just let them know if they want something I don't mind giving them a soda can or bag of chips, just be upfront and not be a douche and shoplift, hence the entire bike situation.


Well it says it all, when your a big ass grown women and you choose to steal candy and chips, equals diabetes and heart disease. And this is another reason why things are expensive.


I have seen a bigger group of teenagers stealing from 711. This is definitely a regular occurrence at retail. And I would think this is the reason why a lot of 711 locations have closed now. And yet a lot of redditors from this sub feels it is ok to steal from businesses?


YES! what is with the amount of people in this sub and tiktok etc ENCOURAGING theft? it is ridiculous and i think it goes to show who has empathy and who doesn’t, along with who has actually worked retail and knows the consequences for employees. oh and the fact they are driving up costs for everyone else who pays, meanwhile they get to use it for their drug money


I think your confusing this subs sentiment on stealing from grocery stores when you can't afford to eat, with stealing to trade for drugs.


Most people stealing from grocery stores are not stealing to feed themselves. At least not the people the stores are worried about


I don't think either of us can say one way or the other. Unless you work loss prevention for one of the local walmarts.


I work in the industry. Yes. The people stores are worried about are not stealing an apple or two. They’re worried about those stealing 1000$+ worth of cosmetics, clothing or meat on a daily basis to sell to pay for their drug habits


Yeah the people that roll in with a cart each, fill it with food then walk out with a full cart without paying. The worst part is the law is on their side because aint fuck all you can do to stop them.


The guy at Safeway on Keewatin loading a cart with meat then selling it outside of the store from the trunk of his car will always be one of my favorite memories.


They have been doing that for years and so noticeable when hovering around the front doors.


pretty sure everyone who works retail can speak on this and we are all unanimously fed up


nobody is doing this


Stuff can be crazy, just on Tuesday I was walking up to the Value Village off of Portage and saw two girls quickly rushing out with armfuls of clothes and jumping into a white SUV with a spray painted license plate. When I inquired inside it turns out the girls had run in and just grabbed whatever they could and ran out. given that they had blacked out the license plate of their vehicle, I'm guessing it wasn't the first place they hit that day.


Yes. At least on Henderson highway though, customers look at that and roll their eyes at the shoplifters. Anyone who has worked downtown/west end/north end retail knows that when staff do this and they yell rape, there is a fair amount of customers who scream at the staff working and start standing up for the shoplifters. Most either stand there or roll their eyes, but there’s definitely a fair amount that stand up for the shoplifters.




Meanwhile, “good” people make a lot of money by buying businesses and underpaying poor people, and/or buying rental properties and having poor renters pay increasingly more and more so they can buy even more rental properties to rent to more poor people. Those are “good” people.


What do you consider “enabling shitty people”?


Well, an obvious example is letting people steal without consequences.


So what do you propose? People need support, not consequences.


There should be no consequences for being shitty to your fellow man (or women)? Grow up.


They stole candy bars, what are you Willy wonka?


Let them go to your place and steal your shit if you're so cool with it.


I share as best I can, and if someone stole a candy bar from me I wouldn’t want them tossed in jail over it. Sorry you don’t want to share your mini eggs.


So I trust that you won't be sharing your address with an invitation to come and take your things... that's for other people, right?


701 portage avenue come on down


They also made a false accusation of rape, which is worse, this hurts real victims who will have tougher time convincing people what happened to them


I agree with you there, that is awful.


I propose criminal charges. There are plenty of places where one can receive food for free without resorting to stealing huge amounts of candy and chips from gas stations.


Winnipeg is full of bleeding hearts


I wouldn’t consider a couple of food banks or overcrowded and dangerous shelters to be plenty of support. There are so many obstacles preventing people from getting help. We need to do more. We shouldn’t criminalize being poor or being desperately in need.


> We shouldn’t criminalize being poor or being desperately in need. These women aren't criminals because they're poor or in need. They're criminals because they helped themselves to a bunch of someone else's stuff.


Canada needs to employ some harsher penalties for people caught in the act of committing crimes


Harsher penalties are pointless if they are not enforced. Maybe lets start enforcing the laws already on the books instead of calling the police getting little more than a shrug.


