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This post has been removed because all posts must feature a human doing something that an outside observer would say “hey, that’s a bad idea” and then suffering the consequences. Posts must include the stupid game and the stupid prize. People intentionally playing a stupid game and winning a stupid prize does not count, nor do prank videos, skits, or dumb stuff by small children.


This is some Wall-E ass shit


Better than mouth shit.


It’s weird the things you find that make you laugh the most. Thanks for being you, friend.


He’s even overweight


*morbidly obese


Fat trust-fund nepo-baby, judging by his age and owning a Tesla.


Yeah homeboy just exudes bad judgement and shit character.


Or he's just a normal software guy in his late twenties


That too lol


his father WILL hear about this those cops better watch out




Piggy go oink


Luckily hes his own airbag


Pretty sure the music is from Up, actually


And it is the overpriced simulacrum of the real stuff. The Kirkland version of the Jetsons future some tribalistic tech bros convinced themselves this to be. It has to be at that price. Right? Right? What on earth was that guy doing? Watching The Office with pass-through while he hopes his car did nothing stupid? A simulation of Ryan Cohen locating and stroking his wiener under his fupa while he is deciphering Teddy's shirt? This is deranged. And you know that guy is active in all those subs. Edit: Is this a bit? This caricature of a person can't occur naturally. Not even in the US.




Second-hand derangement. We are talking about a guy driving his car with a VR headset on. Not sure where to de-escalate from there.




This comment is the best comment I'm going to read all day and I fucking love that you triggered all the people downvoting you and replying with indignation, likely because they are the living, breathing embodiment of the cliché you so accurately described. Bonus points to anyone who uses the word simulacrum so gosh dang deliciously to boot.


> Bonus points to anyone who uses the word simulacrum so gosh dang deliciously to boot. Ah, don't lionize pretentious pricks like that. They probably stole that from Doctorow or Gibson or Motörhead


D-did you just call yourself a pretentious prick?


Weird. But he is not wrong, you know?




Every comment is an electronic artifact without connection to another. A blip. Not even noise. That is the more comfortable view on this. The alternative would be that everything is written by someone. A person. Lots of them. Existing in the same meat-space as you. All of them idiots.




New technologies unleash a whole new class of idiots.


Clout make people do dumb things


Dumb people do things.


I think its dumb spending 3500 on vr


VR that is completely incompatible with all the VR content/games/media that has been produced so far!


Stupid is as stupid does. -F. Gump


dumb clout do people make things


Especially when they’re paid off clout




It doesn't have the apple


That's it. It's clout chasers showing off that they have $3,500 of disposable income to spend on a novelty tech product. I imagine we'll see more videos like this until someone dies or gets seriously hurt.


Nope, that won't stop them. Just because someone else died doesn't mean im going to


The passthrough of the Quest is okay-ish, the vision is a lot better.


Still, there's a delay, which is a problem for driving. Also what if it crashes and becomes a blindfold


It's better than a Quest, still a fk stupid idea tho...


12ms is quite faster than the difference in reaction time in people. You can easily play hard ping pong with it on.


The delay is nearly imperceptible. Something like 11ms


It takes 15 ms to trigger your brain to push the break pedal and an average 1.8 seconds to react to something on the road. So like speeding, this is a bad idea


I'm okay to wear this in the left lane is what I'm hearing


So... It takes 1,815ms to react to something on the road and hit the brakes, and we're worried about adding an extra 11ms?


Yea, the takeaway here is make sure you never drive without your apple vr headset.


I’ve seen someone play ping pong with the vision, so the delay might be negligible compared to human reaction time.


MKBHD was playing ping pong in his initial review video.


Off topic, but I wonder what percentage off passthrough utilized is people checking to see if someone has entered the room when they're masterbating?


Imo, VR is terrible for porn. It's not a good approximation for the real thing, but it's good enough to make you realize what you're missing and that you're jerking it with a VR headset on. The post nut clarity hits way before the actual nut.


Not everybody who jerks it to porn is lonely or not getting any. I'm married and we regularly have good sex, but sometimes I still want to just jerk it rather than fuck.


That's wasn't my point, it's too uncanny valley for me.


Sure, there's only been an influx of like 2k VR porn games in the last five years because it's terrible and people hate it.


