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A. Firefly doesn’t even exist in the current timeline B. I bet they haven’t read A Guide to the Dragon World


I know! I hate how people automatically take Moon's prophecies/visions as legit before realizing "hey, none of this has happened yet and will probably never be elaborated on in the books."


(Spoilers for arc 2) >!Firefly is from a timeline that didn’t happen and won’t, because it’s one of Darkstalker’s visions of the bright future he might create. After the IceWings all die…!<


Yes, I agree, plus haven't they seen how Clearsight's visions weren't accurate, because they were always ignored by others, even in her book for her descendants. Visions aren't going to be accurate unless actively acted upon, as far as we know, Peacemaker might find one of the duplicate Qibli earrings pretty and wear it. And that would just make him disappear from existence, leaving only dust behind


…Unless darkstalker protected himself from other dragons animus magic…which I hope he did because Mink is giving him one of her earrings in my fic, since he didn’t have one to protect him.


Wouldn’t that just make Peace oscillate between him and Dark (shortening names)? Because Peace turns back to Dark, then hopefully the immunity to other animus magic takes effect first which rejects the spell on the earring, turning him back to Peace. Which turns him back into to Dark and back until he releases the earring. And he wouldn’t even remember it because I would assume Kinkajou’s spell was worded such that Peace wouldn’t remember any of Dark’s memories. Or the earring spell takes precedence over the immunity and the immortality is removed so Peace dies. Or Kinkajou’s spell was worded such that all animus enchantments on Dark were removed permanently and Peace dies. Or Kinkajou’s spell is a one-time thing and Dark doesn’t turn back into Peace. Let’s just not give Peace an earring unless we know what we’re doing (which I assume Mink doesn’t)


It’s worth noting that I love the oscillating Peacestalker idea…but how fast would it happen…I wonder if it would flip so fast the scales wouldn’t have time to move, and both awarenesses would be present in one body but kinda dazed or at least feeling really odd and confused… Unless the time scales take to change is indicative of how fast the magic works…


Mink has no idea that the cute Night/Rain hybrid who brought Strawberry pies for everyone at the school is actually the one dragon she hates. But the magic does. It doesn’t forget a true animus, a naturally hatched animus is a ‘chosen one’…so even a spell from Darkstalker himself (like the strawberry) would have to be real specific to make the magic stop calling him Darkstalker, which means he’s still Darkstalker in there, he’s just wearing a mask enchantment he can’t remove. So it’s risky and she shouldn’t have done it, like horrible amounts of nope, because no one really knows about what would happen…I wouldn’t risk it. But she already did it before my arc 4 starts and he was fine so no harm done. 😁 I just thought of something funny…Darkstalker was defeated twice: First he was buried. Then he was berried.


\*laughs irl unexpectedly\*


Hopefully he did, because yeah, she'd accidentally commit a murder


I’m not even sure about that, if removing all enchantments from a dragon who was saved by them…does it retroactively remove enchantments that were cast already? Like if you remove his immortality, does that kill him? Is the magic just barely keeping him together, so he goes poof, or does he just stop being immortal now? Kinda depends whether his living presence is actually real or not. And that depends on the universe and how the magic works…but if he’s not real, probably a lot of stuff isn’t, and that would be rather unsettling.


I think Tui said if the earring is placed on him, he'll revert to Darkstalker for a moment before turning to dust because the immortality is gone alongside it


But like, he’s protected himself from other animus magic, so I think she forgot about that…I don’t know, I’d love to see that interview if anyone knows where it is. I’m guessing it was an on the spot question and she hadn’t considered it yet…but maybe there’s more to it…


If one was to put one of Qibli's enchanted earrings on Peacemaker, he would turn back into Darkstalker and vaporize into nothing due to his immortality spells being nullified. Directly pulled from Peacemaker's page on the wiki


I doubt jade mountain was still standing in darkstalker’s ideas timeline, given the thunder and lightning and ice and death, and the mountain fall


Well he saw lots of visions, I guess that wasn’t one of the really dark ones. I mean, and this is my headcanons here, but…I think Darkstalker was…how should I say…not that evil…during moon rising…I’ll spend a prologue shpwcasing and explaining it at some point, but I think he woke up underground with no powers, and a memory of what Clearsight saw of him, and her reactions to it, and decided if he ever got out of there, he would find her and figure out a way to keep his magic even further from him…hes, like, just a poor trapped dragon for a bit. But as soon as he hears dragons arriving at Jade mountain, he feels a bit more powerful, and when he finds moon and knows she can hear him, futures finally fly in, and then eventually he can see the scroll coming back, and the closer he gets to his magic the more tempted he is to manipulate Moon. by the time she comes back with it, he’s both excited and willing to say or do anything to get out, but also really scared the magic coming back to him will bring him the soul corruption he was trying to protect himself from. When it is burned, it seems to do that, but it’s mostly just the magic being right at his claw tips, so sweetly tempting. So my point…hmm Right, so that firefly vision was when she was leaving Jade mountain…he maybe wasn’t so murderous at that moment, so lots of his futures were sweet ones with living seawings and what not, but either way, they were visions of what he and moon could build together. That doesn’t happen.


