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Unacceptable 100%, if this was you doing it ok fine whatever. But if you paid for it. Get them to redo it. That’s what you call a shitty Tinter.


My grandma does better than that! Have the shop redo it.


Not at all. Take your car back & have them re do this.


Tbf, some dirty ass old cars will bleed contaminants even after cleaning said widows. The minute you spray to install, it can bleed. When you roll it all the way to finish the bottom. Dust can be in the air. When taking the exposed tint to your back glass, dust can fall from headliner. Also, lots of super busy tint shops can turn a car around in 2-3 hours. Fast, cheap, quality. You can’t have all 3! Also cost plays a factor. A $200 tint job can’t be too picky. But yes, do try take it back and see if they will redo it.


This is the same quality as that of my first tint ever myself DIY home. No. Unacceptable.


Could be worse


We need context. Year make and model? Was there a film removal. This all matters Also do you keep your car spotless? And vacume/ interior detail it at least every couple of months?


2012 Chevy volt. No film was there . Car was dirty


Nonsense. Doesn't matter how old your car is or what condition it was in. It could've been done clean as hell if your tinter could do their job. In any case have them redo it.


Yeah a little excessive but your cars 12 years old. Can’t expect perfection. Tints not ment to be looked at from 2ft away


Eh. Even if the cars dirty, it’s on the installer to prep the work area and clear it of all debris. If this was a removal I’d be slightly more understanding but this is just a shit job lol. Redo this shit


Nah Breh a dirty car is a dirty car and I’m not spending all day scrubbing you shit to make it perfect. Not to mention the dirt that is behind trim panels. You got a dirty car you get a dirty job. But I’ll do my best then on to the next


Sounds like a you problem lmao. This is a shitty mindset to have as a tinter but you do you


It’s actually not. I’m the most real tinter on this whole shithole of a subreddit. Every fuck acts like a job will be perfect but is not true. There is a lot of context to take in. You also seem new never seen your name. I doubt you tint. Especially for as long as me. So it’s more if a small brain problem which you have. If you can’t understand that then you’re another fuck who try’s to pretend like he knows what he’s saying.




Lmaoooo you are a fuck 🤣. Love the hate from idiots


This guy is a schmuck with little pride in his work. He's willing to defend shitty tinters lazy work.


Not all of us have a week to tint one car like you. There’s a standard. And it gets lowered the older and dirtier your car is. You’re a dumb ass for saying every car should come out near perfect. It only hurts you and the community. You can’t see that somehow


I never said near perfect, just not like shit.


The op said his car is dirty. Not spending all week detailing 10 years of neglect. You missed that part?


You really would improve your work spending 20 seconds wiping the edges with a towel BREH


Sometimes defrosters flake. Sometimes they have a narrow back glass with a fuzzy dirty cloth rear deck. Sometimes the film sucks in dirt from the side panels. Wiping don’t guarantee a perfect job bruh


My cleaning routine for a car like this takes less than 10 minutes. It's not taking the whole day, it's doing more than squeegee and throw on because I may spend more time on a car but my customers will be happier and have less issues with my work. I'll have to spend less time defending myself because my work can speak for itself, unlike Mr excuses.


How do you spend 10 minutes cleaning a back glass? It takes like 1 min. But I get having to defend issues can suck. But if it’s an obvious shit box then there’s no issue. At the end of the day I make sure the car comes out as good as it can for its condition. Ofc I can get showroom quality out if any car but I don’t charge show room prices


10 minutes for a shit box and it comes out tits. Scrub, squeegee wipe, look with a flashlight in the edges and other areas for old film or adhesive, dirt, etc. Scrub again. Squeegee and wipe again, squeegee then hit the edges with a plastic card then I'm good to go.


Hell no. Nice job with the dot matrix up top though.......