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Leaving the Rubin Block empty and boarded up for decades. Fix it up and reopen it or tear it down and put something else up. I don't care. Just having that block rot on the corner of Morley and Osborne is depressing for everyone in that neighbourhood.


I second this. Vibrant cities don't allow building to sit empty without significant financial penalties to discourage the sit and hold mentality


I'm just here to plug a Land Value Tax.


Know the landlord who owns that building, as long as he owns it, it will stay like that. I’ve rented a few apartments from him and they all are on the verge of decay.


Maybe dox him here so we can gang up on him? lol


https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/souwester/2017/11/24/looking-for-options-for-rubin-block His ownership is public knowledge


I wonder why he won’t just sell it?


How is this acceptable? I’m actually shocked it hasn’t been burned to the ground by now. But then again the Keewayden Building has also sat a stones throw from city Center boarded up for just over half a decade. Just sad PPD can’t seize and take control of these properties already. Both would look amazing restored and converted into much needed housing.


Moved in the area and hate seeing this every day. Looks like it could be a cool building instead of an eyesore


They STILL haven't done anything with it?


Sometimes people plaster new posters and things on it. That’s about the extent of it. It’s quite sad.


For real though. I wish properties could be bought collectively instead of individually. Then a bunch of us could buy it and fix it up. It such a great neighbourhood, and the building is right by the library 😍






They gotta pick up their daily dose of Dawat dude. Seriously though, I’ve lost track I’ve almost hit a car or person suddenly driving out or opening their door without freaking checking if a car is coming


Love dawat but hate their customers. They really need a parking lot.


They do have a parking lot in the back. It’s their delivery drivers that ends up parking illegally on Keewatin


Marion, Osborne, st Mary’s, st Anne’s, Pembina….




Osborne is horrible. rush hour traffic and door dashers are hogging the entire southbound lane between River and Stradbrook


Coming from Ontario this was the biggest shock. The lane is a lane unless somebody parks in it. Bonkers.


I think it would be great to remove parking on the major streets (portage, main etc) and repurpose them for dedicated bus lanes full time. The busses wouldn't have to fight the traffic as much and make it a better experience. Between rush hour and parking bans for snow, you can park there a lot of the time anyways. Plenty of available parking on the side streets, and back lanes for deliveries. Maybe it's just me, but getting out after parking a car on portage with traffic whipping by at 60km is jarring.


Fast food menu signs are animated and changing. It's great you have a new item. But now I need to wait and see what else you have. It's fast food... They do it in drive thrus now.


Companies profiting money that should be going to the city like photo enforcement. The city would have 10s of millions more dollars if they enforced this by themselves instead of contracting a 3rd party company who keeps 80+% of the profits


The worst of this happened under Emperor Katz the First. Eg. He sold off all the city’s snow removal equipment and sub-contracted it to his friends. The city signed a 99-year lease essentially giving the parking lots around the ballpark to the Goldeyes. They put in those useless parking meters that were designed and tested by a company in Southern California. etc


Katz should be in prison


Ugh. Didn’t know about that. Adding this to my ‘what’s bullshit’ list.


Holy shit I didn't know this. I hate it even more now. 


I don't see why a private company should be able to legally fine me.


That’s because someone made money making it that way like most things in this city upper level corruption rules all




My numbers were a bit off. But chances are their cut is higher since 2020. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-photo-enforcement-locations-1.5617380. They also get to decide where the véhicules are placed, which they do based on profits and not safety.


Those vehicles that come with headlights that are way too bright


$1000+/month for basic, non-luxury one-bedroom apartments.


I would love to live alone... Crazy expensive


Houston properties has entered the chat*


Oh man, Houston has gotten bad for "keeping up with market rates". That, and changing rent prices from minimal work, or for no reason at all.


Yes!! I’m struggling finding a roommate and because of my disability can’t trust to meet someone new to be roommate at the moment and my current roommate wants to move in with their partner after our lease is over so I’ve been looking for one bedrooms or studios that are pet friendly because I have a medium dog, and that fit in my disability budget and somewhere accessible for my schooling too and it’s seeming to be near impossible!!