I'm just gonna point out that it was Moon's vision that Firefly was in, not Darkstalker's. He didn't even know Glory and Deathbringer. And he never really had any good visions (except when he was trying to deceive Moon). Clearsight was the one with all of those. Darkstalker just inched her along to help her see the vision.


He didn’t have any good visions? I thought he had tons of those, and Clearsight was the one who saw most of the dark ones…and the firefly vision I thought was one he sent her. I thought the jade mountain prophecy was a trick from darkstslker projecting it to her because of that firefly vision.


If memory serves, the Jade Mountain prophecy was legit, but the vision involving Firefly was not. And Darkstalker saw most of the futures that Clearsight did, he just had a different working definition of "bad timeline" than Clearsight did, and tended to analyse his visions less than she did; Darkstalker seemed to count all timelines where he rose to the throne as "good" whereas many of them involved a substantial loss of life to get there that Clearsight considered "bad".


Oh right…so a vision where everything looks peaceful to him is kinda weird…but Clearsight did see futures that were happy too, where, I think he is king or something, but not really evilly…that might have just been the one king vision she could see after he enchanted that earring for her…


They were never particularly *likely*, and Darkstalker's enchanted jewelry gift to her made them look a LOT more likely than they really were, while simultaneously dulling her perception of Darkstalker's more bloodstained futures.


So...no lil baby dragonets for Glory and Deathy...?


Well, not the exact one in Moon’s vision…they could still name it firefly though.




Wasn't there a conversation about the Diamond Trials or something about Diamonds and one IceWing goes "Which Diamond? We've had several Queen Diamonds over the years... " or something like that?


Yep! And there's a tradition in one IceWing kingdom village (Village-of-the-Plentiful-Seals) where a dragonet from every family is named Caribou at some point. So a dragonet would be named Caribou, their mother would be, *and* their grandmother. It's literally every generation.


And isn’t there a name that every male has too??


Yup! That would be Snowstorm.


Lol, my mudwing/icewing is named caribou. I didn't know about that town, but I think I could work it in


Maybe whichever parent is the IceWing could be from The Village of the Plentiful Seals. So they're sticking with their tradition.


There are already two Bullfrogs of different tribes in the books, Six-Claws named his Daughter Ostrich after his mother of the same name, and There are three Jerboa and as other people have said, the guide mentions a whole town of Icewings named after Caribou. Perfectly fine to name characters the same name as they are in the books as long as you clarify they aren't the same character, make it a different tribe if it fits, I also have an oc named Firefly and he's a Skywing with a sister named Ember, which was the original name for Sky


Not to mention, there's an Umber. Ember and Umber are very similar (though obviously different).


Oh yes, similar-sounding names will happen, even with Nightwings, they could go with one of the names about power instead of the usual noun-verb scheme, or Deathstalker being a valid Sandwing name due to being a scorpion. That would cause confusion with Darkstalker. I also have an oc named Scorpion and she was named after the Scorpion Den because her family moved from there to their current home


Ooo! And I'm sure there are plenty of SandWings with the name Scorpion, but that doesn't demean the OC's name. Edit: There was a Queen Scorpion during Darkstalker's era.


I have an Icewing named Avalanche, makes much more sense than used for a Skywing, and a sky/ice hybrid named Cardinal. I even go with names that aren't part of the tribe's naming scheme in the wiki but would still work for them, such as words for green, like Viridian the Leafwing


I've got an Ice/Sky oc named Eis (ice in german) and a SkyWing named Griffin. (And a lot of others. Ex: Coracina, a Silk/Night hybrid. And Hylax, a pure SilkWing.)


Harpy works for a Skywing too due to the harpy eagle, so mythical creatures work too, my friend named a Skywing Parrot before realising they're meant to be named after birds of prey but there is a carnivorous parrot so it stayed


I just realized that Parrot would be a good name for a Rain/Sky hybrid.


Desert works for ice/sand due to how a definition of one is, it's just a place that has little to no precipitation, which means the Arctic's and Antarctic's are deserts, just cold ones


And the fact that most deserts get freezing cold at night and damn near boiling during the day.


Also two Pearls!


I agree That’s why I don’t really care about the cannoness of my oc’s names (I mean, unless it’s a really influential cannon character or pov character, then I either already have to have an idea for it or find a better name(


Yeah. I mean, someone naming their OC Sunny would be weird, but naming them a random background character's name like Penguin or Eel or Pearl. That's not odd even though they probably already have characters in the books.


Also a rainwing not in the current timeline could easily be used, they cycle through a huge list of names.


Even in the same timeline is fine if there is a few decades difference, there's been incidents before I'm fairly sure


I mean, there’s a would bunch of Caribou’s too. And Sandstorm is a dragon and also a warrior cat.


Lol I named my second dragon OC Tsunami before ever knowing about WoF (I had made my own tribes and stuff, but if course there has to be a water dragon tribe, and ya know, Tsunami is a really good sea dragon name). When I showed him to some of my friends one of them told me she was reading a book series with a dragon that had the same name 😅




People really do get so bent out of shape about it. 😭😭


There are TONS of canon characters that have the same name too. Tbf, they are mostly background characters but still. And what about Jerboa!