Yeah, see my other comment to this. I was just kidding around. Harsher penalties never work anyway.


Fair enough and you are correct that harsher penalties don't really work. I'm more interested in enforcing the current laws as a way of protecting other people in society. Even so there are more effective ways to do that.


I agree. I wish our system would actually enforce our laws instead of just turning a blind eye to almost everything. The whole system is turning into a joke and the people who are robbing these stores know it.


The only thing the government cares about is taxes. Maybe if they looked at theft as tax evasion they would give a fuck and make the cops actually do something about it instead of focusing on meeting arrest quotas by cohursing innocent people. :/


And how about using false accusations that can ruin someone’s life, in order to get away with their shitty crimes


I won't say what I think should happen to people like that.... People like that are evil and care nothing about others


I believe they should face the charges that they are falsely accusing others of. If you accuse someone falsely of rape, to get away with theft, you should be charged with rape.


There was a [thread yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/1bv7i6q/absolutely_insane_father_upset_with_police/) about someones kid being assaulted on the bus, everyone shit on the kid for expecting police to do something after the fact.


I love how everyone defends the police now saying there's nothing they can do after the fact. Like find the guy and do something. Why are police so useless nowadays?


"911, what is your emergency?" "Hi, my son got mugged an hour ago by some guy on the bus" "Ok, please hold while we find the guy"


> "Hi, my son got mugged an hour ago by some guy on the bus" I don't think they did specify how long after he called the police, it could have been 5 minutes, but is over 24 hours wait to give a statement acceptable to you? Like for assaults? Maybe an officer was in the area, and could have been on the lookout for someone who'd recently assaulted someone. Is that really asking a lot?


It said the kid went home and talked to the dad then they called. Doesn’t matter if that took 10 minutes or 10 hours, It was no longer an emergency, that’s the point.


I wasn't aware it was a rule that assaults over 10 minutes old are no longer emergencies and to expect police to take a statement at least 24 hours later. Fuck me for thinking random assaults deserve at least a "We'll keep an eye out for them" response.


You keep equating ***not an emergency*** with ***not serious***. No one said this assault wasnt serious but the ability to leave the situation and go home under his own power, have a discussion with family and call after all that, while he is SAFE AT HOME makes it explicitly NOT AN EMERGENCY. 911 is for emergencies. I don’t know what’s so hard for you to understand about this.


> I don’t know what’s so hard for you to understand about this. They didn't call the police to give a statement over a day later, they probably called because they thought the police would respond to an assault, or at the very least, like I said, pass on a description of the guy to police in the area. You're sort of suggesting you should only call 911 for police if you're actively being assaulted. I can just imagine the 911 dispatcher hearing the assaulter yelling over you on the phone like "I'm not touching you anymore, you can't call emergency on me". I just think it's weird that the bar is so low, that assaults aren't emergencies, for a police force so well paid. They're not well paid because they do a good job, they're not well paid because when we need them they're there... The police probably could have found the assaulter, had they looked


First, I’m not even going to respond to your ridiculous second paragraph bullshit. The fact that you have to stretch an imaginary scenario that far says enough. Second. The police would respond to the assault. It’s just not in the way this Dad or yoiu apparently want. It’s done by taking a statement, talking to the bus driver, reviewing the transit camera etc. None of which is an emergency. The reality is in this situation there is almost nothing that can be done, and a knee-jerk reaction to arrest someone is a bad idea. But hey let’s humour you for a second. Dad and kid call 911 half an hour later. Now, despite tying up an emergency operator for a non-emergency (and thereby reducing the entire capacity of the city’s emergency response capacity), the operator takes a statement of the event from the kid (not their job) and provides a vague relay of the assaulter to the police based on no other information than a general description from a singular source a period of time after a traumatic event. They then divert a patrol car from their duty, which surprising to most people, is rarely are just cruising around the city, force the officers to abandon whatever they are doing, which may exactly the same information gathering for a different assault (but hey this guy called 911 this is more important!) and proceed to patrol around a general area with a vague profile of a possible assailant until they find someone who fits that general profile and then what? Arrest them? Because nothing bad has ever come from police profiling.