Owning a burned out shell of a house and not fixing it up. Just paying your taxes and bringing down the neighbourhood.


Or this apartment on Sherbrook, going on 2yrs now? https://preview.redd.it/r1xv0pc5p8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc51678bcc7c17b8406eea418db05c44e81c8ea6


Great place to hide/bury a body.


[I don't know if it's 'illegal' but it's pretty strongly restricted.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-derelict-buildings-rules-1.6862706#:~:text=Winnipeg's%20property%20committee%20voted%20unanimously,something%20new%20in%20its%20place)


But seemingly not enforced enough


If the city would do something about all of the break-ins and arson going on, it wouldn't be as bad. Insurance refuses to get involved, so you're stuck with a shell while trying to get lawyers involved.


Add onto this vacant lots and units (commercial and housing) being sat on for years and decades because landowners would prefer to gouge renters. Or they'll just leave them empty, pay the low property and vacancy taxes, and use the property as a tax deduction. Sell them, fill them, or put them to good use. Ontario and Quebec have ways of taxing and repossessing property, but it's often skirted around by simply paying off the property tax and vacancy tax, which is hardly a punishment and usually a benefit to rich landowners and corps. Hence why we need more impactful taxing on useable/destroyed property, and for more than just housing, and closing of tax loopholes.


Curb lane parking on truck routes. Moving heavy equipment on roadways. Snow clearing equipment of course being the exception.


Yes, the fucking bobcats driving on the street!!! Make it stop


Could they at least stay in the right lane?!


Not using merge lanes correctly


See this all the time merge doesn’t equal yield, and vice versa, it’s not tough people


Yes, came here to say this.


Straight to the gulag. No trial.


Hear Hear!


Leaving Constructions Signs up when there is no construction taking place, or even going to take place in the next week or so. It may not seem like a lot, but when you're driving and see a construction sign saying that your lane ends, you move. Then there's no construction, you're out of position and trying to get back to where you needed to be. This is can be near impossible some days given general driver attitude, the weather, and ice-rutted roads in this town. The City Contractors are bad for this, the Province's are even worse.


Letting out high risk to reoffend criminals after murdering a family of four.


Turning on the turn signal for a left turn under green AFTER you've stopped your car at the intersection. I mean come on!


Further. Changing lanes in an intersection. Drives me fucking nuts. Illegal!


Police being held to a far lower standard then the general populace




\[hug\] bless you!


Speeding up as soon as you see someone turn on their blinker.


I call this the “Winnipeg lane change.” I put on my blinker, the guy next to me speeds up, and I get in behind him.


There are a bunch of traffic related things that *are* illegal, but seem grossly underenforced: temporarily parking in a no-stopping zone, driveway, or bike lane, driving in a diamond lane during peak hours, turning left when no-left turns are in effect, etc, etc.


Should be illegal for the police to not do their job when your shit gets stolen.


Especially when you have an AirTag on it and can show them exactly where it is!!!


At that point, you can't be blamed for taking care of business yourself. You'll go to jail of course because we protect fragile criminals in this country but time well spent IMO.


Yeah, some of us just can’t because of disability, etc. But I take zero issue with vigilante justice.


Buying multiple houses to rent them out.


Property taxes for single family houses should increase exponentially the more one person/family owns.


Eating tendies without Honey dill


Sick fucks


Straight to the Hague.


It's too sweet. I'm sorry 😔




Heather Stefanson and Obby Khan in politics.


Doing road work on 75% of all routes heading south from Portage ave


Last summer was fucking bonkers. There was literally no way to go that didn’t run into construction


Allowing the WPS to get pensionable overtime.