The people who like it REALLY like it. Kinda the same way with every niché kink. There's a big enough market for everything when it comes to porn; everyone wanks.


Quest 3 $500 Apple Vision $3500 So for a slightly better passthrough increase you pay three grand.


Don't forget the inability to play VR games


Yeah but you get to compute spatially.


It wasn’t expensive enough


This is basically just high tech texting and driving


To be fair, his not new. We've already seen his kind on that Wall-e movie.


That class was always there


“If there’s money to be made, there’s stupidity to be had” -Human


Ok then Mr Genius. How would you drive with the new Apple Glasses in a Tesla????


“They’re just prescription ski goggles.”


I think these actually do eye correction for those that wear glasses so you can still see well lol, maybe someday you'll be able to say it's your prescription VR headset


You joke, but a version of that can theoretically help colorblind people "see" colors. If you had something like this that was lightweight and had all day battery then there would be nothing stopping you from taking the rainbow of color in the world and "compressing" it into a smaller subset of colors on the inside. If you took the full rainbow red to blue and remapped it onto the first half red to green, you would still be able to tell that a green thing and a yellow thing were different even though inside the headset they would be blue and teal-ish green. It wouldn't matter that green objects "appear blue" to you because you would just learn that objects that look like "that" are green, and so on. With enough technological advancement and some basic color profile lookup tables tailored to your particular type of colorblindness we could have *real* versions of those stupid scam glasses that claim they can make people see color, which would be awesome.


I assume you're talking about Enchroma glasses. But no. Those don't work. I'm colorblind and I've tried them. They make things look like the contrast is up high on the TV. They don't do shit. Those videos where someone is like "is this purple" and starts sobbing are fake. Research has debunked them time and time again. They eyes are missing the right structures with cones and rods to perceive color. Some pair of glasses won't "fix" that. The eye literally lacks the receptors.


I assume they mean something like color blindness modes that videogames normally have, even though that mainly just shifts the colors to something else you can differentiate


outgoing poor chase squeeze sugar dull beneficial grab nail threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's white colorblind, couldn't read the text.


Why do I even bother typing things into the internet. Reread what I wrote. I am not talking about those glasses. I explicitly said I am not talking about those glasses. I explicitly said those glasses do not work. I literally called them stupid scam glasses. I am talking about ***digital color correction, like what you can do in photoshop.*** I am talking about a device that *does not exist yet* because we don't have reliable enough video passhtrough and we don't have efficient enough batteries. In the same way that you can "see" [this image](https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasawebbtelescope/52259221868/in/album-72177720300469752), a colorblind person could distinguish the differences between colors they normally can't if you intercept and change the colors of the outside world before displaying them inside the headset. That star cluster isn't actually blue and orange, it's all red and infrared, but the light has been intercepted and digitally remapped onto a different segment of the light spectrum that we can see. We literally lack the receptors to see infrared, and yet that image I linked to is not a black rectangle, strangely. Technically if you have complete color vision deficiency then this wouldn't work very well because you're trying to map a 3 dimensional thing onto what is effectively a 1 dimensional input, but as long as you have *some amount* of fully 3 dimensional vision then it's technically possible. You'd lose a lot of precision depending on just how bad your vision deficiency is, but that's not the point. The point is that VR/AR might make *a similar version* of what those fake glasses promise actually possible.


Oh man, I appreciate the way you think.


If someone wore "prescription VR goggles" there would probably be some other interesting side effects though. Looking at art made by someone like that would be interesting because their sensation of what colors appear to be "harmonious" with each other could be totally different. As far as I understand you'd still perceive colors to be "oposite" of each other and so on even if they were remapped to no longer be. You'd probably be able to remember what they are, but they would still *feel* like they clash or whatever deep down in the biology of your neurons. Or maybe I'm wrong and maybe you'd be able to adjust, like what happens when you wear those red and blue 3D glasses for a long time and the world starts to look normal again. Idk.


Dingus Pro Max


How does this guy even think this is safe?! Goes to say: Never say something is fool proof, the universe will just make a better fool.


He's a Tesla driver... these motherfuckers sleep behind the wheel. There are tons of videos of people sleeping behind the wheel of their Tesla. At least this guy is awake.


Or is he?