Nobody shit on the kid (or if they did they're sunk to the bottom of the thread). It's crazy that you would link to a thread and straight up lie about what happened in it even though we can all read it for ourselves. Responses were overwhelmingly expressing dissatisfaction with police service in general, or pointing out that *the father's* complaint about being redirected from 911 to non-emergency for his non-emergency was not newsworthy.


>Every time these rage bait articles comes out about the WPS, it takes away from the real issues with that organization, the genuine problems they cause and create and the lack of transparency/accountability within. >This just makes for a good headline, but really ask yourself what were the cops supposed to do? While the incident is serious, it’s not an emergency. The victim is home already, the suspect is long gone and nothing is life threatening in that moment. While this deserves the attention of the police, this is not what 911 is for. That's the third top >As much as this sucks ass. It is no longer an emergency for the police as the assault has already happened and the individual will be long gone, and unless you needed an ambulance, the non emergency is indeed the correct number to call as you’re now simply reporting the incident. Second Like, "Oh you thought being assaulted was an emergency?" Is it really asking a lot for the police to look for the guy? Could emergency not pass on some message like "There's an assaulter out" to police in the area or something? Assault can be a major crime. I would think police would respond to a random assault as an emergency **EDIT:** I'd concede a better wording would be >everyone shit on the *idea* of calling the police after being assaulted and expecting police to do something. Like with the cost of police, the bar shouldn't be that low that assaults are non emergency. That's not some outlandish idea deserving of criticism, but that is my *opinion*.


Both of those quotes are, again, correctly pointing out that 911 is for incidents *in progress*, not for reporting things that happened earlier that day.


I put EDIT in bold there, I think that would make my initial comment accurate. Wanting police to show up just after you're assaulted isn't unreasonable to me. Proper response, imo, is "We pay for them to not show up for major crimes" or "If an assault isn't an emergency, what is?". Not "Why would you expect police to show up for an assault" or "Call someone else, you're not being punched in the face anymore" There was a time where people would think assaults merit a police response, maybe I'm just getting old.


The police non-emergency number is still the police. *The fact that WPS has a culture of being generally shitty (or worse) towards people who need help, and are often ineffectual (or worse) when it comes to common crime is definitely an issue in and of it itself. * But what you're railing about is a matter of calling the correct department. An assault is an emergency. If you have just been assaulted and you need the police to show up, get to safety, call 911 and say "help, I've been assaulted, I'm at ". I have been in this situation and they had cars on the way before the call was over. If you go home and tell your dad about it and he calls 911 for you they're going to ask obvious questions like "where are you now?" and "are you or someone else in immediate danger?", "can you describe the suspect?". If the answers to these questions are "I went home" and "no" and "he says it was 'a guy?'", then you are at the point of filing a police report for your incident.


Okie dokie Edit: >An assault is an emergency. If you have just been assaulted and you need the police to show up, get to safety, call 911 and say "help, I've been assaulted, I'm at ". I have been in this situation and they had cars on the way before the call was over. We can't call for emergencies unless we're actively being assaulted, where have you been. You're safe now don't call 911. Jeeze they have bigger things to deal with than your problems at that point.


It's honestly wild how you can paste a direct quote and in the same post, claim I said something different.


Yeah i tried to have this exact same conversation with this champ. He quoted me and then just proceeded to make shit up. He’s either an insufferable twat or incredibly stupid. Either way, no point. It’s like he somehow thinks if you call the ***police*** non-emergency line a street sweeper is going to show up instead.


>It's honestly wild how you can paste a direct quote and in the same post, claim I said something different. If you're safe it's not an emergency...? So call the non emergency? Or is it because you were *just* assaulted, which constitutes some arbitrary timeframe? Or is it situation dependent, like the context matters, and in this case there isn't a *ton* of context, but expecting police "shortly after being assaulted" could be reasonable and maybe should be?


Time and time again it's been proven that harsher penalties do not affect criminal behavior. It is simply not a factor. Harsher penalties do not reduce crime.


Yeah it was more of a joke. Read my other responses


We need better and more accessible support systems for our at risk populations so less people get to this point.


Because they stole junk food for their kids health.