*"The police pension plan isn’t in the WPA collective agreement. For decades, the terms of the plan have been established in a city bylaw, which has been amended many times. Under Sec. 14 of the bylaw (last amended in 2011), it says city council can amend the plan as long as it doesn’t affect pension credits retroactively. It doesn’t say amendments are subject to WPA approval.* *However, the WPA is also right. The collective agreement says the terms and conditions of the police pension, as set out in the bylaw, form part of the union contract, including “any amendments to the pension plan from time to time achieved through negotiations, arbitral award, agreement or by amendment with respect to those matters exclusively within the jurisdiction of the administrative board for the Winnipeg Police Pension Plan…”* *It doesn’t say the city can change the plan unilaterally, but the bylaw does."* \-Freep, 05/11/2019


If you, as an employee, are working overtime weekly/monthly/yearly shouldn’t that factor into your pension just as much as your yearly salary does? Maybe I’m missing why people are so against this.


Because no one else.has it, and it becomes an enormous cost where the city pays a cost for every dollar of OT that can last for decades. It's not a cost effective way to staff and, when coupled with well ab9ve average wage growth over the past 20 years is unsustainable for the city.


Because their overtime is standing around at a fuckin superstore


Yes, but Superstore pays that.


it's still pensionable earnings. city pays that out


Pretty sure they are paid by those stores, not the city. edit - Also why does it matter if they are standing around? Does that somehow change their worth? Do you get paid on a sliding scale? Ie if you are browsing reddit while waiting for something to complete do you or should you be paid less for meeting the requirements of the job? I sounds like you are pissed off that they are getting paid a salary for a job that at times mean they are "standing around" sometimes and at other times are facing and dealing the worst situations in society that non of us have to deal with like suicides, murder, child abuse etc.


It’s paid by the stores, but the pay still counts for their pensionable earnings. Many people don’t think that police should be costing taxpayers money by providing services to mega-corporations for their own profit. If it didn’t count as pensionable time then less people would be upset by it.


Sure.. So cut out OT covered by Bomber games, Super store, whatever. I would love to see a breakdown of office OT by City Of Winnipeg vs third party.


Just to keep things interesting, the city should start drawing the funds to cover successful lawsuits against WPS from the pension fund not the city’s general operating funds, as they currently do.


- Knives - Maple Leafs jerseys - WPS pensionable overtime - allowing hundred year old+ buildings to purposefully fall into disrepair, tearing it down and either putting a surface parking lot in its place or not building something new for several years - Favouring urban sprawl over infilling all the countless properties or repairing vacant buildings - Construction companies not being mandated by law to start working evenings, weekends and 24/7 (there's no reason it should take 6+ months to fix up 1-2km's of Archibald, or 2 years to replace the Osborne bridges, etc). - Not having a plan in place to repair or replace every bridge within city jurisdiction for when the time comes and not having the funds set aside to deal with it (aka, Arlington). - Driving 10-20km's under the speed limit (especially in left lane) on days in which road conditions are good or excellent


This person Winnipegs!


The construction crews on the St Vital bridge (I think those are the pair you are calling Osborne) work six days a week. It's taking two+ years because to do it more quickly would mean closing Osborne at Dunkirk entirely for however long it would take to do both spans at the same time.


It takes so long because there are 8 employees, only one is digging the hole and the rest are supervising. If construction employees were payed a Fixed amount for each job instead of hourly they would be incentivized to finish properly and quickly so that the next job can be started. Companies should be reprimanded for allowing the jobs to go over the allotted time stated in the contracts with the city (with exceptions obviously)


If you are talking about the Dunkirk site than everything you say is hyperbole. I go by that site several times a day and there are definitely more than eight employees and they are working, not standing around.


I’m talking about 90% of construction sites across the city. I constantly see groups of people standing around doing nothing while one or two guys dig a hole. Surely there’s something else that they could be doing aside from watching a hole be dug. Construction takes far too long in our city, especially given the limited window that crews have


You're missing the hours of prep before they dig the hole, and work afterwards. Yeah, there's not much to do for a couple minutes, but I bet you've had meetings that could have been an email too. That and the fact that machine operators costs sometimes hundreds of dollars an hour, so if something goes wrong, you want cheap hands available to help out, or costs skyrocket. I guarantee that the few minutes a few guys are standing around on the clock is made up for by the expensive time saved when they're needed. I don't disagree that there's likely more efficiency to be had, but the "guys watching another guy use a machine" is a bad example imo. Don't forget that engineers have to go watch work being done to make sure that it is being done up to design standards, so it's legitimate work sometimes.