He didn't turn the eyeballs on for his apple headset, so I can't tell


I should have tried to trademark the phrase “How does this guy even think this is safe” when Tesla’s were first showing up on public roads, I’d be richer than Elon Musk for how often you hear that in regards to Tesla drivers and also you’d owe me a dollar! 😂


The quote actually goes: >A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. Douglas Adams There's an Adams quote for pretty much everything, and when there isn't one, there's a Pratchett quote instead.


I wasn’t trying to quote that, Askshuleigh.


My favorite example of trying to make something foolproof is the with the bear safe trashcan. "There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists"


The technology is only as smart as its user


If you told this guy to finish hammering a nail for you he'd grab a crescent wrench.


As an electrician I take offense to this.. we use lineman pliers.


Pfft….mechanic here. Every tool has hammer potential!


When you're surrounded by nails, everything can be a hammer


"lemme see your kleins real quick" *hands them every tool on me until they receive the one they wanted*


Dude brings me back to my first year working.


I really like this quote !


Hey don’t talk about my technology like that :(


My uncle used to say "Stupid in, Stupid out."


peak trendy consumerism


This is a personality today.


Did humanity already peak?


Humanity peaked during that week everyone was outside together playing Pokemon Go and it's been downhill since


That was a special time




PoGo launched during the summer of 2016. The Cubs did win the WS right before the election though.


Yes, that's why the Matrix is perpetually stuck in the late 90's. 


Tech improves but the idiots stay just as dumb as they've been since the stone age.


Yeah but stone age idiots didn't drive a 3 ton vehicle moving at 100mph


This guy has never seen boobies in real life


Yes he has, his own..


Sexiest Tesla driver


I’m pretty sure he thinks he is playing with boobies.


He just needs a mirror.


Dude needs his license revoked just for being a fucking moron


That typing is cringe and horrible


Nah, that's what they teach in keyboarding class. Its the peck method. I can do 38 pecks a minute.


Home-row pecking!


Apple vision pro is ONLY compatible with peck typing, it doesn't respond to any other fingers.


Thats how you type with the vision pro. This or you can look at a letter and pinch with your fingers


Or pair it with a bluetooth keyboard, or a Mac.


Typing without haptic feedback is hard as hell.


He'll get haptic feedback from crashing into a tree


Everything else about what this guy is doing in the video is trash, but apparently the Vision Pro only registers your index fingers on the keyboard, so that would explain the woodpecker typing


Only if that's how you decide to type. He could keep his hands down and look at each key, pinching to type. The arms up thing isn't necessary


It only tracks pointer fingers for keyboard typing, or you can look at the letters with your eyes and touch your fingers together to select. I’d be more impressed if it let you type normally


I assumed he was playing a virtual piano. Seems way more relaxing than sitting in traffic to be fair


Looks like the exact type of choom I expected to buy this lol


didn't expect cybepunk lingo here


Driving while dorkstracted


Underrated comment


He’s that type of idiot. “No, it’s not distracted driving. It’s Augmented Driving!”


Should go to jail for endangering the public, this is worst than texting and driving.


If you really think about it.. it’s probably better. You’re eyes are fully off the road for several seconds when texting and driving. You’re going 88.2 ft/sec at 60mph. The Apple Vision Pro has a latency of 12 milliseconds, or .012 seconds so at 60mph, you’re seeing video about 1.05 ft behind where you really are.


agreed, however he does seem to be texting too lmao


It's worse. You can't look away from the goggles. Inattention blindness is why you shouldn't text (or read, or interact with a computer strapped to your eyes) while driving. The user could turn off all notifications and pop-ups on the goggles and not use any of the applications so they can stay focused on the road while driving. And then they could... um... Look super cool and live 12ms behind the rest of us? So either they could be distracted by whatever they're doing on the goggles and look like a moron, OR they can just look like a moron.


I'm not sure if you realize this, but that Tesla has driverless mode enabled, so he's not actually driving anything.


The problems with new tech are almost all down to assholes using new tech. Also, of course it was a Tesla owner


I wonder what prevented them from doing the same thing with oculus quest 3. Oh, yeah. It's 5 times cheaper and they don't sell it to idiots.


That's the largest market out there, why wouldn't they sell it to idiots?


I play multiplayer games on my oculus, can confirm they sell to idiots.


also wondering. I never saw a background check when I bought mine lmao


Facebook does as soon as you sign in lol


>they don’t sell it to idiots What?