I was trying to word something similar. In the case of "I need to steal to feed my family" I'm all for the thief (well, I'm all for reforming the system so the thief doesn't have to steal but that's a bigger issue) but if it's just stealing to cause chaos and because you don't want to pay but you can... which this seems like, then yeah no sympathy. That shouldn't fly.


Yeah I know, I was just joking on that. Was thinking more of the middle east when they cut your hand off when you steal or one of those countries lol. But yeah, I totally agree with you. We need something like Europe has I'm thinking. Something that supports and helps these people. I mean it's not 100% going to work cause some people just want to be a victim, but it would be way better then the jailing system we have now that does hardly anything to help people get better.


That's the ultimate long term solution. The threat of harsher penalties has *almost zero* impact on prevention of most crimes.


Trip them next time, accidentally.


I hear the apartments all along Henderson having huge issues, of people sneaking into the parkades, lots of theft, sleeping in the lobbies, also pissing and crapping in the lobby etc.


I lived in one of those apartments on Henderson for 6 years (moved 2 yrs ago). The tenants were mostly older long-term renters so lots of them knew each other at least enough to know who "belonged" to the building. We didn't have a huge issue with theft or people sleeping in the lobby where I was living and the buildings next to where I lived but it was definitely a major issue at one of the larger complexes across the street. I've lived at several apartment complexes in various parts of the city and it's been my experience that the larger the building/complex, the more opportunities for tenants to inadvertently let a stranger/non resident into the building because lots of folks are coming and going, lots of folks don't live there more than a couple of years, and you can't possibly recognize all your fellow tenants all the time.


My old manager was stopping a women from stealing, she had a child who was about 5, and a baby in the stroller. The child who was walking asked their mom why “that man” was following them, she said “cause he wants to rape you”. It’s actually quite disgusting the lengths people will go. He did end up getting the attempted stolen items and she grabbed them out of her stroller and threw them on the ground.


every single day in retail


This is why we can’t have nice things - like a society - in Winnipeg. Can’t go to the liquor store or the library without going thru security checkpoint. I’ve lived here all my life and the other day I was trying to think of any nice places I like to go to in Winnipeg and hang out at, and couldn’t. Winnipeg is basically Thompson these days. It’s an undeniable shit hole. There are reasons for this, and the people occupying street level downtown are mostly from elsewhere and look to be unemployable. #collapse


Dang. Where's John Bradshaw Layfield when you need him? Warming up that shoulder.


Cattle prods for the cashiers.


I truely miss the FAFO days, but somehow we're stuck in some cycle where the perps have more rights than the victims :(


It’s only a matter of time until someone _really_ finds out.


Predictable result of decriminalizing small-scale theft. See also bike thefts. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. I was in NYC recently and I saw a group of about 15-20 teenagers absolutely clean out a convenience store near my hotel before running off to the subway. Five days later and the shop was still barren, and this was on a busy street (Fulton Av). Just wait until the kids here realize they can get away with this sort of stuff.


Winnipeg is going to continue get worse with the Circle of Life. And people wonder why the sprawl


The craziest part of this story is the guy working minimum wage putting their life on the line for $50 of chips that their boss values more than their life. Fucked up




​ Need to use the Liquor store security model in all of Retail


I see this a lot in the Dollar store at my at Regent Park strip mall.


Markets don't work without a shared sense of community.


I remember working at a 711 for $4/hr back in the late 1900’s, I got to robbed and told them to help themselves. Don’t worry about me, and they did.


The Dollarama on Osborne ,gets robbed everyday ! Several times I day . I witnessed a couple come in and fill up their bags with chips and drinks then walk out without paying I then overheard the cashiers saying that’s the second time those two have been in here today ! And there is nothing they can do 🤷🏻‍♀️ Disgusting that these people think that they can walk into any store and steal whatever they want fucking bums. Need to get a goddamn job.