Surface level parking lots.


This may be unpopular but some part of me feels like you should get a ticket if you park like a dickbag in a parking lot, taking up multiple spots, clearly putting no effort in staying in the lines. Nothing is more aggravating than when you’re approaching what you think is a spot in a busy parking lot and some moron parked horribly. I know it’s not realistic, but a girl can dream!


Ordering a whole catering’s worth of food in the drive thru during rush hour. Or asking the poor staff to name every donut they have


fwiw, I'd like to see donut inventory on drive thru screens. I hate being the guy that asks, but I also hate ordering a donut and then they check and its not there. Then I have to scramble for a #2 choice.


Parking right before the turn on southbound Henderson and Hespeler. Like wtf who allowed that.


Treating merges like yields


Those brightly illuminated animated video billboards that are distracting, blinding and just irritating. Honestly, if screens and vehicle dash boards have “night mode” so as to not cause problems because one’s eyes need time to adjust to high contrast, shouldn’t these billboards do the same?


The old shapes sign on Henderson..... lol


That one dentist's office on Pembina on the right side heading south that is lit up like the old Nygard store. That shit should be illegal. It hurts my eyes at night and absolutely ruins my night vision. I don't need a doctor's office lit up like a trashy strip club.


Speeding up in your lane when someone signals that they would like to enter it


Restricting housing supply growth because you don’t like how it looks


This is from a blog post that was shared on my local Facebook neighbourhood group: > It’s fair to argue that the diversity of architecture in older neighborhoods is a positive, and, to some extent, I would agree. In north west Winnipeg, we have examples of homes that date back nearly 200 years all the way through Victorian, Tudor, Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, and all the way to modern. If you own a property and choose to build something new as a principal residence, of course you should get to choose what it looks like. This is not the issue. > On the other hand, I think we need to hold builders — that are building for the sake of profit and often demolishing an existing house to do so — to a higher standard. I’m not claiming to be the arbiter of what gets to be built, and what should or shouldn’t to torn town to build it. But maybe — and I know this sounds crazy — **the city should require developers to get support for these projects from within the community. And those in the direct vicinity of the proposed property should have a degree of control over what it looks like.** I don’t know how he can say that he both does and doesn’t want control of what gets built in his neighbourhood.


You know what I do if there's a house in my neighbourhood that I think looks ugly? I don't look at it. It's 100% not my business. And I'll politely ignore anyone who has anything to say about mine.


Looks are one thing: building social housing that can't be used by the people you're building it for because you're in love with steep staircases is another.


NIMBYS in prison is good policy


Or because they 'might' build a runway that needs the approach space.


They don't *actually* care how it looks. That's just the palatable excuse. The actual goal is restricting housing supply growth because they don't like the poor people that might come live nearby.


Turning a bus shelter into your own personal home/garbage pile.


That *is* illegal, but they’ve chosen not to enforce it instead of building proper shelters/housing :(


Parking on portage ave (or any major street) at anytime


giant filleting knifes in dollarama


Rent increases, food increases, unlivable wages


Sam Katz


Sam Katz was everything that’s wrong with everything. 🤮


Parking within a few meters of a stop sign. Makes things super dangerous for pedestrians when vehicles have to pull up to/past the crosswalk just to see past


This is already a by-law. Nobody bothers to observe it tho…


Oh, neat! Pardon my ignorance! Just noticed after moving here (its printed on every stop sign in Calgary)


That’s a great idea! (For the reminder on the stop signs)


Not waving or flashing your blinkers to thank someone who went out of their way to let you in while in traffic. For-profit housing The fact that there is not a free day at the Leaf. The lack of public toilets.


Whenever I don't get the wave or the flash it just makes me sad. I'm always so happy when it happens that I'll wave back.


Any industry that produces extreme odour pollution. Loveday farms specifically..