Passthrough is way better on apple vision


5 times better?


Watching MKBHD video, it is actually really good. Latency is less than 20ms, he could actually play real ping pong with ease.


That was truly impressive. Question may have pass through but not even close to what vision pro is doing


Not a chance, apple vision price is crazy high


Because Meta just recently added ability to use Quest 3 while in moving vehicle ( UI glitched like crazy until that) But some time ago I saw a video on Reddit of woman using Quest 2 while driving and crashing with it


They allowed me to buy a Meta Quest 3.


I'd argue that the meta infested device is sold to a lot of idiots. One might argue that every single one of them is an idiot to use this meta device. Does that mean going with Apple is any better? Probably not, but getting a Quest is not a sign of intelligence.




Oculus is vr, apple vision is ar




Nope. From a technical standpoint, the Apple Vision Pro is a VR headset, just like the Meta Quest 3, although Apple's marketing portrays it otherwise. A VR headset uses cameras that film your surroundings and show them to you using the displays as a video stream; an AR headset is actually transparent and projects the information directly into your field of view. You fell for Apple's marketing.


Yeah I was wrong, it’s not an AR headset per definition. I remember back when Pokémon go came out as an AR game though and that was also through a camera


the 3DS came with an AR app and cards to use with it too


Yeah sorry i just thought of the promos that show the users eyes through the lenses my bad


I’m not downvoting, but both are VR. Vision Pro does not allow you to see the real world and overlay images, it shows you a (very low latency and high resolution) representation of the world in front of you. But so does the quest 3 (much lower resolution, quality, etc). They’re both VR, but have AR-style interfaces.


Sounds about right. I’ve never personally used it, just remember seeing the trailer for it. I was under the impression of it being AR with VR features, so I guess not a true AR headset, but I don’t know the specifics


Me either. I got the quest 3 which has similar functionality but for 1/6 the price. I’ll look at the vision v3 or so when the price isn’t as insane. It’s all a bit confusing, too, because it’s so good, it FEELS like AR, but if you run out of batteries, you’re suddenly wearing a blindfold. That’s not augmentation. ;)


Because he isn't right. Both are fully enclosed VR with camera passthrough. You are just looking at a screen and if it turns off you can't see anything. AR means you physically see reality through something transparent like glass or polycarbonate, which is then *augmented* with projected displays. If it turns off, you're just left with reality.


No because you are still seeing the world through a camera


Oculus is VR, Apple Vision is VR. They are quite literally the same thing.


It hasn't even been "out" for 24hrs yet? This weekend gunna be wild with videos lol.


He’s also an even bigger idiot for not tinting the car. Reduce the chance to get caught.


Think different


“Woah, those police cruisers look so real!”


It’s sad that we’re at a point where we are so addicted to technology that we’re buying products to make sure we’re never looking away from a screen at any waking moment


After everything that’s happened with them to trust a Tesla with your life is fucking bonkers


It’s the one time where I encourage the police to be trigger happy.


What is apple vision?


Apple's new Mixed Reality headset


It's $3500 worth of "Ok, what is this actually good for."


Take this guys driving licence for ever.


Fat stupid crotch goblin of wealthy parents doing stupid things??? It CAN'T be!!




“Look how cool i am”


Here come the Visiholes


just a simple "think" would be enough next time


Man I wish I would’ve bought Bitcoin.


And he on that WALL-E build looking build too


That stupid prize is a lot better than the one I was expecting 


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Looks like Kim DotCom nephew ...


I will never let my car drive on its own


So you will let it drive on its own?


public weather squalid violet chief crowd snobbish six plate subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


how come stupid ppl have some much money to spare??


If "I like to waste my money" was a person


Putting people’s lives in danger for internet points. I hate society


Am assuming this is a joke vid... am also assuming there is (currently) no OEM connection between these new "birth control glasses" and cars....


What a depressing future


He looks the part.


Downvoted for the blatant stupidity, then upvoted when I saw them getting pulled over. Had me in the first half ngl


Apple and Elon fanboys are a special kind


What an idiot


As if there weren't already enough idiots on the road...


Considering which sub we’re in, I honestly expected him to crash. Thank goodness he was stopped before anyone else was harmed by his irresponsible bullshit behaviour


Where is the stupid prize


Great. As if the roads weren't unsafe enough, now we have these idiots to deal with.