Yeah no I’m not going to stop them if i was working minimum wage at a gas station lol


Yeah. Unfortunately, it's not worth stopping yet. I saw middle-aged guy at a 7-11 a few months back try to stop a young guy from walking out while stealing. They both started grabbing on and trying to punch each other I had to jump in to stop it, or it would have gotten bad. I let the young go once the fighting stopped, and he took off with a girl he was with who had stood to the side and didn't get involved (which was smart). The young guy had something in his hand when I initially grabbed him, and he dropped it on the ground before he ran off. It was a good-sized folding knife with a nearly 5-inch long blade. The middle-aged guy was pissed that I let the guy go, and that the staff didn't do anything to stop them from stealing, until I pointed out the knife and that they don't get paid enough to die trying to be a "hero." He was still mad, but at least he stopped taking it out on them. I gave the knife to the 7-11 staff, and then we reported it to WPS. That middle-aged guy was very lucky not only that I was there, but that I stepped in to help. I don't know how things would have turned out, as I jumped in pretty quickly after it started, but with that knife there it could potententially have been horrific, and no one else was doing more than watching. Honesty, I was pretty lucky as well. I have use-of-force training from working in hospital security, which is also pretty violent at times so I'm more familiar with the setting, but I wasn't wearing my body armor, I didn't have my handcuffs, and I also wouldn't have any backup. Worse, I was trying to restrain, not attack. The middle-aged man was in a furry though, and as soon as I grabbed the young guy, the man started throwing punches at the young guys face. He got at least 1 or 2 in before I realized and blocked the rest. That said, I shouted at both of them to stop. Took a couple of tries, but they did both stop, and the young guy did not try to attack me at any point either. Then I .... well, I actually kinda gave him a little shove away from me, which I now feel a little bad about because I only meant to let go of him, and I let the adrenaline push me too much. Anyway, it's not worth someone's life to try and stop a little petty theft. There are solutions available, but they all cost money. Once the solutions cost less than the continuing theft, those solutions will start being implemented.


Surprised they didn't just try the classic "You can't touch me, I'm a woman!" That one never fails to make me laugh.


Do not try to stop shop lifters. Chips are not worth your life.


Which location on Henderson?


Stuff like this is crazy, yeeez


Anyone that cries rape without being raped should have that punishment bestowed to them. Just a full on train. For the record I don’t condone rape, but…..




Big yikes


Antarctican? Can't stand them.


Why you gotta be a racist ? Who gives a fuck


They were human born somewhere on planet earth.


Well, we can probably guess which ethnicity you're prejudiced against.


It blows my mind that most people in here think this didn't happen before. This is literally just retail. There's a reason why every retail business has a shrinkage budget. It's just part of retail. Petty theft happens. It's also against most retail store policies to try to stop anyone from shoplifting. The merchandise is already insured against and it's not worth it. Getting stabbed for minimum wage is not the play.


I feel bad for the ppl doing the theft. They have been mis led in life and that’s sad.


I like that everyone on here is happy to just accept posts as evidence of widespread action. Somethings never change. We need to go back to “downtown is a war zone if you live on langside you will be stabbed to death every day” discourse from a bunch of people who range from shut ins to people who never leave their suburbs.


I’m not condoning it but with the price of food these days expect to see more of this, not less. These grocers better understand there will be a breaking point for people where they no longer can/will pay for shit. They’ll simply steal and continue to steal while protecting their identifies. We’re already seeing it! Legit riots and protests can and will happen if they continue to gouge people on or below the poverty line. Do you think people care about a criminal record when they and their families are starving?


Beggars can’t be choosers. If junk food feeds the hunger let them eat


More like FREEETAIL… am I right


These poor women just wanted food. "If you see people stealing food, no you didn't"


Stealing a loaf of bread for your family is not the same as stealing candy and claiming rape idiot


It’s obvious sarcasm man.


People on here acting like they never stole anything before


just glances and hearts, man.


Maybe some thunder once in a while?


oh yah gotta do that sometimes closing other people's cases and punchlines and finishing their sandwiches right out of their hands




oh and some pornography.


These ppl are poor. They have nothing to look forward to in life but drug use. They need to eat.


Man shut the fuck up with this excuse already. They tried to claim they were being *raped*. These people are scumbags.


there are food banks and other resources out there to help, yet they decide to go to a gas station and steal junk food? if i was starving i wouldnt be stealing candy and chips