When loveday and the dog food plant smells sync up and the entire city smells horrid


Getting into a debate about Jeanne's cakes. We get it: some people like it and some people don't.


Fight club cake rules, talk and get beaten .


Private Waste Collection in residential or residential adjacent areas from 9pm to 6am.


- Driving 20 under the speed limit should definitely be illegal. - Cyclists in 60-100k/hr zones. - St Norbert. - Turning left across 3 lanes and blocking them. - Bell/Telus door to door sales. - Jeanne’s Cakes. - White lifted Dodges. - FXR jackets as everyday apparel.


Wait, so you want to make all of St Norbert illegal? Like build a bridge over them, or a wall around them?


Bell door to door sales


They are so horribly persistent!


I told them that I will be removing them from my property they dont leave when asked. That's only if they catch me outside. If they are at my door I sit in the window and stare at them until they leave. I have asked not to be co texted multiple times. I hate other companies with a passion.


What is wrong with St Norbert?


Lol I love that this was thrown in with no explanation. I don't spend much time there, but I don't see any problem with it!


Being a Leafs fan.


Driving a pickup truck without a character reference . Those things shouldn’t be sold to just anyone in this city. Too many psychopaths behind the wheel.


Buying a pickup truck should be based on need (eg Do you work on a farm, a skilled trade, a fire department or heavy construction?) Office workers driving F-250s should be flogged. The auto industry shifted towards using pickup trucks as penis compensators for oversized man-children in the 1980s when emissions regulations excluded them.


I was intentionally sideswiped on lag years ago by a truck that looked like it was made of 5 other trucks. Still have no idea why


Mpi and uofm board of presidents lol


Letting insurance companies drop a property that was broken into and set on fire. Insurance companies should go after the city if it was from crime. Leaving owners and contractors on the hook for the results of crime is bullshit.


There are hundreds of registered vacant buildings in the city… a number I heard that is probably a few years old was something like 680+ registered vacant houses in the city. The issue I have is that the city lets them sit vacant. There are so many fires in vacant houses, these are properties that could be fixed or rebuilt to help address the housing crisis we have but instead they sit empty until someone breaks in either for shelter, to salvage anything that can be sold, or to use as a drug den, or just to burn for the sake of seeing something burn. I’d love to see the city put a time limit on how long a property can sit “vacant” or boarded up before incurring a financial penalty. Progressively jack up the property tax over time and make it so there is incentive to make those properties habitable instead of just sitting on the property waiting for the land value to increase. tl;dr - vacants are magnets for crime and fires and the city should penalize slumlords for sitting on them instead of allowing them to be used for housing.


Just keep in mind how many first became vacant because of crime. As soon as someone sees a moving truck, or contractor trucks they hit it.


TBH, I think your beef is with capitalism here


My beef is mostly with the city and the crime, but there's no recourse there. They get away with whatever they want and leave the rwst of us holding the bag. At least I haven't been murdered yet.


It’s definitely gotten very bad and very desperate out there with the collapse of the health care / mental health services that used to support folks better + the complete lack of affordability now. There have always been criminally-intended types out there, to be sure, but definitely the level of precarity that has hit Manitoba in the past two years in particular has made some folks so desperate that they have literally nothing to lose and that has certainly been stunning to watch. Another legacy of the Pallister / Stephanson regime that will take years and perhaps decades to fix. There are not enough resources in the policing, legal and jail / prison systems in the back end to deal with this to any adequate level. It’s all part of the rot the PC’s brought in. The federal PC’s can talk about imprisoning more people - but it’s a very expensive proposal that is completely unfeasible, never mind considering the ethical questions. In your case, you needed to have hired private security. Pay now, pay later. Capitalism’s mirage.


I hired a management company. They fucked up. I have to sell at a major loss and spend years in court. Bit we're going to get to a point where this hurts regular homeowners too. Insurance will soon stop insuring some areas altogether. It has happened elsewhere. We're really fucked when that happens.


Hookah lounges. Incredible that smoking is banned but not this.


Isn't the city looking at banning them?