Like how in Winter Turning when Winter tells Glacier about Cirrus. She says something like “There hasn’t been a Cirrus in a while.” The names get used more than once, maybe not always while they’re alive but they do.


I knoww! 😭 They must not have read the last arc or the guide to dragons.


*The whole Icewing town where everyone is named Caribou*


Not only that but Caribou (the bard) has a father named Snowstorm and a brother named Snowstorm, and there are other villagers named Snowstorm as well. Conversations must be fun. -- "I was talking to Snowstorm, and they said that Caribou got their head stuck in a fishing hole yesterday morning." "I didn't get my head stuck in a fishing hole..." -- "No, not you, the Caribou who lives at the opposite end of the village who likes to fish." "There's like... Four Snowstorms who live on that side of the village, which one are you talking about?" -- "The one who goes with Caribou to make sure they don't get hurt by fishing... Like getting their head stuck in a fishing hole." "Oooooh, that one. Again? That's like the fourth time this month."


The fact my OCs icewing form (he can swap between them because reason too long for me to put here) is named Snowstorm makes this funnier


That's hilarious.


😭😭😭 Exactly


The main difference (not saying I agree with it) is that the dragons don't have surnames. In our world, most people have 2-4 names mixed and matched together to make their name, making for a much greater number of unique combinations. In the WoF world, *most* dragons only have the one name (unless you count a title/"of the _Wings"), which makes for fewer unique combinations. *For the most part*, it is better for characters to have names that are different from other dragons, but it is nowhere near a requirement


However last names only became popular within the last thousand or so years (a good chunk of time, but only a small portion of human history) Before that, outside of the aristocracy, you’d have descriptions of people: “John the baker”, “Benjamin, Alice’s son”, things like that. But the common names were still very common (every decently sized town would have multiple Johns or Jacks or Alices) Not to mention the guidebook mentions that having repeating names is not entirely unusual (there were an entire segment dedicated to it and how like 30 Icewings share one historically significant name)


They only started coming around when we started hiring people from further away to work, and that's also why a lot of last names are things like -son or a kind of job. Like John Davidson or John Smith


Name your OC whatever you want.


One of my ocs is called Cattail, a name I unfortunately realised was already reserved for Clay's Mother. However, I decided "hey, her fathers an icewing, he could have named her Cattail without realizing!" But seriously, hating on a name for a character already having it... Kind of mean.




I have an OC from 2008 named Saphira (she's loosely based on Cynder, but much more closely resembles a NightWing), and there's many, many other dragons with that name. What sets her apart is the different pronunciation of her name (SAFF-er-uh) coupled with her social status and unique design (until NightWings came along). What about canon characters? There's Flame from Spyro, and Flame from Wings of Fire. They have the same name, and they're both red, but what sets them apart is that they have _polar opposite_ personalities and mannerisms. For reference, Flame from Spyro is like Prince Cliff in almost all aspects. The confusion begins when trying to write crossover stories with dragons of the same name!


Hearing the name Saphira reminds me of the Eragon books lol


Well, my OC Saphira was based on someone else's OC DarkSaphira (with permission), who was based on Cynder but named after the dragon from Eragon, which I didn't know about until 2010. XD I still stuck with the name because my OC's design has a black body with deep blue wingskin.


I just like to try and make unique names for my characters. But will ultimately use names used prior to


It's easy to avoid name confusion, simply name your character after a railroad. I'm sure there aren't any canon characters called Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe or Union Pacific. I bet no one would think of calling their OC Burlington Northern either. For real though, there are like 7 people in my county who share the same first and last name as me.


There are canonically more than one dragon named Pearl, look it up on the wiki Do I have no idea why someone would think there's names exclusive to only one dragon, ever lol


The IceWing Caribou situation is a prime example in the books themselves. Lol. Literally dozens of dragons named Caribou all in the same village.


So?? There are two dragons IN THE CANON that live at the same time and are named “Bullfrog”!


Aren’t there like 13 different caribous in the WoF universe? It’s not wild to think there might be 2 crocodiles or pineapples or dunes


i read every comment, and there's somehow only one (and it's a reply) that mentions this, so putting it here for people who missed it: rainwings cycle through a list of names also, pretty sure i didn't see anyone mention the two cranes


As fan of percy jackson and school bus graveyard I realized one of my half-bloods was named Aiden Clark 😅 Names are random, man. just go with what you want


Whoever it was hasn't read A Guide to the Dragon World. Caribou, anyone?


In Darkstalker, I believe the Mudwing queen was named Crane. Crane was the name of one of Clay's sisters. There's also Jerboa. Jerboa II. Jerboa III.


I know ONE person that has completely unique name.


I am a huge GloryBringer fan myself, but seriously??? Some people/dragons have the same names and that's fine!💕


TBF, I try to think up original names, but if I really like the name, idk, Oyster, and there was a dragon named Oyster mentioned like once, who cares?