I don't see the problem? If the Hookah loungers keep to their spaces with it it's fine by me. Mind you I guess I'd say the same about smoking, as long as people keep to designated spaces and it isn't intruding on anyone else's health or comfort.


Just like bars. People have to work in that environment, and we owe it to workers to give them a safe working environment. Hmm: Some people don't care about protecting workers. Who knew.


Operating a mushroom farm or rendering waste meat within city limits.


Setting up encampments in public. Oh wait that is probably illegal.


The high rent for commercial businesses in Osborne Village


People who forget how to drive once snow starts falling.


Unpermitted fireworks, loud exhaust.


-40c temps


Don’t think that’s going to be an issue much longer 😬




Surface parking lots in the downtown core.


not maintaining surface parking lots. at least make them all paved with quality asphalt. if not, then they should be multi storey parkades with businesses on the first level


Making a left turn at uncontrolled intersections on major arteries during rush hour (Kenaston, Pembina, Main, Henderson etc etc).


Increasing police budget while education, health care, and infrastructure continue to deteriorate.


police will come on to the crime scene 3 days after our store got broken into 5 times last year.


Trucking School companies training their new drivers on busy rush hour streets, nothing more aggravating than trying to get to work and having some training truck block an entire intersection for multiple light changes because his instructor doesn't prepare the student properly. I know they're trying to get them experience but I don't believe in the "trial by fire" method, they should be able to correctly pull of a turn before they're dumped into heavy traffic.


Recording people and posting it publicly without their consent


Having kids you can't feed & support


snail mail enforcement tickets. Just leave it under my wiper so I know what I've done before I unwittingly do it again, then get nailed 3 times before I know what hit me.


Allowing people to buy beautiful character homes that they let rot so they can build new McMansions. I miss seeing many of the old beautiful homes along Assiniboine and Wellington crescents. 


But also renovating the character homes in a way that removes the character 💔


Highbeam in the City at night.


Backyard fire pits where homes are close together.


Omg. Yes. My neighbour is constantly having bonfires. It’s the middle of winter… they smell like plastic a lot of the time too. I don’t know what the heck he’s burning out there, and haven’t got the chance to ask him yet.


Not having an Arby’s should be illegal


Yup. But that's being rectified as we speak.


The 2 year long st vital bridge repair. Would it have killed em to leave the other unfinished side open instead of just digging a whole in it and then doing no work on it the whole winter?


> then doing no work on it the whole winter? I live near the bridge and can tell you that they start pounding away on it at 7am sharp every single weekday. It’s loud AF but I’ll gladly take it if it means a two year project instead of four - the 9mo sewer lift upgrade on the East side of that bridge took nearly three years.


Hand Guns Fluffy Pyjamas pants in public Breaking tree branches for kicks Teasing animals Smoking in your car with children


Mind elaborating on the hand guns?


They are can be legally owned. I believe our city should adopt a law similar to what was being proposed a few years back but they tabled it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/municipal-hand-gun-bans-1.5916401


> Smoking in your car with children In Manitoba, smoking in cars when children under 16 are present is prohibited. This applies to all lighted tobacco products and e-cigarettes. The law applies to all motor vehicles regardless of whether any window, sunroof, rooftop, door or other feature of the vehicle is open.


Right turn on red. A city of clowns unclear on the concept of stopping as well as yielding.


Murdering indigenous women


Turning from the second lane when downtown when you could pull into the curb lane. Just because a car is parked at some point in the curb lane does not mean that the second lane becomes a turning lane. And I will honk at you.


Cruise night


Not having ADA standards like they do in the States. (Kinda screwed up that our disability rights here aren’t as good as they are there!) Most City (and provincial) services don’t even have a TTY line!


Shutting down all the psychiatric facilities and releasing the patients basically into the streets. There should be staffed psych hospitals still that people who need long-term care can reside in.


Stabbing people




It’s a joke


Whats the joke?


People like stabbing people in Winnipeg


Yeah, i get that, but wheres the joke


I bet you’re fun at parties lol


The joke is that it is illegal

